Frozen One-Shot

What Do You Look Like?

When I was younger, I knew exactly what my sister looked like. Pale blonde hair the color of the sun. Pale blue eyes, like a clear morning sky. Skin white like pure winter snow. A small but clear, pretty voice, more elegant sounding than mine. She was just a few inches taller than me, and a couple years older.

However, after that day, I wouldn't see her or hear her voice for a long time. I wouldn't see her pale hair, blue eyes, or snow white skin again.


Every day, I would knock on her door, hoping she'd come out to play. Or just come out at all. Or even to hear the voice that always made me feel safe.

But she never came out. She never responded. I never even heard her voice.

Every day, I would knock on her door. No response. I would leave. This routine continued month after month, year after year.


Once again, no answer.

It took a lot to remind myself that I even had a sister. Blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin, a pretty voice. the years went on, I couldn't remember what color her hair was. After I remembered her hair color, I forgot her eye color. After I remembered that, I forgot what color her skin was. I couldn't even remember what her voice sounded like.

"Elsa? Come on out. Please."

I wasn't sure how I still managed to remember her name. Mother and Father always told me about her, yes, but it wasn't enough to be told about her. I wanted to play with her. Be with her. See her face. See her hair, eyes, and skin. Hear her voice. Just like the old days.

Why did she shut me out like that?

What does she...even look like?

The fact that at one point I couldn't remember what she look like made me sick to my stomach. What family member doesn't know what their sister or brother looks like? I couldn't believe how cruel I was to forget her appearance like that. I hadn't seen her or heard her in years. That was the main reason, but I thought it cruel to not know what your own sister looked like, or what her voice sounded like, if she still even had a voice at all.


At one point, I just gave up.

I didn't want to, but I did. I tried. I tried and tried and tried, to no avail. I decided there was no point in trying anymore.

Finally. Finally, on the day of her coronation, she came out of her room.

She was not the person I remembered.

Both her hair and skin had both paled in color. Her eyes no longer sparkled like a clear morning sky. Instead, they looked like the eyes of a scared puppy. She had grown very tall, regal, and graceful. Her voice had matured. She sounded like a true lady.

For the first time in forever, I finally knew what my sister looked like. I didn't care if she had changed or what had changed her. The fact that I got to see her again was enough for me.

But something still wasn't right.