A New Beginning

Hello and welcome to my first ever fanfic!

After finishing the True Blood TV show and not finding the ending very satisfying for my favourite pairing I got hooked on Eric/Sookie fanfiction. I quickly decided I needed to write my own version of events and deciding I couldn't do things by halves I am rewriting the story pretty much from scratch.

The story starts at the beginning of episode 1x05, just after the death of Dawn Green. But the big change is that Sookie hasn't met Bill (yet) in this series of events and so visits Fangtasia without Bill as an escort, meeting Eric without knowing anything about vampires. I may take some characters or storylines from the books later down the track but this story will mainly be following the plot of the HBO TV show. I have rated M to be safe because I am expected there to be a fair amount of blood and sex...

Enjoy the show.


Story Disclaimer: I own nothing, all rights belong to Charlaine Harris and HBO. I'm just playing ;)

Edit: Chapter edited June 2016. Special thanks to fundamental blue and Spaz85 for their beta reading on this!

Chapter 1

I sat on the steps outside my coworker's apartment in shock, my mind stuck on the horror of finding Dawn's stiff and lifeless body, sprawled across the bed. But, try as I might, I couldn't stop myself from remembering the ugly bruises that had marked her throat or the vacant stare of her eyes.

It was made all the more difficult by my telepathic ability that enabled me to 'hear' everything the detectives were thinking inside the crime scene. In my current numb state I lacked the concentration needed to protect my mind against unwanted intrusions.

I could see her body again through the mind of the crime scene photographer, his thoughts far from professional as he checked her out while taking shots of the scene. And I could feel Andy Bellefleur, our town's deputy, rejoicing at having caught my brother 'red handed' at the crime scene, even though I had been the first to find Dawn's body. Worst of all I could hear the thoughts of everyone who had gathered around the house to gossip and speculate. The neighbour had taken it upon herself to start the rumors of my brother, Jason's, involvement and I knew the news would spread like wildfire. By tonight everyone in Bon Temps will have heard the news that Dawn was dead and that my brother was the number one suspect.

...heard she was fucking vamps…that's a sure death sentence there…

wonder if we'll get to see the body, I hope they come out soon...it's hot enough to roast a horse...wonder if the body has started smelling….

...got what was coming to her…vamp tramp...that's what she gets for putting out for fangers...

those Stackhouse's are involved...always finding trouble...knew there was something off about the both of them….

...poor Dawn...sure gonna miss her smile...

...Shit! Fuck! What the hell am I gonna do?! I barely got out of this once...no way they gonna let me go a second time...fuck!

The last thought came from my brother, who was being questioned further by Bud Dearborne, the sheriff in Bon Temps. It spooked me a little to hear thoughts like that coming from him, especially after learning he had been arguing with Dawn the night before. Maybe Jason wasn't as innocent in all this as I wanted to think he was, especially considering the guilt that permeated his thoughts. But neither could I imagine him being the killer Andy considered him to be.

From what clues I gathered from the crime scene and the minds of others, I knew there was more to Dawn's death than a jealous lover's spat. I had seen the bite marks on Dawn's neck, before covering her body with the sheet, and it was looking very likely that this murder was connected to the murder of Maudette Pickens, who was killed only a week earlier.

Like everyone else I had heard every juicy detail of Maudette's death through the gossip line at Merlotte's. It had been said she sought out the company of vampires, desperate to let them fuck and bite her anyway they wanted, treating her like she was a piece of meat.

Even though I had yet to see a vampire in Bon Temps they had still managed to affect my life. Ever since the great reveal I had been excited at the prospect of meeting a vampire one day, curious at the history they would have lived through and experiences they might have had. But now, after seeing Dawn with bite marks on her neck and hearing the sorts of things vampire's liked to do with women, I wasn't so keen.

However, despite the fact both women associated with vampires, no one seemed to suspect them as the killers, instead blaming my brother for the deed. Maybe it was because they hadn't been drained of blood? Instead they had both been strangled, a method that suggested a human culprit. I wanted to laugh at the absurdity of me playing detective while the actual County department sat around baffled and focused their attentions of the wrong suspects.

A chill then crept over me. If the police were considering human suspects, like my brother, for the murders then it meant the killer was likely a resident of Bon Temps. Visitor numbers were small and new faces would have attracted the immediate attention of the police when it came to the murders. So this meant the real culprit could be someone I know. Someone I saw everyday…

I shuddered at the thought, not able to think of a single person that I could imagine killing two women. Perhaps if I didn't work so hard to keep everyone's thoughts out of my head I might have picked up on something. Maybe even had enough warning to save Maudette and Dawn.

