whats sup guys? god, i cant believe its 2015 0_o time to say goodbye to the shit-storm that was 2014(at least for me anyway) and start new! and what better way to start of the new year than a heaping pile of awkward huh?
so this is part two of the chapter "a bet between brothers" so if you haven't read or don't remember what happened read that first ^^
iv gotten so much positive feedback from this story, and i just gotta say thank you so much :D
i also got a tickling request, from :White Snow i thought the idea was really cute so i decided to add some of that in as well =)
Oh one last thing, pretty much all of these stories take place before the events of the movie.
enjoy the awkward ^_^
*this chapter contains some mild (?) suggestive/adult material. you have been warned**
HIRO: 14
Tadashi Hamada stood in front of his bedroom mirror, judging his reflection with distaste as a large who-knows-what- stain suddenly came into view on his all-time favorite cardigan.
Dammit Hamada. This is what you get for always trying to scarf down food on your way to class.
Tadashi grunted in frustration and discarded the soiled sweater, tossing it in the horribly messy pile of dirty clothes that was on the other side of the room. The wardrobe troubled student raked his fingers through his capless head of hair as he examined his reflection once more. He was so… plain. Wearing nothing but a simple white tee and a pair of dark dress pants he felt so...so… naked. He was definitely not dressed appropriately for a first date! No. He needed layers. Tadashi Hamada was not Tadashi Hamada without layers, dammit!
"Hiro?" He question his brother as he scrambled about the room trying to find a replacement sweater, "Does this look alright the way it is?"
Hiro laid on his bed, legs crossed as he studied a robotics magazine. He licked his fingers, humming as he turned the page and blatantly ignored his older brother's question. The traitor dared to ask him for help on this date? The date he managed to snag for him? The young prodigy scoffed inwardly, finding his brothers panicky state rather amusing.
"Hiro I know you can hear me! Would you stop being such a brat and help me out here?" Tadashi pleaded, looking crossly at his younger brother. Hiro had been doing this whole silent treatment thing for days now. Honestly, the college student knew his brother was good at doing things to get under his skin, but he figured he would never be able to keep it up for this long.
About a week ago, the elder Hamada had been pulled into a horrible bet with his baby brother to see if the younger sibling was actually capable of getting the number of a much older woman. And by a horrible stroke of luck, he managed to actually get it. As much of an ego breaker as it was, it actually ended up working in the young man's favor. He and the girl known as Renee had actually hit it off rather well; she was a medical student at SFU who worked part time at some boutique downtown, and surprisingly enough shared some minor interests in tech.
However, the his excitement of actually gaining something from the situation was short lived when Hiro spent every second of everyday prying at Tadashi to hold up his end of the bargain. Which of course meant buying the youngest sibling a giant novelty gummy bear that was probably big enough to feed a family of seven.
Tadashi was normally a man of his word, but he already knew Hiro was not a boy that could hold his sugar, and the college student did NOT want to be in the middle of another hyperactive Hiro incident. (Long story)
Hiro remained silent, a small sigh escaping him as he flipped another page of his apparently very interesting magazine.
"Unbelievable." Tadashi murmured. "Oh come on Hiro you can't honestly expect me to go buy you a five pound sugar bomb. That thing is like fifty dollars!" he waved his hands in frustration, but still no acknowledgment from his younger sibling.
Tadashi sighed heavily. "Alright then. Time for the big guns."
Tired of his nonsense, Tadashi lunged onto Hiro's bed and quickly swiped his magazine away and with a quick turn of the wrist, flung the paper across the room.
"HEY! Tadashi what the-!" the younger sibling barely had any time to respond before he found himself being forcibly turned on his stomach. Hiro let out a huff of air as he felt an enormous amount of pressure on his back.
Tadashi sat on him. SAT ON HIM!
"Uhg, Tadashi! Get your fat-ass off of me!" Hiro grunted, squirming futilely under the heavy weight of his brother.
