A/N: PurplePantherXVI here! This is my first Beyblade fanfiction, so I hope you all enjoy :3 My good friends Shadow-Cat-Pokémon and Sweet Mango helped me write this, so thank you to both of you. I wrote this because I heard about a game called Five Nights at Freddy's (I haven't played it yet, though I've watched others play it), and I was wondering what would happen if the Beyblade cast decided to play. Thus this oneshot was born. I apologize for any OOCness. I also apologize if I made any mistakes about the gameplay of Five Nights at Freddy's. Having never played the game myself, I have only the times I watched people playing and the research I did to rely on. Enjoy :)
Tsubasa: PurplePantherXVI does not own Beyblade or Five Nights at Freddy's. Now, onto the story...
The MFB Cast Play Five Nights at Freddy's
"Come on, come on, it's 5 AM...Almost there..." Gingka frowned, bending over his iPad. "Bonnie's at that door, Chica's in the kitchen, Freddy's still on the stage and Foxy's..." He clicked on the camera to check Pirate's Cove. "Aaand...The curtains are open...Wait, what!?" Screamed Gingka, hitting the screen. He clicked on the West Hall camera to see Foxy running down the hall.
"Nooo!" Gingka cried, shutting the camera monitor just as Foxy ran into the room and jumped out at him. The screen became all staticky as the Game Over picture appeared. "Nooo! I died! I don't want to be a Freddy Fazbear!" He sobbed.
"What's wrong Gingka?" Kenta asked, peering into the room.
"I was stuffed into a Freddy suit!" Gingka cried.
"What?" Kyoya asked, scowling. "You screamed and bothered us all while we were trying to watch Black Butler because of a stupid video game?"
"It's not a stupid video game! It's Five Nights at Freddy's!" Gingka cried, flailing his arms. "The best game ever!"
"I don't get why you love it so much. You've been stuck at Night Five for a long time..." Grumbled Kyoya.
"Wow! You're at Night Five already Gingky!" Yu exclaimed, running into the room. Tsubasa walked in after the boy. "That's so cool! I want to play it, but Tsubossy here won't let me." He pouted, crossing his arms.
"Because you'd get nightmares." Tsubasa stated.
"You mean you would." Yu frowned at the older boy. Tsubasa glowered at him.
"N-no I wouldn't." Tsubasa stammered, blushing red. "I just don't want to be waken up by you in the middle of the night because you're having a nightmare about a bunch of animal robots."
"Well, if you're not scared prove it!" Yu exclaimed. "Gingka, start the game up again! We're all going to be playing a game of Five Night's at Freddy's!"
"Wh-what?" Tsubasa cried, shaking his head.
"I won't be playing it, Gingky will. And this will be your chance to prove to me that you're not scared." Yu teased. Tsubasa frowned, then nodded.
"I accept your challenge." Tsubasa said. "But if you do get scared, no candy for a week."
"Deal." Yu replied, shaking the older man's hand.
"Alright, let's go!" Gingka cheered, sitting down on the couch with the iPad. Yu plopped down next to him and Kenta perched above him on the couch. Tsubasa stood off to the side, glancing at the game nervously. Kyoya crossed his arms and sat next to Yu.
Gingka pressed continue and the game began. A moaning noise sounded from the game as Gingka scrolled around the Office.
"What's that noise?" Kenta asked, clinging to Gingka's shoulder.
"The phone guy got murdered last night." Gingka explained smiling. "He had it coming, too." Gingka shuddered. "Having Bonnie, Chica, Foxy and Freddy all after you at once as the power goes out...That must suck." Gingka clicked on the show stage and screamed.
"What's wrong?" Cried Tsubasa, Kenta and Yu. Even Kyoya bent over to see what was happening.
"They've all left!" Yelled Gingka as a low laugh sounded. "And now Freddy's after me!"
"Who's Freddy?" Asked Kenta as Gingka pressed the light in the doorway. A bear animatronic peered out at them as Gingka quickly shut the door.
"That." The red haired boy said, shaking. "Phew, that was close." He sighed, opening the camera and looking around. "Okay, creepy bunnie's in the supply closet. Foxy's playing peek-a-boo with us and the chicken..." Gingka froze. "Where's the chicken?"
"The duck?" Yu asked, frowning. "Yeah, where is ducky? Is she in the bathroom again?"
"The restrooms are empty..." Tsubasa frowned, leaning over. "Did you try the East Hall?"
"The chicken's not there either..." Gingka frowned, starting to get worried. "Let's see if Freddy's gone, he's wasting all our power!" Gingka opened the left door and sighed in relief. "Freddy's gone, we're good." Everyone let out their breath. "Okay, let's see if Chica is over here." He said, moving to the other door. Everyone held their breath again as he pressed the light, leaning in.
