Disclaimer: Any recongnizable characters, events, settings, etc. in this work belongs to their respective owners. In this case, Stephenie Meyer is the rightful owner of Twilight. No copyright infringement was intended.

Authour's Note: Please be advised that this story has reasons to be rated 'Mature'. There will be many sexual gratifications and profanities. Reader discretion is advised. You have been forewarned! Enjoy, my fellow readers!

Word Count: 5763 words from after the title to before the translations.

Summary: Isabella Marie Volturi is and will always be the dreading princess of the Volturi. Born to kill. Rose to show no fear. She follows orders; commands and will always bring a successful mission back to her kings. No one has ever seen her face. She always hid behind the shadows of darkness, revealing the last thing before they died; glowing violet eyes. Yet, people know when they are in the presence of the princess. Rumours say she carries the aura of the Devil. Ever since, No one dares cross her path and when you do, run...

Or so they say. Those rumours do hold truth but in the home of the Volturi castle, she is nothing but that. It is only when she steps foot out of her home when the thick walls surrounds her heart once again and the Devil comes out to play. (Be Warned: Femslash, Futa, Smut, Violence, Total AU) Alice/Bella

The Change Is Only The Beginning

The brunette marched her way in the familiar corridors of the castle. Her feet had leaded her to the place she was usually found. Locating the well-known double doors, she entered into the throne room, discovering her leaders already seated. Reaching in front of her kings, she dropped to the ground on her right knee, while having her left arm resting on the other. Bowing her head in the process, she patiently waited. Light footsteps approached her form, but she never dared made a move.

"Isabella, you know you are not obligated to do that. How many times do I have to tell you this?" The familiar drawl reached her ears. There was a silence lingering in the air when Isabella didn't reply. The same voice sighed, noticing no movement.

"Why must you be so stubborn? Rise, darling." With that simple command from her master, she did as she was told. As she stood up, she immediately had her body posture straight, her hands behind her back while looking straight into Aro's crimson eyes.

"Father," the brunette greeted with a simple nod.

Aro gave a true loving smile, only reserved for the people he trusted and dear to him. Cruel and menacing was his signature look. However, Isabella had somehow slithered her way into his cold heart and managed to remerge his lost soul into his body. Even his brother, Marcus seemed to smile more often whenever she was around.

"You have been patiently waiting for a mission, I hear?" Aro began, raising his brow in question while he elegantly walked back to his own chair.

"Yes I have, father." Isabella replied once he was seated.

Aro started to rub his forehead in frustration, "Very well. Since I know you won't change your mind even if I tried, I shall give you your wish. This one should be a simple task however it will take a longer duration to complete. Is that good enough for you, sweetheart?"

"Nothing more, nothing less. And Father," Isabella showed a genuine smile. This might seem like a rare occasion and her personality might have displayed a hint that she barely smiles, but that wasn't true. Around her family, including the guards, Isabella was the most innocent being in the world. Once she steps outside of her home, her mask of emotionless comes back on. As Aro hummed in question, she continued. "Thank you."

"No need to thank me," Aro smiled back.

Isabella chuckled, "I do actually. You despise it whenever I leave home."

Aro huffed playfully, crossing his arms over his chest. "Of course I hate it. I am your father and I have the right to be worried. You may be the most feared being, but you are my loving and caring daughter." The brunette couldn't help herself but laughed at her father's antics.

"Do not laugh at your father," Marcus tried to hold his laugh as well, only failing miserably.

"Children, all of you." Caius shook his head in amusement. This was the usually playful banter in the Volturi Castle. Once they all composed themselves, Aro explained the details of her mission. He didn't bother giving her the full review. Only giving her details about who will meet her when she arrives at the location and that she would be leaving tonight. Aro was being suspicious about the whole idea, however Isabella just thought he is worried about her again. After she was dismissed, she got ready for her departure.

The three kings all but waited patiently in their throne. Once Isabella was out of the castle, far enough from her hearing, Aro sadly spoke. "Do you think she will find out the purpose of this mission, brother? Isabella is a stubborn woman, after all."

