Zilla awakes to find that she is still trapped on the bridge, its still night, and the humans are slowly walking away in celebration. Knowing that if she even made a sound, they would find out that she is still alive, and would easily kill her. So she starts making an escape plan in silence, waiting for the humans to leave. After a few hours, they all leave allowing her to escape, she starts rocking the bridge side to side, harder and faster, that soon the bridge disconnects from land and falls towards the ocean, with the waters help, she shakes off the wires that held her down and she swims out into the ocean, while plotting her revenge against the humans.
After swimming all night long, she finally reaches her birth home island. She looked around to see if anything had invaded or changed on the island. She found that nothing had changed while she was gone. The air here was intoxicating, fresh clean, other animals, sand and coconut trees, best of all no humans. Zilla had grown tired from running for her life and decided to head into the tropical forest part of the island and dug herself little hole to sleep in. It took a while for to fall asleep with her near death experience never leaving her mind. While she is asleep a certain someone is busy swimming off to tell others of what it sough