"Hiro, My Little Test Subject"

By MaturePopcorn

Description: When Tadashi decides to make Baymax, he needs a LOT of information for him about people and the human body. But Baymax can only learn so much from books and the internet; some of it must come from real-life experiences. And who better to help Tadashi than his own brother…

WARNING: Again, this chapter is rated T, but the story itself is rated M.

Author's note: I'm finally getting around to chapter four! Hey, it's only four years late! Anyway… Here you are! Sorry it took so long.

Much love,

~Kisa Alvarez

Chapter 004

Tadashi slammed the trunk of his car shut, thankful all his gear had just barely fit. His friends had come to wish him well on his journey, and he couldn't be more grateful. He apologised again for not seeing them in several days, but there was no point. They understood the situation he was in and respected his need for space. The only one accompanying him on his trip was GoGo; the others had decided that too many people would only cause problems.

Wasabi gave Tadashi another big hug as GoGo said goodbye to Honey and Fred. "Be careful, okay? If anything happens, call us if you can and we'll be there as soon as we can."

Tadashi nodded, thankful he knew such kind people. He jumped, startled, as his car horn beeped loudly in his ear. "Come on, Dashi!" GoGo yelled from the driver's seat. "We're wasting daylight, and you need to rest on the way there!"

With that, Tadashi climbed into the passenger seat and rolled down his window to shout his last goodbyes as GoGo sped off south. He then reclined his seat and drifted off.

When he woke up about an hour later, they were just west of San Hosen. GoGo was had put in a Fall Out Boy CD, and Tadashi leaned up to turn it off.

"Hey, I was listening to that!"

"Leiko, I need to talk about something."

GoGo paused, her retort caught in her throat. Tadashi never used her real name, unless it was wildly important. She hesitated before responding, "Okay. What's up?"

Tadashi sighed. "You know that Hiro and I have a very strong relationship…"

"Yes…? What about it?"

Tadashi gulped, unsure of how to word his next sentences. He knew he could trust his friend, but what he was about to say was… Particular. "W-well, we… We actually have a bond stronger than most brothers."

"I know."

Tadashi's eyes widened in surprise. "You know?"

"Yeah. I see the way you act around him, and how he responds. I'm not blind, though I assume the others may be." She smirked. "Your secret's safe, Tadashi. I've decided I'm not one to judge, considering my girlfriend's my third cousin."

"I think there's a difference between third cousin and brother…"

GoGo shrugged. "Same difference to me," she retorted, blowing a massive bubble.

Just then, blue and red lights flashed in the rearview mirror. GoGo let out a barely audible, "Shit…" as she glanced at the speedometer and realised they were cruising at over 150 kmh. She groaned as she slowed the car and turned on her blinker, careful not to break any more laws as she brought the car to a stop on the shoulder.

A female officer walked up to the window as she rolled it down, her right hand still on the wheel. Tadashi was a little impressed at how well she handled the situation; calm, yet not overly cheerful.

"Do you know about how fast you were going, miss?"

GoGo winced. "Yes ma'am, about 150 kmh."

"Any reason for such excessive speeding?" the cop asked, a mischievous glimmer in her eye. Tadashi breathed a sigh of relief as GoGo responded, lying on the spot, "Yes, actually, we're going to be late for a wedding." She smirked at the cop. "I'm the maid of honour."

She handed the cop her license and Tadashi's registration, then put her hands in her lap and sighed impatiently. "We're wasting time…!"

Tadashi shot her a half smile. He was about to respond when a voice came from the back of the car.

"It's all right dudes, we'll get there on time."

Only halfway through the sentence did GoGo and Tadashi scream, swiveling their heads back to the source of the voice.

"Fred?! What the hell are you doing here? When did you sneak in? Why are you here?"

Before he could answer, the police woman was back at the window, looking mildly alarmed. "What's going on?"

"Sorry, sorry, I saw a bee in the car. It flew out."

Tadashi breathed another sigh of relief. This was exactly why he had brought GoGo along.

Fred then piped up from the back again, "I don't wanna be late for my big day!" He winked at the cop and side whispered, "I'm the groom."

GoGo pinched the bridge of her nose and Tadashi let out an awkward half laugh. The cop stared in amusement. "…Right. Here's your license, registration, and a $150 ticket."

GoGo balked at the officer. "$150?!" She breathed sharply. "Ma'am, I'm sorry for speeding but this seems excessive."

"That's actually the minimum for a speed over 150. Think next time before you speed; the wedding won't go anywhere." Turning back towards her car, she added, "Good luck, Miss Tanaka. It sounds like you'll need it." Her eyes betrayed another twinkle of amusement.

As the cop drove off, GoGo rolled her window up and stared straight ahead. Tadashi, giving her several side glances, prompted her, "Should we get going again…?"

Ignoring him, she swiveled her body around and yelled, "Why the fuck are you here?"

Fred grinned. "No need to yell, mi amigo. I'm here for moral support and cashflow."

"We have enough moral support from Tadashi, and you gave us money before we left!" She exclaimed, exasperated by Fred's seemingly obliviousness to the gravity of the situation.

"Okay, okay, I admit. I really just wanted to road trip with my friends." He stopped as GoGo flashed him a murderous look.

"Fred," she began, slowly and coolly, giving away her anger only with her eyes. "This is a serious, serious endeavor," she continued. "We had a plan! Why didn't you stick to it?"

"Sorry…" Fred glanced down, turning his head like a sad dog. "I just wanted to help…"

Tadashi sighed, feeling bad for his friend. "It's alright, Fred. We'll make this work."

Fred nodded, happiness returning to his now bright-again eyes. "Alright! Road trip! I brought my guitar too, look," he said, producing a guitar from the trunk of the CRV.

GoGo was genuinely exasperated and puzzled. "How did you silently sneak in with a guitar, and fit it among all the other crap back there?"

Fred strummed a chord. "Magic," he said, before breaking into a full song. "Hang down, your head and cry… Poor boy, you're bound to die…"


Tadashi sighed, smiling exhaustedly. "This is gonna be a long trip…"

Author's Note II:

Whelp, what I promised by 2016 is here in good 'ol 2018. Sorry folks, it's been a wild couple years, but I hope to finally finish this story soon. 😊