"I'm not ready for this." I complained as we pulled into the driveway behind my fathers car.

He was sitting in a rocking chair on the front porch, the light I had left on illuminating his dire face.

"I can tell him to leave." Edward offered, looking at me with raised brows.

I thought about it and if I was honest, eager to accept Edward's offer but knew I needed to just get it over with and allow him to have his say.

"Let's just do this." I pouted, getting out of the car.

I picked Anthony up from his car seat while Edward allowed Riley to hop down from his seat to the ground.

"Riley!" I called out anxiously as he ran full sprint toward my father who was now standing and watching him curiously. "Edward, why did you let him run off?" I scowled at him.

He held his hands up in the air with a dumbfounded look.

"How was I suppose to know he was going to do that? It's not like your father is dangerous." He grumbled, taking Anthony from my arms.

We started to walk toward the house, Edward stopping suddenly to face me.

"Is he?"

I could see him hardening himself already.

"Stop it, no he isn't dangerous. He has never laid a hand on me. The only time he has ever hurt me was the day you met him when he stood up for Jacob side without talking to me first."

Edward grunted and resumed walking. My father was squatting so that he was at eye level with our three year old who could be heard chattering away, no fear of the stranger in front of him.


"Bella, I was beginning to think you weren't coming back."

"We had to take care of some things at Edward's parents house this afternoon. It ran a bit later than we thought."

"Let's take this inside." Edward said, reaching out to unlock the door, opening it to allow my father and I to enter before him.

"I'm going to make some coffee, would you like some?" I asked my father.

"That would be great, thanks."

I smiled softly, remembering all the years I took care of him growing up. The man couldn't make toast without burning it and his coffee tasted like tar. Edward put Anthony into a large circular play area Rose and Alice had set up earlier in the week which took up over half our living room, lifting Riley inside to allow him to play with his brother. Anthony immediately squealed and raced as fast as his little knees and hands could go to get to him. Edward and I shared a smile as we watched our sons play.

"Who's the older boy?" My father asked me.

"Our son." Edward spoke in a firm voice without looking at Charlie, taking down three coffee mugs from a high cabinet.

"I may not have know about her divorce from Jacob and her marriage to you, but I believe I'd know if Isabella had a child." Charlie glared at him.

"I'm adopting him." I quickly interrupted before Edward could go off.

"I know who you are." Charlie said suddenly, glaring at Edward. "I recognized your name and made some calls after finding out she married you in secret."

"What exactly is it you know of me?" Edward smirked, his eyes cold.

"Enough to know you should be behind bars. That you have corrupted my daughter into sharing your lifestyle."

"You know nothing, Dad. You never took the time to see how I was doing while living away from home with Jacob. It was like once I married and left, you washed your hands of me. Did you just not care if I was happy or not? It didn't matter to you how he treated me? You may not have known then, but you must know now. He was cheating on me with my best friend before we were married! What about all the nights I was left alone while he was sleeping with her, if not others? I was refused to have a career! Edward saved me when Jacob hit me. He refused to leave me at Jacob's disposal after seeing how I was being treated. It should have been you, not Edward who did that."

"Bella, you never told me you were unhappy."

"You are my father, I shouldn't have to say the words! You should have known by simply looking at me. After you found out the truth about my marriage with Jacob and him trying to kidnap me, letting me believe that he killed my husband; you formed some kind of sick relationship with Leah of all people! You consoled her, the one who had been sleeping with my husband, instead of your daughter who was treated so poorly by that man. A daughter who was pregnant and believed she lost her husband."

"How is it that he's returned from the grave, anyway?"

"Really? That's all you got out of what I just said?" I asked in astonishment.

"Jacob ordered my death." Edward spoke up. "He came into my home with men he hired take me and tried to take Bella with him. When he died, everyone was left to believe I had been killed. The two men who held me captive were dead, but there was a third still out there. I stayed away thinking it would keep Bella safe. I hurt both Bella and myself in the process, but I truly had her best interest at heart. More than I can say for yourself. After she gave birth to Anthony, I knew I had to see him. I can't say if I would have come back or not when I did if it hadn't been for her finding me in our sons room. I told her everything, and by some miracle, forgave me. I was trying to protect her but I couldn't stay away from her and our son any longer."

"How noble of you." Charlie sneered.

"Get out." I demanded, fed up with his treatment of Edward.

"Bella, I am trying." He pleaded.

"Not hard enough."

"I may not have showed you in the past, but I love you. I want you back in my life. I want the chance to know my grandson."

"You have a funny way of showing it. You sit here and speak lowly of not just me, but my husband. He has done more for me than you ever have. He protected me, is still keeping me safe. He loves me and our children."

"The child you are adopting, is he Edwards?"

