Completing You

Just a little one-shot, set in and around Shadow Kiss (Dimitri not turned), with some Romitri fluff. Rose is feeling pretty confident about something and she is sure that Dimitri will love it. Read to find out what it is xD RxR

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Academy or anything surrounding it (but I do own this plot :D)


I was feeling particularly good about myself. Obviously pleading to Alberta to give me Dimitri's file three days prior had made me feel a little less cool but right now, I felt pretty good.

Dimitri had once asked what I had wanted for my birthday and, truth be told, all I wanted was him but fate had other grand plans involving a dark-haired scar-face, a century-old motto forcing me to focus on my best friend's well-being and the whole forbidden-ness of it all so that was a bust.

However, I knew there was something that Dimitri wanted, no, needed (bar me) in his life. It would just complete him entirely and I wanted to be the one to give it to him.

I hopped out of my lovely bed and went to squeal as the cold air attacked my exposed skin. Damn, where is global warming when you need it!?

Shivering through the rapidly forming goose-bumps on my limbs, I darted for the shower and reveled at the sensation of hot droplets covering my frozen body with pockets of warmth. After ten minutes of enjoying the heat, I decided I shouldn't be too late so I, regretfully, turned the shower off and dove into a fluffy towel, relishing in the new feeling of comfort.

Eventually, I left my dear sweet dorm room and swaggered to the gym where I knew Dimitri had spent the last fifteen minutes preparing a long and tedious speech about my inability to follow instructions.

I poked my head through the gym door and sure enough, Dimitri was lying on the mats, reading one of his beloved westerns. I smiled at the sight and my grin only grew when I saw he was wearing his duster. Jackpot.

"Hellooo, comrade," I sang as I strode into the gym. Dimitri flashed me a quick glance before putting down the book and standing up.

"Glad to see your punctuality hasn't faltered." He said wearing his guardian mask but amusement glinting in his beautiful eyes. Oh, the things that man does to me.

"Well we wouldn't want me changing who I am now would we?" I countered and he gave me one of his full, and rare, smiles.

"No, not even slightly Roza." I trembled at his accent but then refocused my mind.

"So," I said sharply but with a huge grin leaking onto my face. Dimitri raised an eyebrow at me and I took this as an invitation to continue, "a little birdie" Alberta "told me" unwillingly "that today is a very special day…" I trailed off and watched Dimitri's face fall.

"Oh no..."

"Oh yeah, comrade!" I exclaimed, "Happy Birthday!" I cried out and before he could protest, I removed my hands from where they hand been concealed behind my back and placed what they were hiding on his head: a Stetson. I watched as his face fell from worry to tired amusement. He chuckled and I burst out laughing at the sight of him; granted he looked quite amusing but who knew that he suited a Stetson? He was born to love the Old West.

"So you like?" I asked, not even trying to stop the grin that was taking control of my face.

Dimitri's face softened and he too did not prevent a radiant smile taking over his face. "Roza," he began coming closer to me so our faces were dangerously close, "I love it." He whispered and on that declaration, he tilted his head upward, to rest the rim of the hat on the top of my head, and fused his mouth with my own.

Unable to compete with his immense strength, I felt myself stumbling backwards. He continued to kiss me but push me back so my spine made contact with the wall. His lips left my own and started trailing their way down my neck. I used this time to catch my breath and gasped when he found my sensitive spot under my jawbone.

"Easy cowboy," I murmured and I felt his chuckle rupture through his chest. I brought my lips down to his own neck and left him with a reason to wear his hair down.

"Roza," he leaned his forehead to my own and whispered softly; "I love you."

I brought my mouth back to his own and gave him a gentle kiss, "I love you too Indiana Jones." I said flicking his Stetson. He smiled and leaned back slightly. "You know Comrade," I began.

"Yes Roza?" he said as he trailed his nose down skin, teasing me with his touch.

"Y-you know," I repeated, trying desperately to stay in control, "that you have to wear that hat all day." He stopped and brought his gaze to meet my own. "I believe I am missing out on some essential training time." I winked and wriggled out of his arms, and began to walk over to the mats but not before calling over my shoulder:

"Be glad I didn't get you the pink, sparkly one."

Hello there!

This was my very first FanFic, originally just a one chapter one-shot but it developed a little further :D Hope you enjoy!

Much love xx