I feel like I need to make myself clear right now. Ash is NOT the same Ash! That is the point of the story! It wouldn't be much of a story if he was the trainer he actually was in Kanto. I like Ash and you might too, but I need to get it through you that this is not Ash's personality. I will give you a spoiler (don't read this next line unless you want a spoiler): it has a happy ending and Ash changes for the better.
Anyways, thank you for supporting this if you guys have been. A few more things. English is NOT my native language. This is my first real fanfiction, my other one sucks.
But besides that, enjoy this part and I promise that Barton won't be around for long. ~Judge Sceptiled
The smoke and dust was clearing from the impact of Ash's Dratini and Brock's Geodude. All four people in the gym arena were surprised by the outcome. Dratini was nowhere to be seen and Geodude was left alone.
A half a minute after the confusion, a hugely powerful Aqua Jet hit Geodude from above, finishing it off.
The referee said, "Geodude is unable to battle, Dratini wins!"
Ash said, "Dratini, surprise is a good element, but you can't scare your trainer like that. Squirtle might not be able to beat two Pokemon. Hmph. Do better next time."
Brock returned Geodude and thanked him and sent out a gigantic Onix.
Ash returned Dratini and sent out Squirtle. Squirtle and Onix squared off and stared each other down just like Geodude and Dratini did.
Ash said, "Squirtle, wait for his attack."
"Onix use Tackle!" yelled Brock.
Onix came quickly at Squirtle who spun automatically at the last second and spun its way upon on Onix's head.
Ash said, "Use Water Gun on Onix!"
Brock said, "Now use Wrap!"
Onix was simply faster than Squirtle, so Onix grabbed Squirtle and started squeezing it.
Ash said, "Squirtle get out of there using Rapid Spin!"
Squirtle's shell did minimal damage against the tough rock body of Onix, but it managed to slip out of the firm grip.
Ash said, "You aren't as fast as Onix and you can't defend, so we will have to use our other moves. Use Yawn!"
Pretty soon Onix was fast asleep on the ground with Squirtle looking a little sleepy as well.
"Now Squirtle use Water Gun!" said Ash.
The Water Gun hit Onix directly and woke it up. Ash knew that he was in a spot of trouble.
Brock said, "Onix use Iron Tail!"
Squirtle curled up in its shell, but it was no use. Iron Tail cracked down on Squirtle's shell and sent Squirtle flying. It was barely able to stand up from the massive attack that Brock's Onix had just used on it.
"You aren't finished yet Squirtle! Use your ultimate move! Aura Sphere!" yelled Ash.
Squirtle formed a brilliant, blue ball and launched it full force at Onix. After the impact, Onix was out of the battle.
The referee said, "Onix is unable to battle, Squirtle wins! This means that the Challenger Ash has won!"
Ash said, "Squirtle, we need to work on your defenses more. You should've been able to take those hits, so we have to work on that."
At that moment, Gary and Misty burst into the Pokemon Gym. Ash quickly ran for cover and luckily wasn't seen by them.
Gary said, "He must be in here, we've checked everywhere in town and the person at the edge of town hasn't seen him yet. Hey Gym Leader! Have you seen a challenger that is about ten years old and has black hair?"
Brock said, "Of course, he is hiding behind that rock over there." He tossed the gym badge over to Barton and said, "Give that to your friend when he stops hiding."
Misty said, "Starmie come out and use Bubblebeam on that rock!"
The rock was destroyed showing a now exposed Ash behind the rock.
Gary said, "Time to destroy you with my Pokemon! Go Eevee!"
Eevee and Starmie stood side by side and looked ready to beat up Ash. (At least Eevee did, I don't think Starmie can have much of personalities due to having no face.)
Ash had to think fast. Squirtle was too tired to fight after that Gym Battle, so he'd have to rely on Dratini and Charmander even though Charmander had a type disadvantage.
Ash asked, "How does it feel to get outshown Gary? You seemed to not have a problem with it back in Pallet Town but you sure seem to now." Ash then sent out Charmander and Dratini.
Misty said, "Starmie use Bubblebeam on them!"
Gary said, "Eevee use Shadow Ball!"
Bubblebeam and Shadow Ball rushed towards Dratini and Charmander. Ash said, "Charmander use SmokeScreen and Dratini hide behind Charmander!"
Bubblebeam and Shadow Ball were dissolved by the Smokescreen. Smokescreen then went on to obscure the vision of Misty, Gary, Starmie, and Eevee. Gary said, "Eevee remove the Smoke with Sand Attack!"
Misty said, "Starmie use Rapid Spin!"
During the moment of confusion, Ash had issued rapid orders to Dratini to use Iron Slam which was the combination of Iron Tail and Slam and to attack Starmie specifically.
Dratini emerged from the newly cleared smoke with the amazing speed its Aqua Jet had earlier and easily took down Misty's Starmie. Ash couldn't even imagine how good Dratini was going to be as a Dragonite.
Eevee was suddenly on its own. Charmander leaped through the smoke and used Metal Claw on Eevee easily taking down the cute Pokemon.
