A/N: Hey guys I'm currently updating all these chapters into the new format I'm using to write my stories. Makes it easier for me and you to read them :)

Chapter 1: Leaving.

We start our story in Jasper Park Canada with birds singing most wolves love the sound of it, but today a certain wolf was concealed in his den this wolf was names Humphrey today just hadn't been his day only yesterday did he bring back the pack leaders daughter from Idaho. In all of his days that had been the most exciting experience that he had ever had in his life time, he even loved the fact that he was with his lifelong crush Kate.

Although he brought her back he was hoping to admit his feelings to Kate, but terror stuck his mind after she announced that she will be marring an eastern wolf named Garth.

Humphrey's P.O.V:

I get up like any other day today I've finally made up my mind I will be leaving Jasper to become a lone wolf I cannot stand by while the love of my life gets married to someone else.

I start to leave my den but get pushed back by a running wolf I can make it out to be Lilly but, why is she running away from her sister's wedding and why is she crying?

I was to the alpha den that's where Kate must be probably with her parents I'm walking up the slope and I hear her talking to someone.

I find it to be Marcel and Paddy they are talking to her about the wedding she asks them who told them about it I thought this was my time to cut in.

"I did" I said as I started walking towards her.

"I just wanted to wish you luck on your big day and to also tell you goodbye" I said in an uncertain tone.

"Goodbye?" She asked, I thought maybe I should just tell her how I feel now and get it over a done with, but a part of me didn't want that to happen I was just too scared to do anything.

"Yeah goodbye I'm going to see where the train takes me its lone wolf thing" I said wanting to hurry not miss the train

After a few more minutes of talking I walked towards the train tracks and waited for the train to arrive.

Readers P.O.V:

While waiting for the train Humphrey was in deep thought…

"You should have told her!" one side of him was thinking and then the other side was saying.

"Yeah and have it thrown back in your face? The facts are there she used you Humphrey!" his thoughts were interrupted by the whistle of a train.

"Oh well no turning back now!" As Humphrey said that he leaped on to the train and lay down in front of the door thinking of all the things he is leaving behind.

As the train is going he hears howls, knowing that the wedding is done with he begins to cry and prays that this new life will be the one for him.

Kate's P.O.V:

I can't believe it! I'm married to Garth. I knew I've hurt Humphrey but, what would be have me do choose him and let the pack go to war?

"I'm so happy for you dear" My mom says as she runs up to me.

"Thanks mom" I say while smiling.

Garth isn't that bad, as long as we fix that howls of his it will be fine. I noticed Garth didn't look very pleased.

"Are you ok Garth?" I ask him which zoned him out of whatever he was thinking.

"Oh I'm fine Kate was just thinking about something" He said while smiling.

Garth's P.O.V:

I can't believe this just happened, I'm married to Kate. I wonder what Lilly would be like when I try to talk to her. I knew nothing could happen between us because of the law. I could never of been married to her.

As I was thinking I heard Kate say my name.

"Oh I'm fine Kate was just thinking about something" I say as I put on a fake smile.

I wonder how things will turn out now.