
Malia quickly got her phone out to text Peter and Jackson….

Someone needed to stop Stiles before he did something he may regret... like making Mrs. McCall childless by killing Scott

Stiles stormed over to his car dragging his bat out before heading towards the woods.

He wanted revenge.

He needed to be smart.

He needed a clear head because no matter how much he wanted to change direction and head into the school just to bash McCall's head in it wasn't going to help and there was no way he was going to be brought up on murder charges.

After five minutes of walking through the wood Stiles found a tree that was solid enough to take the damage, standing at the base, feet apart with a firm grip he took a swing.

SMACK. "You've had your bit of fun now"

SMACK. "leave him"

SMACK. "be with an actualperson" That one was what really got Stiles; the implication that he didn't matter he wasn't even human.

Rearing Back Stiles realeased all the pent up anger in one swing, enough to cause tree barks to start flying off… enough to dent his bat…

Enough to probably bruise the bones and muscles in his hands.

Malia… Scott's word kept ringing in his heads….. over and over again.

Each sentence causing Stiles to swing his bat that bit harder

"someone you like" SMACK.

"Stuck it out for two months" SMACK.

"Stiles might be good in bed" SMACK.

"Plenty of others" SMACK.


SMACK. "Just go sleep with one of them"


Stiles didn't stop even when he heard the tell-tale noise of someone walking up to him. At this point, he couldn't stop.


"You've already missed second and most of third period, I figure I should come get you before you miss Chemistry" Jackson said standing well away from Stiles, the way he was swinging that bat didn't exactly bode well for anyone who tried to get close.

Werewolf or not Stiles could probably take Jackson's head off right now.

"Jackson just go inside." Stiles replied without pausing to break, swinging the bat again, chipping off more tree bark.

"… Malia said she told you what happened"

"I already knew what happened, she just told me the details" Stiles stopped long enough to finish his sentence before taking the bat back to the tree.

"Stiles…" Jackson just stood there watching Stiles take out his anger and frustration out of a poor defenseless tree instead of who really should be there.

In all honesty Jackson wasn't sure if this was a good thing, sure Stiles wasn't committing murder and Melissa still had her son but Stiles wasn't dealing with it.

Instead of taking out his anger on the right thing- right person- Stile had run away. He was bottling it up, he kept bottling it up.

Jackson quickly moved forward and grabbed the bat mid-swing causing Stiles to turn around and glare at him.

"Let GO. OFF. THE. BAT." Stiles bit out his body shaking in clear anger.

"You are hurting yourself" Jackson stated quickly grabbing a hold of Stiles' wrist, taking some of the pain away.

They were tiny little cuts across Stiles face- not that he seemed aware of it- probably caused from all those bits and pieces of tree bark flying around.

"I am not in the mood to talk, so go inside" Stile bit out. Behind all the bite and venom Stiles was silently pleading with Jackson to go away. He didn't have control of his anger; he was like a wounded animal right now.

The longer Jackson stayed out here, the more likely Stiles was definitely going to attack him by saying something bad…. Like REAL BAD.


"Shit.. Don't you have some place to go? I am not an invalid. If I want to stay here hitting tress all day long then is none of your fucking business now LEAVE ME ALONE" Stiles screamed yanking his hands out of Jackson's hands.

"I know you are ang-"

"Oh MY GOD. Don't you understand basic English? Why don't you just LEAVE. DEPART.

GO. Do I have to pay you to get you to leave?" Stiles shouted at Jackson who was just standing there slowly getting annoyed.

In that moment, that tiny second it took to gasp, to draw air allowing him to continue his tirade Stiles saw it, he heard it, he felt it.

He saw the way Jackson started to shut down, saw the anger starting to bleed through with his jaws tightening… fists clenching… eyes shooting daggers.

And he would later Thank God (and all the deities every created or imagined) that he saw, that he notice, that he wasn't so far gone in his anger to destroy Jackson.

Stiles he was in luck just as he knew the next words out of Jackson's mouth will cause as much damage to their relationship –if not more- as Stiles' had.

"Just cause you realized that McCall was making you his little bitch doesn't mean you get to turn around and take it out on me. You were the one that allowed him to use you. Be pissed at whoever you want to be but take it out on him cause I sure as hell am not McCall" Jackson spate before storming off.


Peter was out of the door the second he finished reading the message, he hadn't even bothered to tell him nephew what he was doing or where arriving just before Jackson had but staying out of Stiles way completely.

He hadn't even had to look far before he spotted Stiles- actually it was more like smelt Stiles.

Peter knew all about anger and how it could paralyse a person or give them a single clear-minded focus of revenge. Peter knew the feeling of how anger could take hold of every space in your body, how it causes the lunges to clog up replacing the very air with hatred.

But more importantly he knew how deadly Stiles could be. Stiles' anger was that of The Gods, NOTHING could rival it and NOTHING could stop it.