Gary and Misty both stood there shocked. They had no idea that Ash would be this good. Gary stuttered, "But... but... how did you?"
Ash said, "If you know what's best for you, you would leave right now. Oh and by the way, don't I get a Gym Badge for defeating another Gym Leader?"
Misty said, "Well I don't have any Gym Badges."
Barton interfered for the first time by dropping a net and typing up Misty and Gary. He said, "That was too easy. Looks like this is an easy way to get your Gym Badge."
Brock re-entered the room and saw Misty and Gary tied up and asked, "Are they wanted outlaws? I feel like I recognize them."
Barton said, "You bet they are." A few seconds later, Barton walked over to Brock and hit him on the head with a rod. He tied up Brock with the other two and said, "It's too bad that I had to do that. He seemed like a pretty nice guy. I won't give him to Team Rocket like I will with these two, I'll keep him here." He untied Brock and pushed him over on the ground.
Ash and Barton quickly left the gym with a strange, rather heavy bag that was slung over Barton's shoulder. Barton's Fearow returned when they walked outside and Barton handed it the bag. Barton then sent out a second Pokemon. Barton also had a Dodrio. Dodrio helped Fearow carry the heavy bag off to the Team Rocket headquarters down in Viridian City. Problem solved.
Ash said, "Thanks for the help back there."
"It's what teammates do." said Barton "In Team Rocket, we believe in survival of the fittest. In my groups, we believe in no man left behind unless it puts the rest of us in danger. That's why my groups normally cooperate more than any other groups. You know kid, I don't know if Team Rocket really is cut out for me. Sure I have fun doing it, but why am I actually doing it?"
Ash knew why he was in Team Rocket. He wasn't in Team Rocket because he wanted to be, but because he needed money and this was the best way to get it. If he got a crew of Team Rocket grunts, he could catch the legendary he saw in the sky.
Barton and Ash started heading out of town when Barton received a call. Apparently Barton's Fearow and Dodrio had already made it to HQ.
After several long minutes on the phone, Barton said, "I'm being transferred, but you aren't. Giovanni personally requested for you to be on your own due to how effective you could be. He is upgrading you to C-Class Grunt. I'm an A-Class Grunt which is right underneath Admin. Most Grunts are D-Class so this is a great promotion for you."
Barton hoisted his backpack back on his back and said, "I'll see you around sometime kid."
Ash said, "I'll see you sometime too."
Ash decided that when he took over Team Rocket, Barton would be right there by him near the top.
Ash walked out of Pewter City and very alone until he saw what was happening outside of the town: a whole ton of trainers were everywhere. They were mostly other boys about his age, but there were a few hikers and the such. He asked a passing man, "What is going on here?"
The man said, "We are holding a Pokemon Tournament here today. Would you like to enter?"
"Very much so." said Ash.
The man said, "The registration tent is just over that way."
Ash went immediately to the registration tent and registered Squirtle, Charmander and Dratini. Ash was the last person to enter the tournament and the tournament would start in a few minutes time, so he got prepared fast.
He walked out into the impromptu stadium with a whole bunch of other rookie trainers. Ash thought, 'This is going to be a piece of cake.'
The announcer said, "Welcome to the Monthly Pewter Pokemon Tournament! Today we have 64 trainers all hyped up and ready to battle, so we hope to give you some excellent battles today."
The crowd cheered at the conclusion of his remarks, and the matchups were shown up on the screen. Ash would be facing Ben who was about his age. Their battle would be second.
After the first battle, Ash walked onto the field. Ben did too, but he was speedwalking so much he almost tripped.
Ben said, "Shorts are comfy and easy to wear! Go Ekans!"
"Go Charmander!" said Ash.
Ben started ranting about shorts, so Ash said, "Charmander use Ember followed up by Metal Claw!"
Ekans was defeated by the Metal Claw that followed Ember, but Ben seemed not to notice. Now he was talking about all the shorts that he had ever owned. Ash sighed and walked off the field. Ben was still yapping away when Ash was out of sight.
After the first round, Ash found himself against another pathetic trainer who used a Weedle. In the round of 16, he faced a Rattata. In the round of 8, he faced his first challenge in a Oddish that managed to almost beat Squirtle. Squirtle ended up winning with its powerful Rapid Spin attack.
Ash found himself in the top 4 of the tournament. He would be going against a trainer by the name of A.J. He had only used his Sandshrew so far, so Ash decided to use Dratini who was really fast and could easily dodge Ground-type attacks.
A.J. sent out his Sandshrew as Ash sent out his Dratini.
A.J. said, "Alright Sandshrew use Dig!"
Ash said, "Dratini stand on your tail!"
When Sandshrew came up, Dratini was ready and easily swayed to the side to dodge the attack. Ash said, "Now use Dragon Rage!"
"Defense Curl!" yelled A.J.
Dragon Rage did quite a bit of damage, so Ash continued the pressure. He said, "Use Iron Tail!"
Sandshrew wasn't quite able to handle Dragon Rage and Iron Tail, so Sandshrew was defeated after a very short bout.