Caius chooses to respond, "Aro, I know you are worried that she will run away from this. However, she is an intelligent woman as well. She will call you when she is lost, or afraid. She only trusts you when her real emotions seep out of her defences. You are the only one who can guide my niece, help her through it, dear brother. You know I am right."

Aro smiled, knowing full well his words are true. Every time a fissure starts showing in her 'mask', Isabella would always ran away. Leaving him worried about her until she steps back through the doors again. When she doesn't want to be found, she knows how to do so. Even with Demetri's powerful ability to track people, he could not follow her trace. It could take days, weeks or even months before she comes back to him. That is what he frets the most, losing her again.

"Stop worrying, Aro." Marcus intervened his thoughts, reaching out for Aro's hand. As he squeezed it, he reassured him with a smile of his own, "She will be fine."

That was where I found myself, stuck in a plane filled with these petty humans. It was a good thing father told me to hunt before entering the airport. All I could think about was the delicious scent that surrounded me during the flight. I am so glad I know how to control my thirst and the monster that resides inside of myself.

As the plane finally landed, I waited for everyone to leave. Once every one of them was gone, I finally took a breath, relaxing in the process. When I was ready, I trudge my way out, meeting with the dreary part of the United States. It was clear even from inside the airport that the clouds surrounded the sky, rain threatening to pour; it was the same old Seattle, Washington. Although, it was probably too early to tell but with my enhanced senses, I knew that it will rain. I carried a simple backpack over one of my shoulders. I knew if I needed more stuff, I could buy it myself. It was also a faster way to get out of the airport instead of waiting around for my luggage.

Finally making my way outside, I leaned over a wall with one of my foot against it. I pulled out a pack of smokes from my black leather jacket pocket, lit one up and taking one long drag. I kept this up until I felt a presence approaching. Exhaling the last of it, I flicked the cigarette in the distance then said out loud, "It's a good thing these things can't kill me, huh?"

"Indeed, Princess." The voice chuckled.

"It's nice seeing you again, Dr. Carlisle" I turned around, finally facing my father's dearest friend.

"Please, just Carlisle." He said with a smile.

"Then call me Isabella. I hate being called Princess," I wrinkled my nose in disgust, removing my sunglasses I had worn the whole time.

Hearing a laugh from his companion, I glanced down at his wife. Looking back at the doctor, I asked a silent permission to approach his mate. I knew the simple rule of mating. Vampires tend to be really possessive and protective once mated. Although, I doubt Carlisle sees me as a threat. But, it was better to be safe than sorry. With a simple nod from the man, I slowly advance the motherly figure; close enough to reach over the blond beauty's hand. As I lifted her hand to my lips, planting a light kiss, I smiled. "It is good to see you again, Esme. Beautiful as always I see."

Knowing it was long enough, I let go of her hand. If vampires could blush, she would have definitely showed it. "It's good to see you as well. Suave as always." she let out a giggle.

I chuckled, "Always will be, Esme."

"Come on, Isabella. We must get you settled in your own residence your father provided you for your stay. I got your books as well but your schedule will be given to you at the office. You will be attending class in a few hours." Carlisle instructed with a hint of humour in his tone. He knew I hated going to school but it was part of the plan. As I groaned, they both started to laugh at me. I followed close behind them and was meet with a black Mercedes Benz. We drove in silence the whole way to town.

Reaching the familiar sign of Forks, I closed my eyes. "Finally," I thought.

It took another ten minutes drive out of town before, Carlisle turned into a very concealed path. It was a long strip of gravel before we hit pavement. Continuing down the trail, I finally spotted a modern house. The pavement road headed down to a massive garage. Glass windows covered all around the first level, giving it a full view of the living room, diner and a huge library. As he stopped the vehicle in front of the stone steps that lead to the front door, I groaned. "Father really went overboard. What am I supposed to do with all this space?" I swung my arms in exaggeration to give out a point. The couple both laughed. Father can be so frustrating sometimes. He should have known better than to give me all of this. I didn't need it. I could have lived in a small apartment for all I care. Shaking my head, I got out of the vehicle.

