Call it fate

Chapter 1: Meeting the blue-eyed stranger

Summary: Alisha Gilbert is Elena Gilbert's twin sister. After their parents died, Alisha couldn't handle getting confronted with all the memories that Mystic Falls brought, and so she left to New York City. She managed to get her life back, going to school, doing what she loves most: dancing. That is, until after nearly two years, she got an urgent phone call from her twin sister.

A/N: This takes place at Season 2, episode 21. I'll mostly be following the story line, although I might stall a few situations, or change them up a bit. Also, I don't own anything except for my OC. Any grammatical mistakes are all mine.

The music blasted loud through the dance studio. The owner of the studio was a good friend of Alisha, allowing her to practice whenever she wanted to. Alisha had been dancing for over two hours now, strengthening her weakest points in the choreography. The days were ticking by, it wouldn't be too long before she'd audition for a dance show.

Alisha stared at her reflection in the mirror, her olive skin was glistening with sweat, and her brown hair was clung in a messy ponytail. Her brown eyes scanned her body movements, observing how the dance moves looked whenever put in action.

The ringing of her phone ripped her out of her concentration, and taking necessary breaths, she walked over to the chair in the corner that held her stuff, she took a sip of her water, turned the music off and with taking one deep breath, she answered the phone. "Hello, Alisha speaking." Alisha breathlessly said in her sing-song voice.

"Alisha..." She heard, the all too familiar voice echoing in her ears.

"Elena?" Alisha asked. She didn't expect her twin sister to call her. Ever since she moved, and told her twin sister and brother that she needed some distance, she hadn't heard a word of either of them.

"It's Jenna.. She passed away.." The voice on the other end said.

Alisha's eyes widened, her throat becoming unbearably dry. "W-what.. No.. No, she can't be.. dead.." Alisha stuttered disbelievingly. She wouldn't accept that a person that meant the world to her, that dragged her through all of the hard times, that she died.

"I'm sorry, Alisha.. The funeral is tomorrow, you're more than welcome to join us." Alisha let the words sink in, tears forming in her eyes, slowly streaming down her rosy cheeks. After controlling her breathing, she muttered a quick: "Okay.. I'll leave right now, I should be in Mystic Falls by tonight."

And with that, she hung up the phone, wiped away the tears, took a deep breath and collected her things before running out of the dance studio and driving to her apartment.

When she arrived at her apartment, she impatiently waited for the elevator doors to open, and as soon as they did, she hurried inside and pressed the fourth floor button.

As soon as the doors reopened again, she half ran to her door and quickly unlocked it, closing it behind her and making her way to the bathroom.

She took a quick shower for no longer than two minutes to rinse off the sweat, dried herself up and grabbed her hairbrush, make up, toothpaste and toothbrush and walked back into her bedroom. She dropped the items onto her bed, and grabbed a few clothes out of her wardrobe, putting on some fresh clothes in the process.

Alisha grabbed her phone charger from her nightstand and threw it into the bag that held her other items.

She looked around the room, looking if she forgot anything else. When she saw that she didn't, she quickly made her way down the apartment and into her car. Starting the engine, she started driving out of New York City, back to the place that she so desperately tried to escape.

After an excruciatingly six hour long ride, she finally saw the Mystic Falls sign down the road. It was dark outside, and when Alisha briefly looked on the inbuilt clock, she saw that it was a few minutes past ten in the evening.

When she looked up, she saw a man standing on the road, released a loud gasp and hit the brakes hard. However, she wasn't in time and therefore hit the man, which caused her car to tumble over, making her land upside down.

Tears started forming in her eyes, scared she looked around, glass lay around her head, and when she looked out of her window and to the man laying on the ground, she saw his limbs cracking, and falling back in place.

Alisha didn't know what was going on, but whatever it was cracking bones, and then managing to calmly stand up and walk over to her, it wasn't human.

Whimpering she tried to escape her car, get away from the man approaching her, but she couldn't. She was stuck and there was no way she could get out. When the man kneeled down, a scream escaped her lips, and as fast as lightening the man ran away.

She scrunched her face questioningly, wondering why he left so suddenly, until all of a sudden a head popped up in front of her, causing her to yell again. "How you doing in there?" The man with beautiful blue eyes asked her.

Not giving her time to answer, he said: "You look stuck" and stands up, walking out of her sight and after a few seconds she hears the car shifting. "It's my seatbelt. I can't get off." Alisha said, her voice shaking and she felt a tear rolling down. "Shh, shh, shh." Was the response she got and heard footsteps coming her way before he kneeled down in front of her again. "Let me get you out of here." He said, his voice soft. Alisha saw him looking around the car, "I want you to put your hands on the roof."

Alisha did as he said, "Just like that. You ready?" He asked and Alisha nods and he starts counting down. "One, two, three." On the count of three he ripped the car door off. Alisha could feel herself becoming light headed. "Gotcha." he said and lifted her out of the car, holding her in his arms.

"You okay? Can you stand?" He asked, Alisha wasn't sure if she could hear concern in his voice, or uncertainty in what to do. "Is anything broken?" He continued, and Alisha shook her head lightly as a 'no', and groaned because of the pain it caused her. She could feel the man trying to make her stand on her feet, but as he did so, she sank through her knees, falling down, but the stranger caught her just on time. "Whoa, you're fading fast." He said and lifted her up by her shoulders, straightening her. Her vision blurred out and she could feel herself falling down again, landing on his lap, before losing consciousness.

A/N: I hope you liked it! I have big plans for this fanfiction, so please let me know what you think so I can post another chapter soon. Also, this was just an introduction chapter so it was really short. Next chapters will be longer, I promise!