Guilt immediately clashed with the more rational part of me that said my snooping wouldn't have helped. I would have never considered monitoring people's thoughts for things like, "I'm going to murder someone today." Half the time their minds would be stuck on the trivial things they needed to get done, like doing the groceries or cleaning the house. I also considered dipping into people's heads very rude, considering people's thoughts were private and frankly I never wanted to hear about the type of porn people liked to watch.

Sam arrived on the scene then, interrupting me from my thoughts, coming over to sit beside me. Instead of offering empty words of comfort he slipped an arm around me in silent support for what I had experienced. I was a little ashamed to admit that I clung to him while fighting off tears, leaning into his embrace and breathing in his familiar scent of liquor and sweat.

Even with Sam rubbing soothing circles into my back, it took a few moments before I could relax into his embrace, not being used to much physical contact when all it did was enhance my 'gift'. I realized that I had been tense and shaky ever since exiting the apartment, and being held by Sam helped by giving me something physical to anchor myself too while I pulled myself together. Especially since my mental shields were non-existent, leaving me vulnerable against a crowd of thoughts that weren't my own.

"Thank you." I sighed softly as the chatter of thoughts dimmed slightly.

I could feel Sam shaking his head. "Don't thank me, Sookie. I'm the one who sent you here to collect her. I'm so sorry you had to see– that you had to find her like that." His words were a broken whisper and I felt his mind pushing against mine, anger, frustration, sorrow, regret, all present and underpinned by a strong sense of protectiveness he felt while holding me in his arms. I found it strange that I couldn't get a clear reading on his mind. Only abstract emotions instead of actual thoughts, but decided it was a mystery best left to a different day.

"It had to be someone." I replied, shrugging my shoulders awkwardly as I moved out of his one armed embrace, pulling my mental shields into place more firmly, relieved when the insufferable chatter from the minds around me disappeared almost completely.

"I'll tell ya Sook, sometimes I don't even recognize this world we're living in anymore. I mean God dammit–"

"You stop right there Sam." I cut him off sharply. "God didn't do this."

"Alright, those damn vampire's then!"

"How can you be sure they had anything to do with this either?" I felt myself getting frustrated, like I always did when people blindly discriminated against something because it was different. It always felt like they were discriminating against me too. And since I had the privilege of hearing all the judgements people had about each other straight from their thoughts, I was sensitive to bigotry of all kinds.

"I knew she was seeing vamps, letting them bite her. Tried to convince her to stop, told her it would get her into trouble but she never listened. And now...now she's dead!"

"But how do you know they were the one's to kill her? I saw the body and she wasn't drained of blood. She was strangled. Does that sound very vampire-like to you?"

"Oh and you would know would you?" Sam's tone turned bitter. "Having seen all but what? Zero vampires?"

"Well what makes you think they did then? Clearly you're the expert on this." I matched his tone, crossing my arms and staring at him challengingly.

"I have met vampires before. I know what they are capable of." His voice went dark and I wondered, not for the first time, what kind of life Sam had lived before coming to Bon Temp's. He continued, "they're brutal, cruel and treat humans like pets. I saw the bite marks on Dawn's neck. She let them feed off her and use her. Even if they didn't kill her they are responsible for what happened here. She never would have been in this situation if they hadn't had bitten her in the first place." I gaped at his response, unbelieving at his misogynist thoughts and poor reasoning. He was blaming Dawn for being killed and judging vampires with a blind hatred I hadn't before realized he possessed. As far as I understood, it had been human hatred that had killed Dawn, not a vampire bite.

"Dawn was a grown woman. She made an adult choice, and I don't think it was your place to judge her for the type of things she enjoyed. What she chose to do in her private time is her business and your disagreement over it does mean she deserved what happened to her. Associating with vampires is not an invitation to be murdered." My voice was hard with anger and Sam immediately seemed to realised how insensitive his words had been and how much they had upset me.

"I wasn't– I didn't mean...I cared for her." Sam spoke quietly. "I didn't like seeing her degrade herself in that way, but she didn't deserve to be murdered for it."

I shook my head, tears suddenly pricking my eyes. "No, she didn't."

"I'm sorry." Sam apologised, "I didn't mean to bite your head off, I'm just a little..."