He escorted us both to the door, unlocking it then giving me the keys. Once we stepped past the beautiful entrance, we were greeted by the charming aura of a comfortable home. The house was already fully furnished. I glance at Carlisle, looking for the answer I was searching for.

"Your father insisted," He sheepishly answered while scratching the back of his head.

All I could say was, "Of course he did..." I went on my own way to explore the area. Upon looking around, I had discovered a large gaming room that could be overlooked as a small movie theatre, five rooms, each containing their own personal bathroom, a music room, another library, and an office all located on the second floor. I ended back on the main floor and pinpointed the one room I had been looking for. The garage. It contained all the tools any mechanic needed. But my eyes lingered onto the luxury vehicles stationed in their proper place; a chic, black Bugatti Veyron and next to a smooth ruby Lamborghini Aventador. At the very end of the garage held a white MV Agusta F3. I took my time admiring every single piece until a presence made itself known, leaning against the frame of the door. However, I ignored it, knowing it was just Esme.

Then she interrupted my musing, "Carlisle will be leaving here shortly. He has work soon. He also needs to make sure the house is still intact. Knowing our kids, they could have already destroyed it."

"Kids?" I glanced up from under the hood of the crimson sports car, frowning from her statement. Vampire children were illegal in our world. Everyone knows the consequence of creating them. I readied myself for any sign of lies she will provide to explain herself. When she finally registered the rapid change of my composure, her eyes widened in horror.

Esme quickly explained, "That's not what I meant, Isabella. I know the law and I understand why the Volturi reinforces it. They are not young children that you presume them to be. They are around your age. I have five kids that I call my own because I adopted them." Once she was done, there was an eerie silence in the air.

"Her words hold the truth." Carlisle appeared by her side, an arm draped around her shoulders protectively. I stared deep into her eyes and found what I was looking for, seeing the honesty but also fear that I might harm her children. When I saw that in her eyes, I felt this pain in my chest that I did not understand. I ignored it and finally relaxed. Once I did, they did as well.

"I apologize," Breaking the tension. Somehow noticing this motherly figure frightened by me, I felt ashamed of my actions. That has never happened to me before.

"It's alright, my dear. Now, go change. Meet me in the kitchen when you are done." Esme smiled. As I simply nodded, we all parted ways. I swiftly ran upstairs, towards the room I had already chosen to get myself ready for the day, aiming for a good steamy long shower. It took me half an hour before I decided it was time to get out from the comfort of the water. Exiting the bathroom with a fluffy white towel wrapped around my waist, I opened up the closet.

I groaned again. The enormous walk in closet was filled with expensive attires. In further inspections, I realized that father at least got one thing right. It was my kind of style. I spotted a note stuck onto of the farthest wall on the racks filled with shoes and started reading it.


I know how you get whenever Master Aro picks out your clothing. I must say so myself that you do look awfully sexy in your own style. So instead, I had insisted that I do it myself. It would have been a disaster letting him do this on his own. You're welcome. Enjoy them to your hearts content.

Your one and only,


"That explains a lot," I chuckled. I quickly skimmed through the closet, grabbing all that I needed. Once changed, I looked at myself in the long mirror on one of the walls. I wore a black pair of regular fit denim, a red designer dress shirt with breast pockets on both sides, sleeves rolled up neatly, a normal white t-shirt underneath, a Supersportivo Square watch, my sunglasses in my hand and my Alpinestars Joey shoes. Lastly, I put on my family crest around my neck. The chain was long so I decided to unbutton my dress shirt, low enough for everyone to see my necklace. My short brunette hair was swiped to the right side, away from my face. Satisfied with my look, I left my room. I was hit with a delicious aroma and let my senses guide me back downstairs into the kitchen. The blond turned around, showing me a genuine smile.

"Sit," She ordered, pointing down at one of the stools that surrounded the island table. "Breakfast will be done in a second." Esme continued cooking, never noticing my hesitation. I finally did what I was told. No one ever ordered me around. My father, uncle Caius and uncle Marcus were the only ones who ever did. However, my body seemed to be listening to Esme's voice anyway. I frowned down at the table. I was acting differently. I used to always in command and never hesitated in my life. Before I could think anymore, a plate of food was set in front of me with a cup of red liquid next to it.

