Chapter 1: The Flowers

What another boring day it was. But today was supposed to be special. I was turing 21. That only happens once in your life! This should be the time where Im going out and partying with friends and living it up. I mean, I can drink anywhere in the world now. My parents, well adoptive parents who took me in when I was 2, were very strict and never let me around anything that would harm me, either being drugs, alcohol, or even profane music. To them I was innocent. And I suppose I am… Ive never done anything wrong, never broken the law or gotten detention in school. Maybe I'm just young and naive. But having had enough of my overly protective parents, I moved out when I was 18. And I loved it. At first. I made new friends, some great, and others not so much. But thats what happens in life and you just have to move on.

I sighed as I walked up the stairs to my apartment where I would be spending the day alone. Happy Birthday to me. I walked in the door, threw my keys in the bowl next to my door, locking it and flopped onto the couch. I turned the TV on and saw my favourite show. Doctor Who! And apparently today was a marathon! I guess my day wont be too bad. I quickly ran to my room and grabbed a pillow and blanket along with my sonic screwdriver from 11's time that I bought off of ebay. I always liked to whip out my screwdriver whenever the doctor did. And it seemed like it was all the time with 11. He really loved that thing. I pulled out my necklace and studied it. It was a fob watch, attached to a chain and it had similar designs as to the one 10 used. My mom must know that Im an avid Whovian for her to give this to me. She gave it to me for my 18th birthday. I've worn it since that day, I did try to open it once but I couldn't.

I sat in front of the TV and snuggled in my blanket. I was happy there was a marathon since season 8 had just finished. 12 was great. And people that rip on him don't know anything. There had to be darker doctor after Matt Smith's jubilant one. I couldn't wait for the Christmas episode! I've seen all the modern Doctor Who episodes at least three times over, and maybe more for some of my favourite episodes like Blink and Vincent and the Doctor. I cried every time watching that one.

The sound off the opening credits started and I couldn't help but hum along and mimic the sounds. I was a nerd and my friends new that. Though, only one of my friends Abby really understood me and my immense liking of the British show. I actually share this apartment with her, but she was out for the day working and would be home late. And I will probably be right here, watching my lovely Doctor in action when she gets home. The first modern Doctor Who episode began. Rose.

I love a good Rose Tyler.

But as I began watching it my TV began to fuzz in and out of connection. That was odd. It's never done that before. I walked up to it and shook it. Nothing. I gave it a few whacks. That always worked in the movies. But movies lie and nothing happened. I sighed and turned on my bum to look back at the couch. What was I going to do now if I couldn't watch TV? I then spotted my sonic screwdriver. I eyeballed it for a moment, thinking.

"No." I muttered to myself.

"I'm not that stupid." I said after having already grabbed the sonic, and pointed it at the TV.

"It's not like if I press this button that my TV will magically start working again." I hesitated. I really wanted to press the button. But I knew nothing was going to happen. So why did I have this strong feeling that I needed to press it?

Finally, giving into the desire I pressed it. I exhaled the breath that I had apparently been holding when nothing happened.

"Jeez, what was I expecting? I must be going crazy." And just as I was getting up the TV flashed for a moment showing a clear picture of Rose heading down into the shopping malls basement looking for Wilson, who I already knew wasn't there. Then the screen went fuzzy again. I held my sonic and zapped it again. And wouldn't you know it, the image cleared again.

Tentatively, I reached out my hand to touch the screen. Something was calling to me. Something from the TV. As I touched the screen my hand seemed to faze right through it. I quickly pulled it back thinking I wasn't going to have a hand anymore. I clutched the sonic with both of my hands. This was getting freaky. But the pull of whatever it was, drew me closer and before I knew it, I was reaching out again, my hand was going into the TV. And just as my senses were coming back I felt something from inside pull me and I was dragged into the TV.

I felt a sense of weightlessness. It felt like I was falling, but floating at the same time. None of that loud air noise was rushing past me. It was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing. I gripped my necklace that I wore around my neck, making sure it was there. I felt the sonic in my hand and immediately clicked the button, even if it was just to get me some light. But as soon as I clicked it, I felt my weight returning to me and I hit the ground with a thud, effectively blacking out.

