AN: If I need help remembering how many and who is what in the stories, I figured, you as the reader, would need it as well. This guide can and will be updated throughout the story until it is finished.

The Great Spirit or Time as is known in the story is also known in various other cultures as Chaos or Aion.

The Great War is typically associated with the long battles between God and Lucifer, Olympians and Titans or the Fomorians and Tuatha dé Danann. It was initially instigated by the First Race's jealousy when the Great Spirit, Sun and Moon created the humanoid races and completely ignored what they saw as the brilliance of the Second Races. Add the continued interaction with the alien races of other dimensions and the Second Races completely accepting and even procreating with the Third Race, this jealousy soon developed over time into other points of conflict that capitulated into the Great War.

There are several realms in the universe of our dimension and these realms reside in what are three planes of existence. The foundation, or original plane, is the human realm (The human realm, becomes the plural "realms," when humans move away from Earth and to other planets.), which the other planes are built on. One plane of existence is found in the cracks of time and space of the human realm. The cracks of the human realm are created from the abuse of the First Race and the highly evolved and intelligent alien races farther away in the human realm or from separate dimensions. This plane built in these cracks, to essentially stabilize the residing dimension, is considered to be the Fae Realms. Because the Fae Realms are built in the cracks of the original foundation, much of the geography, environments and time are similar to the Human Realm. On the edge of the Human and Fae Realms, almost overlapping, are the Spiritual and Demonic Realms. This plane of existence was initially developed from the energy of the dead and the gates to the afterlife, but it was not given formation until the gods, fae and dragonborn came together to create it. The Spiritual and Demonic Realms were created in the aftermath of demonic destruction in both the Human Realm and the Fae Realms.

The First Race have been known to be called primordial dieties or the Ancient Ones.

Guardians: Also known as protectors, they are the ph

The Great Spirit or Time as is known in the story is also known in various other cultures as Chaos or Aion.

The Great War is typically associated with the long battles between God and Lucifer, Olympians and Titans or the Fomorians and Tuatha dé Danann. It was initially instigated by the First Race's jealousy when the Great Spirit, Sun and Moon created the humanoid races and completely ignored what they saw as the brilliance of the Second Races. Add the continued interaction with the alien races of other dimensions and the Second Races completely accepting and even procreating with the Third Race, this jealousy soon devel

ysical children of the Great Spirit and carry much of the same weight and power that it means, akin to the prominence of the Sun and Moon. It is unknown who they really were before they were dropped on Earth, but the twelve guardians were given protection over three regions: the South (North and South America, Sub-Sahara Africa, Greenland and Antarctica), East (Russia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand) and West (Europe, Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa).

The Lonely God: Appears in various manifestations, across the universe and has been assumed to be a physical apparition of the Great Spirit, in order to guide the Guardians and push the development of the universe to where it needs to be, whether good or bad. The last public hint of the Lonely God's presence was with the construction of the Fae Realms.

First Race

The First Race, Primordial Deities, the Ancients, Old Ones. Whatever their title, they are the first 9 sentient beings created. The nine preside over Day, Night, Earth, Heaven, Light, Dark, Life and the Afterlife.

Second Races

Fae: Fae are found of children and equally found of mischief. They typically pull pranks on various individuals that catch their interests, anger them and those that hold evil or bitterness in their heart. Fae are fiercely protective of children, fairy stones and tools, circles of power and generally nature that holds power for them. Due to the fierceness of protecting and adoring children, the fae accept all children with even a small drop of fae blood as fae, unlike many other races unless they come to or were raised in the Fae Realms, where this is the dominant ruling mentality. There is a difference between the highborn fae and other fae. Highborn fae are the descendants of Nuada and typically the rulers of the realms, including the High Courts, which oversees all the realms. Fae are born with a general power, but highborn fae have a familial legacy, almost demi-god like power and only come into their full powers when they reach maturity in their 21st year, going through a sickly and clumsy process, because their bodies are acclimatizing itself to this magnificent and great core of power, three months or moons before their 21st day of birth, when a resurgence of power is felt, and three months after. There are various rites for various reasons and some rites include stabilizing one's core and to do so can be by the most simplest rite of speaking their full name aloud. A name given to them by their parents, but never spoken, because it means that the individual has full, almost slave or zombie like control over that person and why the fae have such long names or multiple names. Full names give control, which is why they are only spoken to those of immeasurable trust or at the Rite of Self-Control, which is when the fae individual speaks their name upon the end of the third moon and gain a balance or control to their core. To prevent potential control, the royals or Highborn Fae usually have five names: celestial name, family member of honor variant name, (simple and what parents call the child) name, god's variant name, last name/father's name. This is reflected in the fae culture, where regular fae have multiple names, consider their 21st year the age of magical maturity too and consider performing a rite a significant step to be "mature." Which is often why, when as children, the fae and fae-changelings altogether are called pixies or sprites, depending on what particular mood or traits they exhibit. Due to this mentality of seeing the fae as children before their 21st year and being immortal in general, fae sexual maturity is not until 50-55 years of age and after a rite is performed, whether the Fair Folk rite of creating a changeling or another rite that is specific to fae magic. It is not unheard of, albeit rare, for a fae to have sexual relations before 50 years of age, especially with the fae race traditionally being promiscuous, but it is unusual to do so when they haven't reached magical maturity and a rite has not been performed, considering virginity is part of the foundation for changing. The body cannot have any disfigurements of any classification (i.e. virginity, tattoos, piercings, wounds by iron, etc) when transitioning for it may and has caused a few highborn-fae to have a poor and weak core upon maturity or prevent them from performing a fae rite. All fae rites require a virgin to perform them. Fairy dust has also been known to signify the death of a fae. AKA pixies, sprites, fairies or when being derogatory towards elves (because of hierarchies) then they are "elves with magic/significant power."