"Such language little brother," the older college student mused. "Besides, why should I? It got you talking to me didn't it?"
"Tadashi Hamada I will ruin you!" came the fourteen year old's sneer.
"Is that so?" Tadashi chuckled at his less than intimidating threat and quickly took told of Hiro's foot before slipping off his sock. This should teach him…
The younger sibling froze immediately, a look of pure panic on his features. "Ta…Tadashi don't you dare!"
Ever since he was little-or littler rather-Hiro always hated having his feet tickled. Neck? He could manage. Ribs? Eh, no big deal. But if you were the poor soul who dared to touch his feet prepare to take a nasty blow to the jaw. (Which Tadashi knew from experience). Fortunately, this time, he was in a positioned where in no way, shape or form could his heel collide with his face.
The elder Hamada's lips parted into a devilish smirk, and he gently placed his finger on the pad of Hiros foot, tracing it slowly up and down.
Hiro bit his lip as a shudder coursed through him. "Come on Tadashi cut it out!"
"Depends. Are you going to start talking to me after this?"
"You actually think I'm going to start talking to you after this fiasco?!" the boy scoffed, continuing to wiggle under his brothers ass. "Heck. No."
Tadashi pursed his lips and made a "Tsk" sound with his tongue. "Not really the answer I was hoping for bro," he said in a teasing tone. It was then that he went full force on Hiro's poor, unsuspecting feet. Hiros eyes twitched as the familiar surge shot up his body. It wasn't a bad feeling, however it wasn't a good one either and soon the youngest Hamada member found himself in an uncontrollable fit of laughter.
Tadashi strengthened his grip against Hiro's ankles as he tried to buck like a wild stallion. "Hmm, I dunno…" he replied in a thoughtful voice, his smirk never leaving his face. "I might be able to let you go… but only on a couple conditions."
The fourteen year old literally felt like he was on the edge of tears. His face felt hot, and his lungs felt like there were on the verge of collapsing. "HAHA-FINE! FINE! HA-WHATEVER JUST LEMME GO!"
"You promise to stop giving the silent treatment…?"
"And you have to tell me where my cardigans are because I know you hid them!"
"And you have to say I'm the best big brother in the world-"
Hiro let a sigh of relief as the tickling sensation in his feet ceased and the pressure on his back dissipated. He sat there for a moment, his breath coming out slow and raspy as he tried to catch his breath from the horrible violation that just happened.
"Thank you god…" he panted, burying his face in the mattress.
Hiro bit his lip as he turned to face his brother with a sheepish smile. "Huh… um… yeah."
"You're just going on a study date Tadashi! You don't need to wear a bunch of dorky sweaters to go to the library! Beside its summer!" the young prodigy help up is hands in exasperation.
Tadashi felt his cheeks heat up at that. does anyone understand his sense of fashion? His eyes narrowed at his little brother, and just as he opened his mouth to retort when his phone suddenly went off. He glanced down at the device with an annoyed expression, but his face quickly softened as he realized who it was.
Hey silly! It's Renee. There's been a change of plans, I'll just meet you at the library okay? =)
Tadashi's jaw dropped. Crap, he was late!
With incredible speed, the college student grabbed his backpack and gray blazer from his office chair. "Don't think we're finished talking about this Hiro!" he said quickly, pointing a menacing finger at the boy. "Oh and by the way? Sweater in the cat box? Not your finest work. Really would of expected more from that big brain of yours." To Tadashi's satisfaction, a look of annoyance plastered his little brother's face. Content with having hit a nerve, the twenty year old stuck his tongue out at the boy and quickly bolted downstairs and towards his moped.
Hiro smirked as the room fell silent. Little did his big brother know that soiled sweaters were only faze one of his revenge…
After a fifteen minute commute Tadashi Hamada arrived at the San Fransokyo library. He practically sped walk toward the entrance of the building, hoping that Renee wouldn't be too mad that he was late. Once he entered, he made his way over to the café portion of the library, aiming to get a consolation drink for his horrible tardiness.