"Do you do that on purpose? Changing the topic to try and get the upper hand?" I gasped.

"Bella, this is no life for you or your child!"

"You don't get to decide that! This is my life. What Edward does to provide for us is none of your concern."

"So you have no issue if I stop and speak with the police station here in town?"

"Edward has a partnership in his brother in-laws club." I said, lifting an eyebrow at him. "All his money is accounted for. Every dollar has come from a legal source."

"You mean every dollar that is traceable." He snorted, still glaring at Edward.

Edward stood up abruptly, his chair hitting the wall behind him.

"You need to leave before I loose my patience with you anymore than I already have." He pointed a finger at my father.

"Or what, you'll shoot me?"

"He wont, but I am getting very close to doing just that." I seethed at him.

"That, I feel threatened with." Charlie chuckled. "I trained you well."

My head was spinning from his mood swings. I looked at Edward and saw he looked just as confused.

"Sit down." He requested softly.

I sat, though Edward remained standing.

"Bella, I will never agree with your choice in him, I wont lie and say that I do. I refuse to be closed off from your life again, though. I made mistakes and am man enough to admit it. I trusted Jacob when I shouldn't have. I watched that boy grow up and couldn't, or wouldn't, see him for what he truly was. I am ashamed that it has taken all that has happened to make me see the errors of my ways. Still, he-" raising his hand to point at Edward. "-is not good enough for you."

"I probably never will be." Edward spoke. "I love your daughter and I will never hurt her. That is all I can offer you."

"I can see that, even though it eat me up inside to know you are what she wants. I want to be your father, I want to be a grandfather. If I have to suck it up and deal with him, I will."

I was having a hard time grasping his change of attitude. He was still being disrespectful toward Edward, something I knew my husband was having a hard time swallowing, but he was also giving me his begrudging acceptance. I would never forget how he treated me after I had left Jacob and feeling neglected after thinking Edward was dead, but part of me wanted him in my life. I didn't want to live forever without some sort of relationship with my father, without giving Anthony a chance of having two loving grandfathers. When Anthony was old enough decide for himself, it may be too late for him to have a relationship with his Grandfather Swan if I kept him away now. I looked at Edward, knowing I could never make such a big decision without him. It will affect our entire family. Anthony started to fuss and Edward left the room before I could stand to retrieve our son.

"He's hungry, Mama." Edward said, returning to the kitchen and handing me Anthony.

He started making a bottle, his back facing us even though I knew he was keeping his ears alert. Anthony whined a little, keeping his eyes on my father. He was curious of the stranger before him.

"What's your name?" Riley asked, climbing into the chair beside my father.

"Charlie. What's yours?"

I watched, ready to pounce if I felt any type of resentment directed at Riley from my father.

"Riley. That's my new Mommy." He said pointing a chubby finger at me, causing me to break out in a smile.

It was the first time he had said those words out loud.

"My old one didn't want me, so I came to live with my Daddy and he gave me a new one."

"He did, did he? That was awfully good of him."

"Yup. He wants to keep me." He said seriously, his eyes wide as he spoke. "My old Mommy said he didn't want me, but she lied. Right Daddy?" He shouted the last part over my fathers shoulder to Edward who was walking back to the table.

"That's right." He said softly, giving him a smile as he handed me the prepared bottle.

Anthony grabbed it quickly and drank greedily, his eyes straying from my father to his brother.

"Now I am a big brother. That's Tony." Now pointing to his baby brother. "He smells most of the time, but he likes it when I play with him."

Edward chuckled, looking at me with amusement over Riley's description of our baby.

"Baby's do tend to smell a lot." My father said seriously, nodding his head in agreement.

"Riley, why don't you go pick out what pajamas you want to wear tonight? I'll be there soon to help you change." Edward suggested gently to his son.

"I want Mommy to read to me this time." He yelled as he ran from the room.

I smiled widely at Edward, tears brimming my eyes over his title for me. Edward reached over and squeezed my hand, his eyes just as happy as mine.

"I love you." He mouthed before giving his attention back to my father who was now focused on Anthony.

"He looks like his father." He sighed, though his eyes were shining as he watched his grandson.

"You don't have to like me but you will show me respect, especially in front of others. You will always treat Bella and our children kindly and if I ever hear you say one derogatory thing to any of them, you are gone."

"What are you saying?" My father asked, trying to sound emotionless despite the hope in his eyes.

"I'm saying if you want to see your daughter and grandson those are the stipulations. Riley may not be Bella's biological child, but she is his mother now. I want him treated just the same as Anthony by everyone. He will never be made to feel different or unloved."

"What kind of man do you think I am?" My father asked indignantly.

Edward raised a brow at him, frowning slightly.

