I probably wasn't supposed to mess with the controls on the zeta tubes. In all honesty I guess I knew it was stupid.

But, in my defense, I was bored and I am only thirteen.

Wally ran up behind me, yellow and red zipping at the corner of my eyes.

"Yes?" I asked him, not moving my gaze from the electric panel.

"How'd you know it was me?"

"You smell like burning rubber."

"Oh," he pouted. "What are you doing anyway?"

"Fixing the zeta tubes."

"Didn't Batman say you shouldn't do that? Don't you remember what happened last time?"

I rolled my eyes behind the mask. "I was ten. I didn't mean to land myself in Singapore." I shut the panel. "I think I did it right this time..."

"You think?" His eyebrow raised.

"It's a complicated machine KF," I countered.

"So when you end up in Singapore do I get to say I told you so?" He grinned

"I won't end up anywhere but the bat cave," I cracked my knuckles and pressed in the right keys.

'Robin B01' the female voice chimed.

"Ha!" I jumped in the air. "Told you I'd get it right!"

I stepped in and the bright blue light sucked me in.

The second my molecules hit the light I knew something was wrong.

Whatever you might think about the zeta tubes and their mechanisms every place has it's own feel, or direction.

Mount justice felt warm and big. The bat cave felt cramped and homey, etc etc.

But this was different. It felt almost unfriendly.

'Location not found,' the female voice echoed around me. 'Moving subject to closest DNA source'

"What!" I called.

I had no DNA relatives. They were all dead. Where was I being sent?

I had enough sense to curl myself into a ball and brace myself as I was hurled into a hard surface.


TT Rob

Nothing was more boring, or quite as nice, as a lazy afternoon in Titans tower. Starfire, beast boy and I were enjoying a movie, Raven was meditating somewhere around the top of the fridge and while cyborg claimed to be watching I knew he was much more interested in repairing his upper leg.

"Soon," he claimed. "I'll have a corn dog dispenser. No more waiting for treats!" My gaze turned back to the movie just as I heard a loud thunk from upstairs.

"What was that?" Beast boy asked.

Starfire looked up. "Is it not customary on earth to have a pet?"

"I don't think that was a pet Star," I stood from the couch.

I grabbed the staff rom my belt and walked into the hallway ,prepared for anything.

The lights were on and everything looked normal. We followed the sounds of scuffing upstairs to our attic/ second level.

We never used this place. It's more of a trophy room than anything else.

"Hey Rob..." Cyborg glanced around the room to the open air duct. "Is that supposed to be open?"

"No," my brows furrowed and my frown deepened.

Then, right before our eyes, the lights flicked off and we heard an errie laugh.


Young Justice Robin

When I crashed into something solid I heard glass crack and I prayed it wasn't anything important.

I was disoriented. Everything felt wrong, even the air and I knew I must've hit my head pretty hard.

Footsteps sent my heart into a panic and I climbed into a nearby air duct.

This place was high tech, nearly brand new and when but that didn't stop me. I plugged my computer into the wall and within a few moments the lights crashed off.

The footsteps got closer and I cackled loudly.

A deep voice called down the duct. "Show yourself!"

I stayed quiet, not daring to breathe.

"Beast boy," the boy turned from the duct. "See if you can go after him."

"Yes sir!" A younger boy said and with an almost animal like squeak I heard him come after me.

"So not feeling the aster," I want ready for a chase but I unplugged and began crawling down the claustrophobic hallway.

I don't know what was after me but whoever, or whatever, it was I didn't like it. The kid was fast and I heard claws, like a squirrel or hamster.

My head was pounding like a drum from my crash and I knew I wouldn't be able to escape this thing forever.

On the next exit in the ground I pulled it open and dropped in. The room was empty except for a large door and a couple inches of dust. Nowhere to hide.

Running to the light switch I plugged my computer in and killed the power in that room, blocking the doors and shutting down the ducts.

