None of these characters belong to me and I apologize for any OOC moments.
It had been a year since Gogo and Hiro started going out, they both were extremely happy and often spent all their time together. It was a warm Saturday night as Hiro sat in his room browsing the web. He was 15 now and was on his second semester in collage. It was tough but he enjoyed the challenge, sometimes.
He looked down at his feet as he felt something furry rub up against his legs, he smiled and picked up Mochi and set him on his lap. Mochi purred and curled up into a ball as Hiro scratch behind the calico's ears. Hiro sighed in contentment as he glanced back up at his computer screen; he suddenly jumped a little when he heard his phone vibrate on the desk.
Expecting it to be Gogo, he picked it up and looked at the text.
:Leave the city now
Hiro gave a puzzled look as he read the text.
:This isn't Gogo, if you want her to stay safe then leave the city and don't talk to anyone
:Who is this?
:Leave now unless you want everyone you love die
Hiro scoffed, who was sending him these texts? Honey Lemon and Wasabi wouldn't ever play a prank like this; some goes with Gogo and Fred. Hiro opened his contacts and pulled up Gogo's.
:Hey Gogo?
:Could you come over soon, we need to talk
:Sure, I'll get there as soon as I can
He set down his phone and frowned. Something about those texts just made his skin crawl. This had to be a joke, there was no way these texts were real, right?
Gogo walked into the living room and gently laid down her bag on the floor.
"Up here Gogo," Aunt Cass yelled from the kitchen.
Gogo claimed up the stairs and saw Aunt Cass busy washing dishes with Baymax next to her with a towel in his balloon-like hand.
"Hello Gogo," She said with a smile, "I didn't think you were coming over tonight."
Gogo shrugged, "Hiro sent me a text, supposedly he really needs to talk to me."
Aunt Cass frowned, "He was acting weird during dinner," she thought out loud, "H-He's upstairs."
Gogo eyed the stair well that led upstairs and nodded, "Thanks."
When she got up there she saw Hiro at his computer tapping his pencil on the desk. She smirked and walked over to him and kissed his forehead.
"Hey there kido, how are you?"
He looked up at her with a forced smile, "I'm doing well thanks."
"Hiro, are you ok? You seem very nervous about something."
He nodded and rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah, I just got something strange."
Gogo sighed and shook her head, "I told you not to eat that pizza that sits next to Fred's chair in the nerd lab! That thing has been sitting there for about five months now!"
"No, no, no, it's not that it's something else."
He grabbed his phone and opened up his recent texts, he hesitated a moment before giving Gogo the phone, there was no way the texts were real, meaning that it would be safe. Gogo's expression turned into confusion as she read the text messages.
"Well that's a little weird."
"Yeah, tell me about it," Hiro said with a sigh.
Gogo smiled and shook her head, "Don't worry about it, it's just probably some guy who doesn't have anything better to do then to bug teens."
Hiro nodded and looked down at the ground as he pondered. She was right; there was nothing to worry about! But he couldn't help but feel weird thinking about it, what if it wasn't nothing and it was actually something? What if not only him but Gogo, Aunt Cass, Baymax, the rest of his friends were in danger?
"Hiro?" Gogo questioned as she gave him a look of concern.
"Hm, oh I'm fine Gogo I'm just thinking about…" He tried to think up of something quickly so she wouldn't be worried, "School."
She grinned and sat down on his bed, "Oh, do you need help with anything?"
He scoffed, "No but thanks for the offer."
She nodded and they talked for about an hour before she had to get back home. She said her goodbyes to Aunt Cass and Baymax before she stood at the door with Hiro. She picked up her bag and laid the strap on her shoulder. She pecked Hiro on the cheek and smiled.
"Don't worry about those texts Hiro, they mean nothing."
He smiled and nodded, "Right, I'll try."
She ruffled his hair and grinned, "Tell you what tomorrow we can go out to dinner, you know, help take your mind off it."
"That sounds nice, thanks Gogo."
She nodded, "No problem, I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Yeah, see ya."
Once she left Hiro went upstairs and laid flat on his bed. He hoped she was right.
I hope you enjoyed it, sorry if the chapter was a little short ^^. Comments are always helpful and thanks for reading.Stay tuned for the next chapter! :)