"I see your point." He frowned. "I assure you, I would never do anything to hurt that child upstairs. I can promise you that much."

"Love, is there anything you want to say?" Edward asked me.

"No, I think you covered everything I would have said already. Dad, may be allowed to be part of Anthony's and Riley's lives, but I'm not ready to fully forgive you yet. Maybe with time, but for right now, I am only accepting your presence for my sons."

Charlie looked dolefully at me but nodded his understanding.

"I should go, it's late and you have to get the kids ready for bed." He said standing.

He started to bend toward me, but I shook my head, denying his intention. He looked at me sadly, nodded toward Edward and walked from the room, shutting the front door behind him.

"Moooommmmmyyyyyyy." Riley called from the top of the stairs.

"I think you are being summoned." Edward grinned at me, kissing me as he took our sleeping baby from me and followed me as I made my way up the stairs to tuck in our oldest child.


Time seemed to fly by. Today was Anthony's second birthday and the family was coming over to celebrate with us, including my father. He visited at least once a week, giving just as much attention to Riley, who was extremely attached to him, as he did Anthony. For once, there was no drama, nothing threatening our happiness. Charlie still gave Edward the stink eye and Edward never dropped his guard when my father was around. The first year we had Riley, I felt like Lauren was looming over our heads. She may have signed her rights away, but I was afraid of her coming back into our lives just to cause trouble. The one year anniversary of Riley joining our family, we planned a big celebration. He was called away that night by Jasper, some sort of problems with a shipping shortage that needed his attention.

When he arrived home, looking exhausted with dark circles under his eyes and his face shadowed with stubble, he got into bed beside me and told me of Tanya's death. She never left town like she had promised the year before. Instead, she blew through the money Edward had given her while shacking up with one of the dealers Edward had connections with. I bristled over the thought, but chose to let it pass, not wanting to argue with him again about his part of involvement with drugs.

"Lauren's dead." He stated with a sigh.

"What?" I gasped, sitting up slightly to look at him.

"That was one of the problems last night. Not only was there a cash shortage, Lauren's body was found in the guy's basement when I had some men show up to give some encouragement for the rest of the payment. Looked like an overdose, she still had the needle in her arm."

"Poor Riley." I sighed.

"She hasn't been a part of his life for a year Bell. The way he talked, she wasn't a part of his life before he came to us. You are his mother, the only one he has truly ever had."

Riley was now getting ready to start kindergarten and was extremely excited about it. He had been going to preschool the past year and was proud of himself for getting to go to a 'big boy school'. It was two weeks away and I was dreading it. I had grown accustomed to having him with me most of the day. Watching he and his brother play, helping me make breakfast and lunch.

"Ma, someone woke up with tons of excitement." Edward said walking into the room with Anthony running in front of him.

"Two! Two!" He squealed, holding up three fingers.

"My big birthday boy!" I grinned, leaning down to pick him up. He crawled over me, jumping up and down while giggling.

"Ehi! No jumping on the bed!" Edward growled, tackling Anthony and tickling him.

"What did I say about the Italian?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Edward's face grew red but he couldn't contain his amused grin.

On the last day of preschool I got a call from Riley's preschool. He had called a fellow classmate a cagna for taking a crayon he had been using. I was beyond embarrassed sitting in the office as we were told of the incident while Edward just burst out in laughter, only quieting when he noticed the principle and I glaring at him. I banned the language after that day, knowing Edward usually only spoke it when being inappropriate. He tried to put the blame on Emmett since he was the one who always translated Edwards words so Riley 'could learn'.

"Emmett and Rose should be arriving soon with Riley and their brood." Edward said giving me a kiss.

Emmett and Rose now had three children. They announced their pregnancy the day of Riley's adoption, already four months along with twins. They had kept silent about it till they were sure everything was going well with the pregnancy. She gave birth to boys, only to get pregnant two months later, having a little girl who looked just like her mother and had Emmett wrapped around her finger from day one.

After Edward dressed he left with Anthony to get him ready for the day. I usually had our youngest clinging to me as I tried to shower, screaming if I left his sight for even a moment so I was treasuring this short amount of time alone. The past few weeks he seemed to abandon the notion of needing me every second of the day and chose to follow his father around instead. Edward knew better than to bring Anthony to Jasper's club with him after making that mistake with Riley. He slept on the couch for a week, getting the silent treatment till he swore he would never do it again. It took twice that amount of time for Riley to stop snapping his fingers at me to fill his cup with juice pr get him a snack. His father gave him his ego unfortunately, which only magnitude when he saw people at Edward's beck and call that night.

