A girl with pale bluish black hair walked quietly down the sidewalk, glancing over her shoulder almost if she is waiting for someone to attack. She kept her eyes down when she wasn't glancing over her shoulder, no wanting to make eye contact with anybody, even though there was nobody around. She turned on her heel and walked swiftly into a house throwing a loud party. It was a nice neighborhood that she was in, even right now during the night time it had a peaceful atmosphere; too bad it wouldn't be nice anymore. The dark haired girl pulled the light gray hood of her hoodie up covering the features of her face. She walked in quietly to the house while it blasted with some unknown pop music. Teens everywhere held cups filled with alcohol, some were dancing, and some were just standing on the sidelines talking; the girl moved lightly through the crowd, going unnoticed and trying not to hit into anybody.
She finally spotted her target: it was a tall, tan, bulky, man with a red jock jacket on. He was talking to this blonde girl who was most likely a cheerleader. The cheerleader looked happy, in fact overjoyed, that the jock was talking to her, but you could see in the jock's eyes he was completely bored with the blonde. The hooded girl walked over to the jock, and the jocks eyes instantly lightened up. "Bye Jessie," he said, blowing off the blonde cheerleader. The cheerleader shot daggers at the hooded girl but left nonetheless.
"Hey, you looked bored, I was wondering if you maybe needed someone entertain you," the hooded girl said.
"Oh yeah, what do you got in mind," the jock asked, giving her a devilish smirk. They smiled at each other confirming what the other wanted, and then the jock started to lead the girl upstairs, not noticing that while they walked by the boom box, the hooded girl turned up the sound to the highest possible volume to drown out the sound of what she had planned for that night.
They walked up the stairs, the jock anxious, and the hooded girl neutral. They find an empty bedroom and the jock gets even more excited. He walked over to the girl and slips the hood down to kiss her, but the second he sees her face his eyes goes wide and he falls back a step in fear, "You! Wh-what… are you doing… here" he stuttered.
The girl just smiled in response, "isn't it obvious Michael, I'm here for my revenge," she said lightly, humor lacing her voice. The jock stared at her in shock, and she pulled out a gun that she hid in the back of her pants. She shoots his stomach, then both of his arm, and legs. Michael screams in pain, but no one comes because the shots and screams were drowned out by the music.
"Next time when you rape a girl, keep in mind revenge taints even the purest souls," the girl said, then made her leave, while Michael stayed on the ground, unable to speak because of the pain. The girl pulls of her hood again and leaves slowly, not wanting to raise suspicion of the people who are still sober. Once outside, the girl smiled up at the sky, "You're finally free Brooke," she whispered to herself.
Chapter 1: This Ain't No Girl Scouts
Brooke Grayson sat on the bus watching as nothingness passed through the window, she now really doubted that there was actually a lake at Camp Green Lake. She had to admit though, it was smart place for young criminals, there wasn't much water out here if it wasn't obvious, so if you ran away, you died, and they wouldn't care because it's one less body to take care of.
They finally arrived some sort of civilization, and the second she stepped off the bus, a voice screams, "fresh meat!" Boys walk over near the bus, but then they see Brooke and their eyes go wide.
"Whoa, it's a girl."
"Wow, she's hot."
"Hey sexy, want to come to my ten tonight!"
"Why is there a girl here?"
Brooke ignored the questions and kept walking afraid if she stopped the guard was going to push her down with how rough he was holding her cuffed hands. They walked in slightly dark room, and cold air spreads along Brooke's skin. There was a man sitting in a chair, he looked like he was trying to act tough, "I'm Mr. Sir, and you'll call me by that, clear," he said. Brooke guessed he called himself that because he probably had a middle name that was Beth or Mary, and was ashamed of his name.
"Crystal," Brooke answered stoically.
"You'll get two pairs of clothes, one for working, the other for relaxing, and you'll receive shower tokens. They have built a shower stall that you'll just use," he explained. Brooke just cocked her head to the side.
"What do you mean," she asked.
"Haven't you noticed already, this is just suppose to be a boys only camp, but for some reason you were sent to us," he said. Brooke took a deep breath in then realized he was right, she hadn't seen a single girl yet.
"Look, this ain't no girl scouts, you have a dig a hole everyday, five feet wide, five feet deep, your shovel will be your measuring stick, you hear," he said, then brought me over to another room, and handed me some clothes. "Change," he ordered.
"Yes Mr. Sir," Brooke said and changed in clothes, tying the top half of the orange jump suit around my waist.
Then and nerdy looking guy came in. "Hello, I'm Mr. Pendanski, and let me just say even though you've done terrible things doesn't make you a terrible person," he said with a large smile. Brooke raised a brow at him, guessing he was the 'supporter' or 'helper' for the boys here. She grabbed her duffle bag and followed him out of the air-conditioned room.
"I'm Brooke," Brooke said, running a hand through her pale bluish black hair.
