Chapter 28: It is finally over

It didn't take long for Mello to find B's laptop somewhere in the farmhouse. He had sent a message to Matt, because he knew he checked his mail a lot. Mello managed to break the codes that made the thing untraceable so Matt could find his location. After only a few minutes he got answer from a very happy Matt. His friend told him help was on the way.

Long story short. The help arrived quickly and he was brought to a car that went immediately to Wammy House. The people that rescued him did check him first on severe wounds, but they were not bad enough to have to go to the hospital. At Wammy's they had a very good nurse that could take care of the wounds he had.

The moment he arrived at Wammy's children gathered around the car, trying to take a look at him. When they saw the enormous burn on his face their expressions changed to something like that said "oh my god!". He ignored them. There were more important people he wanted to see.

Before he could go and see L and Matt they brought him to the nurse who was shocked by seeing his face. She took many creams an ointments and rubbed it gently onto his burned skin. It hurt at first, but then the creams started to work and it cooled his raw skin what felt really nice. The other cuts, holes from the pitchfork and other small wounds were disinfected and he was ready to go.

He sat on the edge of the bed in the nursery room, ready to stand up, when the door opened and L appeared.

'L!' Mello exclaimed happily.

The normal blank faced detective went to the blond and gave him a tight hug. 'I'm glad to see you made it out alive,' L said relieved.

Mello returned the hug gladly before L let him go. L watched his face for a moment. 'Does it... hurt very much?' he asked.

He showed L a small smile to let him know he was okay. 'It did hurt a lot in the beginning, but now it feels much better.'

B was wrong all along. I knew it! L does care about me and so does everyone else. Wammy's is the best home I could ever imagine.

L even smiled back! It was almost invisible, but it was there! Though the smile made place for a more serious look soon after.

'Mello,' L began. 'I know what you have been through was a very traumatically experience. If you would like someone to talk to like-'

'No,' Mello interrupted him. 'I'm not suddenly crazy, L. Don't worry about it, I'll be fine.'

L sighed. 'I know you're not crazy, but I would like you to go and see a psychiatrist anyway. I've seen some pictures some of the helpers made in the barn when they checked the lot. I've seen how B looked after you were done with him...'

Mello hung his head down in shame and tried to avoided L's gaze on him. He had killed someone... in pretty terribly way too.

'Mello, look at me.'

The blond slowly raised his head and saw to his amazement that L didn't look disappointed at all.

'You're not mad at me?' he asked carefully.

L shook his head. 'Of course not! You did what you had to do to escape from B. He did horrible things to you and it's not that strange what you did to survive.'

Mello wanted to say that he didn't have to go to a psychiatrist, but L was him first.

'But that doesn't mean you don't have to talk to somebody. You're still going to see a psychiatrist.'

'… Fine,' he agreed eventually.

'MELLO!' a very familiar voice yelled. A second later all he could see was red hair as he was pulled into a hug so tight he had trouble breathing.

He recognized his best friend and chuckled. 'Matt, are you trying to greet me or strangle me?'

Matt let go of him instantly. 'Sorry...' he said awkwardly.

He smiled at his friend's awkwardness. He was such a dork sometimes. 'Don't worry about it. I'm happy to be here with you safe and sound again!'

Matt got a very guilty look in his eyes when he had said that. 'I'm so sorry I couldn't warn you on time that night... I wanted to, but-'

'I know you tried, Matt and that's enough for me. Please, don't feel guilty about something that wasn't your fault. Who knows what he would've done if you succeeded to scream for help?'

Matt shivered by that thought. 'I don't want to know.'

Then Mello remembered there was one person he hadn't see yet. One of the few he actually cared about.

'How is Near?'

'Still the same since you've been gone...' Matt answered sad.

L turned to Mello. 'You can go and see him if you'd like. You know where to find him.'

Mello nodded and finally stood from the bed. 'I'll go to see him now.'

'Do you want us to go with you?' Matt asked.

'Nah, I'll be fine. I'll see you later.'


Just like Matt had said Near was still unresponsive to everything around him. Mello sat beside his bed on a chair that stood there for this sort of purpose. It seemed almost unfair to see Near like this... still not any better. He had a terrible time with B too, but much shorter. Because of this he didn't had the same mental wounds as Near.

'I'm back, Near.' Mello spoke to the silent boy. 'I'm finally back at Wammy House. I really do understand now what you've been through all those months... I knew it was bad, but now I've experienced it myself although not more than a month or so. In the end I thought of a plan to escape although it was a very stupid plan with a lot of risks and it almost went wrong. I guess luck was with me though. I managed to hit B in the head when he was distracted for a moment and... I killed him. I killed B. It was terrifying to do, but I don't regret it.'

Mello took Near's pale hand in his own and squeezed his hand softly.

'He'll never hurt you again.'

When I heard Mello's voice again I was so relieved and happy to know he was safe home again. He'd managed to escape, there was no chance that Beyond had let him go without bringing him in the same state I was in.

I was just wondering how he did escape when he came to that point.

'I killed B. It was terrifying to do, but I don't regret it.'

I didn't know what I've heard. Did I heard it wrong or something or... was Beyond really gone... forever? I felt something deep inside me stirring that I hadn't felt for a long time.

'He'll never hurt you again.'

He will never hurt me again. Beyond is really dead and he won't come after me again. He's gone and won't ever come back.

The weight of the dark water that kept me trapped seemed to lessen. The darkness that surrounded me was getting brighter. Maybe if I tried to get out it would work this time...
I focused on reaching the surface of the dark ocean that kept me for so long trapped in my own mind. Normally nothing happened and I failed, but this time it felt different. It felt like...

I really woke up.

Mello squeezed Near's hand another time before letting go. The boy didn't respond and he had no idea what to do or say to make that happen.


His head jerked up when he heard a small voice saying his name. It almost sounded like a whisper. Was it... no it couldn't be...
But it was.

Mello watched shocked as he saw that Near's eyes were open and that they were looking at him. His dark grey eyes really saw him. The unfocused glance was gone and they sparkled with life like they should.

'Near... you're speaking,' Mello said astonished.

The boy managed to smile slightly and Mello felt tears of happiness rolling over his cheeks, but he let them be.

'Near!' He exclaimed, throwing himself at Near, giving the white ball of fluff a tight hug.

He was hesitant at first, but then Mello felt Near's arms slowly closing around him and returning the hug. Mello was pleased to know he could move as well.

'Thank you,' Near whispered.

Mello sobbed softly keeping his hold on Near, not letting him go. It turned out that the only thing Near needed to wake up was the news about B's death. That he never would be able to hurt him again. He had still a long way to go to heal completely, but he was getting there.

'You're going to be okay again... We are gonna be okay again,' he mumbled.

It is finally over.

The end! After all those months Broken is finally finished!

Thank you for all those who have followed, favorited and reviewed to my story! :D

I have many more stories (all Death Note) in store and I'm planning on writing them all (that's at least seven fanfics, I really do have no life xD ). Most of them have Mello, Matt or Near as main characters so if you're interested in reading my future stories, go and click that button that says "follow writer" :)

If you noticed some mistakes I made like wrong grammar or wrong use of words throughout the story or if you have any other tip (or tops!) don't hesitate to tell me. That way I can learn to write my stories in the future even better :)