A ragged brown tom sat on the edge of a cliff, staring up at a dark, ominous looking sky. Where was StarClan? He hadn't travelled all the way from ShadowClan territory with that annoying medicine cat just to see a dark sky. Confused, the tom glanced around quickly. He was sitting on dewy, bright green grass that covered the land. The land behind him swept away to a valley, with large trees dotting the land. Not a single cat was to be seen. All was silent in StarClan.
"Where are you?" he howled into the air. "I'm here to receive my nine lives!"
Only silence met his call. Frustrated, the tom flopped down on the grass. What was going on? Why was no one coming to give him lives? Did his medicine cat know this would happen?
"Yellowfang?" the tom hissed, wondering if the dark gray she-cat was there. He had left her sitting outside Mothermouth. Maybe she had followed him into the cavern. Maybe she was watching the ceremony.
Finally some movement caught his eyes. Two stars were glowing faintly in the distance, growing brighter as they drew closer. The stars changed shape to show two cats- the ones who had come to answer Brokentail's call.
"You're kits!" the tom cried in dismay as he stared at the tiny gray kits watching him with glowing amber eyes.
One tipped her fluffy head to one side. "Of course we are!" she squeaked.
"You didn't think we'd be grown-up cats in StarClan, did you?" the other added.
Brokentail heaved a sigh as he realized who these kits were. "You're Wishkit and Hopekit, aren't you?"
"Yep!" the slightly larger kit mewed. "I'm Hopekit!"
"And I'm Wishkit!" the smaller one mewled. "We've come to give you lives!"
The tom snorted, not believing the tiny cats. "Yeah. Right. Very funny, you two. Now where are the real StarClan cats? Where's Cedarstar? Foxheart? Cloudpelt?"
Hopekit and Wishkit exchanged unhappy glances. The larger kit gave her brother a sympathetic look. "Um, we don't know how to tell you this, but StarClan doesn't want you to be leader."
"What?" Brokentail screeched. "How can that be?"
Wishkit curled her tail around her paws. "They all think you are evil. No one wanted to give you your lives. They said you should be punished, not rewarded."
The tom turned away from the kits to look down into the valley. "Where are they?" he hissed. "Are they all cowards? Are they so afraid that they sent to kits to reason with me?"
"No, silly!" Wishkit squeaked. "They aren't afraid of you. They were just going to ignore you and let you wander around all confused until you woke up without your lives."
"We came because we convinced them you should get at least a few lives!" Hopekit mewed. "The really important StarClan cats said we could each give you a life."
Brokentail glared down at his sisters. "I don't want the lives you have to give me. They're probably for love or kindness or something weak."
Hopekit narrowed her little amber eyes. "So you don't want our lives?"
"I'd probably be just fine without them," Brokentail spat. "I don't want you to give me sappy and sweet lives! Those are for weak cats."
Wishkit and Hopekit exchanged glances. Finally they shrugged and turned back to their brother. "Fine," Wishkit mewed. "If you don't want our lives, we won't give them to you."
"But don't think this means we won't still watch over you," Hopekit added.
"You mean I'm going to have to listen to the pair of you saying 'Be good' and 'Make good choices' for the rest of my life?" Brokentail hissed.
The kits nodded. "Yep!"
"Oh great!" the tom sighed. "This is going to make taking over the forest a lot harder."
Hopekit nodded. "That's our goal. We want you to be good!"
"We love you very much, big brother!" Wishkit mewed.
They pressed up against each other, giving Brokentail one last glance before they faded away. "Make us proud!"
(A/N: I know this was a little weird. It was just a crazy idea I had, so...)