100 Questions – Chapter one

Ok, this is a randomly inspired idea that I just decided to do. I am actually in the writing mood. Also in my ideas flood state as well. That is when I get like ten million ideas all at once. Ok maybe that was over exaggerated a bit. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: don't own. Don't kill me! I didn't do anything wrong!


James' POV

I picked up my quill and stared at the paper in front of me. It was a list of one hundred questions I had to answer. Taking a quick glance at everyone else filling a sheet like mine out, then I got started, writing my name at the top.

Question one - what is your full name?

Answer: James (I will not reveal my middle name) Potter

Question two - how old are you?

Answer: 13 while taking this quiz thing.

Question three - can you solve a rubix cube?

Answer: What is a rubix cube? No, seriously. I don't know.

Question four - are you a good dancer?

Answer: Me? Dance? Well not exactly but I suppose I could…

Question five - what is your favorite sport?

Answer: Quidditch. Obviously!

Question six - which would you choose? Jelly or ice cream?

Answer: well uh… Jelly I suppose.

Question seven - are you a bad loser?

Answer: no, of course not! Cough cough.

Question eight - pink or white marshmallows?

Answer: um… they both taste the same so what's the difference?

Question nine - are you ticklish?

Answer: nope! And glad of it too.

Question ten - would you ever let your parents pick out your partner for you?

Answer: No way! Because then I wouldn't be truly happy with the person unless I loved them before I knew my parents had picked her.

Finally! First ten questions complete! Now I get to take a break and I will come back for the next ten. Ugh…


Well I certainly hope you enjoyed and chapter two will be out soon!

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