Glancing up, I saw that same smile plastered on her face with the twinkle of happiness in her eyes. The same smile my family only shows me. There was no fear, no sorrow, nothing but content and peace. It was contagious and I couldn't help myself but smile back and piped a thank you.

I took a long whiff of my omelet. If it smelt this delectable, I couldn't wait to have a taste. Taking a bite, I moaned at how good her cooking really was. "For a vampire, you really know how to make food!" I praised in surprise.

"Well, I have a lot of time on my hands. Taking up hobbies does have its advantages." Esme explained. As I finished my plate in a timing record, she gleefully replied. "I'm glad you like it."

I could only hum in response since I was already chugging my drink down. She shook her head, "hurry up, honey. I don't think you want to be late for your first day."

"Right," I said while putting down the cup and she grabbed my dishes, already rinsing them off. I fetched my bag filled with all the essentials for school and saw my leather jacket hooked by the entrance door to the house. Noticing sets of keys in a bowl, I snatched a specific key and trudged my way to the garage. However, Esme stopped me.

"Don't forget these." She handed me stainless steel Thermos and a note. "I know you haven't hunted in a while so you have this when you get thirsty. Also, Carlisle wrote a doctor's note for your eyes."

"Thanks," I muttered. I have been thanking her so much that it's getting unnerving. I should get used to this though. I am going to be here for a while. I might as well suck it up. I took a step away from her when a thought popped in my head.

"Does your kids know?" I asked.

She shook her head in response, "I wanted it to be a surprise. After school, I want them to officially meet you. Our house is on the same way to here but we are much closer to town. Now, go. I will meet you tonight."

I was going to turn around when arms were unexpectedly wrapped around me. I tensed up from the contact then finally relaxed enough to hug her back. With one last encouraging smile, Esme went back into my house. I zipped up my leather jacket on, grabbed a helmet right next to the bike. Swinging my bag securely around my arms, I drove my way to Forks High.

When Isabella rounded the corner to the parking lot, she could sense many students lingering around vehicles within their own groups, locking their eyes on her. Hearing them whispering about her through the roaring of my motorcycle, the brunette found a parking stall right away. Unfortunately, it was located at the end, far from the school. Turning off the engine, she gracefully got off my bike. As she removed her protective gear off her head, she left her eyes closed until she had the sunglasses placed on her face.

She ran her fingers through her hair, placing it back to its usual position. Taking a look around, she discovered a group that caught her attention. "I guess that's them," She thought. Their familiar golden eyes showed it all.

Isabella noted a messy haired brunette staring at her in concentration. She couldn't help herself but chuckled at how humorous his face looked. He gave the impression of being constipated. But when she looked closer, it appeared like he was trying to decipher something. Shrugging off his strange glare, Isabella moved on. On his right, a burly man was relaxed, leaning over his jeep with his arm protectively wrapped around an attractive blond. The blonde was the perfect replica of the cliché cheerleader. Next to her stood a dark raven-haired woman. Her hair was just cut over her shoulders, a perfect replica of a goddess. She was the shortest of them but her eyes stayed on her the longest as she roamed her eyes all over her perfect curves, noting clothes tightly wrapping her the right way, the luscious lips, and then back to her eyes again. Isabella smirked when a noticeable shudder ran through the pixie's body.

Finally taking her eyes off of the delectable beauty, the brunette glanced at the last member of the Olympic Coven. He had curly blond hair with a stern look on his face. He had a straight up posture with his hands behind his back, standing over the sex-haired brut. I first noticed the bite marks on his neck as the scars peaked through his sweater. To the human eyes, they are practically non-existent. Ultimately recognizing him, Isabella nodded his way and he gladly responded.

"You know her?" The boy with the sex hair harshly whispered. "Don't try to hide your thoughts from me, Jasper."

"A mind reader… How interesting." She thought while evilly grinning. Feeling the accustomed release from on her mind, she stretched it out to her target.