"Oi. Hey are you alright?" My eyes slowly opened as the dull light of the room came into my vision. I gripped my head. It was throbbing. I slowly sat myself up and did a mental check list. Legs, arms, fingers, face. Everything was there. Good. I felt a hand on my shoulder and my head shot to the person touching me. And I gawked.

Why the hell was I with Rose Tyler? No wait, I'm probably dreaming. Maybe I have watched too much Doctor Who for one lifetime. But at the same time this all felt really, really real.

"Rose Tyler, love a good Rose. So tell me, where exactly am I?" I asked and the blonde looked at me skeptically.

"You don't know? But hey! How'd you know my name?" She quickly got up and took a step back away from me.

I slowly got up as well, pocketed my sonic, and dusted off my pants.

"Dont worry I'm only dreaming. I know you from a TV series that I watch. And let me tell you, you are going to have a great year." I said, then thinking about how 10 had told her the same thing before be had to leave. I frowned slightly. I really enjoyed 10, it was sad to see him go.

"You aint dreamin'. This is real."

"Nah." I waved her off and looked around.

"Who are you?"

"Me? Oh, nobody special, not like the man your going to meet soon." I said excitedly. Oh maybe of I stick around I can meet the Doctor! Oh Im loving this dream.

"No, comon, tell me your name." I huffed, always the persistent one isn't she.

"My name is Azalea. Azalea Lake." I put my hand on my hips. Rose eyed my suspiciously.

"What are you doing down here?" She asked.

"Well I'm dreaming and-" Wait a minute. I pinched myself. Normally that would work in a dream and I would wake up. I pinched myself again, and still nothing. Then I remembered what had happened in my living room with my TV.

"This is real." I said out loud, but mostly to myself.

"Yeah, and?"

"I came here through my TV." I said, and slowly looked up at Rose. Rose in the flesh.

"You must be jokin. You alright?" She said and placed her hand on my forehead. "Had a bit too much to drink tonight have we?" I swatted her hand away.

"No, now way. Im serious."

"Where you from? America? You got the accent." She asked.

"Canada actually. Proudly Canadian." I said.

"Alright. Take it easy." She smiled. "But I gotta find someone and give him is money."

"Oh I'll help!" I said and hooked my arm with Rose's. I'll figure things out later.

Rose and I continued down the dark hallway as she yelled out 'Wilson'.

Wilson?" Rose said and we headed further down the corridor. "Wilson, I've got the lottery money. Wilson?" We came up to a door that said HP Wilson CEO.

"You there? Look, I can't hang about 'cause they're closing the shop. Wilson!" Rose yelled. "Uhh, come on!" She muttered.

"He must be inside." I said urging her to go inside.

"Hello? Hello, Wilson, it's Rose. Hello? Wil- Wilson?"

Rose pushed the door opened and we walked together inside. The place was full of mannequin. I gave a slight shiver. I never really liked seeing them in store fronts, looking so lifeless and creepy. I felt Rose grip my arm tighter. Seems like she doesn't like this place either.

"Wilson? Wilson?" Rose and I walked to another door and then the door that we had just come through closed abruptly. Rose quickly leapt out of my arm and ran to the door shaking it, trying to get it to open. I shuffling sound was made behind us, and I jumped back. It really isn't that fun, knowing what was going to happen.

"Is that someone mucking about?" Rose said and came back to me.

"Who is it?" I asked. I turned around and noticed that one of the dummies was moving, eerily slowly towards us.

"Uh Rose." I said and indicated for her to look behind us. She took a step back.

"Heh... you got me, very funny. Do you have something to do with this?" She asked me.

"N-No, I hate dummies. They give me the creeps."

The dummy continued towards us and we took equal steps back.

"Right, I've got the joke! Who's idea was this? Was it Derek's?"

The dummy still followed, another appearing beside us.

"Derek, is this you?"

"I don't think it's Derek. Whoever he is?" I said.

Now all of the dummies were headed towards us and Rose took a larger step back and tripped over a box. I quickly held my hand out and she grabbed it and I pulled her up. A dummy was coming up ready to whack us when a hand grabbed her.

My eyes lit up upon seeing the Doctor. Rose snapped her head and saw the Doctor. Oh their first encounter! How exciting! And I knew what he was going to say next. It took everything in my power not to join him in saying,


The Doctor pulled Rose along, in turn pulling me as well. And the dummies were in hot pursuit. The Doctor led us to an elevator and we all got on. Just as the door closed a dummied arm reached through. The Doctor pulled it off and the doors closed.

