
Okay darlings here's the deal...

I've been rewriting Doubt and (in my opinion) adding more depth. So not everything is completely different or rewritten, but I reccomend not quitting on this story just because you have to read new and improved versions of the old chapters. Since I wasn't going to start from scratch and do an entire new story thing, if you have any comments feel free to private message me.

Chapter 1 begins the same way, but there are events added, so please bear with me.



Chapter 1:

"She's my girlfriend," I growl as I wrap my arms around the busty pink-head next to me, "Fuck off dick weed," the guy slinks off in disappointment, while my best friend of the past five years Sakura shakes her head at me. "What?" I ask, cocking my head to the side.

"Just because I'm a lesbian doesn't mean you can use me as a cover up to avoid guys.. Eventually you're going to have to accept the fact they find you attractive and oh so desirable."

"Shut up dyke," rolling my eyes at her logic, fuck that shit, I hate guys. Actually now that I think about it, I hate people in general.

"Tsk tsk language, careful now people may start to think you're homophobic if they hear you!" she teases me.

I scoff at her remark, "what if I'm not straight, did you ever think of that possibility? You never know, maybe I'm asexual and at this rate if you don't stop pushing chics and dudes on me I will be!"

She begins laughing hysterically, "Chics? Dudes? For Christ's sake Hinata sound like a damn girl instead of a confused hermaphrodite!"

At this point I'm very well aware that her outcry is causing a scene in the small thrift store we currently occupy, the guy that attempted to hit on me from earlier has a greenish tinge to his face and I roll my eyes...leave it to Sakura to not only patronize me, but leave the world thinking I have testes and a vagina. "I'm outta here," I pay for the hoodie I want and leave my so-called friend on the floor of Daisy's dressing room, laughing her ass off. Instead of rushing off I decide to sit on the bench across the street from it.

"Hey!" greets my ears about two minutes later, "Hey Hinata!" maybe if I ignore'll go away.

"Ouch!" I yelp as it suddenly claws my arm, "What the hell Sakura? Go fuck someone else's arm up!"

"You can't run away from everything and smoking is bad for you!" she screeches collapsing on the bench next to me.

I grace her with a glance, before shrugging and taking a drag off my cigarette, "My life, my chosen poison."

"So...Hinata," she pauses tossing a pointed glare at the cancer stick in my hand, "I'm beginning to really believe that you're gay like you tell all those guys and not actually asexual. I mean it makes a lot of sense wonder you hate the male species so much." I'm regretting the decision of not just leaving her ass in the store and heading home, in other words fully escaping when I had the chance. Let me tell you something, choking, while inhaling incredibly uncomfortable and in some cases painful; especially when one of those cases involves some of it going up your nose. This was a conversation I already knew I would rather not ever have.

Eyes watering as I gasp for pure oxygen I manage to spit back, "Where the hell did you get that from? You're the only damn dyke in this friendship!"

"Well..." she begins, holding up a finger for every reason she lists, "You blow off every guy that asks you out, with either: half-brained excuses, pretending your gay or my girlfriend, or with grotesque threats to their genitalia. And then there's the fact: you show no interest in any guy not even movie stars, you've never kissed one, you treat them like the plague, and you constantly refuse to discuss the possibility of sex. " damn...ten reasons, the bitch has really thought this through.

"Let me get this straight, Sakura," I snuff out my smoke and face her with my entire attention, "You think I'm gay because I won't talk about sex?"

"Yup. And don't you dare try and avoid my other nine points!"

"I talk about sex fuckhead." yup...defintely something I never ever wanted to talk about.

"Yeah, when?"

"We're talking about it right now stupid fuck."

"That doesn't count."

"Why not?" I question her, difficult cunt.

"Because it just doesn't."

"I've kissed a boy before too!" okay, maybe that was a lie, honestly I couldn't remember a moment I was remotely intimate with anyone, guy or girl.

"Kissing on the cheek doesn't count! And no you haven't! You refuse to give anyone a chance!" she fires back.

"Maybe I'm just waiting for the right person!." I hiss.

"Really now?" she challenges leaning toward me, "its dating Hinata, not signing up to lose your virginity."

"Guys expect sex. So why bother committing to something and getting their hopes up." I retort, god dammit I just want to smack this hoe.

"Hope, that's all it is. Girls are the same way. We hope we get laid, but its never guaranteed. Not to mention, not every person enters a relationship looking for sex. Some genuinely care for their partner and if one isn't ready, the other is willing to wait." she explains as if I were four years old instead of seventeen.

I feel myself bristle up at her condescending tone, "Don't fucking patronize me cuntface, I don't have the patience to sort out the good from the bad guys. That's not my job and quite frankly, its all about looks. No one gives a fuck about how you feel as long as the end result is what they want."

Sakura shakes her head at me, "I pity your cynical view of romance, but as I stated before all your statements are directed at boys, so let me introduce you to some girls. I may know a few that are your type."

