Sorry for doing this right now but I just want to tell everyone that the sequel is here for those who haven't check it out. It's called "Flourish".

Also… I wanted to say that this story has music if you want to hear it out here are:

Theme of Dark Rose: Starset – My Demons

Zero's Theme: Akon – Trouble Maker (How everyone sees Zero)

Misaki's and Yuki's Theme: Martin Garrix feat. Usher – Don't Look Down

Zero's and Kaname's Theme: Breaking Benjamin – Dance With The Devil (How Misaki and Yuki think of them when they are close to the boys)

Battle Theme: Breaking Benjamin – I Will Not Bow (Zero VS Shizuka, Zero VS Ichiru and Misaki VS Shizuka)

Misaki's Pain Theme: Skillet – Comatose (Misaki's mistakes when she tampered with Zero, Ichiru and Shizuka's minds)

Ending Theme of Dark Rose: Fall Out Boy – My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark