Ciaossu, minna. Basic info on the challenge is below.

Challenge Given by: Lighted Candle

Challenge: A What? Brother? Sister?

Requirements (short modified version):

-After defeating Voldemort at the graveyard, Fem!Harry learns she has a brother, Hibari Kyoya

-Sirius's name must be cleared and he adopts Fem!Harry


-Betrayal by friends

-Animagus form (Must be kitten or some kind of bird)

-pairing choice

-Remus and Tonks come along

-everything else

Check out the actual thing if you decide to take the challenge, I tend to leave out things while retyping the challenge.

My reaction upon finding the challenge: Too good to pass up.

Disclaimer: I suck at drawing. Amano Akira is another one of my childhood idols, by the way. J.K. Rowling is the other.

Shall we start?

Chapter 1 Finding An Old Friend

Three people sat in a room. Two very serious male adults and a confused fourteen year old female. Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Holly Potter.

Sirius took a deep breath. "You have an older brother." he blurted out

"What?!" Holly cried.

"I told you it's too blunt!" Remus yelled at Sirius.

"We've tracked him down. He lives in Namimori Japan. His name is Hibari Kyo-"

"Kyoya?! Hibari Kyoya is my older brother?!" Holly cried, in.

"...You know him?" asked Sirius.

"Cub?" Remus asked.

"Pack your bags, we're going to Japan!" Holly cried.

"Excuse me?" "Huh?" were the replies of two friends of Holly that came in through the door as she proclaimed the move.

Something was going to happen, Hibari was sure of it. Whether if was good or bad had yet to be decided. As for how he knew, call it a carnivore's trustworthy instinct.

Holly happily led Hermione and Draco through the streets of Namimori, telling stories of every - non- embarrassing or secretive - thing she remembered.

Her two friends followed her with amusement as she bounced around the town.

Holly stopped to stare at something with a frown.

"Holly?" Hermione asked as she tried to pinpoint what made Holly's mood change.

"Bullies," Holly said.

That one word explained so much. Even if Holly didn't have a hero complex, as her friends put it, she would still help anyone who had bully problems. It stemmed from when she had been unable to protect herself from her own bullies so many years ago. It wasn't her fault she had been unable to fight back. Dumbledore had put many magical restrictions on her, one of them making her unable to physically fight back. "To prevent her from becoming violent." is what he had said with an underlying tone of "To keep her from defending herself and becoming unmanageable."

There had been a time when Dumbledore had to replace the restricting spells and obliviate her from the knowledge that she was being restricted. The memory charm was removed by an amused Voldemort after his resurrection. Though Holly said she would not join him, she also said she would not be joining the light side. It was apparently good enough for Voldemort, because he allowed it. She notified the wizarding world but no one believed her and she didn't press it. Dumbledore did.

She met up with Voldemort after school to escape the Dursleys and had befriended Draco. That, however, is a story for later.

"Oi," Holly said. "What do you think you're doing?" Draco and Hermione lingered behind, about to jump into action if they were needed.

"Hah?!" the bullies replied. "What're we doing? We're teaching Dame-Tsuna a lesson!" Holly absently dubbed the fourteen year old bully Mr. Idiot, as her mind raced to place a face to the name Tsuna. She couldn't just look at the victim because he was still curled up, like he expected her to just leave after finding out who was being picked on. That fluffy brown hair was familiar.

"Is that so?" she said dryly. "Then leave him alone."

"Ha. He's so dame that a girl has to come to protect him!" the other bully laughed. She dubbed him Twit.

Holly's eyes narrowed. "Stop dirtying Namimori with your idiocy."

She pulled out a nightstick bo staff and 'accidentally' hit Twit in the stomach as it extracted itself. Twit doubled over and she whacked his back while Mr. Idiot snapped out of his stupor and rushed her. Mr. Idiot gave a sloppy punch worthy of one below white belt. Holly had no idea that was possible. She stepped back and brought her foot to his cheek. He fell to the ground. Both bullies groaned.

Holly sighed. Namimori brought so many memories and apparently a personality change. "Spread the word. Hime-sama has returned." she said with a very Hibari-esque smirk.

Fear and recognition lit up on the faces of Twit and Mr. Idiot. They scrambled to leave.

The fluffy haired victim raised his head and Holly finally remembered Tsuna. Dropping the smirk, she sighed again. "What happened to you, Sawada Tsunayoshi?"

"Welcome back, Hanako-hime."

"Glad to be back, White Rabbit."

An round of introductions passed around, after the shock Hermione and Draco had anyway.

