She couldn't really say that she wanted to do this job when she saw the ad in the paper (other then needing a job in general). Working night-shift at a pizzeria aimed at kids. Especially one that's had a couple closings and re-openings as Fazbear's.
Its current opening was its third one after the recent renovation it had gone under. While the exact incident of 1987 wasn't fully known to the public, what was known was that it had been enough to close the place down. Years after that they re-opened on a smaller budget. It allowed them to rake in enough cash to try and bring themselves back up to their former pride.
The place was pretty much on its third chance if the renovations could be enough to count it as a re-opening of Fazbear's Pizzeria. Fourth if there was ever a family diner (as stories went) was actually true.
The pay wasn't the best. $217.50 a week. Working five days, six hours each. Some of that would go towards rent, and some for the electricity. Then there was the vast percentage that would contribute towards her father's surgery. The only good thing about the pay that could not be denied was that it used to be much less in the nineties and eighties.
Thank god for minimum wage increase.
"Lizbeth Parker, wasn't it?"
"I prefer to be called Lizzy, but yeah."
Lizzy was a bit of a tall woman at twenty-two, with a slight athletic build. At least, taller than some of few female friends she had and around the same height as the even fewer male friends. Short dirty blonde hair held back into a stubby ponytail to keep out of green eyes that had previously looked around the pizzeria in mild interest when she first entered for her interview.
"Sorry, Lizzy," the Manager (Scott Davidson as read on the nameplate on the door) briefly apologised as he looked up from the young woman's resume. He looked to be around his early fifties, and a bald patch could be seen developing on top of his greying hair. There were many crinkles around his eyes and he seemed to have over-sprayed himself with cologne that smelled of something strong. It actually smelled a bit like the cologne Lizzy's father used, but in a more gratuitous amount.
"You really didn't need to bring a resume with you."
"I thought you always had to bring one with you?" Lizzy inwardly cringed. She hoped that didn't come off wrong against her possible future boss. It didn't seem to as he continued.
"Yes, but we only needed to talk about the possibility of you joining our Fazbear family. Although I suppose it's good to know that if we ever need it, we know someone who can speak German and Sign Language. Mind if I ask why you picked them for college study?"
"I just liked German," Lizzy replied with a half-hearted shrug of her shoulders. "And the Sign Language was so I could still communicate with dad. He went deaf a little before I went to college."
"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that." Lizzy just nodded. He didn't seem like he was trying to not pity her, which was appreciated. "Now, can you tell me why you want this job?" Lizzy cleared her throat.
"Well, it would be nice to not worry about how to pay rent for my apartment," she told him. "Plus, er… the doctors think they can fix dad's hearing. I want to help get money for the surgery. The sooner the better, right?"
"Well then, you're in luck." The Manager grinned and stood up, holding a hand out to a surprised Lizzy. "You're hired!"
"S-seriously? But, what about other applicants?" It was weird enough that when she had called this morning about the night shift job that she was almost immediately given a time to come in for an interview the same day. Though Lizzy had brushed it off as nothing to worry about. After all, it's a children's pizzeria. How busy could a manager honestly get? But just given the job when the only work experience she had was helping her mother in her pharmacy by stacking boxes, counting inventory and keeping by the register? She supposed not much was needed for night-shift, but surely he had to talk to other people.
"Well, you're the first one to call about the job since we published the ad. First come, first serve in my opinion." Mr. Davidson waved it off. "We just need you to sign a contract, and all it's official." It was still a bit odd, but she had a job so who the hell was she to complain? Lizzy allowed herself to grin as she went to shake Mr. Davidson's hand.
"Alright then. I accept."
After releasing her hand, Mr. Davidson stood up to walk to a file cabinet and began rooting through it, giving Lizzy some time to glance around the office a bit. It seemed practical in size. The only furniture was the desk, the Manager's chair the chair Lizzy was sitting in. There was a potted plant in one corner of the room, and on the wall were a few framed newspaper clippings about the restaurant and a few old posters from the pizzeria's previous openings. The only sound other than Mr. Davidson rooting through papers was the faint hum of ceiling light fan above them.
"Ah-ha, here it is!" Mr. Davidson smiled proudly as he placed the contract in front of Lizzy. She supposed it looked like what most contracts did. Except for the pizzeria logo at the top of a pizza with a purple rabbit, brown bear and yellow chicken, all with huge grins.