"Nice name, now you'll be in tent-D, D stands for diligence," Mr. P explained. "Your bunk mates are nice boys when you get to know them, and just warning, they make up crazy nicknames for each other."
Brooke looked confused for a second then shook her head. She walked into the tent to find it empty. "Your bunk mates must be at the Wreck Room, here's your bunk though, and I'll leave you to get comfortable," he said then took his leave.
Once his presence was gone Brooke flopped onto her cot, kicking up her feet. She stared absently at the ceiling, wondering about how Ian was doing, the only problem with her here was she couldn't visit Ian. She replayed in her mind the reason why she was here when her thoughts were interrupted by a small boy walking into the tent. Brooke instantly recognized the boy. She sat up, "H-Hector," she said hesitantly.
"Brooke," he said back in shock. "What are you doing here," he asked, frowning slightly.
"What am I doing here, what are you doing here," she asked in complete daze.
Hector was about to answer when he was cut short due to a couple of boys talking outside of the tent. "Yeah, there's a girl here," a voice said with a thick Mexican accent. Brooke laid back down on the mattress watching the ceiling again, right now wishing she was anywhere but here.
A group of boys walked in and instantly noticed Brooke. "Boys, just in time," Mr. P said, walking in the tent. "This is your new bunk mate Brooke, Brooke, this is Alan, Theodore, Rex, Jose, Ricky, and I assume you've already met Hector."
"Don't listen to Mom, the names X-Ray, and that's Armpit, Magnet, Squid, Zigzag, and Zero, got that," the guy now known as X-Ray says. Brooke nods her head in understanding, realizing this was what Mr. P was talking about before.
"Mom, why is there a girl here, I mean, this camp is full of boys, and there are some boys here because they did something to a girl," Squid said, his voice dripping with southern accent.
"We don't know either, she was just sent here, now about that problem you were talking about, well I'm putting Brooke into your care, that means you're going to have to watch her to make sure none of the other boys do something to her," Mr.P- 'Mom' said.
"What!" Brooke exclaimed, jumping up from her spot on the bed to stand in front of Mom. "No offense mister, but I don't need any babysitters, I am capable of taking care of myself," Brooke stated, hating the fact he thought she wasn't capable of taking care of those boys herself.
"Squid, you'll be her mentor," Mom said, turning to him, and ignoring Brooke's cries of protest. He quickly left before Squid could voice his opinion.
"How annoying," Brooke grunted quietly.
"Look, just cause you a girl, doesn't mean we'll go easy on you," Squid stated. He leaning into her face giving her a menacing stare, and she did something that surprised everybody, she leaned in forward too, shooting daggers right back at him.
"I don't want you to go easy on me, in fact, ignore what 'Mom' said earlier, I don't need you to babysit me, in fact, I refuse for you to babysit me," she growled back. Squid took a step back unfazed and Brooke sent one last glare his way then turned her back to on the cot. Brooke's lace were untied so she sat there tying them unaware the boys were staring at her with mixed emotions. "What," she growled when she finally noticed.
"You got guts girl, I'll give you that," X-Ray said.
"She just needs to watch her back, with that dirty mouth of her she's 'gonna get into bunch of trouble," Squid stated.
"Aw, do you care about her now Squid, was it love at first fight," Magnet joked. Squid scowled sending a sharp glare his way.
"No, it was more of hate at first sight," Brooke growled, which caused Magnet to burst out laughing.
Brooke felt a pair of eyes staring at her, and turned to find a shock of blonde hair, Zigzag. "You're here because you're an undercover agent from the government," he said suddenly. Brooke widens her eyes in confusion and stares at him funny.
"Don't listen to him, I'm pretty sure on his file it says he suffers from acute paranoia," Armpit said, which caused Zigzag to glare at him. Brooke felt this day was just full of glares so far.
"C'mon, we'll show you around," X-Ray said. Brooke followed him out of the room with Squid following behind since he had to watch over the girl. X-Ray showed her the Rec Room which was actually spelt Wreck, and he showed her where they ate, where they got the shovel which was ironically called library, the showers, and the water spigot.
X-Ray then left to go back to the tent leaving Brooke alone with Squid. "Look girl," Squid said, breaking the silence. "I get you think you can take care of yourself, but honestly, I doubt you can, so just leave it to me protecting you and stop acting like a spoiled princess," he said.
"Oh really, and what do you know about me," Brooke sneered softly.
"I know enough just by looking at ya," he said, looking her up and down causing Brooke to lightly blush with a scowl on her face.
"Looks can be deceiving," Brooke said in a matter-of-fact voice. Squid opened his mouth to answer only to be cut off by the dinner bell, they then walked over to the dining hall, but what was unknown to Brooke was how her presence was going to affect this certain boy camp.
To be continued…
AN: Hey, so this fanfic will be a bit more different than the regular only-girl-in-the-prison fanfics. Next chapter shall be up soon.