"You pulled his arm off!" Rose exclaimed.

"Yep!" He said and tossed it to her, but then she quickly passed it to me and I held it far away from my face.

"Plastic." The Doctor said, eyeing me as I held it out.

"Very clever, nice trick! Who were they then, students? Is this a student thing or what?" Rose questioned.

"Why would they be students?" He asked.

"I don't know…" She mumbled.

"Well, you said it! Why students?" I asked her. Oops. Took the words right out of the Doctors mouth. I better watch that. I looked at him and his eyes squinted slightly as if he was trying to figure out how I knew what he was going to say.

"Cause... to get that many people dressed up and being silly... they gotta be students."

The Doctor grinned. He likes her.

"That makes sense! Well done."

"Thanks." She said, not understanding why she was being congratulated.

"They're not students."

"Whoever they are, when Wilson finds them, he's gonna call the police."

"Who's Wilson?"

"Chief electrician."

"Wilson's dead." The Doctor stepped out of the lift and Rose and I follow him out and we walked down the corridor.

"That's just not funny, that's sick!" Rose exclaimed

"Hold on!" He said and pushed us back. Ah! He touched me. Im such a gawking fan girl. I noticed he pulled out his sonic and I averted my eyes knowing it was going to get bright.

"Mind your eyes." He looked back and said to us and noticed that I was already looking away. With a zap of his sonic the door opened.

"I've had enough of this now!" Rose shouted. I walked up beside her, still holding onto the plastic arm. The Doctor continued to walk off.

"Who are you, then? Who's that lot down there? I said, who are they?"

"They're made of plastic. Living plastic creatures. They're being controlled by a relay device in the roof. Which would be a great big problem if I didn't have this." The Doctor held out his fancy device to show her.

"So!" The Doctor opened the door, trying to get her to leave.

"I'm going to go up there and blow them up, and I might well die in the process. But don't worry about me, no. Go home, go on! Go and have your lovely beans on toast." Rose and I started out the door when the Doctor spoke.

"Don't tell anyone about this, because if you do, you'll get them killed." He shut the door, and Rose looked completely confused. Then the door opened again.

"I'm the Doctor, by the way, what's your name?" He said looking at Rose.


"And you?" He said, talking to me. He surprised me and I dropped the plastic arm and quickly when to pick it up.

"Azalea." I said and blushed lightly.

"Nice to meet you, Rose, Azalea. Run for your lives." He shut the door again, and I grabbed Rose's hand with my free one and we went outside. Rose let go of ran ahead, I was a terribly slow runner. I round the corner and noticed that a taxi was on its way to hit her.

"Rose!" I yelled and pulled her back, making it just in time.

"Watch it!" The taxi driver yelled.

Rose and I continued away from the building and we looked back just in time to see the top floor blow up. We both squinted at the bright light. Rose grabbed my hand and pulled me away, I figured to her home. As she pulled me I noticed the famous police. I wanted to touch it but I felt another tug from Rose, urging me to continue on.


Ohmysweetgoodness. I was at Rose's home. Rose plopped herself on the couch and patted the spot beside her. I walked up and sat down. News 24 was on the TV. I put the plastic arm on a chair away from the pair of us.

"The whole of Central London has been closed off as police investigate the fire. Earlier reports in the…" Jackie walked in talking on the phone.

"I know, it's on the telly! It's everywhere! She's lucky to be alive!" She handed Rose a mug and then went back t the kitchen and handed me one as well. I nodded in thanks and she smiled.

"Honestly, it's aged her. Skin like an old bible. Walking in now you'd think I was HER daughter!"

I suppressed a giggled but Rose noticed and whacked my arm and smirked. Then Mickey appeared in the doorway.

"I've been phoning your mobile, you could've been dead! It's on the news and everything! I can't believe that your shop went up!" He bent down and hugged her.

"I'm alright, honestly, I'm fine! Don't make a fuss."

"Well, what happened?" He started. "And who's this?" I quickly placed my mug down and hopped up and grabbed Mickeys hand.

"Azalea, it's nice to meet you Mickey." I said. "Oops I mean, damn." I muttered the last. Mickey seemed taken aback.

"How'd you know my name? How'd she know my name?" He said now looking at Rose.

"I don't know, she says she came here through her TV."