"I understand." I replied, reaching out to place my hand over his where it rested on his knee. We both fell into an awkward silence.

"I should close the bar." Sam said after a few moments. He must have rushed straight over as soon as he heard the news, since he was the landlord for Dawn's apartment.

"No, I don't think that's a good idea. It will just deny people a stiff drink at the time they probably need it the most." People would undoubtedly flock to Merlotte's to gossip and drink.

"I don't know...we'll be a bit short staffed…"

"I can help cover the afternoon shift." I offered immediately.

"No Sookie, it's your day off. I think I can see where it might be for the best to keep the bar open but I think you need to take it easy after everything you've been through today."

"I really don't want to be alone with my thoughts right now…" I pleaded, knowing I needed the distraction. Sam stared at me critically, probably trying to assess my mental state, but I stared back with my well practiced poker face, giving him nothing. After a moment he caved.

"Okay, you can work the shift Sookie. But if you–" He was cut off by Kevin Ellis, Bon Temps deputy sheriff, who had come to stand behind us.

"Excuse me, Sam Merlotte? I hear you're the landlord. You don't happen to have a set of keys on ya'll? We be needing to get into the victim's storage unit."

Sam stood up and while fishing for a set of keys from his pocket he leaned down, kissing me gently on the head before leading the detective away. I stared down at my lap contemplating what to do next when I heard the noise of the screen door opening behind me. I got up quickly and moved out of the way as two men exited carrying Dawn's body in a black zip-up bag toward the waiting ambulance.

Jason followed not long after, his hands cuffed in front of him as he was escorted by a smug detective Andy Bellefleur. My brother's shoulders were slumped and his face washed of emotion, such a contrast from his usual animated expressions. I knew that the murder of Dawn had hit him hard. Jason caught my gaze when they walked past me, his expression becoming anguished.

"Sookie! Please...tell Gran it wasn't me. I didn't kill any–" He was cut off when Andy roughly shoved him forward towards the police car parked in front.

"Stop spreading your lies Stackhouse. They won't get you out of it this time." Andy growled, his thoughts oozing with smug satisfaction at finally having Jason in his custody.

"I'm not lying Andy! Why don't you believe me?"

"That's Detective Bellefleur to you. And you honestly think I would trust your word that you're not the killer? Didn't realize you were that stupid Stackhouse."

"I believe you Jason!" I spoke up, not wanting Jason to leave before knowing at least one person was on his side. No matter what thoughts I might have overheard before, I knew my brother, and he was no killer. "Gran and I know you ain't the killer, we will fight this and get you out!" I spoke the last words directly at Andy, making sure he understood how serious I was in my declaration.

He only looked at me with disdain, not bothering to reply before dragging Jason towards the waiting police car. Jason craned his head around to look back at me, a hopeful expression taking over his features before it shuttered back into despair.

By this time I realised that the voices of the people crowded around the perimeter had risen in pitch, their gossiping escalating at the scene they had witnessed. The worst part was hearing the thoughts of people who were already beginning to accept Jason as the killer.

I wanted to follow after Andy and slap him silly for the way he was treating my brother. He would have deserved it for soaking up the attention he was getting while making sure Jason was thoroughly shamed and humiliated before being shoved into the backseat of the cruiser.

Only once the car had disappeared from sight did I move from my position, realizing I was now at the center of attention for the hungry mob. I quickly scurred back to my car, desperate to leave the horrors of the morning behind as the collective thoughts of others threatened to break my mental shields.

. . .

Entering the kitchen back home I found Gran waiting for me at the dining room table, an uncharacteristically somber expression on her face. She had already heard the news no doubt.

"Dawn's dead Gran." I said, my voice tight with grief as tears began to sting my eyes.

"Oh Sookie, come here my dear." Gran got to her feet and pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged her back, desperate for the comfort she provided me and I let myself cry for the loss of my workmate and someone I might have called a friend.

After a few moments I pulled away, needing to tell Gran the rest before I lost my remaining composure. "Jason's been arrested. They think he did it and I couldn't do anything to stop them. You should have seen him Gran! He was completely torn up over Dawn. I think he really wanted to make it work this time…" I recalled the hopeless expression on my brother's face, something that I had only seen one time before; the day we learned of our parents deaths.

"I heard. But you shouldn't feel guilty for something you wouldn't have been able to change." She reached up to wipe my tears away before clasping my hands tightly in her own.

