Month Three

"Thank you for your time, Council. This meeting is adjourned."

Chancellor Sydney and the rest of the council members started to organize their paperwork, stowing them away for the evening.

Jake looked at Abby, giving her a wide grin. He stood up and cleared his throat.

Jaha raised his head, an expression of surprise only for a moment until he realized who the speaker was. He leaned back in his chair, arms folded as he assessed Jake's mood.

"Council members. If I could have one minute of your time," Jake said. He reached out a hand to Abby, encouraging her to stand with him.

"We have an announcement to make."

Kane curiously leaned forward with his chin resting on his hand. As his past experiences told him, any ideas that the Griffins had could only be trouble for him.

Jake motioned to Abby, prompting her.

"I'm pregnant," Abby announced calmly with a smile on her lips.

A beat of silence filled the room as everybody processed her words. Pregnant? Abigail Griffin is pregnant? Finally!

The council room exploded with excitement.

"Congratulations, Abby," Jaha said as he stood, grasping Abby's hand in his. He gave a soft pat to the back of her hand.

"Thank you, Thelonious," Abby smiled.

Jake shook Jaha's hand. "Little Wells will have another friend soon enough!" Jake exclaimed.

All in the room laughed. The energy was high after hours of the grueling council debate.

Diana made her way to the Griffins and gave her a quick embrace. "This is fantastic news, Abby," she said smoothly. "How far along are you?"

"Three months," replied Abby. Diana gave her a tight smile and picked up her papers. "Well then, congratulations Abby." Diana was the first to exit the council chamber.

The remaining few members of the council made their way to Abby and Jake, congratulating them with endless handshakes and hugs.

Marcus Kane stood up, cleared his throat. Jake and Kane embraced briefly. "Congratulations, Jake, Abby. I'm sure you both must be thrilled." He looked over at Abby, meeting her dark brown eyes.

"Thank you, Marcus. We couldn't ask for more," Abby replied. She reached out a hand and Kane clasped her hand, quickly letting it go after giving it a small shake.

Jake laughed. "Why so serious, Kane? Still the same as when we were younger!" Jake thumped Kane on the back whole heartedly. "We're talking about a child, not a missile," he joked.

"Ah, well...according to the tales of my Mother, those are one and the same." Kane laughed softly and nodded his head to Abby. As he started to make his way to the exiting hallway, Kane stopped and turned around.

"I assume Callie has known for some time now?" Kane asked knowingly.

Abby turned to face him and grinned. "I couldn't resist," she answered simply.

Kane let out a subtle breath and walked through the doors.

"I thought it went well, didn't you, Abby?" Jake said, moving his knight piece.

Abby took a thoughtful look at the chessboard, developing a plan. She used her left hand to knock down Jake's knight with her bishop, as her right hand rested on top of Jake's beside the chessboard.

"I thought it did. I'm surprised nobody knew already," Abby said, looking up at Jake. "Nygel has been giving me her odd looks lately."

Jake chuckled at the thought. "Nygel gives everybody those looks, Abby. Don't you worry, now that Kane is the Chief Security Officer, they'll catch her on something soon enough."

They looked into each other's eyes and a playful smile graced Abby's lips. Abby lowered her voice.

"Well if we know Kane well enough, then we'll know that he'll be right on her trail."

Abby's pawn was knocked off the board by Jake's rook. "I kind of miss the good old days with Kane. Remember that time so long ago when Kane and I went to the first annual Masquerade party, and-"

"-and Kane pointed out this girl to you, who you fell head over heels for," Abby smiled, finishing his sentence. "I feel like I know this story from beginning to end."

"I should hope so, seeing as you are my wife," Jake said as he watched Abby take his rook.

"Your pregnant wife," Abby corrected.

Jake looked into Abby's eyes and whispered to himself, "My pregnant wife."

"I wonder what she'll be like..." Abby wondered.

Jake slid his queen across the board. "She? You've already got it all figured out now haven't you?"

"I can just feel it. And if she's anything like her Mom..." she trailed off. Abby took her queen and knocked off Jake's queen. "...she'll know exactly how to distract her Dad. Checkmate."

Jake leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. He gave her a sly look, shaking his head in disbelief. Jake reached out to hold Abby's hand, giving the back of her hand a light kiss.

Only six more months to go.

A/N: Thank's for reading! This multi-chapter story will follow cannon relationships from The 100 with an AbbyxKane perspective. I hope you'll like to read more soon! Please Review!