Hello people! I know how I'm going to do the story now! I know what I'm going to do! *Does a dance* The chapter's will be generally WAY longer.

I wake up inside a room. I'm not bugging sure how else to explain it. I need to focus. The room is wood, and I'm in a bed. I can't even think straight, I'm so disoriented. Someone walks over to me, a smile plastered on his face. A wide grin, I don't return the smile, but sit with suspicious eyes glaring into him.

"Hey Emilie." He says happily, expecting a respond. I don't know his bloody name!

"Who are you? And how do you know my bloody name?" I ask.

The boy smile disappears and yanks down, forming a frown. He was expecting me to know who he was. I can't remember anything. At all. I sit there, crossing my arms. I need him to answer my blooming questions. I need to understand, because with my mind alone I can't. I don't know how to explain things. Like I remember the taste of ice cream, but I don't ever remember eating it.

He still frowns at me. "I'm Jeff. Emilie, you were here? Remember? You were one of the first Gladers. Or that's what Newt and Alby say. Newt seems bend up about you."

Newt? My mind searches to put a face on the name. I'm not certain, but I think it was the guy when I came up in the box thing yesterday. The British one with the blonde hair. But, again, I don't know for sure. I look over, ready to get clarification, when he stumbles in with a dark skinned boy. I don't know who this is either. The blonde boy, maybe Newt, not sure, wears a deep long of concern. While the dark toned boy smiles widely at me. I eye them as they come in.

"Emilie." The dark skinned one says to me.

I stare with a death glare for a moment. "How do you know my name? Where am I? What's going on?"

Newt sits down. "Nobody remembers a thing. But you know the answers to your questions." He states.

I gape. I do not! I don't know a thing! I search my mind to try to find something. I don't find a bloody thing. I search again, and then give up. My blue eyes bore into Newt's. He matches my gaze with one of his own.

"No, I don't."

Newt frowns. "You-you don't."

I get less angry, and frown. "No."

I can see he's hurt by my answer. But I don't know why. Some part of me wants to cry. These people know who I am, and they remember me. But I can't remember them? What's wrong with me? Somewhere in the back of my head something says I'm here to save someone. Not everyone, but a certain person. I don't know what it means. Why would someone need saving?

Alby sits down. "Then I guess we'll have to give you the tour."

When the tour's over I nod. Everything is confusing. I think I understand some. I don't know, I have so many questions, but I have a hunch he doesn't know the answer to any of them. Not even one, so I keep my mouth shut and let him continue on. He tells me the rules, and I barley catch them. I stare at the Maze he described. He talked about the jobs, and I know what I wanna be.

"I want to be a Runner." I say, not sure if he's done.

Alby frowns. I don't think he was done talking. "I'm not done. That's the normal tour. You need to know why everyone knows you."

I almost smile. The tour had answered basic questions, but not questions onto why I was so special. They didn't know the new people. Greenies. But they knew me. I understood that the nobody remembered anything but their name, so how come they knew me.

"You know how they send up new people every month?"

I nod, confirming his question true. I want him to hurry up and go on, I hate not knowing things and it's eating a bugging hole in my brain. He takes his time, I expect to find the right way to explain things. I urge him on with my thoughts. Come on! Please just tell me.

He takes a deep breath and announces. "There were Glader's who were here first. I was one, Newt was one. So were you."

I want to tell him he's lying. I haven't been here before! I don't have anything to prove him false. But his memory and knowing me states it true. I gulp and take it in. I was here before. I was here. One of the first. So what happened?

I swallow. "What happened to me?" I squeak.

Alby frowns. "You were a Runner. And you got trapped in the Maze one night. Didn't come out. We thought you died."

I frown, and look down. A piece of my dark brown hair swings by me. I look at it. Somehow I know how I look. Long, dark brown hair, and it's wavy. Bright blue eyes, they glow. I'm tallish. And slim. Extremely pale, like a vampire. And my lips are pink, my face is narrow and rounded softly at some points. I don't even know how I know this.

"Well, obviously I didn't. But how did I get out?" I ask, utterly confused. Maybe even more so.

I don't understand. I don't remember. How did I make it out? Maybe if I could get into the Maze I can remember. But my mind says I can't and when I do know, it will be the end of it. That it won't matter anymore. I don't understand this feeling, so I ignore it for now.

I repeat, "I wanna be a Runner."