"We will sort this out and clear Jason's name." Her voice was strong and I couldn't help but feel more confident that everything could be set right.

"But Sookie, I need to ask something of you. And it isn't something I am suggesting lightly. I think you need to use your gift to help clear Jason's name." I felt thrown off balance at Gran's casual reference to my rarely spoken about ability. She was the only one in Bon Temps who knew for sure what I could do but it was never something she mentioned, knowing I craved the pretense of being normal. Everyone else considered me as either psychic or plain crazy when I slipped in public but over the years I had improved in controlling my reactions to the things I heard.

Even though the idea of purposely scanning people's mind filled me with dread I nodded my acquiescence. "I'll try, Gran." I said softly knowing I couldn't just stand by and doing nothing when I had the ability to discover the truth, even though it would be like searching for the proverbial needle in a haystack.

"I'm going into Merlotte's now anyway to cover Da–" I felt my throat get tight again at her name, "–to cover the evening shift." I amended.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? You should get some rest and take some time..."

"I need to be busy Gran." I cut her off before she could continue, "I need to be working."

It was the only thing I could think of doing to stop my mind dwelling on the memories of Dawn's lifeless body, twisted in the sheets, and her open empty eyes. Maybe it would be good to fill my head with other people's thoughts.

"I understand dear. Just don't push yourself too hard." She ordered softly before pulling me into another hug.

When we broke apart, I made my way to my room to get changed into my work shorts and white top. Pulling my hair up into a quick ponytail, I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror and saw a pale tear stained face stare back, my eyes red and puffy from crying. I turned away quickly, for once didn't bothering with makeup, only taking the time to splash my face with water before leaving the house. I just wanted to get today over with.

I drove to work on auto-pilot, mentally preparing myself for what I had to do, knowing that by the end of my shift I would have a headache from opening my mind to so many thoughts.

After stowing my bag in Sam's office I hesitated before going out into the bar, gingerly lowering my mental shields. The effect was instantaneous, like turning on a radio. Thoughts bombarded my head and I staggered under the sudden influx, steadying myself on the corner of Sam's desk until I could mute them enough to allow room for my own thoughts. With a weary sigh I headed out to start what would be a very long shift.

. . .

Hours later, I tiredly drove myself home, sifting through what I had learned on my shift and at the crime scene earlier that day. A huge amount of gossip I had overheard, both outloud and inside people's heads, centered around the fact that Maudette and Dawn had slept with vampires. Both frequently visiting the same vampire bar, Fangtasia, in Shreveport. And by now everyone had heard that my brother had been with both women in the hours before their deaths. Despite their kind words of comfort or quickly silenced conversations when in my company, I could hear loud and clear that everyone had already begun to accept my brother as guilty. In some cases I only barely managed to restrain myself from lashing out at people for what they were thinking. People who had known Jason for most of his life were now turning on him with hate and fear in their hearts.

As I got ready for bed that night I knew what I had to do. To help free my brother I needed to get to that vampire bar and snoop around. It was the only way I could think to help and I needed to do it soon. The longer Jason stayed in jail the worse it would be for him, giving him more of a chance to talk himself into trouble more by opening his big mouth.

I had the day after tomorrow off anyway, which meant I could stay out late the night before. With a slightly more solid plan in my head I resolved to think no more on the murder for tonight. But even so, it took me a long time to fall asleep.

. . .

I woke up he next day feeling tired and rundown. Any sleep I had managed to get had been plagued with memories of finding Dawn's body and my worries at Jason's incarceration. When I finally managed to pull myself out of bed, I started planning my trip to Fangtasia that night, hitting my first snag when a quick look in my wardrobe revealed nothing suitable to wear to any sort of vampire bar. I didn't have many 'going out clothes' since I was never asked on dates and never went anywhere except Merlotte's or the local shops. All I seemed to have were floral patterned sun dresses which I had a feeling would make me stick out like a sore thumb in a vampire bar, and the last thing I wanted to do was draw attention to myself as I snooped around.

After a moment of deliberation I called my friend Tara, with the hope she could have something I could borrow. She had a more active social life, preferring to go out partying with her flamboyantly gay cousin Lafayette, than staying home with her drunken mother. Her style also veered toward the tough chic style that would be more suitable in a nightclub than my sun dresses. I just hoped she would promise to help me without asking too many questions.

"Hey Sook, How are you?" Tara answered the phone, her voice tinged with concern. "I heard about what happened to Dawn...and that you found her..."

