Hi guys, I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and is ready for the New Year . It's been a while and everything has changed on the show since I last updated. And as hard as it is to write things as they were before, I hope you guys can go with it and enjoy it without remembering what happened on the last episode. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! Happy New Year!

During the rest of the day, I wandered around making sure that my mom saw me once or twice during the day but not enough that she would notice me gone tomorrow. I mostly sat around in a shady area by the fence working on my sketch of the interior of Mount Weather, trying my hardest to remember as much as I could. Right before lunch, Bellamy came over and set some food next to me. Sitting on my right side he started on his own food.

"How's it going, Princess? I saw you dodging your mom so I thought it would be good if she thought you ate elsewhere occasionally. Raven told me that you and I are up tomorrow. Ready for some tree sitting?" He smirked over at me. Raising an eyebrow back at him I snarked, "I can't wait to see you fight off a bird." Grinning he nudged me in the side. We sat in silence for a few minutes and then saw Octavia, Raven and Monroe walking over. Sitting down with us we joked around and ate our lunch and everything felt… okay for the first time in a long time. We separated after lunch with Bellamy squeezing my knee and throwing me a wink as he sauntered away with the others following. I sketched for a while longer and once it started to get dark I went to watch for Finn and Murphy to let Raven know when to turn the fence off. After waiting for ten minutes, Octavia showed up with the same idea, talking and laughing and trying not to arouse any suspicion. Soon, I looked over and saw Murphy motioning to me. I nodded to Octavia and tried to casually wander to Raven's work station. I walked in and said hi and nodded to let her know that the others were back. She said in a low voice, "Twenty seconds. Go." Walking back, counting in my mind, I motioned to the boys when we hit twenty five. They snuck through after making sure that no one was loitering nearby. Almost as soon as they crossed the fence, Bellamy materialized by my side.

"Let's separate for a few minutes and then meet back in the girls tent." Bellamy's voice was terse and I felt him shift a bit closer to me. Murphy and Finn nodded and snuck to put their guns and supplies back in our hiding spot. Octavia walked off to grab some water and to get Raven and Monroe. Bellamy threaded his hand through mine and we began to walk back to my tent.

"Try to remember how drunk he was ok? For me?" I looked up and saw the amusement on his face as he looked back down on me.

"Clarke, I remember. I just want him to know that I know so maybe he'll think twice next time."

"Got it." Grinning up at him I pulled him the last few steps into my tent and we settled on my pallet waiting for the others. A few seconds later Monroe walked in with Octavia on her heels.

"Raven'll be here in a sec she was just finishing up with something." Even as Octavia finished Murphy and Finn came in and settled on the floor. Finn wouldn't meet my eyes and I could basically feel Bellamy's smug satisfaction. Rolling my eyes I waited for Raven to appear. A couple of seconds later the flap opened again and in walked our last member.

"Okay, so what did you guys find out?" Octavia sat on the edge of her pallet and looked curiously at Finn and Murphy.

"We found where the Reapers are going into the mountain. It's a couple miles South of here, we only saw six come out and go in the whole time we were watching. I really think we can do this!" Murphy's excitement was clear. After quizzing them about what the Reapers were wearing, what kind of head gear they had on, that kind of thing, we separated after planning to meet here tomorrow night when Bellamy and I returned. Standing up I thought about how much closer we were to rescuing our friends.

The next morning, I made sure to be seen by my mom right before Bell and I left camp. Waiting for Raven's signal we made a break for it as soon as possible. As soon as we cleared the fence I felt better than I had in a while. Not only were we finally doing something to help our friends, but I felt free. Obviously I loved the safety of the camp but it was a lot different than the one we had built when we had first come to earth. We had less of a say—if any- and that felt a bit suffocating to me. I can't even imagine how Bellamy felt about it. He had worked so hard to become a leader, earned it really, and now he was just treated like a criminal who was allowed to wander free. We stayed alert on our walk to the area that Finn and Murphy had told us about and looked for the subtle markers they had made to show us the way. After walking quite a ways, we found the tree that they told us to watch from and began to climb. Once I made it to the top I settled on an extremely thick branch and made room for Bellamy. When he made it to the top, much more gracefully than I had, damn him, he settled next to me. We kept watch for a while before breaking the comfortable silence.

