Hey everyone. I decided to write a Mankin story for the first time. I hope I get it right though(and that it won't be too OOC) Though I have a feeling I will fail at keeping them in character but I'll try. Anyway, this will be following the Manga timeline and not the anime (Lyserg was a jerk there, he's better in the manga)
Pretending that this fanfic occurred a few nights after the fight in between X-III's fight and Hao. But there'll probably be some changes in this fic.
There is genderbending and crossdressing in this fic so if you're uncomfortable with that idea then I guess this is your cue to leave.
If you don't find those then thank you and proceed on reading.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Shaman King.
A sigh.
How many times did Lyserg sigh today? He already had lost count. He was tired, to be honest. Marco was getting stricter after X-III's sacrifice.
The green-haired teen was also confused. Did he really make a right decision to join the X-Laws? But he shook his head and disregarded the thought.
He did it to defeat Hao.
He must defeat Hao.
He knew that but he was still having his doubts.
He sighed again.
Morphine landed on Lyserg's shoulder and touched his face.
"I'm fine. Thank you, Morphine." He smiled at his little friend," I'm sorry for worrying you."
Lyserg decided to enter the bathroom and made sure to lock the door. After all that harsh training from Marco, his chest was hurting more than usual. Slowly, he unbuttoned his white uniform and winced at some of the scratches and bruises all over his upper body.
He stared at the mirror and looked at himself or rather—herself.
She carefully removed the bandages on her chest. They were tight but she had to keep them on to hide her secret.
How long had she been keeping this secret?
Ever since her parents died, she decided to crossdress. It was because of fear. She felt uneasy with all those lecherous stares some of the men gave her. Plus, if she ever wanted to defeat Hao then she must be strong. But with her fragile appearance—people would just underestimate her.
She actually thought that if she dressed up as a guy—she'd probably have a chance to have teammates in the Shaman fight who won' t treat her like a princess or something to protect or a weakling. She thought that she might not look really strong but as a guy—at least he'd look stronger, right? She wanted to be strong to defeat Hao.
But now, there seems to be no difference.
She was still weak and whether she crossdress or not—it's still the same.
She lost herself in thought as she emerged herself the bathtub. Her wounds hurt a little but she ignored it. Her mind wandered to the times she was with Yoh and the others.
She realized how much of a jerk she was for attacking them on their first meeting. They were so kind. She had already apologized to Yoh the night before X-III's match but she can't help but still feel a little bad.
"Morphine, do you think I was right for leaving Yoh and the others without even saying goodbye?" Lyserg asked Morphine who just looked at her sadly. Lyserg shook her head, "What am I thinking? It already happened. There's nothing regret could do."
"But you know, Morphine. I miss the old days where mom would give me those frilly dresses that were so annoying and comb my long her into a braid." Lyserg ran a hand through her spiked her, "But I cut it short cause keeping it long reminded me of my mother. Now it's not as soft as it was due to the hair spray I use to have it spiked."
Tears started to fall, "I'm so stupid. I decided to do what I do but now I'm regretting it. "
She had so many regrets. For lying to her friends, for betraying them, for not doing the things she wanted to do.
"I'm going to catch a cold at this rate." She said and decided it was time to get a grip.
Later that night as she wore her night dress, she made sure the windows were closed and the door was locked. She didn't want to risk anyone knowing about her secret. She didn't want to deal with her friends when they'd learn her secret.
Tonight, she closed her eyes and visited a kind dream that would turn into a blazing nightmare.
I hope it's okay. Next chapter, the others are going to appear.
Please review. I accept criticism cause it helps me better but if it were flames then hao should take care of them.
Thank you.