Ash was in the finals against somebody who had only used one Pokemon: Ninetales. The man didn't ever say his name and he wore a dark, long flowing cloak.
Ash didn't know which Pokemon to choose. Squirtle was too tired from all of the previous battles and so was Dratini. Charmander hadn't been used yet, so he decided to use Charmander.
Just as Ash was going through the thought process, a man came up and said, "You have to choose two Pokemon for the doubles battle that is coming up."
Ash decided on his two Pokemon and went out on the field to face the mysterious masked man.
"Ninetales and Gloom! You're up!" said the other man.
"Charmander and Squirtle! You're up!" said Ash.
Ash's only prior double battle experience was earlier that morning when he had defeated Gary and Misty. That didn't really count as a battle, so he really had no experience.
The referee said, "Today's match will be a doubles battle between Ash Ketchum and Incognito. Each side will use two Pokemon and the battle will be over when both Pokemon on either side are unable to battle further. Begin!"
Ash said, "Charmander use Ember on Gloom and Squirtle use Water Gun on Ninetales!"
Incognito said, "Switch!"
Gloom and Ninetales switched places and easily took the attacks from Squirtle and Charmander. Incognito said, "Gloom use Sleep Powder and Ninetales use Hypnosis!"
Charmander had enough time to dodge, but Squirtle didn't. Ash said, "Squirtle use Yawn before you fall asleep!"
Squirtle's Yawn hit Gloom and both Gloom and Squirtle fell asleep. Ash said, "Charmander use Ember on Gloom!"
Incognito said, "Ninetales use Solarbeam on Squirtle!"
The two moves hit the other two Pokemon with tremendous power and effect.
"Squirtle and Gloom are unable to battle!" said the referee.
It was down to Charmander against Ninetales. Ash thought about Charmander's moves. Charmander knew Ember, Metal Claw, Scratch, and... Smokescreen.
Ash said, "Charmander use Smokescreen!"
Smokescreen obscured the vision of Ninetales. Charmander had gotten used to seeing in Smoke, so it wasn't a problem. Ash said, "Use Metal Claw!"
Incognito said, "Ninetales find Charmander with Psychic!"
Ninetales easily found Charmander mentally through the thick smoke and flung Charmander. It looked as if Charmander was finished battling after taking such a powerful hit.
The referee said, "Charmander is unable to bat..." when all of a sudden Charmander started glowing. Charmander's size increased, especially its tail. Pretty soon Charmander had evolved into Charmeleon!"
Ash said, "Good Work! Try out your new move and use Dragon Rage!"
Dragon Rage pounced on the unsuspecting Ninetales. Ninetales was still able to battle after the impact, so Ash said, "End this now with one last Metal Claw!"
Charmeleon raced forward with a new speed spreading smoke as it went. Metal Claw struck Ninetales in the head.
"Ninetales is unable to battle, Charmeleon is the winner which means that Ash Ketchum wins!"
Ash said, "Charmeleon, good work. You have some things to work on so lets go."
Charmeleon smiled and waved at the cheering crowd when Ash wasn't looking before quickly running and catching up to its trainer.
Ash and his Pokemon camped that night right outside of Mt. Moon in their special Team Rocket sleeping bags. Ash thought about all that had happened in the previous few days. He had defeated a gym and won a tournament within a couple days of getting his Pokemon. Charmeleon, Squirtle, and Dratini were already shaping up nicely. He felt himself growing closer to them. No. He couldn't do that. If he did that, then that could get in the way of training. Maybe one day when they were evolved and ready they could become friends.
Meanwhile in Viridian City, Misty and Gary were pacing inside their jail cells.
When the guards transitioned, Gary pulled out a file and quickly made work of the very thin bars. He quickly did Misty's too as the new guard appeared.
The guard yelled, "Stop right now and you won't get hurt!"
Gary threw the file at the guard and hit him in the head. He grabbed his Pokeballs and gave one to Misty. Misty asked, "Isn't this stealing?"
Gary said, "These Pokemon are already stolen, it doesn't matter anymore. Now let's get out of here."
Gary and Misty quickly made their way out of the Viridian Team Rocket Base. It wasn't until hours later that the other guards found the body of their fellow guard unconscious on the ground.
Misty and Gary quickly ran back into Viridian Forest. It might have been nighttime, but they had a lot of ground to make up if they were to get that Ash. Ash was a bigger threat than they had anticipated, and they were after him with a burning new fury.
And... That's a wrap! Ash beats Brock, Ash and Barton kidnap Gary and Misty and ship them off to Team Rocket to put in their jail, Barton leaves Ash, Ash enters a Pokemon Tournament, Charmander evolves into Charmeleon, Ash wins, and Gary and Misty are after Ash with a new burning need for revenge. However, Ash is starting to have feelings for his Pokemon. What will Ash do?
Thank you guys for reading again if you end up reading this. Let me say this one more time: This isn't Ash's real character... yet. Character Development yo. Also, don't hate on me for that. Their are several thousand fanfictions out there and if you want to read fanfiction, then there are other ones for you.
Farewell Fine Fancies of the Phenomenal Fricken . ~JudgeSceptiled