Thank you to everyone who viewed, favorited, followed, or reviewed this story! It means so much to me that you would take the time to do any of those things, and I hope you enjoy my effort just as much as I appreciate your kind words and views! You all are so sweet!

The charged atmosphere of four minutes earlier had dissolved into a new peace and happiness. But not all was so neatly resolved with a kiss, mutual declarations, and an important question; further aid was required.

"But what about Christine?" Anne asked, her heart constricting slightly.

"What about Roy?" Gil countered.

"Were you two actually ever dating?"

"Why did you turn him down?"

"Gil, you're not answering my questions…"

"Well, Miss Shirley, you're not answering mine either."

"But I asked first, though!"

"Hm, I don't recall it happening like that. I believe I asked the first question and from what I remember you never actually answered me."

"What did you ask again?" Anne's eyebrow tilted mischievously, and Gil's smile tightened, not as dangerously as at Di's wedding but nearly so.


"And I did answer," Anne continued, skating fearlessly on thin ice.

"As much as I love your eyes and all their many expressions and inflections, you mustn't let them do all the talking, my dear," Gil explained as gently and pleadingly as he could despite his frustration.


"Now, don't be quite so petulant. I asked you a very, very important question, and as of yet, I still have not obtained a verbal answer, thanks to those pretty grey eyes of yours. Furthermore, having received no definitive answer, I believe I am in possession of all rights to disregard your inquires."

"That hardly seems fair," Anne said lowly.

"Life isn't fair, Miss Shirley, and I can tell you many tales of its injustices and heartbreaks," Gil began, a sadness creeping into the playful atmosphere.

"Gil, I didn't mean to bring that—" Anne started, bringing her hands up into a defensive position.

Gil caught them as he cut in reassuringly, while a May breeze ruffled a wind chime from within the garden.

"No use in denying it, eh? We've both done our share of dragging hearts through the mud, particularly each others, and I'd rather not pretend otherwise. Luckily, it's a past phase now, or will be very soon if you would just answer—"

"Should we date, do you think?" Anne bursted in with her startling question.


"Well, maybe we should date for a year or so…. I mean, we've never actually been on a legitimate date. As a couple, you know," Anne breathed out, rushing to clarify her statements and calm the worry forming on Gil's face.

"I'd welcome a setting of a date."

"Gil, I'm being serious," Anne sighed.

"Anne, I want to date you for the rest of my life. Isn't that enough?" Gil said exasperatedly.

"It is! And I want the same! But what if we jump into this too quickly? A decade down the line, you might wish you hadn't been so hasty. We might disintegrate."

"If you think one extra year could alter the state of our future relationship, you are, for once in your life, mistaken. I have loved you for ten years, and though you've only recently come to realize it, I think you have, too. So I'd ask you to put aside some of your sensible doubts, and give me an answer. Please, Anne?" Gil asked.

"I don't want people thinking you're just my rebound, Gil. That isn't fair to you. And what about Christine? What will people think?"

"I'll surrender to some of your questions: Christine and I were never dating. Her high school sweetheart back home would never allow that, as he so kindly texted me a few months back. And Christine knew I had my eye on someone else. Which brings me to my next point. Almost everyone knows we belong together. All of Avonlea does. Ninety percent of Redmond does. And for those that don't? Well, pardon my language, Anne, but screw them."

"That's so easy to say…"

"It's easy in practice, Anne. I promise. So, please put me out of my misery. Give me an answer?"

The spring wind and the indirect, warm light from inside the house lit the suspended moment. Anne felt a strange, strong energy push her forward.


Gil's eyes widened almost disbelievingly at her abrupt, enthusiastic answer

"Care to elaborate?"

"How does September sound?" Anne smiled, as the surrounding quaint garden became the backdrop for the couple's first and best memory.

The End