The boy was starting to fuss, "What did you do, Jasper? I can't read your mind anymore!" Whitlock glanced over and saw the amusement plastered on her face. He started to snigger at her antics.

"I didn't do anything, Edward." As Jasper continued to stare, all of the Cullen's took the clue and finally look at what Jasper was looking at.

"I demand to know what is going on here!" Edward snarled angrily. His whiny voice was getting annoying.

"I don't take orders from you, Eddie Boy." I said in a low tone. "And seriously Jazz, how do you deal with that?"

All he did was shrug. As she sighed while shaking her head, Isabella strode towards the school, trying to avoid any confrontation as long as possible. Successfully making my way to the office with no disturbance, Isabella grabbed her schedule and a piece of paper that every teacher needed to sign. Already memorizing the school map, she determinedly made her way to the corridors that lead her to her English class.

She was almost there when a form was quickly approaching her from behind. However, Isabella continued truding. As the human closed in their distance, she had to move slightly to the side in order to avoid him crashing on to her. Sticking out his hand, he happily began, "Hi! My name is Eric Yorkie. You must be Isabella Volturi."

"I am," she drawled, glancing at his friendly gesture then back at his face. Returning her eyes back to where she was going, she ignored his amiable greeting.

"Umm… okay," he sadly said. "Do you need help with anything? Maybe help you try to find any of your classes," He continued, being hopeful that he could help in any way.

"Nope," Isabella asserted herself, hoping he would take the hint and go away. She was never comfortable interacting with a human. They tend to stay close to our kind because of our appealing look. We are built this way to lure them in. It's pathetic really.

However, he didn't catch Isabella's clue and continued on. "Are you sure? I am the eyes and ears of this place. I know what is always going on around here, at any time to any where."

She was going to politely tell him to 'fuck off' when a voice interrupted her rebuke. "Eric! Are you harassing this poor woman?"

She turned around to meet the voice that saved his life and was faced with a woman with glasses on. Taking a long look at her, she observed her demeanour. She was a shy girl, always pushing her glasses up, which magnified her chocolate eyes. She noted that this girl was nervous when she began to hold her books closer to herself, shifting her weight on one foot then the other. However despite her social skills, this girl struck her as a unique beauty and didn't fully understand how no one could see her this way.

"I wasn't harassing her! I was trying to help," the boy argued.

"If you actually look carefully, she didn't look like she needed your help." Then she glanced over Eric's shoulder and asked nervously, "D-do you?"

"I know my way around. I memorized the school map. It's not complicated really." Isabella shrugged. The boy glanced back at her in disbelief then he angrily stomped away.

"I-I'm sorry about him, pestering you I mean." The girl avoided Isabella's eyes, looking down on the floor worriedly.

When she didn't reply, the shy young lady continued to stutter, "I-I will just… go…"

"Isabella Marie Volturi. What should I call you? My saviour?" Isabella placed her right hand underneath the brunette's chin, making her look up. She could see the faint crimson beginning to form around her cheeks as she said those words. Isabella was hit with a strong aroma that she didn't notice earlier. She stared deeply through her sunglasses, trying to decipher the mouth-watering fragrance that invaded her sense of small. It all but pointed at the human right in front of her. That just made Isabella smirked.

"A-Angela Weber," the tan girl replied, blushing even more so then previously.

"Derived from Latin, meaning Angel. It suits you very well, Angela…" I rolled her name seductively.

Before she could look away from further embarrassment, Isabella smirked, never pulling her hand away from her face. "I wouldn't mind you guiding me around. Is it okay if you escort me to my class?"

"Y-yeah… I can come along."

"Great, I have English first period." She simply replied as she wrapped her arm around Angela.

Angela smiled, "Me too!" None of them realized noticed another figure listening through their conversation, smiling at their interaction as they both walked away. They both arrived to class earlier than any other students, so they decided to walk around. Isabella went to her locker so she could leave all her unnecessary things, like her bike helmet, her leather jacket and her books she didn't need for the morning classes. Once she was done, the human gave a tour to the entire school until it was time to go back.

