Disclaimer: Any recognizable characters, events, settings, etc. in this work belongs to their respective owners. In this case, Stephenie Meyer is the rightful owner of Twilight. No copyright infringement was intended.

Author's Note: Futa's and/or G!P's are my favourite type of stories. It's my guilty pleasure in a piece of work. So, if you have any favourite characters in books, movies, shows, etc. Let me know. But they have to be femslash. I am currently writing another story based on the Harry Potter books. If you enjoy Hermione/Fleur pair, check it out.

A lot of you had concerns about many of the characters. Firstly, I will definitely not toss Angela in the curb. She's a very important part of the story and I am not planning for her to just disappear. Secondly, Isabella has a good reason for acting the way she is around 'teenage hormones'. Well, mostly Angela's hormones. ;)

The verdict about translations will be located in the story so you won't have to be distracted to scrolling down.

Thanks for the great reviews. Please comment or give out your opinion. I do appreciate all positive or negative reviews and take them into consideration. Anyway, on with the story and enjoy, my fellow readers!

It's Not Possible

Isabella's POV:

My hair whipped back, loving the rush from the speed I was driving. As I leaned forward, I shifted gears, going even faster. It was dangerous at this time of year to be going at this acceleration. Thin sheet of ice was starting to form on the road, however I never flinched and continued on my destination. It created a passion of freedom, unrestricted from the world. It was a wonderful feeling that I did really don't want it to end. The icy breeze swirled around my body, hitting my face. But, I brushed it off since I did not feel temperature difference.

I was interrupted from my musing from the shrieking from behind me, which made me laugh hard. Feeling the grip tighten around my waist, I slowed down at the speed limit to secure the woman's hysteric heart beat. It was starting to distract me from the road.

In no time, I was in front of a house the tan woman had guided me when she finally had the voice to hand out instructions. Stopping in the empty drive way, I first got off my bike, helping out Angela in the process.

"Remind me to never ride with you. Ever again..." Angela breathed out as she took off the helmet and giving it back to me.

I simply chuckled, "it wasn't that bad."

As they walked towards to the door, Angela started flailing her arms in exaggeration as she raised her voice in panic, reliving the drive to her home. "That bad? You, missy, are a crazy driver! It could-"

Brushing off her panicking and interrupting her rant, we reached the front of the entrance door. I took a step towards her, wrapping my arm around her waist. I heard her breath hitch from the sudden contact. As I leaned forward, I brushed past the side of her face, missing her lips. I heard her heart unexplainably beating even faster as I rest my lips close to her right ear. I whispered, "You will always be safe with me, Angela."

Pulling away, but keeping my hands to her waist, my smile dropped. I looked down and saw her face, beet red in colour. Even for having a natural tan skin tone, it was very visible. I asked worriedly, "Are you alright, Ange?"

"Y-yeah..." She mumbled, "A-anyway... I-I should get in the h-house..."

"Are you sure you're okay? Your face is red. Are you getting a fever?" I placed the back of my hand over her forehead. I frowned, "It doesn't feel like you're getting one..."

Angela gently brushed my arm off her face as she murmured, "I'm fine. But I should get inside. My brothers might be inside, waiting for my arrival." As she took a step away from my reach, I dropped my arms to my side, confused with the situation at hand. She was acting differently again, exactly like earlier today. It was getting annoying but it was concerning me. One second she was perfectly fine then the other Angela avoided me at all cost. I felt a pang over my chest and frowned at the odd reaction I was feeling.

Shaking away the emotions, I nodded. "Okay..."

"I'll talk to you later," Angela smiled. To me, it just looked forced. I hummed in response and waited for her to get inside the house. With a final wave from her, she slammed the door behind her. I could hear her lean against it, sighing then proceeded to walk away.

I sauntered back to my vehicle, thinking about what I did wrong that might cause such a reaction from her. As I continued to be baffled from the change of event, I climbed on my bike, securing my helmet on and drove in the distance.

Finally arriving home, I looked at the time and found out it was already four fouty-five. My stomach suddenly growled in hunger. I sat my bag on the ground and laid my helmet on top of the leather couch. Thinking that it wasn't long before I could eat supper so I made my way to the kitchen to grab something small to munch on. When I stepped foot on the kitchen, my gaze landed on a piece of paper stuck to the refrigerator. Taking it off the fridge, I began to read the neatly cursive letters.