Beverages in hand, the college student made his way to the lounge zone of the library, where he quickly located Renee. Her hair was pulled back in a neat bun, she wore a short pink dress with a jean jacket over it and in her hands a book on medical procedures on the human brain. Tadashi smiled, and swallowed nervously as he approached her.
First date Hamada… don't mess this up…
"Um h-hey." He greeted, a stupid crooked smile on his face.
Renee giggled and set her book down. "Oh hey there Tadashi." She replied with a wave. "Was starting to think you were going to stand me up."
"No way would I never-!"
"I was just joking silly," she interrupted with a small laugh. "Is that for me?" the girl motioned toward the drinks in his hand with an eager look.
"But of course," He said with a grin of his own, handing her the iced beverage. "Figured I could get away with being a little late if I came baring snacks."
Tadashi felt himself relax a little as slightly hushed laughter filled the room. Most people wouldn't exactly choose a library as a place for a first date, but despite a few shushes and glares from the librarians when they got to talking to loud, the two were really enjoying themselves.
About an hour or so of chit chatting went by, Renee offered that they actually get to the studying part of the study date. Reluctantly Hamada agreed with his her, and quickly reached into his backpack for his laptop.
"So what exactly are you studying for?" Tadashi asked through a soft voice as he placed his device on the table.
"Well, I should be looking up pathology, but strangely enough, I can't find the right books in place!"
Renee's voice raised slightly toward the end, and a loud shush was heard from across the room. She blushed, biting her lip before waving sorry for a guy with thick dorky glasses.
Tadashi suppressed a laugh, and quickly opened up his laptop, clicking the small illumining red button. "Well, hey maybe I can look something up-"
Tadashi's sentence was cut off by a loud horrible moan.
The SFIT student's eyes darted from left to right, as if the noise came from anywhere but where it did. All eyes were soon focused on him as yet another slow sexy moan came from the speakers of his computer.
"Um… Tadashi. What the heck was that?" Renee asked, a look of concern on her face.
"I have no clue…" he responded honestly. However, his face quickly heated up and his breath caught in his throat as yet another wave of inappropriate noises erupted from the belly his laptop.
"Oh yes! Yes! Yes!" came the voice of a woman, obviously in the middle of a rather fun time.
Tadashi swallowed loudly, his face quickly turning from a shade of pink to a shade of unnatural red. He suddenly felt his stomach flip, and the harsh, disgusted gaze of his date wasn't helping.
"Tadashi!" she hissed through gritted teeth, her cheeks turning a separate shade of pink. "What the hell? Shut that off!"
"I-I-I," Tadashi panicked and frantically pushed ever nerdy computer combination he knew in order to shut the device, but to no avail. The power button was locked, in fact, every time he pressed it the volume would shoot up.
The universe hated him. There was no other explanation than the fact that some mysterious force out there totally freaking hated him.
Tadashi was sweating. At this point, he literally thought he was about to die from embarrassment and he quickly repositioned the cap on his head so that it shielded his eyes from the disapproving glares that past him. Unfortunately the heated glare of the girl in front of him was impossible to ignore.
"The hell Hamada?!" She sneered, no longer trying to hold her voice to a whisper. "What you forgot to exit out of your porn before coming on our date? You're such a pig!
"No, no, no Renee please wait!" he waved his hands hysterically at her as she got up to make her leave. "I swear to god I have no idea why this is happening right now!" Tadashi looked up at her with embarrassed yet desperate eyes. It was enough to make her hesitate for a moment.
"So what someone just stole your computer and programmed it with freaking sex sounds?" she raised an eyebrow as blush literally spread from his neck to his ears. "Listen Tadashi its none of my business what a guy does behind closed doors, but dear god at least just learn to cover up your dirt!"