Giants: AKA emim, rephaim, anakim, gibborim, nephilim (Although there are no celestial ties, this word has often been used to refer to half celestial-half giant beings since the Second Races became aware of the word.) in various other cultures.

Goblins: Goblins are considered a subgroup of dwarves and are an unfortunate genetic byproduct of the intermingling of the earlier humanoids and dwarves with the added problematic effect of the humanoid condition with incest. The goblin bloodlines that carry more intelligence than their brethren are more likely not to commit incest and potentially carry a few more dwarf or hobbit ancestors following the development of the goblin race (to carry the blood of another race not dwarf or hobbit is obvious, because they will be taller, carry similar features as the other race and every last half goblin half non-hobbit/dwarf have historically not procreated with another goblin or at all).

Opposing Bloodlines: The opposing bloodlines is not to say races that inherently will fight one another, but it can become that way, it is more of how an equivalent equal in the complex structuring of DNA could be problematic for producing children to dangerous pregnancies, powerless children or even children suffering through having to stabilize what is essentially their two selves. The gods do not have an opposing bloodline, being as to what they are in general. However, the fae and dragonborn being almost as powerful, get along and do not suffer the worse of the consequences of mating, it is still a difficult journey for their progeny to stabilize the separate kinds of magic as fae can go either dark or light and dragonborn is elemental based. This ability to be amenable is similar for the opposing merfolk, harpy and giant races as well as the centaur and elf races, but they are subconsciously the less likely of the second races to procreate together. It highly more likely for each race's halfbreed descendants to want and be able to procreate with the opposite, especially if either parent share similar dominant traits outside of their respective merfolk, harpy, giant, centaur, elf blood. The hobbit and dwarf races opposite are that of the satyr and nymph race. They have the ability to be friendly and can easily procreate without similar consequences as the fae and dragonborn, however do not bear any magical core differences, but are more likely to be agitated against one another. Their agitation and enmity is not on the level of the other races that have not been mentioned yet. Celestials, demons, vampires, werewolves and shapeshifters' enmity began artificially and has since developed into a natural enmity to the point if one attacked the other, there is severe consequences or a fatal aftermath. It was first by the design of the First Race to distract the children, before the Great War, with the growing tensions of the werewolves and shapeshifters against the equally strong vampires as well as the tension between celestials and demons, which subsequently caused so much of the destruction recorded in human memory and told in its various mythological formats. This permanent enmity created by the First Race, prevents most desires to acknowledge or get to know one another in even a friendly manner, but if there was advancement of relations to procreation, these races have the highest possibility to lose the mother, children in the womb, and/or witness the child fatally suffer the inability to stabilize either bloodline, which is often why these races' progeny that survive, are called hybrids.

Second Races: Created or born on a whim by the First Race, defined by their supernaturalness, lack of genetic issues with incest, but similar issues if one were to procreate with an opposing race. Halfbreeds with even a small proportion of human blood could potentially carry either of the concerns, inability to commit incest or stabilize their opposing natures. The Second Races have also been contemporary classified to three groups: Immortal (god, fae, celestial, demon and vampire), Bestial (merfolk, harpy, werewolf, shapeshifter, centaur and dragonborn) and Elemental (satyr/nymph, elf, hobbit, dwarf and giant). When viewed negatively, the races are sometimes given the category of Cruel and Mischievous (fae, demons, dragonborn, merfolk, satyr/nymph and hobbit), Bloodthirsty (demons, vampire, harpy, werewolf, shapeshifter, dwarf and giant) and Manipulative (gods, celestial, demons, centaur and elf).