When they both set foot into the class, all the students' gazes landed on them. Envy, jealousy and greed flashed in each of their eyes since the taller brunette still had her arm wrapped around the shorter being. Angela's eyes glanced down nervously again, leaving her to go to her usual seat, which is situated to the front. Isabella, however, had to stay up front for her teacher to sign the damn paper.

"Ah, our new student finally arrived. On time too! I am glad you didn't get lost. Isabella Volturi, is it?" The enthusiastic voice boomed. She simply nodded in response.

He started to introduce himself, "I am Mr. McCoy. But, everyone calls me Mr. Mac. Would you mind taking off your sunglasses?"

"I do mind actually. I have sensitive eyesight to the light." Isabella gave a nonchalant answer.

"Mmm, do you have a doctor's note for that?" he asked suspiciously.

"Matter of fact, I do." She searched for the note that was in her pocket and showed it to him.

"Ah! Then, welcome to Forks High and I hope you enjoy your time here. You will be seated next to Ms. Hale. Rosalie, please raise your hand." He gave back the note.

The brunette glanced over to the suddenly silent classroom and found the familiar blonde, carrying a boring look on her face. Isabella sighed disappointedly, glancing down at Angela, "I guess I won't be sitting with you."

She walked down the aisles of desk. As she finally seated herself, the teacher commenced his lesson for the day. "Volturi huh?" Rosalie mumbled underneath her breath, so low that no human being could be able to hear her or even notice her lips move.

"Mhm," Isabella hummed, pretending to listen to England's national poet, William Shakespeare.

"But your heart is beating." the blonde asked in confusion.

"What's it to you, blondie?" she replied in a mocking monotone.

Rosalie gaped, "what is it to me? It's surprises me that you are even alive…"

"It doesn't astonish me," she just shrugged.

"Why not?" Rosalie asked.

Isabella took a glimpse at the blonde as she smirked, "you'll see." That was all she said before she paid closer attention to Mr. McCoy. She had laid her chin on top of her hand while she closed her eyes. She had already memorized this particular sonnet. It had a deeper meaning to her than she would admit.

"Ms. Volturi? Already falling asleep in my class," he teased.

She chuckled as she opened her eyes, "No. I already know this sonnet by heart."

"Really?" his voice didn't leave out his obvious revelation. "Recite it for me then."

"Sonnet 29, is it?" Isabella made sure it was the right one. As he nodded, she closed her eyes back.

When, in disgrace with, fortune and men's eyes,

I all alone beweep my outcast state,

And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries,

And look upon myself, and curse my fate,

Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,

Featured like him, like him with friends possess'd

Desiring this man's art and that man's scope,

With what I most enjoy contented least;

Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising,

Haply I think on thee – and then my state,

Like to the lark at break of day arising

From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate;

For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings

That then I scorn to change my sate with kings.

"It is roughly translated that he wished he had more hope, freedom, be surrounded by friends, wanted to feel that love that brings such happiness. The poet is at his most insecure, and fiercely jealous of those around him. What causes the poet's anguish will remain a mystery and that's what drives your perspective," Isabella explained.

"Marvellous! Just beautiful, Isabella." He praised, then turning his attention to the rest of the class. "That will be your homework for the next two weeks. Isabella, you are excused from this assignment. You must memorize one of his sonnets and present it to me by that time."

Everyone groaned loudly. We worked on the little assignments that he handed us quietly and Isabella quickly finished them all before class even ended. Giving them to her teacher, she was left with nothing to do. As the bell rang, she already had her things in her bag, and dashed out of the classroom. Waiting just outside of the room, she waited patiently for the specific person to come out.

Snaking her arm around the person around, the girl yelped in surprise.

"You scared the bejeezus out of me!" Angela held her thumping heart, trying to calm it down.

"Thought I left you, didn't you?" Isabella raised her brow at smaller girl next to her.

"Well, yeah. You ran out of there so fast, you were the first one out." She tried to hide the disappointment in her tone.