Don't forget about the meeting tonight! Come by at 5, I'll make you something to eat. It the first left from your way back to town. See you soon.


"Merda! (Shit!)" I said under my breath. I toss the note on the counter, already forgetting about the emptiness of my stomach. I ran back out in a lightning speed, grabbing my helmet on the way. Starting my bike back up, I sped towards the Cullen's. I followed the instruction Esme gave me and easily found the way. Turning to the Cullen's house, I was instantly face with a small mansion house. It was enormous enough for all the Olympic Coven members to be on their own without so much of being bothered by the other. It was even bigger than the one father had given me for my stay.

As I approached the mansion, I parked my motorcycle in front of the empty driveway. It had five garage doors, perfectly fitting every member's vehicles inside. I listened through if to make sure any of them are actually home.

"Carlisle, honey, she's here. I will go start cooking," The familiar motherly voice was the first one to notice my presence.

"Who's she?" Emmett happily boomed, hearing footsteps running down the stairs, nearing the entrance door.

"No one told us we are meeting someone," Edward huffed in frustration.

"Well, I definitely didn't see this coming," Alice grumbled.

"So, who is this mystery girl? Do we know her?" Rosalie curiously asked.

"That's enough. Gather around the living room. I will open the door and greet her inside." I was already on my way to the entrance door, taking my time when I heard a final words from Carlisle. "And, please, do behave yourselves."

Once I was in front, the door instantly swung open. Carlisle had a heart-warming smile as he ushered me inside, "Come in, come in. Esme is already starting on her preparation with dinner." He gently held my shoulder, guiding me through the house towards, my guess, the living room.

"Remind me to thank your wife. She has been really pleasant to be around." I whispered low enough for just him to hear me.

Carlisle glanced at me and shook his hand, "No need for that. Now, come along. I want you to officially meet my famiglia (family)" As I rounded the corner, I was meet with loud gasped from each of them, apart from Jasper and a growl from an unknown source. Suddenly, I saw one of the member tensed up and I prepared myself for the worse. A snarl erupted in the boy and waited patiently for his move.

In my eyes, everything slowed down to a snail pace. The familiar stubborn brunette was now in front of me. He was definitely faster than most vampire I have encountered, but still too slow. His right hand reached out, trying to grab at my neck as I slightly moved my body to the left. My right hand grabbed onto his arm that was reaching out, twisted to his back and used my free hand to grab the back of his neck, slamming him face down.

This all happened too fast in their mind to even register my movements. However, they all did saw him attack. I was kneeling onto his back to prevent from moving. I whispered threateningly, "That's not how you greet a guess now, do we? Where are your manners, Eddie Boy?" The room held an eerie silence, waiting for something to happen, anything at all. They were stuck between surprised at how fast I was and waiting to help Edward. But none of them dared move.

However, Carlisle broke the tension from further escalation. "Edward, I told you to behave. Attacking a princess is a punishable offence in the Volturi eyes. You are lucky that none of her guards are not standing by her side. They wouldn't have been so light about it."

"P-princess...? She's the princess?! Why didn't you say anything?" Edward's eyes widened in horror. He was starting to struggle from my grip and escape but, failed miserably.

"You did not give me time, didn't you? You just had to attack our guest. I expected more from you, Edward." Carlisle frowned at the boy that was still underneath me. "I am disappointed with your actions. I am letting Isabella choose what to do with you. However, I must ask you to spare his life." He was looking at me as he said those words.

"You are lucky Carlisle here is my father's best friend. I will spare your pathetic little life today, however, do not forget I don't do this without a debt or consequences that must be repaid to me." I snarled, pushing more pressure to his neck when he started to struggle from my grip again. "Will you agree to these terms?"

"Just agree, Edward. It's better than her saying that ya have a debt that must repaid to the Volturi. Aro is more sadistic when it comes to Bella." Jasper added.

"Okay... Okay... I agree. Just please release me. It hurts..." Edward started to whimper. Finally releasing him, I pulled him off the ground back to his feet and push him to the direction of the rest of the Cullen. He stumbled his way to the couch and sat down. The rest of the members came crawling towards to investigate any damage.