"I'm doing okay. I don't know if I'm fully over the shock of finding her...like that." I answered her truthfully, not able to keep up much of a pretense.

"Well let me know if I can do anything to help."

"Well that was sort of why I called. I'm going out tonight and my wardrobe isn't exactly appropriate for the location."

"You're going out? While your brother is in jail? Is this a date?" She fired out the questions with barely a pause between, the words coming out half in accusation, half in excitement. As far as she knew me I had only been on two proper dates and both had ended in catastrophe. Hearing the thoughts of what my dates wanted to to do with me or all the little criticisms they made about body or outfit was always a big turn off. I twisted the phone cord around my fingers nervously before replying, knowing she wouldn't be so keen on the thought of me going out when she found out where exactly I planned to go.

"No...just out. But I need something, well, not me."

"And where are you going that requires you to dress not you?" She was definitely suspicious now, and knowing how easily she could coerce the truth from me I spilled immediately.

"Umm, well you know that vampire bar in Shreveport? Fangtasia?" I answered meekly, waiting for the reaction that was likely to follow.

"What?!" I pulled the phone away from my ear slightly at the sudden increase in volume. "Why would you want to go to a vamp bar?" She continued, incredulous. Tara had never liked vampires, even when they were only tacky horror movie villains. Something about the exchange and drinking of blood freaked her out and the revelation that they were real and living among us all this time had made her feelings about them morph into paranoid fear, now her nightmares had come to life. She had even stocked up on wooden stakes and garlic as a 'precaution'. My reaction had been the polar opposite, I had been fascinated, yet it had never mattered since small towns didn't exactly attract the undead. It seemed vampires were drawn to big cities, where they were worshiped like gods by fang-bangers and tourists. Here, they would likely be met with distaste and fear.

"I wanted to ask around and see if anyone remembers Dawn or Maudette being there and who they were with. I might be able to find a connection to the murders, since both were bitten by vampires." I explained, hoping she would understand my reasoning for doing it.

"Uh yeah, that's a stupid plan. Going to a bar like that is dangerous, and if you are right and that was how the murder picked their victims it could make you a potential target. Not to mention all the vampires who could suck your blood!" She retaliated, trying to scare me off.

"I need to do this. The longer Jason is in the jail the worse it will be! You know what Jason is like under pressure, and the police won't bother investigating because they're too lazy. This might be a real lead and it's the only thing I can think to help. Please Tara…" I was desperate, suddenly, for Tara's support. If anyone would be on side side it would be her. She also had a weak spot for Jason, having been half in love with him since she was eight and she was six. Even after he had slept his way around town she still held out a small glimmer of hope at them eventually getting together. In fact, it was a recurring fantasy I wish I didn't know about. I felt bad pulling this card on her but I was in desperate need to win her over.

"I–well..." she paused, and I knew I had her, "…Well you're not going alone, I'm coming with you." Her voice brooked no arguments and I was surprised considering her feelings of vampire's.

"You don't have to–"

"Yes, I do. If you want my help you won't argue. Someone needs to keep an eye on you to make sure you don't do something stupid."

"Hey!" I cried out indignantly but with a smile on my face. I knew there was little chance of talking her out of it and frankly, a part of me was relieved I didn't have to go alone. "Okay, well thank you."

"Your welcome, but you are so buying me a drink for this" She teased. "So when are we going?"

"Tonight? After work?" I suggested.

"Yeah, the sooner the better," she agreed, "I'll be over in a hour."

. . .

While waiting for Tara to come over with the clothes, I jumped in the shower, taking the time to wash my hair and shave my armpits and legs until I felt smooth all over. Even though the outing was for investigating and not an actual excuse to party, I still had standards. And since I didn't get a chance to get out much, I wanted to make this night count. After applying my usual work makeup, I threw a brighter shade of lipstick into my purse to apply after work, along with some nicer eye makeup. I then curled my hair softly, enjoying the simple task as it distracted me from the many problems I had bouncing away in my head. Finishing the last curl I heard a knock downstairs and ran to answer it.

"Tara, it's so lovely to see you again my dear." Gran greeted Tara as she gave through the door, ladened down with two huge bags of clothes.

"How many outfits did you bring?" I had only been expecting a few things to pick from but it looked like Tara had brought her entire wardrobe. She shrugged.