"Im from another universe, basically." 'I think.' I thought to myself. Mickey looked at me, thinking I was crazy then dismissed it.

"What was it though, what caused it?" He asked.

"We weren't in the shop, we were outside, I didn't see anything…" Jackie walked in, disturbing the conversation.

"It's Debbie on the other end, she knows a man from the Mirror - five hundred quid for an interview!"

"Oh that's brilliant! Give it here!" Rose said, then immediately hung it up.

"Well, you've gotta find some way of making money. Your jobs kaput and I'm not bailing you out." The phone rang ahead and Jackie grabbed it and answered it.

"Beth! She's alive!" She said while leaving the room. "I tell ya, sue for compensation! She was within seconds of death…" She exaggerated.

"What're you drinking? Tea? No, no no, that's no good, that's no good. You're in shock, you need something stronger." I put my mug down.

"I agree." I said. Mickey shot me a quick smile.

"Why?" Rose asked.

"We deserve a proper drink, you and me, and Mickey." I said joining our arms again. Mickey looked at us amused.

"We're going down the pub, my treat. How about it?" I smiled and nodded.

"Is there a match on?" Rose asked and smiled, knowingly.

"I'm just thinking about you, babe!"

"Pfffft." I said and Rose laughed in response.

"There's a match on, ain't there."

"Well, that's not the point. We could catch the last five minutes."

"Go on then. I'm fine, really. Go. Get rid of that…" She said and pointed to the plastic arm. Mickey pointed to his lips, and in turn Rose kisses him. They really were cute together. Mickey picks up the arms and waves goodbye with it. I shuddered slightly. Creepy.

"Buh Bye!"

"Bye!" Rose said.

Mickey then pretended to strangle himself with the arm and left. Rose shook her head fondly and turns her attention back to the news.

" then spread throughout the store... there is very little chance of saving the infrastructure…"

"Well, we should get to bed." Rose said then looked at me and noticed I had a sad face.

"Whats the matter?" She asked.

"I dont have a place to go."

"I did say we should go to bed didn't I?" She said while emphasizing 'we'.

"Really? You'll take in someone you just met?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "You'd do the same right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I suppose I would." Then she lead me to her room and headed off to dreamland.

What a birthday this turned out to be.

I woke up to the sound of an alarm clock. Didn't sound like mine. I reached to where I thought it would be but just felt air. That was weird. Groggily, I opened my eyes. Hmmm, this isn't my room. I looked around and saw a bed and a familiar blonde that was sleeping in it who was reaching to turn her alarm off. You could hear Jackie's voice from another room.

"There's no point in getting up, sweetheart. You've got no job to go to." I heard Rose moan and flop back on her pillow.

So this really wasn't a dream. I was really in the world of Doctor Who. Questions swirled around in my head. Why was I here? Was I ever going to be able to go home? And what was going to happen to me now?


Rose and I sat down and ate some breakfast while Jackie chattered on.

"There's Finches... you could try them. They've always got jobs."

"Oh, great. The butchers." Rose said sarcastically.

"Well it might do you good! That shop was giving you airs and graces. And I'm not joking about getting compensation - you've had genuine shock and trauma! Arianna got two thousand quid off the council just because the old man behind the desk said she looked Greek! I know she IS Greek, but that's not the point - it's a valid claim." I stifled a laugh. Jackie just loves to chatter on.

A rattling sound distracted us from our food. Oh ya, the Doctor is coming! Rose stood up and walked to the door.

Mum, you're such a liar, I told you to nail that cat flap down. We're going to get strays!"

"I did it weeks back!" Jackie replied.

"No, you thought about it!"

I walked up to Rose. "No, she really did fix it."

Screws fell to the floor and the cat flap moved around. Rose jumped backwards and I bent down and looked out of the cat flap. The Doctors faced moved into view and I grinned. I moved back and Rose opened the door.

"What're you doing here?" He asked Rose/

"I live here."

"What about you?" He said now looking at me.

"I just followed her home." I said, looking completely innocent. The Doctor looked at Rose again.

"Well, what do you do that for?"

"Because I do! And I'm only at home because someone blew up my job." I laughed. The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and tampered with it. I mental touched mine which was still in my pocket. I wonder, would it work in this universe?

"Must've got the wrong signal. You're not plastic, are you?" He said and knocked on Rose's head, then looked at me and decided not to continue the same gesture.