"I still can't believe you had a mask like that!" Draco ranted.

"Believe me, it can get worse." Holly said after being assured they wouldn't leave her.

"I don't think you should be so violent." Hermione said.

Tsuna gave a smile, much more at ease with someone he trusted. "She's a legend around here, never mind that it's only been a couple years since she left. Hanako-hime is known to be fair and welcoming until provoked, a two faced angel-demon if you will, as opposed to her best friend, who's pretty much a demon."

"Brother." Holly said.

"What?" Tsuna asked with wide eyes.

"Turns out Kyo-chan is my brother and I mean blood-related." Holly explained while plugging her ears.

"HIEEEE?!" There was his signature girly scream.

"How can his voice go so high?" asked Draco incredulously.

(Next day)

"Holly, what was with the whole White Rabbit buisness?" Hermione asked.

"I suppose you could say it's a childhood nickname of sorts." Holly hummed. "The Hibari family is like the head police force of Namimori. They actually deal with keeping the mafia and yakuza that come here in check. Most of the people here are actually retired mafia members. They also deal with the magical side of the area."

"What does that have to do with the nickname?" Draco asked.

"I hung out with Kyoya often during the time the Dursleys dumped me here. My other friends and I decided we wanted to play police force once and Kyo-chan, being the way he is, thought we shouldn't just do things halfway. So, we came up with code names and trained a bit, under the Hibari family supervision. We started out small, and reported to Kyoya. Then, the Potter luck jumped in and we kept getting into more and more danger. We were always fine in the end. Actually, we ended up as an undercover child super squad. "


Silence followed.

"It was actually kinda fun."

"Tsuna-san, I was wondering why you seem like two different people sometimes." Hermione asked.

"I guess you could say, as a wizard, I'm more in my element. It's more comfortable for me. Being bullied all the time takes it's toll on confidence besides, I can get more information." Tsuna tried to explain.

"Do we really have to attend this school?" Draco asked, eyeing Nami-chu in disgust.

"Nope." Holly replied, popping the 'p'. "I just want to go."

"It'll be a good experience for you, Draco." Hermione said, her mouth twitching into a smile.

"But it's filled with muggles." he spat the last word out like a curse.

"Actually, most of them are squibs. Namimori used to be a magic based town, similar to Hogsmeade." Holly said.

Tsuna cut in. "Yes, until the war started by British culture shock several hundred years ago. Of all the countries, Japan was and is the most accepting of the otherworldly. Mundane and magic have always mingled here. That was the only war Japan ever had with dark magic vs light magic vs muggle. The results... not many magic users have been born since."

"That's so sad... yet fascinating in a morbid way." Hermione commented uneasily

"It is." Tsuna agreed with a sad smile. "You can look through our history books later if you want more information. On a lighter note, more magic users have been born lately. Our version of your DoM think that the spell used to end the war is finally wearing off and human magic is returning to Japan. Well, spreading. The few magic users that were born in were some of the strongest recorded in Japanese history. You know, Nami-chu at night is a magic school, if that helps at all Ryuu-san."

Draco seemed to have a hard time wrapping his head around what Tsuna was telling them.

(Hours later)

"I think that concludes our Namimori tour." Tsuna said with a grin. "I hope you enjoy your stay in our fair twon"


The quartet jumped in surprise.

"Sounds like Sirius is pulling pranks again." Holly said.

"Are you sure it's not Lupin creating spells?" Draco asked skeptically.

"Yup!" Holly replied as she opened the door.

The whole place was decked out in bright florescent pinks (the flowers) and turquoise walls. A laughing red headed Lupin was chasing a laughing purple skinned Sirius.

"Oh," Holly said disappointed. "I was wrong, it's a prank war."

A second passed.

"Shall we join?" Smirks spread and the pranking began.

Everyone is so OoC. -.-"' Ah well, I guess Tsuna would be more confident if Holly had been a friend of his before everything but without Holly there in recent years probably reverted a bit.

Originally, I wanted them as twins but I also want Holly as Tsuna's classmate and since Hibari is a year (+?) older that wouldn't work out. I decided I wanted the latter more.

I've read almost every HPxKHR fanfic this site has. I don't think I've ever read one where Voldemort wasn't the bad guy. I just finished reading one (Pure HP) and what I read tends to affect me. Don't say what you have read had never affected you or your writing.

Ryuu is the translated version of Draco, since they both mean dragon.

Hermione's name will only be shortened to Mion.

Hanako means child of flowers. Holly's family has a knack for naming females after flowers, so I thought it was fitting.

Also a bit short, but I hope you enjoyed it.