After my shower, I started at the stick sitting on the bathroom vanity. Edward and I had decided not prevented the chance of pregnancy the past six months, it just hadn't happened yet. I had my suspicions for the last week, asking Alice to sneak me a test so I wouldn't get Edward's hopes up and took it this morning before showering. After hiding the test and dressing, I went downstairs in search of my family.

"Mommy!" Anthony cried out in delight with his doting grandparents surrounding him.

He was riding in a battery powered car, crashing into everything in sight.

"Why is that in my house?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at my husband who was currently sweeping up soil from a planter that had gotten knocked over.

"Your father." He grumbled, glaring slightly at Charlie who was grinning ear to ear.

The little car was designed to look like a mini police cruiser, lights, noise and all. He obviously thought he was hilarious.

"Dad, take him outside with it." I ordered, shaking my head at him.

The day was loud, busy, and perfect. With a house full of Cullen's, there was never a dull moment. The men who worked for Edward stopped by also to wish Anthony a happy birthday, Riley forcing them to be the 'bad guys' while he and Anthony chased them around the yard in the new gift from my father. Anthony was more than spoiled with gifts and love the entire day. He and Riley ended up falling asleep together in Riley's bed while watching a movie after the excitement of the day ended. Even with the age difference, they were best of friends, always together. If you didn't already know, you would never be able to tell they were half siblings instead of full. They shared identical features, little replicas of their father.

I already slipped on a night gown and was applying lotion when Edward appeared in the bathroom doorway, staring at me with shining eyes.

"What's made you so happy?" I asked, failing at hiding my knowing smile.

"Isabella, is there something you need to tell me?" He asked, quirking a brow.

I had purposefully left the test on the counter, knowing he would see it immediately as we readied for bed. I grinned widely, turning to face him as he rushed to my side, pulling me into his arms and twirling me around the room.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." He repeated between kisses.

"Thank you." I giggled as he fell on the bed with me still in his arms, his mouth devouring every inch of my body.


"We're almost there, baby." Edward cooed at me, making me grit me teeth in irritation.

"Easy for you to say." I hissed.

I had been in labors for hours, the baby being stubborn as always. The entire pregnancy our baby refused to let us see if it was a boy or girl during each ultra sound, much to Edwards dismay.

"One more push!" The doctor called out.

Bearing down, I tried my best not to scream with the next contraction and the searing pain. I started regretting my decision about declining an epidural hours ago.

"A girl!" He called out just as a baby let out a wail, placing her my stomach, Edward staring at her with tears dripping down his face.

"Francesca Marie." He announced shakily when the nurse handed her to him after she was cleaned and checked over.


"E suo tocco, si muore." (You touch her, you die.)

"Daddy!" Francesca scolded with a stomp of her foot, glaring at her father as he threatened her date.

Edward and Francesca fought daily every since she turned sixteen. She was ready to grow up and Edwards wasn't prepared. After two days of fighting, he finally caved and said she could go on a date. Little did our daughter know, Anthony was being paid to follow them the entire night.

The boy was visibly shaken and pale as he watched at my husband with fearful eyes.

Our daughter had my dark hair color with highlights from her fathers coloring it and Esme's bright blue eyes. She was the only one of our children who didn't have the Cullen green or my brown.

Our youngest children stood beside Edward, their little faces holding menacing glares that matched Edwards as they stared up at the offending boy taking their sister to the movies. Little Carlisle, who's twelve, was born a four years after Francesca and our youngest, Stefano, was only three. They, like their two older brothers, were Edward's clones beside Sefano inheriting my eye color. Francesca was the only child who resembled me.

Riley came running down the stairs, stopping suddenly at the sight before him. He was home on break from college.

"What the fuck is this?" He asked with a mixture of horror and irritation.

"Riley Cullen, language!" I chastised him.

Edward just chuckled, knowing Riley would have take it harder than he did that Francesca was dating. Riley was more than a little protective of his sister. When they went to the same same school, no boy was brave enough to even glance at 'Cullen's sister'.

"Let's go!" My daughter whined, quickly pulling her date out the door before her brother could cause a scene.

"Dad you let her go out with that micio?" (pussy)

"Riley! I wont say it again." I warned.

"Micio, micio!" Stefano started singing, running in circles around his fathers feet.

I glared at Edward who was failing at hiding his amusement.

"What's micio mean? I've never heard that one." Carlisle asked our oldest while Anthony burst out in laughter before leaving to follow his sister and her date.

"I give up." I sighed, leaving my five men standing around the front door, and walked to the kitchen.

Edward followed shortly after, topping off my wine glass before pouring himself a small glass of his favorite whiskey.

"Our baby is growing up." He sighed, pulling me back against his chest, his lips brushing across my neck.

"That she is."

"I love you, Isabella Cullen."

"As I love you."