We're Young and Reckless

Story by CherryBlossom210

Chapter Fifteen: Heaven & Sin (Part 1)

In the security of his mansion, the old man of the music world smiles to himself as he looks at an old picture of his first born son. It hurt him with the thought of losing his own son. The only son of his that followed who Gabriel felt that he was meant to be.

"Romeo, I'll avenge you..." The old man caresses the photo frame, with a picture of a young man with black hair and bewildering silver eyes. They weren't gray like Gabriel's or even Castiel's. His eyes looked like pure silver instead of gray. The only thing Gabriel hated every time he looked at his late son's photograph was to be reminded of Cerulean, Sawyer's mother and the famous Blue Rose. The one who left Romeo for a small business man out in California. Gabriel didn't blame Franklin at all, but since he had every connection towards Cerulean and Sawyer, he hated him just as much.

Sawyer's angry determined face appeared in Gabriel's mind, and his anger thickened just by the thought of her looking so much like her mother. The only thing Sawyer didn't inherent from her mother was her mother's blue eyes. Sawyer was born with her father's dark brown eyes, and it was the only thing Gabriel was grateful that she inherited instead. But still wanted to crush her and ruin her, just like how her mother did to the real Romeo Iglesias.

The door to his office creaked open and the echo of high heels tapped against the floor. "What's the meaning of this Gabe, you called me all the way from New York from an important show interview. I understand you're my boss, but what gives," a conspicuous teen girl said to her elder, as if she was so familiar with him. This girl was beyond flashy; she walked in the highest rebel rock attire on the market. She had tattoos of butterflies trailing up her arm, with some ripped black jeans and a blue camisole, blazing off her chest.

"Deborah, darling, welcome to my humble home," Gabriel stood up from his desk chair and opened his arms wide.

"Likewise," the girl snickered as she sat down on a Ashley branded couch in front of Gabriel's desk. "Now Gabe, you don't normally call my manager unless you have an important task for me," the brunette said as she crossed her legs.

"Yes I do," Gabriel said as he sat back down.

"Spit out with it. Who do I need to ruin this time?" Deborah smirk evilly, excited with a new task this old man had to offer.

"I reckon you remember my grandson Castiel?"

Deborah's eyes flashed as if she was already intrigued with what she was about to hear.

"Kitten? You want me to ruin the new Romeo Iglesias?"

"No no no, just someone he knows," Gabriel said as he shook his head. "I know you will have fun with this assignment I'll give you."

"If it's not Kitten, then who is it?" Deborah tapped on the arm of the couch, being a little impatient to her own selfish personality.

"It seems my grandson has fallen in love again," Gabriel said clasped his hands together onto the desk.

"Ha! That's funny Gabe. You know Cassy fell head over heals for me before I kicked him to the curb." Gabriel didn't laugh at Deborah's thin joke. He only stared at her with an obvious unamusement blank on his face.

"What? It's true! There's no possible way he's in love again."

"I'm not joking, Deborah. He mingled himself with Cerulean's only daughter."

Deborah's eyes turned cold as ice, filled with such icy determination. "That little slut, Sawler, what's her face?"

"It's Sawyer, and yes. It seems he's going against my orders to protect her from me."

"Ohhhh, I'm liking the sound of this already!" Deborah clapped her hands in excitement. "What do you want me to do?"

Gabriel only smiled back at this wicked teenage girl, who was armed and ready to take down anything for her own liking. "I want you to break them apart and make sure Sawyer gives up the Blue Rose to me. I can't have her leave the country."

"You're so evil Gabe!" Deborah exclaimed in a cackling laughter.

"Now where do I start?" She smiled with such sadistic lust to hurt, torture, and tear Sawyer's heart to pieces.

"So, why you're place?" Sawyer randomly asked as she sat next to Castiel eating her lunch. Sort of surprised by her random question, Castiel choked a little bit on the soda he was drinking. "His place? What?" Rosalya interrupted after she over heard them. Not only Rosalya was at the table, so was Lysander and Iris. They turned their heads to look at Castiel, questioning him with mirthful miens.

"Castiel?" Lysander elbowed his friend in the shoulder. "Hey, I only invited her to hang out! It's not like that..," Castiel said bluntly, catching Sawyer off guard.

Sawyer had to admit, that kind of hurt, but it was her fault for randomly asking such a question around their friends. "Mhmmmmm, and may I ask why out of all the many times Sawyer and us eat in the lunchroom, you're eating with us more," Rosalya could not help but feel tickled by the troubled appearance Castiel displayed.