Lizzy of course looked carefully through the contract at first. In the corner of her eyes, she could have sworn she saw the Manager wringing his hands in a nervous manner. There didn't seem to be anything too out of place about this contract. Although, two things stuck out to her.
"Why exactly are the first five days mandatory?"
"Well, sitting in the Security Office for six hours every day does get boring to some. I suppose you could say it's a way of guaranteeing we'll have at least one week with a security guard," he explained to her.
"Alright. But this thing about me not speaking outside the premises about the pizzeria at night?"
"We've had trouble in the past with people stealing recipes and such." The explanation seemed quicker than expected, and a bit rehearsed. It made Lizzy pause for a moment. Did she really want this job?
Well, she was a bit reluctant, but she hadn't been able to find too many jobs that she could do. She had a chance now to make her father's surgery come a little bit quicker, why she blow it off now? Helping pay to get his hearing back was the least she could do to repay her parents for everything they did for her.
"Alright, I'll sign this thing."
"Splendid!" The pen was almost slammed into her hand, but Lizzy signed the contract in her slightly messy cursive style writing.
"Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria!" Mr. Davidson grinned as he took the contract back. "Do you want a copy for yourself?"
"Yeah, if you could," Lizzy replied as she stood up. "Is there a uniform?"
"We'll have that to you before your shift stars. What size are you?"
"A medium."
"Come in Sunday and we should have it ready. But first, how about I treat you to a taste of our food. On the house."
"Erm… Okay, sure." A free meal couldn't be denied. She had skipped lunch to come here, so this was definitely a good sign from the universe so far that she was meant to come here.
"I'll promise, you'll love it." The Manager walked around the desk and opened the door for Lizzy to walk through first. "What drink would you like? Coke? Sprite?" he asked as they walked down the hall towards the sounds of laughing and screaming children, and music.
"Er, I'll a Sprite, thanks."
"Good. Be right back!" Mr. Davidson patted her shoulder before he went to the cashier, leaving Lizzy to stand awkwardly in the room as some children ran about, and a few adults sat at the tables. Lizzy looked at the nearby wall to look at some drawings that were clearly done by children. All the pictures had 'MY DAY AT THE NEW Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria' printed on them in purple and yellow.
"Guess they thought putting these drawings up would appeal or something," Lizzy muttered to herself. Most of the drawings weren't that great, even if there were some exceptions. But Lizzy looked on to see what they kiddies drew.
One of them looked like the yellow chicken doing a bit of a derp face while in front of a smile boy and a heart draw over them. At least it was rather cheerful in a small way. The next drawing caused the young woman to raise a brow. Two children holding a pink fox head with black socket eyes. It only got stranger when she looked at another depicting a puppet (or marionette or, whatever) that looked like it belonged in a Tim Burton movie holding a present to an eager little boy. Then there was the drawing of the characters from the logo, smiling and with more black socket eyes that may as well have been soulless.
"Creepy ass drawings," she muttered quietly. Last thing she needed was some parent or parents bad mouthing her for using a minor swear (though frankly Lizzy didn't think ass counted as swearing) in a children's place.
Quickly bored of the drawings, Lizzy looked to the stage where the source of the music came. The animals on the logo she had seen stood there, singing for the children looked to them in awe and excitement. Some even singing along. The room seemed quite cheerful, and while Lizzy felt the only animatronic out of the three she felt was cute was the purple rabbit, she could sort of understand their appeal to the kids. The looked like a goofy, lovable bunch. Even if their current song was a bit corny for her taste.
"So remember to shine when the sun is out,
"Remember to smile when the rain comes down.
"Just don't ever try to give a big pout.
"Because you can make a sun when you smile like a clown!"
"Pretty lame, right?" Lizzy looked sharply to her right where she saw a man who seemed just a few years older than herself with uncombed brown hair. He was wearing a short sleeved shirt about the same shade as purple as the rabbit, only a little lighter, and on his chest around the heart was a plastic looking gold badge with a pizza symbol and goofy looking bear in front. There was a hat the same shade of purple with a black peak on his head that had 'Security' on top.
"The songs," he said. "The rhyming is alright, but that's about it."
