Sorry if you were hoping this would come sooner, it was a vary busy week for me and it took a while to proof read this chapter.

Hope you enjoy.

Flashes of multiple memories raced through my mind at light speed when I woke up. I was in a what looked like a big metal box, cuffed to a chair.

I reached out with the force, to sense my surroundings, and sensed 5 lifeforms talking outside my prison, one in particular I could tell was my sister, Sabine.

Then the door opened and the Jedi walked in, "So" he began.

Before he could say more, I asked "Is Sabine okay?"

"Um yeah, she's fine." he answered.

"What happened to me?"

the Jedi replied with a questioning look "Shouldn't you know?"

"I-I think," I said as memories raced through my mind, "there was an explosion, and then" I stopped, trying to remember.

"Well its okay, you can just.."he started but stopped when I mumbled something, "What did you say?"

"Vader, Darth Vader," I whispered, "I remember Vader."

The Jedi's eyebrow arched "What do you remember about Vader?"

"He-he trained me, brainwashed me," I said as images of him teaching rush through my mind.

"he what?" the Jedi said startled.

"I remember" a tear escaped my eye.

"What, What do you remember?" The Jedi asked

"I hurt innocent people" I said in horror.

... 3rd person point of view...

Kanan wasn't sure what to do at that point so he just walked away. It seemed the kid needed some time to himself.

"What happened to him?" Sabine asked, a faint stream of tears running down her cheeks.

"He said he was brainwashed." Kanan replied, feeling sorry for Sabine.

"Can I talk to him?" she asked.

Kanan waved toward the box "fine"

...Sabine's Point of View...

Blayze was siting in a chair with his head down, his chocolate brown hair was the same as the last time she saw him.

He started to say something, but she just ran and hugged him.

... Blayze's point of view...

"Where were you, what happened?" she asked.

I sniffled "I'm sorry, I never meant for this to happen."

And I told her every thing I remembered. Being a slave, the explosion, the brainwashing, being trained by a Sith lord.

We sat in silence for a while after that. Then I started laughing softly.

"What's so funny?" Sabine asked with a smile.

"I don't think Vader expected me to have a sister, much less find her as soon as I just did."

Sabine laughed with me. Then I felt a small tug in the force I stopped laughing.

"Whats wrong?" Sabine asked.

"You need to go." I said.

"What! Why?"

"Vader." I replied.

"What!" She said again.

"Unbolt my cuffs, Vader's sent spy's to find me." I answered.

She unlocked the cuffs and we ran outside onto the docks.

"what is he doing out!" the Jedi said.

"Kanan, it's okay." Sabine told the Jedi, Kanan.

"No its n..." but he stopped when he felt the same disturbance I had.

"Incoming!" I yelled.

And we all flung ourselves to the side as a Ti fighter's lasers hit the ground where we had been and the dock shook.

...Trooper 10564 point of view...

"This is Trooper 10564 reporting in, what does the target look like?"

"The one in the mandalorion armor" his captain said.

"There are two mandalorion's sir, one in black and one in pink, which one is it?" the trooper replied.

"The boy of course!" his captain said impatiently.

"Which one's that?"

"Who do you think it is?!" the captain said outraged

"ummmmmm?" the trooper thought.

...Blayze's Point Of View...

We saw two more ti fighters coming in and I knew the cruiser wouldn't be far behind.

"Get to your ship and take off!" I said.

"what, no." Sabine objected. "Not without you!"

"Go!" I demanded.

They moved to the ship, turning around just in time to see me force one of the TI's into the ground.

Then two bombers came in and started to bomb the docking area, leaving Hera with no choice but to take off.

I put my helmet on and turned to face the TI's and the two Bombers.

I used the force to slam one Ti into one of the bomber's, taking them both down, then I force crushed the other bomber until it exploded.

The other TI fired straight at me. But as the laser canons fire came within three feet of me, it bounced of an invisible field and ricocheted into the sky.

I ignited my arm sabers just as the TI fighter turned around for another attack run.

I stepped forward swinging my arms at the direction of the TI. Almost instantly, the blade flew off my arm, Into an arch of energy that flew towards the TI fighter.

It sliced straight through it and cut it in two. One second later, both pieces exploded into a cloud of flames.

...On the Ghost...

Kanan's eyes widened at the scene, Hera gasped, Ezra was aw struck, Zebb's mouth was open, and Chopper short circuited.

Sabine Smiled.