"I didn't know what to bring so I brought everything. And hey there Mrs. Stackhouse, I'm just here to help Sookie with a wardrobe situation. Were going out tonight and Sookie wants to look as hot as me for a change," Tara teased, looking at me over Grans shoulder with a twinkle in her eye.

"Is that so?" Gran looked over at me in surprise at Tara's declaration. I was never one for going out, preferring to stay in with a trashy romance book. I knew Gran would grill me about it later and I wondered at what to tell her. I didn't like to lie to her but I wasn't sure that the truth would be comforting for her to hear either. Gran had continued speaking, "Well you girls have fun tonight, I will be out weeding in the garden if you need me."

Once she left I helped Tara haul the clothes up to my room where we got down to business, looking through the selection of outfits Tara had brought over. It took the good part of an hour of me trying outfit after outfit before Tara finally chose something for me. It was a bright red dress, with cute cap sleeves. Low cut in the front, but not in a trashy way, and short but not too short to make me feel uncomfortable about wearing it out. It was also made out of a stretchy material that hugged every curve I had and feeling a little self conscious I matched it with a black cardigan from my own wardrobe. I also pulled out the pair of black pumps that had been living at the back of my closet. I had bought them on sale a few years ago, reserved for special outings and had since been worn only a handful of times.

With my outfit decided I changed back into my casual shorts and singlet, folding the dress away in my bag to take with me to work. Turning back I found Tara modeling a pair of tight black jeans and a deep purple sleeveless top that showed off her toned arms. The outfit was badass and sexy rolled into one, something I could never hope to pull off with my blonde hair and feminine curves.

After packing away all the clothes scattered around the room we settled downstairs in the kitchen. And for the rest of the afternoon we caught up. It was a relief to have someone else to talk to that was sympathetic with everything that was going on with Jason. I even told her about the horror of finding Dawn and felt a little better for doing so. Tara then lightened the mood, telling me about how she had gotten fired from her previous job, the story making me laugh. She even revealed that she had managed to bully Sam into hiring her, mentioning that caring for her alcoholic mother was more than enough experience needed to deal with drunken people.

I was surprised that Sam had been so quick to hire her, but knew he had been looking for someone to cover the bar while he did paperwork in his office out back.

Checking the clock, I was surprised to realise how much time had passed while Tara and I had been talking. We were both working the same shift tonight and Tara had persuaded me to carpool with her so we drive to Fangtasia afterwards without having to split up. I also knew it was because she considered my little yellow car to be a piece of junk that would likely breakdown half way to Shreveport. I happened to agree but would never give her the satisfaction of telling her that.

I excused myself to quickly get changed into my work clothes before helping Tara drag her bags of clothes back to her car. With a quick goodbye to Gran, still working away in the garden, we drove to work.

. . .

Sam was in his office when we arrived, working on what seemed like an endless supply of paperwork. He took our arrival as an excuse to take a break and stood, cracking his back with a sigh of relief.

"Hey Sookie, Tara. How are you today?" We both shrugged noncommittally. He took a few steps closer and placed a hand on my shoulder, "you know you don't have to come in so soon after what happened. I would understand if you needed some time off." He eyed me with concern, and I straightened a little under his scrutiny.

"Sam, I really do appreciate the offer but my answer is the same as yesterday. I need to work and be busy. That is the best way for me to deal with this and you need all the help you can get until you hire a new waitress." I also needed the money extra shifts would get me.

"Well...if you're sure?"


Then...well...could I get you to cover half of Dawn's shift tomorrow?" He sounded sheepish at immediately pressuring me into more work after being concerned about me working at all, but I had just given him the perfect opening.

"Sure." I sighed internally, knowing I would be dead on my feet tomorrow after spending the night out, but unable to say no.

"Thank you. I know it was your day off but Arlene was on able to cover the morning. I promise I will hire a new waitress soon."

I nodded as I stashed my bag and grabbed my apron while Sam turned to Tara.

"You know, there's supposed to be a uniform Tara?" He spoke gruffly but I caught him checking her out as she bent over to grab an apron, surprised when a small stab of lust emanated from him. I turned away quickly, hiding my smile. I was glad that Sam might be finally interested in someone other than me. Not that I didn't find him attractive, I just didn't want to date my boss. That just led to unpleasant awkwardness.

"Yeah, but you know that this is gonna attract way more customers." Tara turned to him raising an eyebrow challengingly at him. "Anyway me and my girl are going out tonight." Tara said nudging me with her hip before walking out the door leaving me with Sam's questioning glance.