"So Princess, has Spacewalker been bothering you?" I snorted and looked at him sideways.

"Like you wouldn't know. You haven't left me alone except at night." He grinned.

"Well, that could be less about Finn and more about you." I blushed which made his grin widen. After our whispered conversation we settled back into silence, keeping a close watch on our surroundings. After a couple of hours we saw three Reapers go into the mountain. About half an hour later they came back out and we had a much better view of their faces and fronts. Looking at them I realized that it was imperative that Raven figure out that magnetized metal for our faces to blend in. The entire rest of the day we didn't see any other Reapers enter or exit the mountain. When the sun began to go down we carefully climbed down the tree and carefully began to walk back to camp. When we came close to the tent we saw Monroe and Murphy waiting by the fence. Monroe began to walk to Raven's workshop and less than a minute later we were back inside Camp. Walking to our stockpile we hid our supplies and made our way to the mess to grab something to eat. We were joined by Raven, Octavia and Finn. Quietly we began to tell them about our day and based on everyone's faces and reactions, they felt the shift toward action as acutely as I did. We had some real knowledge now. We really could begin to plan. I slipped my hand into Bellamy's and saw a small smile appear on his face.

"I've been experimenting with some magnet jewelry and I think I can get enough done in about a week. I'm borrowing from the main stockpile so I don't think I can go much faster."

"Okay, so we watch for about a week and really try to pinpoint anything we can about the Reapers, and then as soon as the metal is ready, follow three ambush them, take their clothes and enter the tunnel. Totally doable right?" Even I knew I sounded idiotic. Bellamy squeezed my hand.

"There's not much else we can do. We can't leave them in there much longer, God knows what those psychos are doing to them." Monroe looked strong and sure of herself and the plan, and her conviction gave me comfort.

"We're doing everything we can to help them. This is a good plan for what we can do. We're all in." Surprisingly, this came from Murphy. Being included and treated like an equal really made difference with him. He was sincerely interested in helping our friends. I think he really had turned over a new leaf. I nodded to him in agreement.

"So, who's going tomorrow?" My question caused everyone to look around. Finn was the one to answer.

"I'm going to go with Octavia to give Monroe another day to heal." I nodded to him without making eye contact.

"Okay, well we better get out of here before people get suspicious." Standing up, Bellamy pulled me up with him and we said goodbye to everyone and walked toward his tent. It had started to drizzle and I entered it with relief. Sitting on his makeshift bed I made myself comfortable, wrapping myself in his blanket. Once I was situated I glanced up at him in time to see the grin on his face.

"Glad you feel comfortable enough to make yourself at home, Princess." I blushed but smiled back at him.

"Well, I like it in here." He chuckled and sat next to me. I opened the blanket and gently pushed him down so he was laying with me tucked on top of his chest. Reaching up he draped the blanket back over us and then rested his hand on my back. Feeling comfortable and warm, I realized how exhausted I was.

"You did good today Clarke. How are you feeling?" I cuddled deeper into his chest

"I feel okay. Just tired. You might need to carry me back to my tent." I shut my eyes and smiled sleepily into Bellamy's shirt. His chest rumbled as he laughed at me.

"Or you can just stay here with me tonight."

"mmmmkay. Thanks." He shifted into a sitting position, dragging me with him. I grumbled at him.

"Here, put this on." Reaching over he grabbed the Tshirt that I had stolen the day before. With my eyes half shut and feeling barely awake, I shrugged off my jacket and lifted my arms. Bellamy lifted my shirt over my head and then I felt his tshirt slide over my head. Laying back down he settled me back onto his chest and kissed the top of my head.

"Good night, Princess." With his deep voice in my ears, I fell the rest of the way into sleep feeling safe and warm.