Carlisle sighed, as he looked at me. "I do apologize about his behaviour. He isn't usually like this." He glared at his son, and Edward shrink away from his gaze.

"It's alright, Carlisle." I easily waved off his reaction. "He isn't the first to mistaken my position in the Volturi. I usually wear my glasses on."

Carlisle nodded. We both avoided the large dent on the ground and went further into the room. "Since everyone know who I am now, I might as well take these off, huh?"

"Well none of my children, apart from Jasper knows the true meaning of your eyes, Princess." Carlisle explained.

I shrugged my shoulders and grumbled "I will explain after dinner. But, wearing these things all day are starting to irritate me." I took off my glasses that had been completely covering my eyes.

Opening my eyes, Carlisle started to introduce to his family. As my eyes landed to the last member, my body went stiff. My peripheral vision narrowed down to one person in the room. There was this strong connection, gravitationally pulling my body towards the being across the room. I stopped breathing, I wasn't thinking, my entire being wanted to close the distance. Time stopped ticking and all I saw was the goddess.

I growled, "No... No! It's not possible."

"Emmett, Edward, hold Bella down." Jasper unexpectedly gave a command. When they didn't move, Jasper snarled. "Now!" They rushed to her side, clutching each of her arms. None of them noticed Bella's change of body posture. But with Jasper's ability to sense emotions, it helped pick up her next actions quickly. Isabella was already struggling and almost got herself free, but Jasper send a rush of emotions, making her tired to the point of exhaustion and finally dropped to her knees.

"What's going on?" Carlisle alarmed from the situation.

Jasper stepped closer to Bella, kneeling down in front of her. "She found her mate." As he said those words, he was looking at the raven haired standing beside Rosalie.

"Isn't that supposed to be a good thing?" Rosalie asked in confusion.

"It should, in normal circumstances. However, this is the princess we are talking about." Jasper explained, than kept his attention to the fallen Bella. "No matter what happens, do not loosen your grip until I say so. Am I clear?"

Jasper looked at the two by Bella's side and Edward rolled his eyes. "She's practically powerless right now with your ability."

Jasper suddenly growled, "Don't underestimate her. She may be weak right now, but she knows how to escape me."

"Shut up, Eddie. Just listen to Jasper. He obviously had done this before and I don't plan on being thrown by a very pissed off Belie..." Emmett mocked at Edward's previous position just earlier. He then focus on his strength to keep 'Belie' down.

As Jasper cautiously scooted closer and laid a hand on her shoulder to concentrate his power on her, feeling his power wavering already, he directed his words to her. "Bella, don't fight me."

He turned to Carlisle and asked, "Call Aro. He will know what to do."

"Normal circumstances? What do you mean by that? She saw all of us at school. Why didn't she noticed her mate?" Rosalie asked.

"Have you ever heard the rumours about the Volturi Princess?" Jasper asked and received a nodded. "Bella is never fond with emotions. She can be confuse with them at times during a situation. Isabella never understood the true meaning of her feelings, which causes her to ran away when her true feelings seep out of her 'mask'. That's why I asked these two to hold her down. When she wants to hide, this girl can do more than that... She disappears with no trace. And to answer your other question, remember she wore her sunglasses? It prevents from direct eye contact. Right now, Bella is trying to resist my power and it's working."

Right on cue, Carlisle ran back to the living room with a phone in his hand, handing it to Jasper. "Aro?"

"Jasper, I hear that Isabella found her mate. Correct?"

"Yes, sir." Jasper replied with a nod.

In the mean time, Rosalie and Alice were standing far away from the crowd forming around the princess. They were fidgeting, wondering what will be happening next. As Jasper continued to talk to Aro, Isabella took the opportunity to push his power away from her body. Jasper was distracted enough to not feel the sudden change. Suddenly, Bella was on her feet. Her gaze was still on the floor. "Let me go..."

"Bella..." Jasper began.

"Jasper, let her go. It seems like she made up her mind. The more you resist, the longer she will disappear." Aro piped up on the phone.

"Sir, are you sure?" Jasper hesitated.