"Oh, where you guys going?"

I contemplated lying, not sure what his reaction would be to my plan. "Oh, well you know...just a bar in Shreveport…" I kept my answer vague, evading his suspicious stare. "Well I should start work," I remarked, fleeing the room with him hot on my heels, curiosity and apprehension rolling off him in waves. I had been hoping he would let it go, knowing that he wouldn't take my plan at snooping very well, especially with his attitude about vampires.

"Any particular bar in Shreveport?" He asked even though he seemed to have figured it out already. He looked at me intensely, almost willing me to tell him with just his gaze. Suddenly I was fascinated with arranging the condiments on the bar's counter. He moved his gaze onto Tara, looking at her questioningly .

Tara huffed at my reluctance to spill, "We're going to that vamp bar, Fangtasia, so Sookie can snoop 'round for clues about the murders."

"What? Are you both nuts?" He said incredulously looking back and forth between the two of us. Luckily he kept his voice low as to not draw attention.

"Sam…" I started begging him with my eyes to understand "I have to do this, for Jason. It's the only lead I have and I need to be doing something!"

"No Sookie, listen to me. Vampires are monsters and you will be walking right into the lion's den. It's too dangerous! I won't let you." He gripped me by my shoulders, trying to shake his message into me.

Incensed by his possessive treatment, I snapped, "You don't control my life Sam Merlotte. I am your employee so I can do whatever I want in my own time. I am going." I stepped out of his grasp but held my ground. He actually looked a little shocked at my outburst. I had never been one to argue with him before, on anything.

"Just... think about what you are doing." He looked at Tara for help, desperation in his gaze.

But she just shrugged. "Sorry Sam, but I'm sticking with my homegirl on this one. Jason is in trouble and he needs people on his side."

"I have thought about this Sam," I added, " and nothing you say will change my mind." I then walked away to start my shift, effectively ending the conversation.

. . .

Work seemed to drag that night. Sam was still angry with me, and all my customers seemed to be frustratingly slow at ordering and finishing their meals. I was desperate to get to Fangtasia and get the experience over and done with. Yet I was also a little excited since it would be my first time to see a real vampire in the flesh.

Finally the clock read 12:30am, which signaled the end of my shift. I quickly retrieved my bag and outfit from Sam's office and locked myself in the bathroom to change. I felt a little gross from a night of serving food and cleaning tables, but I didn't have time to return home so I shimmed into the red dress of Tara's and sprayed myself with some fresh perfume, hoping that would conceal the smell of grease a bit. I then proceeded to sexy up my makeup, giving my eyes a more smokey finish and applying the red lipstick. Taking my hair down from its ponytail, I finger combed it until the it fell down my back in soft waves. The last things to go on were the black pumps, which gave me a couple of extra inches. Stepping back, I admired my handwork and was surprised to see myself look so, well….hot.

The color of the dress complimented my tanned skin, the heels made my legs look long and slender. I smiled my first real smile that night at my reflection. Stuffing my uniform into my bag and went out to find Tara, who was by the bar with Sam looking as though he was attempting a last ditch effort to sway Tara to his cause. They turned as I approached and both their mouths opened in surprise as they saw the full effect of my outfit. Flustered by their attention I did a little tada gesture before asking Tara if we could go.

"No way in hell am I letting you go out wearing that!" Sam exclaimed after getting over his shock, "you look like vampire bait!"

"Sam Merlotte. You are not in charge of what I wear, or where I go." I replied hotly, grabbing Tara's hand and dragging her away before Sam could get another word in. I was angry at his implication of me being 'bait', like I was some cheap whore, but I also worried at what that might mean once I got to the bar. I didn't want to attract that much attention when my plan was to investigate subtly. I contemplated going home to change into something less flashy but it was already late and I doubted I would get much attention when their would be other, far more willing, customers.

"He's right you know," Tara added as we walked through the back, eyeing me critically. "You look like gift wrapped sex."

"Tara!" My cheeks reddened almost immediately, both in surprise and embarrassment, at her words.

"What? I'm just telling the truth. And I'm still going to maintain that this is a stupid idea."

"Oh come on, it probably won't even be that interesting. We will just have a few drinks, ask a few questions and be home before you know it. What's the worst that could happen?"

Tara paused to give me a look that told me I was straight up crazy before we left for the night.

. . .

Thanks for reading!