Tadashi's breath hitched in his throat. "Renee I swear! I don't watch…" he trailed off, unable to even say the word. "That kind of stuff... I mean I don't know who else could of done this the only other person who uses my laptop is…" Tadashi's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he clenched his jaw in pure anger.
"Hiro! GAH that little-"
Renee rolled her eyes, snorting in disgust. "Oh really nice Hamada! Blame your nasty habits on your baby brother! Hiro's an angel how dare you!"
"The only time that kid is an angel is when he's sleeping!" Tadashi exclaimed, louder than necessary.
"Ugh, I'm so out of here!" she quickly pulled away from the young college students grasp and stormed out of the library, heels clanking noisily against the hardwood floors. Tadashi groaned and was just about to run after her when a large and heavy hand was placed on his shoulder. Apparently he had been so focused on Renee that he forgot the horrible woman in ecstasy moaning on his laptop.
The college student gritted his teeth, and in a mess of embarrassed rage, ignored the strangers contact and ripped out the computers battery. he chucked it at the wall, sending shards of metal and plastic everywhere. An effective, but not completely necessary method. The noises ultimately died, and Tadashi stood there panting like a maniac that just ran a mile.
"Uh, son," Tadashi looked up to see a large, stocky security guard by his side. He was pale, and wore reddish brown hair underneath his hat. Judging by his thick accent Tadashi figured he was someone of Scottish decent. The guard sighed, and flashed him a strangely sympathetic look that made the poor, newly dumped young man's blood rush to his face once again. "I'm not here to judge ya. I mean we all do it, but I gotta-"
"Sir, I swear I don't-"
"No need for that lad," he continued. "Like I said, I'm not here to judge. But I am going to have to ask you and your, uh… special computer partner to exit the premises."
Tadashi swallowed thickly again as he watched all eyes settle on him. Although there were some teenagers who were cracking up something awful, most of gazes were heated with disgust and disapproval.
"You should be ashamed of yourself!" came the sneer of a middle age woman as she stormed past. She dragged an extremely young child behind her, and Tadashi could barely make out him asking something along the lines of "what are those noises those mama?"
So, with a face redder than a tomato and dignity completely diminished, Tadashi sauntered out of the library, broken laptop stashed in his backpack. As he made his way down the stairs that led to the exit, the young student was abruptly stopped, buy a tall lanky teenager with greasy dark hair.
"Hey, wait up! Porno computer dude!"
Tadashi winced, and slowly turned to face they guy. "What?" he asked dryly, his mind already busy planning revenge against a certain fourteen year old.
"Sup man! i'm Reggie, just gotta say that was pretty hilarious back there!" Random guy-Reggie- nudged Tadashi in the ribs, causing him to grimace.
The guy cleared his throat before reaching in his bag for something. "Anyway, dude, man to man. Figured you'd enjoy this." he handed Tadashi a dvd labeled booty police with two girls with larger than natural assets that title implied.
Tadashi' felt like blood was going to leak from his face with the amount of blushing he had done, and only managed to sputter out a "No thank you" before quickly bolting out of the building.
The ride home was quiet, and vengeful. He hoped that Professor Callaghan had mercy on his soul when he went back to class with busted school property. But whatever kind of punishment his instructor had in mind for his actions, nothing would compare to the whirlwind of fury that was about to come Hiro's way.
Im horrible i know. Lol sorry if this was really shitty, but i dont have really have a proofreader for this ^^;; but anyway i hope-
Tadashi: hold it! why? why do you do these things to me?!
Me: oh come on-
Hiro: your complaining? i got bit by a spider in the nether regions last chapter!
Me: guys its called awkward moments for a reason...
Tadashi & hiro: *glares angrily at me*
Me:...um hehe i gotta go guys. please be sure to review! i really need you to let me know how i'm doing so if you honestly hate these its alright to say ^^;; but if you like em please continue to say so as well :D
p.s sorry for any ooc'ness...