My type...what the fuck! " my motherfucking lips: I. Am. Not. Gay. I just don't like dealing with bullshitting cock-suckers." I can tell by the bemused smile on her face she doesn't believe me. Fuck this shit. Signing, I grab my pack only to realize, that once again I was out of ciggs and begin to canvas the area around us for another.

Even if somehow you aren't gay, you're going to need a guy with quite a bit of length and girth to fuck out how deep your denial is," she grumbles.

"God dammit! I heard that!" I begin massaging my temples, feeling the possibility of a stress-related migraine taking flight behind my eyes in the very near future, "Now I really need a fag!"

"At your service!" she chimes in and I already know it's her poor attempt at being cute. I cast my famous glare upon her, watch her shrink into herself, and finally spot a guy off to the side smoking, about a meter away from us.

I stand up and head over to him, "Ay, can I bum one?" he glances up and surprise registers on his face, "Well?" I press when he doesn't respond right away. What is he an idiot. "A cigarette idiot," I add, just in case the duumbass doesn't realize what I'm asking for.

"Sure," his voice is smooth and chocolate immediately comes to mind, he hands one over, and I turn around about to leave when he calls out to me again, "Do you want t-" I wheel around already irritated, "I'm gay, asking for a cigarette isn't code for, hey I'll suck your dick!"

Behind me I hear Sakura gasp, yes even for me this is a new level of my "I hate everyone" attitude, "use my lighter, Miss?" he finishes the sentence I interrupted.

"So you are gay!" she chimes in, dammit!

"No! Drop it already Sakura!" In an effort to sound un-phased by his and Sakura's words I turn to the guy and retort, "Yeah, sure, whatever dude," I light up and physically relax when the warm smoke curls into my throat and begins to hit my lungs, I breath out and savor the nicotine high that always fallows.

I hand the lighter over to its owner without making eye contact and walk away without another word, while hissing at Sakura, "Just wait till we get home." her face pales and she gives a weak smile.

"Good day Ms. Ego, sorry to disappoint you by not wanting my dick sucked by such a fowl mouthed bitch," he calls to my retreating back, that bastard! I'm about to march over there and give the cock-sucker a piece of my foot going up his ass, when Sakura suddenly grabs onto me and plants one right on my lips.

Now mind you...I'm not homophobic not at the least! Bur a warning would've been nice! Out of reflex I shove her off me; she lands not so gently in the grass, "oof!"

"What the hell, Sakura!" I snap.

"I don't believe you aren't gay, was just testing the waters. Hmmm...I guess I'm not your type." she contemplates from the ground.

"I never said I was! You're the one arguing with me about it!"

"Actually, you told me you were gay, tsk tsk miss, I'm hurt,"

I turn to face the owner, expecting the guy from the thrift shop only to be met with cigarette boy, did he follow us? What a creepy eavesdropper, "Your opinion isn't wanted fag boy. I didn't want to be bothered by another obvious fanboy." what's with guys? Always thinking their thoughts matter?

"Fag boy really? You aren't very original with your insults miss." he chuckles and I can feel my blood pressure rising, "I recommend anger management,"

"That's what I keep telling her!" the urge to smother them is becoming very tempting, reading my expression Sakura takes a step back and gulps.

"Calm down Hinata...its not his fault you're in denail about your sexuality!"

"Shut up Sakura, I'm not gay. Asexual is the correct term."

"No!" she argues, "You have to be attracted to girls!"

"Remember how you hated your parents because they were in your face about liking girls?" its time to change tactics.

"That's different." she pouts and I can see fag boy out of the corner of my eye glancing back and forth between us, still smoking as our disagreement progresses.

"Not really. Let me be who I am."

"Okay then, prove that you aren't gay!" Sakura suddenly points at me.

"How?" I give her a blank look.

"I don't know. Just prove it, right now, and I promise to drop it."

"You want me to prove something and yet you don't know how I would go about proving that?"

"I'd be happy to volunteer my services." fag boy jumps into the conversation.

"Your still here dipshit? I got my cigg, run along, you aren't needed anymore." he only smirks in response and that pisses me off more. What's with this guy, doesn't he get a damn hint.

"Just let me set you up with someone! I promise she'll be nice!"

"I'm not gay!" That's it! I've had enough of this, "Since your useless presence is still here, I'll take you up on your volunteering services. I grab the collar of his shirt and force the tall bastard down to my height, slam my lips on his, and release. I can see he's stunned and for once speechless, so is Sakura. "I'm going home, bye." ignoring her protests I stalk off.

"Wow!" Sakura exclaims catching up to my slight jog a few minutes later, "If I were straight I'd go for him!"

"If that's what your taste is on the hetero scale, then frankly my dear its shit," I comment.

"You're only pissed because finally someone had the nerve to call you out and I think you should go out with him!"



"Shut the fuck up before I smother you with your own tits."

"Come on! There was something there! Its have to be straight!"

I through my hands up in the air...there really was no winning with her.


So...what did y'all think? I also wanted to add more background to the characters and felt as if the whole story was rushed and centered too much around Hinata randomly possessing this hateful pov, but with no reason behind it. Please either review or comment through PM.