Castiel scowled holed into Rosalya's head, warning her to back the hell off. Rosalya just snorted in response to his reaction. She wasn't scared of him.

"Rosa, I don't think it's a good idea to provoke him," Iris whispered in Rosalya's ear. "He can get over it," Rosayla whispered back.

Sawyer didn't really react though. She sat there in silence, eating the rice she ordered earlier. It was as if she was still waiting from Castiel to give her an answer to her casual question. She glanced at him for a second, seeing that he was calm a collective for majority of the time. He didn't seem to harbor any problems in his life. Sawyer felt somewhat jealous for his careless demeanor, she wanted to not care about any of her personal problems. It was just her feeling this way and no one else. That was why she tried so hard to conceal it, even if it meant to be really quiet towards anyone she cared about.

Sawyer remembered everything her dad told her, what Gabriel demanded of her, and what Mrs. Shermansky asked of her. Everything flowed back like a flashback, going in and out of her mind or repeat each little word that was said. Yet again, Sawyer became depressed once more. She didn't want to show her friends how weak she was, so she stood up, threw away her food, and started for the exit.

"Sawyer?!" Castiel called after her, worried on what was going through Sawyer's fragile state of mind. He as well got up and went after her, leaving Lysander, Rosalya, and Iris speechless.

"Sawyer wait up!" Castiel jogged after her and caught hold of her wrist. "Hey, what's the matter? Why did you storm off?" Castiel asked her, pretending to not know why she was hurting. As much as he was good at acting, under his persona, his guilt was eating away at him from the inside out.

"I'm fine, I just need to be alone," Sawyer nonchalantly responded. Castiel growled at Sawyer's in-denial behavior. He knew he was the one who was hurting her and he couldn't do anything about it. As much as he wanted to tell her everything, he couldn't. As both Castiel and Romeo, he only had the power to protect her. That's why as much as he wanted her for himself, he had to send her away.

If the Blue Rose were to end up in Gabriel Iglesias' possession, Sawyer would be throwing away not only her future, but as well as the last thing that reminded Sawyer who she truly was.

"Come with me," Castiel said as he pulled her wrist for Sawyer to follow him.

"..W..what?! I said I wanted to be alone!" Sawyer hollered. "No you don't! I know something is wrong! No one likes to be alone," Castiel yelled back at her, forcing her to wake up and realize that.

Tears forced its way out of Sawyer's tear-ducts. Before she knew it, she was crying. She wasn't crying because she was sad, but because she was relieved. Castiel knew exactly how to break down her walls and to get her to open up. Hearing her cry tugged at Castiel more than he wanted it to. Of course it bothered him, but if he were to turn around now, he would lose all the composure he had.

"..Where are we going?" Sawyer sniffed, rubbing her tears away from her eyes.

"Change in plans, we're going to my place now."

"..But what about next class?"

"Screw the next class, you're more important."

Castiel and Sawyer made their way to the parking lot, finding Castiel's motorcycled parked and hidden in the corner. He took his helmet and tossed it to Sawyer.

"Put it on."

All Sawyer could do was nod. She didn't have the energy to argue.

They both got onto the motorbike, and Sawyer wrapped her arms around Castiel's waist as he turned the motor on. The engine roared into the air as Castiel peeled out of the parking lot with Sawyer holding onto him for dear life.

It wasn't even ten minutes when Castiel pulled into a large parking garage. He drove all the way to the top floor, and pulled into a private garage next to the elevators that went into a large apartment complex.

After Castiel parked and Sawyer took off the helmet, she stopped in awe with so many question crossing her mind. "Castiel, this is where you live? How much money do you have?"

Castiel gulped at the question, he knew this was going to be a hard question to answer. "Uhh, since my parents are always busy with work in Atlanta, they insisted me to live here."

"Is your family rich or something?"

Castiel bit his tongue, "You could say that." Castiel wasn't very comfortable talking about his family, it was almost taboo to him.

They both took the elevator going up. Sawyer couldn't believe half of what she was seeing after they both reached the twentieth floor. Her eyes wondered around the hallway, with each apartment door looking as elegant as the next one. Castiel then stopped at a door in the middle of the hall and took out his keys to unlock the door.

"Come on in," Castiel said as he held the door open for Sawyer.

Authors Note: Sorry about the sudden stop in this chapter. I've been working on this chapter a little too long. It took me awhile due to college. Thanks for waiting! I'll post new chapters soon. :)