"Yes, just... make sure she has her phone and doesn't go too far..." Aro sighed, hearing mummers in the background. "I must go now. Keep me updated, Major."

"Of course, sir." and with that, they both hung up. Nodding at the boys at Isabella's side, they let go of her.

"Wait..." A voice interrupted. Esme cautiously approached Bella and handed a sack of blood, smiling. "Here."

Bella whispered, "thank you." Without looking at anyone, she was gone. Alice zoomed to follow, but Jasper caught her arm and stopped her from pursuing the princess.

Jasper asserted, "Don't. She's unstable right now."


"Alice..." Esme softly interjected. "Give her time, honey. She is obviously not used to this. How about we go hunting together to get your mind off things?" Alice sighed and nodded. They zipped out of the Cullen's residence with Rosalie, leaving all the boys to their own accord.

Isabella's POV:

I ran out of the house, forgetting all of my stuff. I needed to try to get as far as possible and let my feet take me wherever it will lead me. Once I stepped foot out of the house, my chest contracted painfully. My breath was getting ragged. My body wanted to go back to the Cullen's but I forced myself to take each step away.

I knew why this was happening. But I didn't want to think it's true. All my life, I had kept that part of me locked up in the back of my mind. I didn't want to be faced with such a flaw. Mating was just a weakness, an easy target. Uncle Marcus almost lost his own life due to the fact that he lost aunt Didyme from a romanian assassin. I personally eliminated him myself in front of uncle Marcus. However, it still didn't bring back the only thing that held him in this world.

I didn't want that to ever happen to me. Now, I am faced with it. I knew that one day I would eventually find my mate. But, I didn't want it to be this soon. I wasn't ready for that. I made my first mistake; taking off my glasses and it will cost my life if things go wrong. I was always cautious, but somehow... I let my guard down.

I abruptly stopped to observe my location. There was only deep living greens surrounding me. I was deep in the forest, far away from civilization. Herds of deer were about a mile away to my right and a highway on my left. However, there was no vehicles passing by. No other signs of life but myself. I continued on my way to a specific direction and I sauntered to the nearest boulder to sit down. I stared in the far distance, looking out off the cliff to the water then slowly closed my eyes. Listening to the sound of mother nature that surrounded me. It soothed the monster inside of me. Finally at peace, tranquillity, and solitude. Rustling was heard in the far distance and I sighed in frustration. I waited patiently for the being to close in.

"Must you follow me? It's really not a good time." I turned around and was faced with a large tan bulky man. He was standing in a straight posture, a head taller than I am as he approached.

"Well it's nice to see you too," the man sarcastically replied then he continued, "I saw a form passed the border of our territory. It was running fast I must say and I knew it was you right away. And this was the first hiding spot I thought of."

I just hummed in response. I looked back towards the blue waters and sunk back into my thoughts, hopefully he would go away and take the hint. "Do you need to talk?" the voice became soft and gentle, interrupting me from my mind.

"No..." I whispered as I drop my head down to hide my face away from his observant eyes. But I knew, it wouldn't make a difference. He knows me too well.

"Fine... I will just sit here until you're ready than," he stubbornly sat down on the ground in front of me. He was next to my feet and stared off the distance as I did.

I chuckled, "same ol' Jakey. Even after centuries of not seeing you, it's nice to know you haven't changed."

"Always will be the some old Jacob Black." He smiled as he glanced up at me.

"I..." I hesitated, closing my mouth again. I didn't know how to explain this particular feeling that was buried inside of me.

Jake then interrupted my musing. "Take your time. I'm in no rush to go back to my pack." He patted my right leg and silence between them invade the atmosphere. Crashing of water and the smell of salt water occupied my senses. After a while, I gathered my thoughts together and prepared to tell him what had been bothering me. Once my nervousness disappeared, I took one last long breath in.

"I found my mate..." I said below a whisper but I knew he heard me perfectly. He snapped his head towards me and had a big grin plastered on his face. However when he saw the expression on my face, his grin dropped.

He sighed, "And... you're not ready yet huh?"

When I didn't say anything back, he took that as an answer. "You can't hide the pull, Bells. Remember... It happened to me. I will always be by your side like you have been those years ago."


