Author's Note: Well, I decided to try my hand at longer story since I got some good feedback from my first short story. Bear with me folks. Oh, I don't own any of these characters…though if I did….

Chapter One

"GET OUT!" Lana screamed while chucking a glass vase near his head. She was seeing red and didn't care where it hit him as long as it hit him.

Archer ducked just as the vase hit the wall behind him. He felt shards of glass spray down his back.

"Lana! You need to calm the hell down! I can explain everything. It's not what you think," he said in almost a pleading voice.

"Then what was it, Archer? That lipstick on your shirt collar was yours? Or the fact you smell like cheap perfume and liquor is nothing? Or that I'm supposed to believe that I am in fact, over reacting and maybe you were at some Bible study group?!"

He chuckled slightly. "Bible study is going a little too far. Don't you think?"

Lana's green eyes narrowed and she reached for a glass figurine on a nearby table. Archer immediately regretted that comment.

"Wait! I mean, I know what it looks like, but Lana, it's not what you think! I have a really good excuse, however I cannot tell you yet," Sterling said rubbing the back of his neck.

Lana lessened her grip on the figurine. She sighed and turned towards the balcony doors in her apartment. She stared out the window wondering for a moment if she could push Archer out it fast enough. As much as she would like that, Abbiejean would be denied knowing her father and probably grow up as fucked up as Archer. Lana turned and faced Sterling who was looking at her with a mixture of confusion and apprehension.

"Archer, you know how important Friday nights are to me and A.J. It's our time to bond with our daughter and try work on fixing our relationship. You told me you wanted to be in A.J.'s life and be a real father. You promised me that you were done drinking, lying, and cheating. Yet, here you are doing exactly that."

"Lana, wait. I wasn't…"

Lana held up her hand silencing him. She continued.

"I can't let you disappoint Abbiejean because the worse thing for a girl is to be disappointed by her daddy. I also can't afford to let you break my heart again, Archer. I'm sorry, but maybe it's best you stay out of A.J.'s life and mine forever."

"Lana, please don't do this," Sterling pleaded rushing up and grabbing Lana's hands. "I can explain. I just can't explain now. If you just give me…"

Lana snatched her hand back from his grasp.

"Sterling, just go," she whispered with tears forming in her emerald eyes.

Archer opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't seem to find the words. At that very moment, a loud cry came from down the hall. Abbiejean was awake. Part of him wanted to run in her nursery, scoop her up, and let her know Daddy was there and it'd be okay. Instead he turned on his heels and stormed out Lana's apartment door, slamming it behind him.

Lana walked into Abbiejean's nursery with tears streaming down her eyes. She turned on the lights and walked over the crib, picking up A.J.

"Shh! It's okay, love bug. Mommy's here," Lana said bouncing the baby up and down in her arms.

A.J.'s diaper was wet. Lana walked over to A.J.'s changing station and began changing out her wet diaper for a fresh one all while trying to cry silently to herself. Once A.J. was changed, Lana placed her back in the crib where she fell back asleep almost instantly. Lana kissed her on the forehead and a single tear fell on the infant's head. Lana turned off the nursery lights and closed the door. At that moment her cell phone rang.

Lana reached in her pocket and looked at the caller I.D. It was Ray. She pressed the accept button.

"Hey, girl! I'm at your favorite sushi place and I forgot what's the one roll you told me to try…"

Unable to hold it in anymore, Lana started bawling.

"Ray! Archer is cheating on me again and he ditched me and A.J. to bang some whore!"

"Well, wasn't expecting that," responded Ray. "Stop your crying. That's how you get wrinkles. I'll be over in 20 minutes and I'll bring vodka! Don't shed another tear over that momma's boy. See you in a bit!"

Lana hung up her phone and despite what Ray said not to do; she fell into her couch crying.

Across town…

Archer stormed into his penthouse and threw his car keys on his marble accent table. He looked around wondering where his manservant was and why he wasn't at the door greeting him.

"Woodhouse! Where the hell are you?!" Archer shouted more irritable then when he walked in.

The frail old man rushed into the living room with a pink feather duster in hand.

"I am terribly sorry, sir. I was dusting your bedroom and straightening up," he explained.

Archer frowned.

"Save your excuses for someone who cares and make me a damn Bloody Mary," Archer spat out coldly and headed for his balcony.

Archer loosened his tie and walked towards the balcony's railing and looked out at the New York skyline. Right now he hated everyone in this damn city. They all were probably headed to shows, or out dinners, or taking strolls in the park with the ones they loved. He on the other hand was pushed away from the two people he cared the most about. While everyone else was probably smiling and laughing, he was fighting back tears.

"Your drink, sir," Woodhouse said meekly displaying a fresh Bloody Mary on a silver tray.

Archer snatched the beverage and flicked his wrist motioning the servant to leave. Once Sterling was sure he was alone, he reached in jacket and pulled out his cell phone to check his email. His heart sank when he read the most recent message:

Dear Mr. Archer,

Congratulations on choosing such an exquisite gem! Such a precious stone is truly a rarity and your lady will most definitely appreciate its beauty and design. As I said earlier when you showed me her photo, such a beautiful woman deserves a diamond equally as beautiful!

As discussed, due the scarcity of this particular diamond, the price tag is expected to be expensive. Your down payment of $50,000 we agreed upon will hold the ring for 90 days, however the remaining balance of $450,000 is due before or by April 1st.

Thank you again for your business and we appreciate you choosing Davet Fine Jewelers!



Archer sighed and took a gulp of his Bloody Mary. Mother assured him that honeypot missions always paid the best, however he started to wonder if they cost the most as well.

Well that's it for this chapter. Please read and review. Thank you in advance.