"No, bonehead. Bye, then!" He said heading out the door but I grabbed his arm, pulling him inside.

"You, inside. Right now." I said, and Rose shut the door behind us.

The Doctor walked into the living room moments later.

"Don't mind the mess. Do you want a coffee?"

"Might as well, thanks! Just milk." Rose headed to the kitchen to make some coffee and I sat down across from the Doctor.

"It's nice to meet you Doctor." I said

The Doctor picked up a magazine and shot me a lazy eye.

"Yeah, so how do you know Rose."

"Oh I just fell out of the sky and she picked me up." I walked over to him and looked at the magazine as well.

"We should go to the police. Seriously. All of us." Rose said from the kitchen.

"That won't last, he's gay and she's an alien." I said seeing a couple in the magazine. The Doctor gaped at me for a moment and closed the magazine and tossed it somewhere.

"How'd you know-" The Doctor began but was interrupted my Rose.

"Im not blaming you, even if it was just some sort of joke that went wrong."

The Doctor picks up a book and flicks through it.

"Sad ending, right?" I asked. I wonder if he is going to get pissed with me or get really intrigued. Either or, this was so much fun.

"Right. You've read this." He figured. I shook my head.

"They said on the news they'd found a body." Rose said.

"Rose Tyler." He said as he looked at an envelope. He noticed a mirror and looked into it.

"Ahh, could've been worse!" He said and touched his ears,

"I think you look great this time around." At that comment he swirled and pinned me to a wall. I was shocked but didn't let it show on my face.

"What do you mean, 'this time around'?" He asked, anger showing his face.

"Sorry, but I don't really know how to explain it, I dont think you'd believe me, and I really, really dont want you to hate me." The Doctor let go of my arm.

"You will explain this to me." He said and I simply nodded.

"All the same, he was nice. Nice bloke." Rose said, completely unaware of the confrontation between myself and the Doctor.

"Well anyway if we are going to go to the police, I want to know what I'm saying."

The Doctor continues to look at me as Rose rambles on.

"I want you, Doctor, to explain everything."

A sound behind the couch made the Doctor and I break eye contact.

"What's that then? You got a cat?"

"No…" Rose replied. I leaned over the sofa knowing full well what was going to happen. The dummy's hand shot our and grabbed my face. I started to claw at the hand, failing at trying to get it off. The Doctor jumped over to me and tried to yank it off. Rose then wandered in with the drinks.


We did have, but there's these strays, they come in off the estate…" She said while not quite getting the fact that I was being suffocated by a plastic hand!

"I told Mickey to chuck that out…"

"uhh nd rld ck" I said through the hand.

"What she saying?"

"The hand crawled back." He said while finally pulling it off only for it to pop onto his face. My hand quickly flew to his face trying to pull it off. Rose set the coffee down and began to scold us.

"Honestly, give a man a plastic hand... anyway, I don't even know your name, Doctor... what was it? Funny skit guys." The Doctor then managed to pull of the hand and it flew across the room only to attach to Rose's face. I quickly leapt over to her to pull it off, the Doctor a second behind Doctor and Rose crash onto the coffee table, breaking it, and roll onto the floor. The Doctor pushes her back onto the sofa, while I continue to try and pull off the hand and he gets out his sonic screwdriver, disabling the hand. I flopped back on the couch, tired.

"It's alright, I've stopped it. There you go, you see?" He tossed Rose the hand. "'Armless." I laughed at the silly pun and he smiled at me.

"Do you think?" She said and whacked on on the arm with it.

"Ow!" Than the Doctor ran outside, Rose and I close behind him.

"Hold on a minute, you can't just go swanning off."

"Yes I can. Here I am, this is me, swanning off. See ya!"

"That arm was moving, it tried to kill me!" Rose yelled

"Don't forget about me." I said in the background.

"Ten out of ten for observation." What a meanie he was.

"You can't just walk away, that's not fair! You've got to tell me what's going on."

"No I don't." He said simply. We all reached the bottom of the stairs and headed outside.

"Alright then. I'll go to the police. I'll tell everyone. You said, if I did that, I'd get people killed. So, your choice. Tell me, or I'll start talking."

"Is that supposed to sound tough?" The Doctor remarked.

"Sort of."

"Doesn't work."

"Who are you?"

"I told you! The Doctor.