In his opinion none of the wolves, beast, spells that the pack had ever faced could hold a match up to a truly angry Stiles… not only did he attack with a vengeance, Stiles had this cruel and sadistic streak that sometimes made the crazy inside Peter both proud and scared.

This, this was why Peter had stayed away and silently observed something Jackson should have really done but at least he managed to walk away –relatively-unscathed so should really be counting his blessing.

Though from the way his heart had started ticking away with the "pay to leave comment" Stiles had manage to still land a solid blow on-

"You too Peter!. I don't want you here either" Stiles shouted as he watched Jackson walk away.

Well that is surprising. Peter thought slowly making his way over to the boy and his half battered tree.
Stiles shouldn't have been able to tell that Peter was there; either the boy was more away of his surroundings than he let anyone know or Peter was slipping… and Peter NEVER slipped up.

With Stiles making the first move in acknowledging Peter's presence he felt that it was safe to walk over.
"I think you can do better than the obviously emotionally constipated jock that is Jackson but you seem to like the all brawn no brain type, so go fix it." Peter advised, gently grabbing the bat out of Stiles' -more than bruised- hands leeching some of the pain into his own body.

"Shut it" Stiles shot back without any bark or fight. All the fight had gone out of him.

"You are angry with yourself and in all honesty you should be. You let him treat you like dirt for months, years even."

"Peter-" Stiles started reprimanding before Peter interrupted not planning on letting Stiles blab his way out of this

"We are both smart enough to know that this was bound to happen eventually, You of all people would have probably known that McCall will react like this from the very first moment you thought about kissing Jackson." Stiles stood there silently staring at Peter, silently agreeing with his words.

"McCall is an insensitive, borderline possessive and jealous prick -so is your boyfriend by the way- but the difference between McCall and Jackson is Jackson will come for you because he cares about you That boy will fight for you, probably till the day he dies cause lets face it you are the best thing to ever happen to him.

So the question is why are you letting McCall ruin this for you? You've been letting him hold you back for the past ten years. When are you going to realise he is the anchor and will just keep dragging you down until you cut that line?."

Peter watched as the words sunk in. He watched as Stiles leant on the abused tree.

He watched as Stiles thoughts and run through millions of scenarios in his head, which probably ranged from going after Jackson to what colour Power Ranger he would most likely be.

Through it all Peter stood silently, and offered his support because this was Stiles.


The dynamic of high school was fluid thing; both Stiles and Scott used to be uncategorised; they were the normal among sea full of jock, nerd, comic lovers, chess players….
Stile probably could have easily fitted into one or more of the different groups he was the son of the town's Sherriff with ADHD and a mind sharper than a samurai's sword, there wasn't a challenge he couldn't overcome, a scenario he hadn't thought of.
He made friends as easily as fish learnt how to swim, and could charm almost anyone with his personality.

But Stiles didn't do any of that, he didn't usually show how smart he was –unless his intelligence was wrapped in an amour of snark and sarcasm that most people dismissed it as a one of show of intelligence. Stiles didn't make other friends, he always stopped at the point of being friendly or having a casual acquaints with someone but he never made friends.


All because of Scott.

Scott, found it hard to interact with others and didn't welcome new people or interactions.

Scott looked so lonely without Stiles, always being stuck on the bench.

Scott managed to convince Stiles to stop hanging out with heather (at the age of eight) because she "was a girl and it just looks odd Stiles".

Then there was the time where he stopped Stiles from checking up on Erica in the hospital after one of her seizure because

"Stiles, you hardly know her. Yes you helped her and got the teacher but what are you going to say to her? Hey remember me I was there when those kids were filming you but I was the one who helped cover you up with my jacket so do you want to be friends cause you know… I saw you piss your self"

Even when Stiles had insisted on still visiting Erica and make sure she was okay, Stiles had suddenly found himself grounded for a whole month and a half because Scott had "accidentally" let slip that Stiles had been the one to set off the fire alarm at school.

Stiles wasn't stupid, he knew what Scott was doing, he had know since he turned eight after that stupid "she's a girl" excuse that Scott came up with to stop Stiles from seeing Heather. But before Stiles could do something about it Mr. McCall had walked out on his family and Scott had needed Stiles. He had been Scott's only friend, he wanted to be there for him. No one deserved to be alone after losing a parent.

And after that the pattern had been set and Stiles wasn't too upset by it since Scott was a good friend, he came around and the played on his computer or spend hours thinking of ways to get into trouble…

Stiles had made sure to be there for Scott when he needed but then Scott became popular and he decided that it was okay to leave his one and only friend behind.

"I need to talk to him" Stiles muttered slightly defeated before making his way back to the school.

Peter wasn't sure which him Stiles had meant but it wasn't like it mattered, he would end up talking to them both.

Except, Peter kept remembering Jackson's heart racing and the look of utter guilt and panic on Stiles' face and he had the feeling that the relationship might have imploded due to the real and vindictive meaning behind the "pay you to leave me" comment.