The blueprints told me it was a tower but I didn't have time to look farther.

I heard a squeak form above me and a body tumbled into the room. I quickly snuck to the corner.

'Stupid,' I berated myself as I heard sounds from outside the room. 'I got myself caught.'

"Who's there?" the young boy's voice spoke.

I said nothing.

"Come out," his voice was kinder. "I'm not mean or anything."

"And I'm not stupid," I disguised my voice, impersonating Batman. "I'm not coming out."

"Then we'll come get you." The door opened and five silhouettes stood there.

The farthest one in the room was about my size. The farthest one was a large man with a gleam that told me he must be wearing some kind of armor. There were two girls, one with short hair and the other with glowing green hands. And the last figure was kid with spikey hair who must've spoken.

I jumped to the ceiling, latching myself to the duct and holding absolutely still.

"Where did he go?" The girl with the green hands asked. She sounded almost sweet but I didn't trust any of them.

"I'm not sure," the spikey haired boy spoke.

They walked farther in the room and I swung behind them, throwing a smoke pellet before dashing down the hall.

I heard coughing behind me as I ran down the walkway. Doors passed me and I inspected every inch. It was a massive place and it really wasn't that new. The carpet was worn but it felt almost homey.

The door at the end of the hall was locked and I desperately tried to pick it open.

"Titans! Go!" The spikey haired boy's voice shouted.

Panic welling inside me I managed to get the door open. The footsteps close behind I shot my grappling hook and jumped to the ceiling again where I hid behind the rafters, using the light to my advantage.

They came running in the girls both with glowing weapons and the boy in the metal suit blazing some kind of Ray gun. The littlest boy, whose skin and hair were bright green transformed into an animal in front of my eyes.

I watched them, not daring to speak and barely breathing.

"Where'd he go?" Asked the boy in the metal suit. As he turned I saw it wasn't a suit at all. He was made out of metal. The only skin I saw was half his face.

"I don't know," the spikey haired boy turned and there was something strangely familer about it. The bright greens and reds almost blinded me but his cape and mask were like mine, if a bit more exaggerated.

He looked like a solemn twelve year old on his first Halloween out with his friends. While my cape went to almost my ankles and my clothes covered most of my body his were much to small for him and his cape barely reached his thighs.

As I watched the darker girl with violet hair turned to see me.

"There!" She pointed and sent a black volt of light right at me.

I ducked the light but didn't avoid the fall. My grapple gun fell from my trembling fingers and I crashed on the fluffy couch below me, bouncing off into the table.

"Ow..." I groaned, picking myself up form the floor.

I didn't have time to move. In a seconds all five of them were gathered around me. The cyborg boy was pointing his ray thing at me while the red head girl with the glowing green knelt next to me.

"Are you harmed?" she asked, sound genuinely worried.

"Star I don't think that's our biggest concern right now," the spikey haired leader boy said.

"I do not care that he has broken into our home. I wish to know if he is harmed!" She defended.

My cape was hung over me, hiding my body and half way up my head.

"I'm fine," I groaned, not trying to disiguise my voice.

"You sounded different before," the green boy countered.

"It's called voice impersonations," I struggled to my knees, head swimming.

"Cool," I heard him grin.

"Who are you?" The robot boy's voice was still harsh and the whirring gun poked my back.

"No one," I growled.

"Get up, no one," the leader snarled right back.

I stood, knees shaking. "Robin," the red haired girl gasped.

"Yes?" I answered.

But she wasn't looking at me. She was looking at the leader boy.

A little 'R' symbol flashed on his chest and I hid mine.

"I know star," his mask narrowed.

"Who are you?" I asked, my emotions taking me over. Why was there another Robin?

"I'm Robin," his eyebrow raised. "Obviously."

"You can't be," I threw back the shoulders of my cape to reveal a the tiny symbol. "I am."

Dundundun. SORRRY that was very melodramatic. Tell me what you think in the comments or if I should continue. :)