"But I waited for you," the Volturi princess winked. "I have Government. What class do you have next?"

You can easily spotted Angela's face drop as she sighed her answer, "Biology II…"

Isabella handed her schedule to Angela, "What class do you have with me?"

Angela's eyes quickly scanned her timetable "I have Trigonometry, and Spanish with you. After lunch, we have no classes together."

"I will see you in Trigonometry class then,"

They went to their separate ways. As Isabella went to her Government class, she found Jasper in the same class, which she was grateful with. At least she knew someone. The rest of the morning was uneventful. She had to do her usual explaining about her eyes and have the entire teacher's sign her paper to give to the secretary at the end of the day.

It was finally lunch and I was starving. Angela followed me to my locker to switch out my books and grab my Biology volume. I wasn't surprised seeing the size of it. Carefully placing it in my backpack, we sauntered to the cafeteria. When we finally arrived, the room was already filled with laughter, banter, and jest. It was suddenly overwhelming. My hesitation didn't go unnoticed, as my body became rigid.

A gentle hand rested on my left arm and I heard a soft whisper came beside me. "Are you alright, Isabella?" I looked down at Angela's worried expression.

"Just not used to large crowds near me…" I confessed.

Angela cooed, as she rubbed my arm. "I'll be right beside you, okay?"

I instantly felt a bit better from the small gesture. As I breathed out and nodded from her reassurance, I thought to myself. "What's happening to me?" Holding my breath, I made my way to the line up and like she said, she was next to me the whole time. I was on my own thoughts the whole time, rehearsing the word that had always kept myself at bay. "Remember your training, Bella. Emotions are weak and make you easily manipulated. You are malicious, evil, coldblooded murderer. You have no heart. You have no soul."

My reverie was instantly immediately by Angela's soft voice. "I want to introduce you to my friends. If you're comfortable with it, of course."

"Sure," I robotically answered. Angela instantly frowned at my answer, noticing the sudden change of my attitude.

Angela clutched my hand, which caused me to tense up from the contact, but she wasn't aware of it. I felt the pulsation of her heart by just the simple contact. Behind her dark glasses, her eyes darkened immensely. "We don't have to go, Isabella."

I smiled at her to reassure that I was fine, "I don't mind." When she didn't look convinced, I chuckled at her protectiveness.

"You are such a stubborn woman, didn't you know that? I'm okay, Ange. I am actually quite curious to who would be friends with Angela Weber," I teased.

I could suddenly smell the blush growing as I shortened her name. However, she quickly raised her nose in the air, sarcastically retorted. "I have a lot of them, thank you very much." I laughed at the expression she made, mocking the typical teenagers. Receiving a smile from Angela, we made our way to a table full of adolescents.

As we arrived, one by one, they started looking my way as I slowly approached. Angela introduced every single on of them. There was Tyler Crowley, Mike Newton and Eric Yorkie who all feel under her spell of beauty. Rolling my eyes, I continued on analysing the rest of the group, which were Jessica Stanley and Lauren Mallory. They were just as bad as the guys. The girls uncomfortably stared at me, lost in their dreamland.

Once I was done with my human food, Jessica sat right next to me, unbearably close for my comfort. She started touching my arm, my neck, my cheek, anything she could get a hands on. I didn't want to move an inch. I was scared that if I do, I would snap and kill this bitch in front of all these humans. Angela was busy talking to Eric and Tyler. This blonde rested her hand on my thigh and I shuddered in disgust. However, she had mistaken it as a positive reaction.

Teenage hormones were flaring all around. I had my eyes closed, trying to have the rest of my concentration secured. But my control was slowly wavering. If this puttana* doesn't get off me, I don't know what will happen.

"Cazzo*…" was the last thought I remembered.

Italian translations:

*Puttana: It simply means slut

*Cazzo: Widely used with other words. It is roughly translated to 'dick', 'prick' but it is also a substitute for 'shit and fuck'. In this case, I meant 'fuck'

A/N: Comments/Reviews are very much appreciated since I do take them into consideration. Whether it's a positive or negative review, I thank you for your honesty. Until next time, readers!