"Yeah. But Doctor what?

"Just the Doctor." I interjected, feeling a bit left out.

"Yeah, what she said."

"The Doctor." Rose repeated.


"Is that supposed to sound impressive?"

"Sort of." I said.

"Oi." He replied with a smirk.

"Come on. You can tell me. I've seen enough. Are you the police?" Rose said and looked at me as well.

"No. I was just passing through. I'm a long way from home." I frowned. The war was so fresh for him. The Doctor didn't miss my lapse in emotion.

"But what have I done wrong? How comes those plastic things keep coming after me?"

"Oh! Suddenly the entire world revolves around you! You were just an accident, you got in the way, that's all."

"It tried to kill me!"

"Us." I added. But Rose ignored it.

"It was after me, not you! Last night, in the shop, I was there, you blundered it. Almost ruined the whole thing. This morning, I was tracking it down, it was tracking me down... the only reason it fixed on you is that you met me."

"So, what you're saying is, the entire world revolves around you." She mocked.

"Sort of, yeah."

"Ego much." I smirked, the Doctor shrugged.

"You're full of it!" Rose stated.

"Sort of, yeah."

"But, all this plastic stuff - who else knows about it?"

"No one."

"What, you're on your own?"

"Well, who else is there? I mean, you lot, all you do is eat chips, go to bed, and watch telly! When all the time, underneath you, there's a war going on!"

"Fries, chips are crunchy." I said, and both of the stopped to look at me for a moment.

"What?" I asked. But the both carried on their previous conversation and Rose took the hand away from him.

"Okay, start from the beginning."

"If you're gonna go with this living plastic, and I don't even believe that, but if we do... how did you kill it?"

"The thing controlling it projects life into the arm. I cut off the signal, dead." He said/

"So that's radio control?"

"Thought control." I said.

"How would you know?" Rose asked. I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Yeah. So, who's controlling it, then?" She asked.

"Long story."

"But what's it all for? I mean, shop window dummies... what's that about? Is someone trying to take over Britain's shops?" The Doctor and I laughed and Rose joined in.


"I know."

"It's not a price war." The Doctor and Rose laughed again but I remained serious. The Doctor noticed and stopped. "They want to overthrow the human race and destroy you. Do you believe me?"

"No." Rose said.

"Yes." I said and the same time as Rose. Rose looked at me like I was incredibly gullible. The Doctor looked taken aback for a moment, not thinking that either of us were going to believe him. I also noticed the TARDIS in the distance.

"But you're still listening." He said directed to Rose.

"Really though, Doctor. Tell me - who are you?"

"Do you know like we were saying? About the Earth revolving?" He said and faced Rose and I.
It's like when you were a kid. The first time they tell you the world's turning and you just can't quite believe it because everything looks like it's standing still. I can feel it." He took both of our hands and I relished at the feeling, and closed my eyes imagining the spin of the earth.

"The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour, and the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at sixty-seven thousand miles an hour, and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me. Clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if we let go…" He let go or our hands.

"That's who I am. Now, forget me, Rose Tyler."

He looked at me, but said nothing. He took the arm from Rose, and waved it in her face.

"Go home." He said. Rose turned around and began to head back I continued to follow him. I knew he was going in and I wasn't about to pass up this chance. Rose had already rounded the corner and I snuck quietly behind the Doctor. He stepped inside the TARDIS with me right on his heels. The door closed behind me and the Doctor walked up the the console and began pressing things. I stepped in and marvelled at the wonder that is the TARDIS. I had a yahtzee TARDIS at home, but that has nothing on the real thing. I walked up and sat on the pilot seat. The Doctor was on the other side, having not noticed me yet. I suppressed a giggle. Oh he was going to be mad.

Finally the Doctor rounded to my side, passed me then stopped in his tracks.

Well there you have it, the first chapter in a series.

I have labelled the story with 9, 10, and 11 doctors, but Im not sure yet if Im going to make it one BIG story or make it into a series. Any suggestions? Also length? Is this decent splitting the episodes into 2 parts? My computer didn't want to load it all in one chapter so I split it up this time.

And let me know what you think of Azalea. I know she hasn't done much yet. Im just trying to add her in while still getting to the plot of each episode and developing Roses and the Doctors relationship along with hers.

Leave a review, give me you thought! 3

The next chappy will be up in a mo!