First time attempting this crossover, and so I'm unsure whether I will continue. It depends on the readers. I'll consider continuing if the general responses are good. If no one is going to read this, then there's no reason that I should continue it.

So's on you :)


The only preparation Percy had was the dream. That itself was an overstatement. He didn't even get to prepare before the gods zapped him to another time zone, at a completely different place. Just like that. No 'goodbye' or 'see you later' to Annabeth and his friends at Camp Half-Blood. All he got was about five minutes in a dream-like state, having a conversation with the gods up on Olympus.

Percy remembered what had happened during that discussion. He'd dreamt that he was standing in front of the twelve Olympians in the Throne Room.

Zeus had said, "Percy, the gods require your help, and one other demigod, to see to an important task."

"Great." Percy had replied sarcastically. He recalled the victory in defeating Gaia just two weeks ago. Now the gods wanted him to do something again. Whatever it was, it is never an easy task.

Zeus growled, "It is crucial that this task is carried out successfully, Perseus Jackson. Hades wanted me to tell you that you could save a young life."

"Who?" Percy asked curiously.

"You will know who in time to come. I can only tell you this much. Before I send you off, you must remember that the people there have no recollections of their past – that is, before they were put in the Glade."

"Glade? Wait, where's –" Percy was seriously confused. Zeus wasn't giving him any straight answers.

This time, he was cut off by Athena.

"Percy Jackson, where you are going, wisdom is the key to success, although the people there do not really value knowledge. When you leave, I will send a message to Chiron about your absence, so that your…" Athena paused, seemingly to find a suitable word, "…girlfriend…does not get too worried."

Percy nodded in appreciation. "And who is this other demigod who's going with me?"

"A son of mine." Hephaestus said proudly.

Percy tried to think of who this son of Hephaestus is. He didn't talk much with the kids in cabin nine. He only got to really know two sons of Hephaestus. One of which was Beckendorf, who was already dead. The other was Leo, who was…well, was assumed dead after taking a direct hit with an Octavian-loaded comet.

"Anyway," Zeus took charge again, "Hades said that this particular person you can save, his time is not up yet. So you have to gain their trust, and lead them out of the Glade. Can you manage that, child?"

Percy resisted the urge to roll his eyes. It wasn't like Zeus would give him an option.

So he said, "I guess."

"Good." Zeus said grumpily. "There's one more thing you should know. Your sword will work against anything during the quest. Now go."

Percy was about to ask how Zeus could transport his wispy dream-like state to wherever he needed to go, but Zeus flicked his wrist, and Percy awoke with a start, back in his cabin at Camp Half-Blood.

But just before he could step out of his bed, Percy felt his surroundings dissolve. The sea hue of the cabin walls blended around him. Then, it darkened, until it was so dark Percy couldn't see his hands. The calming smell of salty breeze was replaced by a chilly, stale air. The sound of crashing waves was substituted with a loud grinding noise, like metal against metal.

That was when the feeling of claustrophobia settled in. Percy felt like he was being caged in. The darkness only made it worse. He tried to keep calm. He'd been in worse situations before. Percy spread his arms on either side of him, trying to feel his surroundings. His outstretched finger came in contact with a cold wall. Metal. It confirmed his suspicions. He was stuck in a metal box.

"Gods! I am the Supreme Commander of the Argo II! How dare you lock the captain here?" a familiar voice shouted.

Percy could barely hear it above the noise. But it sent his brain into fuzzy state. It wasn't possible. He'd seen Festus and Leo blasted out of the sky on that fateful day. That impact would've killed anyone. So how could…

"Leo?" Percy called tentatively.

But obviously, the grinding noise swept his words away easily.

He tried again, this time yelling, "Leo! Is that you?!"

For about five seconds, there was no reply.

Then, it came. "Percy?"

Percy could feel himself being pushed towards the floor, as though the box he was trapped in was speeding upwards.

"Yeah, it's me! Gods, you're alive! Why didn't you come back to camp? We all thought you were dead!" Percy screamed back. For a moment, Percy forgot about the claustrophobic feeling. He felt elated, and reassured, that Leo was alive all along.

But that good feeling didn't last. He groaning sound of scraping metal reduced by a notch.