Third (Human) Races

Druid(ess): A magical bloodline that has an elf ancestor, hence their ability to understand the elemental magics.

Humans: Humans are individuals of mortal make by the breath of the Sun and Moon and design of the Great Spirit. Have typically been described as mortals too.

Humanoids: These are the prevalent races of Neanderthals, etc. that were unfortunately wiped out due to lack of procreation, famine, plagues, war or intermingling with the dominant human race and dwarves.

Mutants: Mutants are the evolution of humans and alien races of the Human Realm. Human mutants contemporary considered 'omega-level,' of immortal status and superior power, strength and skill, are considered to be one of the many children of destiny. They are naturally a human evolved, but are minorly messed with, considering the First Race is working with what is already there and improving it. It is actually not unusual for many evolved beings to share similar traits or powers and is increasingly becoming apparent amidst the subcommunity, where there is even a theory that when humanity is completely evolved and intermingling, then all humans will share similar combined traits.

Prophet: Not quite what it meant as it is in its later and contemporary definitions, but once was the indication for the humans who were given the Sight of Time. Ancient individuals since the inception of humans with the gift of foresight and the duty to spread the word of things to come, to set the conditions of myth and legend, to share knowledge of all beings like who to fear or not and the awareness of the humans place as seen by the First and Second Races, but with the hope Time, the Sun and Moon have known. The last Prophets of Time were born in the midst of the Great War, believed to be the last, because that was the end of their duties to Time and with the impact of the Great War the rest of their human race could carry on by their own design and story telling talents of the memory of the First and Second Races. Essentially what is now the core of mythology around the world. AKA Myth Tellers and Knowledge Keepers.

Spiritualists: Humans that develop and open themselves to the energy of the gates of the afterlife or blessed/cursed by the celestial beings to hear, speak, see and help the dead and fight demons. The reason celestial beings had a hand in establishing more spiritually inclined humans were for the humans to fight for them against the demons. After realizing witches and wizards of light magic were not inclined to fight bloodily and were intermingling with dark magic magicians, they developed a new technique and power that gave humans access to the spiritual planes and connections within them that were inherently interested in destroying demons. It was essentially giving that bloodthirsty quality to the humans while remaining light. It was a way to add more soldiers to the struggles between demons and celestials and thus the celestials were punished for creating too many and forced to stay and live in the fae realms. This conveniently helped mitigate much of the fighting before demons were forced to the Demonic and Spiritual Realms. Those born subsequently after to these spiritualists' bloodlines are able to do a small portion of what their ancestors did, because it is not being nurtured by the celestials' influence. AKA priests, priestesses, shamans and monks.

Wizards/Witches: Humans first blessed or cursed by demons and celestials in the midst of their early tensions before they were ordered to discontinue after the Great War. Magicians were humans with a natural inclination for the supernatural, possibly a potential to be an ancestor to a mutant, and were given access to various elements and connections of magic in either light or dark magic. These transformations would often occur around a child's 11th year of birth and grow with their maturity. Tend to live between 200 - 250 years. In earlier transformations, celestials and demons were often encouraged by the First Race to manipulate humans in any fashion or purpose in a spiteful way to go against the Great Spirit. When they were forced to realize that by the other races and witnessing that their magicians were intermingling and developing proficiency for both light and dark magics instead of doing what they were created for, most discontinued the practice. There were few that would subtly continue it in other ways in the midst of their conflict. Such as creating spiritualists by the celestials and demons creating more tentatively acknowledge magicians, sometimes solely known as warlocks or hags, because they had no natural inclination for magic but made temporary deals for the acquirement of magic through terrible rituals and deals. AKA sorcerer(ess), conjurer, voodoo, enchanter, necromancer and magicians.


Aliens: In spite of the multitude of races of aliens from space outside of Earth, it is believed their ancestors are from separate dimensions, when travel between dimensions was more fluid at the beginnings of creation. However, as each dimension developed, it became increasingly difficult to maintain the paths and barriers were eventually put into place, cutting off many families and races from their original home dimensions. Thus, the creation of alien empires in the further reaches of space.

