Me: Hey guys. What's up?

Jace: You better make me seem awesome.

Me: *glares* No.

Jace: What? Why?

Me: You are being annoying. I was going to make you like yourself, but I guess I'll change that.

Jace: *kneels down and starts begging not to do that*

Me: Let's get this show on the road. But one thing you should know is that Clary isn't only a shadowhunter, but she also has ice, snow, water, and wind magic. She doesn't use it much and only Isabelle knows about it.


I do not own any characters except Luna Yuki, Mika Yuki, Sakura Kushina, Lyra Kushina, the others belong to Cassandra Clare.

Clary's POV

I was walking to the Institute humming a song. It was my one year anniversary with Jace, so I secretly made a dagger out of ice that never melts. I carved Jace and my initials on it in a heart to show I love him. I was about to enter Jace's room when I heard a female moan.

"Won't Clary be hurt?" A girl asked from inside the room.

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her." I heard Jace said. A tear fell from my eyes as I ran to my room. I threw everything into a bag and threw the anniversary dagger at the picture of me and Jace kissing. I burned my room and walked to Jace's room and opened it.

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her." I mimic. "Valentine was right about one thing. To love is to destroy. Thank you Jace for everything and for nothing. Tell Isabelle, Alec, Simon, Luke, Jocelyn, and Magnus that I love them, and I'm not leaving because of them." I said as I ran down the hall. I heard Jace run after me. I turned around sharply and commanded the wind to knock him back. Then I drew a portal and jumped through. I thought of the London Institute because I had a good friend there, Luna Yuki.

"Luna!" I called out standing in front of the Institute. A girl ran out. She had blue purplish hair to her knee and the edges looked like it was dipped in ink. She wore a black finger-less glove, black mid-sleeve shirt, dark purple short jeans with a turquoise belt, a dragon around her neck holding a turquoise tear gem, 1-in heel black heel boot, and a fierce icy look with her two color eyes, one turquoise and one icy blue.

"Clary!" Her face lit up with joy. But she quickly covered it up with a small smile. Luna never liked showing emotions, so she wears a midnight cloak with a hood to cover her face when she's in public. "Where's Jace?"

My face hardened and tears began forming in my eyes. Luna's eyes soften and she held me as she teleported us inside with her magic.

"Shh. Let it out. Let it go." She rubbed my back as I cried.

"I *hic* will never cry *hic* about him again.*hic*" I said.

"Shh. Everything is fine. You can start over here. We will be your famil. And we swear to never hurt you." Luna said and she began softly humming a song while rubbing my back.

Jace POV

Isabelle was yelling at me. Alec yelled at me. Magnus yelled at me. Even Dad (Robert Lightwood) and Mom (Maryse Lightwood) yelled at me.

"Magnus, can't you track Clary?" Alec asked.

"Sorry but I need something of hers in order for it to work." Magnus apologized.

"I found something!" Isabelle called from upstairs. We all went to Clary's room. On the wall was a picture of me and Clary kissing, the borders were burnt and there was a dagger at me head.

"That dagger was going to be Wayland's one year anniversary gift. She showed me how she made it and how she infused a little of her magic into it." Isabelle explained showing it to Magnus.

"It looks like it's made from ice." Alec said.

"It is made from ice. Clary is not only a shadow hunter but a Mage. She uses water, snow, ice, and wind magic. That dagger didn't melt because Clary made it to last forever. you could try to break it, but Clary made sure that it was strong enough. She even went to the strongest shadowhunter Mage she knew to make it stronger.

"I will need some time to track her and prepare a portal. Somewhere around a week at least. If she did leave it like this, she most likely made it so that it would be harder to track her." Magnus said admiring the beauty of the dagger. It was carved very beautifully, every detail was made carefully. It had a special effect too. When thrown and it hits an enemy of Clary or Jace, it will spread poison into that body. If it hits an ally, it'll bounce off. Suddenly there was scratching on the window, Isabelle looked and immediately opened it. An falcon flew in and landed on Isabelle's arm. Isabelle took the little note that was attached to the bird, and opened the package. Inside was 3 daggers, each carved with either Isabelle, Alec, or Magnus' name and said 'May luck always be with you'~Clary.


"Dear Magnus, Alec, and Isabelle,

In case Jace doesn't tell you, I decided to write a letter. Jace cheated on me which is why I left. I gave you 3 a present though, and it should be with Ace (the falcon). It's basically a dagger for each of you with special abilities. All of them will not hurt any of your allies and only hurts the enemy, and they all return to their scabbard which will appear with a stele whenever you need it. Isabelle's dagger, at the hilt there's a button that allows a whip to come out of. Magnus has a bunch of glitter on it, and Alec's can extend into a sword at will. Also Magnus, you are the sparkliest Warlock I ever met, and you're amazing. Although you're pretty much the only Warlock I ever met. Alec, you're an amazing friend and I'm sorry we didn't get off to a good start. When we went to retrieve the Mortal Cup, I got you severely injured. I'm sorry about that. Isabelle, you're the best girl friend I ever had. We had tons of fun. I'm gonna miss you all. If we are destined to meet again, then so be it. I love you all and your glitter Magnus (rolls eyes). Tell Luke and Mom that I love them, and thanks for everything. Since I hate goodbyes I'll say this instead.

Hasta la vista every one,

Clarrisa Adele Fairchild/Morgenston/Fray

P.S. hasta la vista means until we meet again

End of Letter

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