Well it took me a while but it's here. I hope that you'll like it. Thank you all, enjoy.
"… Simple not, shall be the path. Along the way, pain you will find."
Obi-Wan huffed and rolled his eyes are another group of storm troopers pasted by his new home. Almost a year he had been living here and soon after that the troopers had shown up. It was quite a discussing things to watch, and it forced him to keep his head down. For all he knew he was still wanted by the republic, and it would do young Luke no good for him to get caught.
"You seem annoyed Obi-Wan," spoke a deep and strong voice that urged Obi-Wan to listen to it.
He turned looking at his masters ghost, "I do believe that you would be as well, if you were in my situation."
Qui-Gon chuckled, "You feel anger towards the Stormtroopers?"
Obi-Wan sighed but sat down, "I suppose you are going to lecture me that my anger will lead me down the dark side of the force."
Qui-Gon nodded his head 'no', "I just wish to know why you feel such anger towards them."
"I don't know if its all anger… Master, but more pain and sadness. They were with us, and the betrayed us, killing all the Jedi that they were with. Leaving only a few alive, the ones that they couldn't find. They were my friends… and I cared for them greatly."
Qui-Gon frowned a little, "Yet all these years, and you still haven't forgiven them? And as it seems none of these Stormtroopers seem to bother you. They pay you no mind."
Obi-Wan nodded his head, he was angry and sad and upset and hurt and wounded, he felt like a kicked animal while it was still down. The time from the betrayal to now hadn't been that long, only a year or so. Maybe he should be more willing to forgive and to just forget. To forget everything that ever happened, but it hurt, it hurt so much. What made matters worse was every time he looked at the stormtroopers he saw the clone troopers, and that made him think of Cody.
The more he thought of Cody the angrier he got, and the angrier he got the sadder and more depressed he became. It was one horrid and painful circle. A friend and maybe more if he let himself to believe that much tried to kill him. It plagued his mind so many nights that he wondered if he could truly call himself a Master… And in the deepest darkest corner of his mind he wished death upon himself.
As if Qui-Gon could hear these unruly thoughts he spoke up distracting Obi-Wan from them and maybe bringing them farther to the surface.
"What is on your mind Obi-Wan, you seem lost."
"A lot," Obi-Wan mumbles, "truthfully Cody, he's on my mind all the time. He haunts me in my sleep and then again when I awake."
"I have heard this name before, you have spoken of him before have you not?"
Obi-Wan laughed a haunted laugh, "I am sure that I speak of him quite a lot, he was a friend…" his voice lowered to something of a bitter sweet reminisces, "And maybe he was something more to me."
Qui-Gon nodded his head, "In that note I wish that I had been more helpful to you, more willing to see that part of your life."
Obi-Wan smiled a small smile, "I do not blame you at all Master. I understand everything that you have done and not done. For I have had be in the same place. I also put my feelings on the side with Anakin. Look were that got me."
Qui-Gon shook his head, "What he did was not your fault, you will never be blamed for the way that he turned out. Or the things that he had done."
A small tear slid down his face, "But all the young ones… all that death."
"Those things are not your fault and you could not have stopped them. It would seem that all this was destined to happen."
"Was it destined for my heart to break?"
Qui-Gon frowned, He felt so much for his padawan, this man was so strong. He had a big heart and a calm facade, that hid the storm with in. He was a great linguistic and turned out to be a wondrous strategist. Obi-Wan was a mixture of many things but the one thing that most saw was his ability to read situations and to care when no one else did. His heart, and that was what was breaking, and Qui-Gon didn't know if there was any way to fix this, fix this man. This man that he loved so dearly. He wanted only the best for him.
Just as he was to answer there came a loud knock on the door. Obi-Wan looked over his shoulder at the door, his heart sank as the pounding continued.
He was graceful as he stood and walked to the door, as he went Qui-Gon watched as the mask that he had come to see Obi-Wan wear slip back into place. At the door were several Stormtroopers.
"We are looking for a fugitive that has slipped our ranks and ran this way, have you seen her," questioned the trooper at he front. Obi-Wan noted that he was a commander but not the one that he loved.
"I am sorry, I have not seen this fugitive."
The Stormtrooper nods his head, "May we look around your house to make sure that you are not hiding her, or that she has found refugee in your house unbeknownst to you."
Obi-Wan nodes his head and then stepped aside, "Be my guest."
"Thank You."
It didn't take long for the stormtroopers to search his home and as Obi-Wan guessed and knew they found nothing. When the departed they thanked him for his cooperation and moved on down the way. He watched them leave, he wondered how they would not recognize who he was, but that didn't matter. As he shut his door the mask began to drop again. It would be a long, long lifetime, he was going to have to find a way to cope.
Thank you for the review, you made my day. I am sorry that it took so long for me to update. ^-^ But it's hear now. Thank you and please review.