"Pretty crappy," Lizzy agreed. "Kids seem to like 'em, though."
"Yeah. Almost makes you wish you were a kid again. Being naïve and not having to worry about adult stuff."
"Then you'd just have to miss out on adult fun like drink and sex." The guy snorted a laugh as Lizzy smirked. "That and you would have to depend on others."
"No age is completely perfect I guess. Oh, I'm Phil by the way. Phil Ellis," he said as he held a hand out. He sounded quite friendly and cheerful, and his voice had a hint of a Southern accent.
"Lizzy Parker." Lizzy shuck his hand. "So you work security here?"
"On my day-shift, ma'am," he answered with a slight grin. "No trouble happening as I'm here. No way at all."
"I guess I'll be making sure during the night." Phil's smile seemed to falter a little though he forced it to stay.
"Night? Why you say that?"
"Well, I applied for the night-shift job here. Night time Monday, I'm wearing a uniform like your's." Phil's smile dropped, looking uncertain about… Whatever was going through his mind.
"You don't say." He coughed a little, clearing his throat. "You sure you want it? Those animatronics look cute now, but they look creepy as hell during the night."
"I'll be fine. I'm a tough girl." Lizzy folded her arms. "I don't scare easily."
"It's not so much that, but-."
"Phil!" The two adults jumped and looked to the Manager who came towards them. Though his smile looked a tiny bit forced. "I see you've met your new co-worker, Lizbeth, or Lizzy as she said herself."
Lizzy briefly scowled. Why did she have to have the name Lizbeth? It sounded so old. Lizzy was just about tolerable enough for her.
"Er, yeah. I was just talking with her," Phil said. For a second, Lizzy thought his eyes had darted towards the animatronics, but she brushed it off.
"Good, good. One thing though. We got a call a few minutes ago. A mother's little boy lost his teddy bear and was wondering if it was here. We're a bit short staffed right now, Ellen's at home with the flu and Jason has to bring his sister to the doctors, so could you look for it? For at least a few minutes?"
"But I should be watching-."
"It's just a few minutes, and the children know not to get on the stage," Mr. Davidson cut off. "Besides, I think Miss Barker here would like something to eat and drink now. Right?"
"If it's ready-."
"You'll love, I promise!" He almost seemed to drag Lizzy away from Phil towards a table that was empty except for a tray with a small four sliced pizza and a medium sized drink with straw. Glancing back to Phil briefly, she saw the man silently sigh and give a weak shrug before he walked off to look for the missing teddy bear.
Sitting down at the table, Lizzy looked at the food as the Manager sat down in front of her. Taking a slice and eating it, she found it really was as good as Mr. Davidson had let on. Warm and tasty with perfectly melted cheese and perfect tomato sauce. Slices of salami and mushroom mingling together well on her taste buds. It certainly gave her stomach a warm and cosy feeling after the first swallow "This is great!"
"I told you," chuckled her boss as Lizzy took a sip from her drink's straw. "I'm sure you'll do great here. Just come in Sunday to pick up your uniform and to meet the characters you're in charge of protecting."
"Erm, okay. Sure." It was a bit odd to say she would 'meet the characters', but Lizzy assumed he was just close to the characters after being here for so long. It was pretty natural to grow close to some things sometimes.
"Once again, welcome aboard. For now though, just sit back, relax…" Mr. Davidson gestured towards the animatronics on stage.
"Enjoy the show."
"So just remember you can be the sun,
"Just remember that you can make you can make the rain stop,
"But the only way to make your own sadness undone,
"Is to wipe off that frown with a smile, like a mop!"
So, I had this small idea come to mind and thought I'd take a stab at it. Hopefully it goes well :)
Also, I know that in the first game pay is $120, and the second one $100, per-week. Since the second games takes place in '87 and the first one in at least the early nineties, the pay per-hour seems to be the average minimum (not including the overtime) in America during those times from what I've looked into. Since I would guess another Freddy's in 2014 (where this story will be set), the pay probably would rise but only to the average minimum which is $7.25 from what I've checked. As I do not live in America, I can admit that there is a chance I am wrong so please forgive me if I've made an error. But hey, the pay is more reasonably compared to the past, and will still be worth complaining about when shit goes down :D
Anyway, hope you will enjoy this story :)