Gray made his way back to the impression on the mountainside. To the cave where all of this chaos really began. Levy seemed to be recovering and able to move again. She was holding Lucy's torn clothes and equipment. Everyone there looked sad and worn out not really sure what had transpired.
Levy looked up at Gray with a hopeful gaze praying for some good news, "How is Lucy? Did she have the baby?" Levy was still worried even though she hadn't fully recovered.
Gray was astonished that she even knew that Lucy was pregnant. He wished she said something about it sooner so it wouldn't have been such a shock.
"Yeah. They should be at the guild now, we should get going." Gray helped them get up on their feet for the long trek back.
The sky had finally ceased to fall allowing for an easier time getting the wounded back home. Gray was deep in thought about that power surge from Natsu. He knew that Natsu's power was deeply rooted to his emotions but...he couldn't seem to control what he was doing anymore. Like a possessed monster on a rampage. If anything happened to Ami now Natsu might not be able to be stopped. Gray was preparing himself for that moment.
They made it to the guild, this whole thing was almost over. Gray was stunned to see a giant purple box enclosing around a small bundle on the ground. Freed looked exhausted but he kept at it until finally the box and the child became one sealing a large amount of magic energy inside. The box and the child were one but the box is able to separate the power from the flesh. This prevented it from tearing poor Ami apart. Lucy and Natsu were already here, watching this whole thing unfold.
Levy stumbled over to Lucy and gave Lucy her keys and a huge hug, Lucy was tearing up and shaking. She was still afraid for her first baby girl. She loved her unconditionally and the last thing she wanted was for her life to end right here and right now. It wouldn't be fair. Their hug broke and Natsu wrapped his arms around Lucy's waist. The purple and red light died down completely. Natsu and Lucy were by Ami's side immediately trying to console her crying. Not everyone knew exactly what was going on and it would take a long time to explain.
Natsu and Lucy looked up to Freed who only nodded his head and smiled. He was done and Ami was safe. Lucy picked Ami up and held her close, Natsu held the both of them in his arms for a long while. It became pretty clear to anyone watching but they still wanted answers. After they calmed down and sat at one of the guild tables together they were able to explain what had happened. They avoided giving too many details of course and Levy filled in the rest of the missing pieces. Basically just a sick weirdo caused the situation before your eyes. That's about all there was to it.
Makarov snickered at their story, technically this result would be inevitable anyway. He was happy to meet a member of the new generation, it over filled him with joy like Ami was his own grandchild.
"Well kids, I think it's clear what we need to do now!" Makarov shouted to the rest of the guild mates.
He looked at everyone else and they all had big smiles on their faces. Natsu and Lucy looked at each other a little confused but they were happy. Everyone huddled around them and shouted all together:
"Welcome, Ami! To the guild of Fairy tail!"
Author's note: I have decided that this part of the story shall end here! A sequel will be incoming soon. Thanks again for anyone who followed the story up until now! I felt like this was an appropriate place to stop. You are more than welcome to to read the sequel! Which will most definitely go into more detail about what comes next. :)
Sequel is going to be called: My Cordial Companion
1. Do you feel like this ending was so short and it makes you sad? Me too! But guess what, part 1 to the sequel is out!
Why you still reading this? Go read the sequel!