I loud howl pierced my ears. It was a call I have learned to recognized. My senses were on high alert and I dashed towards my best friend. He sounded like he was in agony and that was enough for me to push myself faster than I had ever gone. It was late in the night and hearing him like that worried me to no end.

As I closed in on his direction, I heard a whimper then heard a loud crash.

"Jake!" I called out. Another loud bang was heard in the distance on my right. I swerved that way and continued to run until I came to a halt. The Native- American was only wearing baggy shorts and was using the large tree trunks as a punching bag. Massive indents were visible enough from where I was standing. There was also trees on scattered on the ground.

"Oi! That's enough, Jake!" I yelled. When he didn't stop, I rushed in front of him and caught his fist.

"Porca troia! (Fucking hell!) What is wrong with you?" I spat.

"Get out of my way." His voice filled with venom. He tore his hand away from mine and went to another direction.

I frowned at his tone. It must be really serious if he is speaking to me in such a way. "Brother, talk to me."

"NO!" He roared. As he continued to walk away, I zoomed past his figure and halted his movement yet again.

"Bella... I'm warning you..." Jake menacingly snarled. Then I noticed his body was starting to shake uncontrollably. I took a few steps back just in case.

"I can take your shit. I'm not afraid of you." I said in frustration. "You can't hide away from me Jake and you know it."

He suddenly became quiet. His shaking decreased and soon, he collapsed onto his knees. I cautiously walked forward to him and kneeled down, close enough that I was an arm length away. "What's in your mind? Why are you acting this way?"

"I..." He hesitated then took a long breath in, composing himself. I patiently waited.

He suddenly mumbled quickly but I caught every word. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, "a mate huh? It doesn't sound that bad. What's truly the problem?"

"It's a vampire..." he sneered in disgust. "My tribe will kill me if they found out..."

"What are you going to do?" I asked worriedly.

Jake hunched forward and shrugged his shoulders. "I honestly don't know. I'm more worried about Leah..." he started to sob.

I sighed, understanding his overwhelmed emotions. "Well... Jake, didn't you both talked about this? She's a shifter as well. I know Leah will understand your situation."

I suddenly heard him whimper from being torn from this. "How about we go back to my place and get you to relax? We will inform your family tomorrow but right now, you need to rest." He sniffed, wipping his tears away and nodded.

The next few days was eventful. There was a lot of conflicting problems between his pack, his family and Leah. But in the end, I was always by his side, supporting him. He may be a giant mutt but inside, he was gentle, kind, and sensitive. Eventually, they all excepted his mate, Irina, into the pack with a lot of convincing from my end.

End of Flashback

"That's so long ago..." I said out loud.

Jake hummed in agreement then smiled. "It was, and I am happy now. You avoided that mating call for far too long, Bells. It's your time to let it happen like you said to me all those years ago. You guided me even though you didn't had a mate yourself. I'm going to do the same for you."

He placed his arm around my shoulders and brought me closer to him. I layed my head on his broad shoulders and let out a long sigh.

"I can't. Not right now." I said determinely. I felt Jake shake his head in disappointment.

"I... I just need some time."

"I understand. Take your time to process your emotions. But don't take too long, love. It will hurt your mate as well as you." He squeezed the shoulder in attempt to comfort me. It kind of worked in a way. However, my emotions was still confusing since I have never felt something like this in my life.

We stayed in silence the rest of the time we were together. It was a silence of understanding, patience and I appreciated it the thought for him staying by my side as I contemplated the thoughts and fear that's been eating me away.

As the sunset disappeared in the horizon, Jake had to leave and go back to his family again. I stayed there a bit longer, looking at the stars and listening to the ocean breeze. As time ticked away, I finally decided it was time to go back home.

I made my way back to where I came from, taking a detour as I neared the Cullen's. Opening the door to my new home, I was met with silence once again. I ignored the empty feeling inside of me and hurried to my room. As my head hit the pillows, I realized how exhausted I truly was. It didn't take long for my eyes to droop and finally met with darkness.

A/N: I am extremely sorry for the late, late update. I've been crazy busy lately and didn't have time to post any new chapters. Hopefully this will satisfy your thirst and I promise their will be another chapter update tomorrow!