Changelings: Children taken to become children of the Fair Folk for their protection or switched with a Fair child in the interests of all. This could be for a variety of reasons, one that is typically associated is in moments when a mortal child could be too sick and feels better by the next day, especially if there is destiny (no matter how small, like marrying somebody and being their ear or the shopkeeper that provides the one phrase of advice that sets someone on a bigger destiny, or big like a hero, academic, etc) that one may need a changeling status to help them through those moments of fate. Or the moments could be based on a Fair Folk's whim, spite, curiousity, etc. Changelings adopt the traits of their new family while still demonstrating a few traits of their old family. In the Fae Realms, they are considered as much of an heir as a natural-born child and the whole process is binding as blood adoption, but without the mitochondrial changes. If fae were to adopt a magical being, the child would incorporate those changes slowly, because of the different cores of magic, until maturity and not at the age of maturity like fae and fae-changlings, akin to what Balinor and Harry went through.

Children of Destiny: Individuals cursed or blessed by the will of the First Race and the gods of the Second Race depending on their will. These children are typically considered to be the First Race's last metaphorical stand against their opposition in the Great War, by encouraging chaos and potential destruction for the Second and Third Races to face or the Second Race gods hearing the pleas or watching out for their loyal followers. These children are typically mortals with no inclination of the potential for the mutant gene or a supernatural ancestor, but show signs of a singular supernatural trait. This could be shapeshifting, dreamwalking, clairvoyance, psychometry, telekinesis, elemental bending, time skipping/traveling and by default of the First Race's interference with angels and demons, spiritualists, witches and wizards.

Cursed/Gifted Shapeshifters: Cursed or gifted shapeshifters are considered between children of destiny and a second race. They have an ancestor that was not a natural born shapeshifter, but either cursed or gifted with the restructuring of their DNA and changed into shapeshifters, of any various animal breed. They are considered cursed if it is a bloodline that is bias to gender, hateful or mission oriented in regards to taking another race or bloodline out, and the individuals with the cursed blood turn into a shapeshifter only around that mission or threat of the other race being near. It is not unusual for a magical/spiritual being or demon to utilize and curse the gifted shapeshifters into a similar situation, but with the chance to break the curse and return to their gifted state. Gifted shapeshifters are hard to differentiate between natural born shapeshifters, for they are born with the gift that is not gender bias, but have the human ancestor and ability to find their mate that will better their bloodline and themselves upon sight.

Cyclops: Giants malformed by the Ancient One Nyx, who in a fit of pique turned many clans of Hyperion's giants into one eyed impotent dense monsters, that could do little more than follow orders of physical exuberance blindly.

Dragon Lords/Ladies: Only magical blood that are fae-changelings and the children of them, can speak dragonspeak, such as Balinor and Merlin.

Dreamwalkers: Dreamwalkers can slip through the cracks of a person's mind and with growth, can do so at any time, even develop the ability to create relational bonds and destroy or heal the mind. Dreamwalkers are typically found amidst children of destiny or amidst children with chaotic blood. Children of chaotic blood could simply be humans that win the genetic lottery and can access a part of their DNA that is linked to an ancestor of the second races or halfbreeds in general, that have opposing bloodlines and cannot find stability within them.

Fair Folk: A term used to describe races residing in the Fae Realms that have developed a few magical quirks, a strong sense of comradery and duty towards their new home and the ruling fae. This includes the races of the non-ruling fae, dragonborn, merfolk, harpy, werewolf, shapeshifter, centaur, satyr/nymph, elf, hobbit and dwarves. Demons, vampires and giants typically stay in the Demonic and Spiritual Realms, whereas older celestials continue to begrudge the Fae after their own punishment. The few celestials born in the short reign of High King Taran and High Queen Naia and after are considered to be fair folk. Although, it is not unheard of for a few of either demons, vampires, giants and older celestials to be considered "fair" after pledging an oath to the High Fae and/or living for a time and adopting much of the culture and attitude of the Fae Realms. Fair Folk that come by the title honestly, have the power to execute the rite for a changeling babe, but it is not a rite taken lightly. This power comes from the atmosphere of the Fae Realms, just as it changed the disposition of Nuada and his people, it can change the people that come to live there, which is considered as the "Fae Quirk," which further helps distinguishes who really are Fair Folk.

Hybrids: Considered to be goblins, changelings, half dragon-half fae, half angel-half demon, half vampire-half werewolf or shapeshifter, warlocks and hags for a variety of reasons as mentioned in each creature bio.

Nexus Points of Earth: The locations that theoritically holds the other planes of existence to the confines of the universe. These locations are Ireland and Japan for the Fae and Spirit/Demon Realms, respectively. AKA the realms' stabilizing loci and a realm's connecting epicenter to the plane of existence origin.