"Leo, where are we?"

Leo replied quickly, "I'd say we're in an elevator. I can hear the hum of the pulleys at the top, and the vibration on the metal cage we're in. We're reaching…wherever there is."

Of course. The son of Hephaestus had a natural talent at mechanics. And even though Percy didn't really understand what Leo was saying, he trusted his friend. After months of being around Leo on the quest, Percy didn't doubt Leo when it came to the technical stuff. Although on the occasions when Leo made a mistake, it would usually be disastrous. Still, Percy trusted Leo more than himself, when it came to the tinkering.

Percy could feel the elevator slowing down. The scraping sound wasn't as loud as a minute ago.

Without warning, there was a loud 'clang', a huge jerk which caused Percy to lose his balance and fall on top of Leo, followed by total silence.

"Ow, dude." Leo said, trying to push Percy off him.

Percy felt his way into a sitting position. He heard Leo shifting his body.

A grinding noise was heard from above his head, and Percy looked up just as the top of the metal cage was being opened.

The bright sunlight seared into his eyes, forcing Percy to look away and shield his eyes with one hand. His right hand instinctively crept into his jeans pocket, gripping the familiar ballpoint pen.

Percy looked around the metal box he was in. Now, he could see that there was a small pile of clothes, food, barrels of water and other daily necessities stacked neatly in a corner.

"What's up, Greenie?" A scratchy voice said. "Found yourself – oh, what is this supposed to mean?"

The two demigods stood up at the same time, craning their necks to look upwards. The metallic box they were trapped in was deep, so they could only see a rectangular patch of sky.

But seconds later, many heads popped out from the top of the box, into his line of vision.

"Two newbies?" One boy said.

"Is that boy wearing a toolbelt?" Another asked.

"Throw down the bloody rope, people." A boy with longish blonde hair said.

The ends of two ropes were thrown down into the metallic box. Leo glanced at him, waiting for Percy to make the first move. Percy nodded and grasped the rope, pulling himself up.

"Pull them out!" A dark skinned boy ordered.

Although Percy could climb up very well on his own, the boys speeded up the process by hauling up the rope.

In a matter of seconds, both Percy and Leo were out of the cage. A ring of boys, all in their teenage years, stood around the demigods. Percy's eyes tried to take in all his surroundings at once.

There was a patch of trees in one corner, a line of huts and sheds, a small plantation, and even a farm. But beyond that, were high, metal walls. Four of them, forming a square area. A long corridor led outwards from the center of each wall.

"Welcome to the Glade." The same dark skinned boy said.

The Glade. Yes, that was what Zeus had mentioned earlier. What else had Zeus said? Percy tried to rack his brains.

"What…no. Where am I? Why am I here?" Percy blurted out.

"Take it slow. I'm Alby. What's your name?" The boy replied.

"Percy." Percy introduced himself, then pointed at Leo, "And that is –"

"Bad Boy Leo!" Leo cut in.

"Rather cheerful for a greenbean huh, Alby?" The blonde haired by said, motioning for the other boys to move away. "I'm Newt."

Alby just replied, "I suppose that's better than being curious like Thomas."

"Who's Thomas?" Percy asked.

"He's the shank before you two." Alby said. "But the important thing is that we need to know why two of you were sent together. That ain't happened before. Can you remember anything?"

Percy was puzzled. Why wouldn't he be able to remember anything? Unless Hera had one of her plans again.

"Uh…" Percy tried to think of a reason as to why he was here.

"It's alright. You aren't the only one. Nobody here really remembers their past. Not unless… nevermind. But while you're here, you have two rules. No going out past the doors of the Glade, and do your part in whatever job you're given." Alby said.

No one remembers anything? Then it hit him. That was the other thing Zeus had said. Their memories had been wiped out. Except for Percy's and Leo's. They had to be careful about what they said, otherwise things would seem suspicious.

This task Zeus had given them was far more tedious than he'd expected. They had to act like the other Gladers. Moreover, they had to lead the others out of this place without disobeying Alby's rule to never leave the Glade. Simple, right?

Please review. Constructive criticism is welcome. If enough people wants me to continue, I will. Really, there's no saying now if I will post chapter 2. Thank you!