"She's gone..." Tsubasa sighed in relief.
Chica's face popped up to the screen and everyone let out a scream. Even Kyoya backed away. Tsubasa nearly fell over in fear and cowered in the corner.
"Ducky's gone Tsubasa, you can come out now!" Yu called to the man. He was in the corner rocking, his hands over his ears. The boy sighed, leaping off the couch to drag the man back over.
"Why's everyone screaming?" King asked, peering into the room. Everyone sitting on the couch almost screamed when they saw him appear, and Gingka made a motion as if pressing the button to shut the door. Masamune leaned over King, frowning.
"You guys seem like you're having fun. Why didn't you invite us?" The spiky haired boy whined.
"Having fun? More like being tortured!" Tsubasa snapped back.
"We're playing Five Nights at Freddy's!" Kenta beamed at the two boys. "Wanna join?"
"I love that game!" Masamune smiled. "I got all the way to Day Si-" Suddenly, King clamped a hand over his mouth.
"What was that?" Gingka asked. Kyoya frowned, looking at the two boys.
"Nothing." Masamune sweat dropped, turning to King. "Why did you stop me?" He whispered to the blue haired boy.
"You'll see..." King smiled, an evil smirk on his face. Masamune shuddered and nodded as the two joined the others on the couch.
"We're at Night Five!" Gingka proclaimed happily. "Which means it's the last night-"
"And we can finally get the hell out of that creepy pizza place. If I were that security guard, I'd have quit ages ago." Tsubasa added, edging away from the couch again. Masamune and King exchanged a look and stated snickering.
"What?" Gingka whined, and Tsubasa gave them a wary look.
"Nothing." King said between laughs. "Have fun with the...last night..." He and Masamune burst out laughing.
"You guys are strange..." Yu whined as Gingka hit continue once more. Kyoya only gave the two boys a suspicious glance.
"Let's go! I am so pumped!" Gingka cheered, looking around the office. "No animal robot there," he checked the light of one of the doors. "No animal robots there." He smiled checking the other door. "No animal robots- ah! The chicken!" He screamed, pressing the light for the window.
"Chicken?" Masamune frowned. "That's a duck."
"No, it's a chicken." Gingka replied, looking at the security cameras.
"Masamoo-moo's right," Yu nodded, and the boy grinned. "For once..."
"Yeah!" Masamune agreed, then frowned. "Hey!" He protested. "What does that mean!?"
"Well, the only thing that matters is that the thing in the window is a duck!" Yu exclaimed proudly.
"Chicken." Gingka frowned.
"Duck!" Masamune and Yu sang.
"Chicken!" Gingka yelled
"Ducky!" The two screamed.
"Chicken!" Gingka screamed.
"It's a DUCK! Duck! Duck! Duck! Duck! Duck!-"
"Gingka's right, it's a chicken!" Sora shouted, popping up from underneath the couch. Everyone screamed as he sat down next to Kenta on top of the couch.
"Where did you come from?" Asked Tsubasa, pointing the legendary pointer finger at the boy.
"I was always here..." Sora replied mysteriously. Everyone gave him a wary look before returning their attention back to the game.
"No animatronics in Pirate's Cove." Gingka continued singing, clicking on the camera that monitored the cove. "Wait...That's not good..." He quickly shut the monitor and the left door. There was a banging noise and everyone froze in horror until Masamune broke the awkward silence.
"Bang bang into the roooom!" He sang. The banging stopped, and Gingka sighed in relief, opening the door again.
"Good...It's gone...Hey! That fox made me lose some power!" The red haired blader cried angrily. "I needed that power! I do not want a Freddy coming into my room in the dark and playing his freaky music and stuffing me in his ugly suit! Oh no, he's not gonna be getting Gingka Hagane today!"
"Gingka, the power's at 3%..." Kenta whispered.
"Is it almost 6 AM?" Gingka asked hopefully.
"4 AM." Yu said, leaning in to read the time.
"We're gonna die!" Screamed Tsubasa, backing away. "Wait...What happens when the power runs out?"
"Freddy Fazbear comes into the Office!" Gingka yelled. "And then he plays music and-" By now Tsubasa was no longer listening and was hiding on the other side of the room by the doorway, his hands over his ears and screaming.
"We only have to last two hours, do you think we'll make it..." Kenta frowned, starting to back away from the screen. He clutched onto Sora's shoulder. Sora, however, leaned in closer to get a good view.
"Gingka, watch this!" Masamune exclaimed, pressing the nose of the Freddy on the Celebrate poster.
"Masamune no! Don't move!" Gingka started to scream, but was interrupted by a honking noise. "Huh?" Gingka pressed the nose, and a grin broke over his face. He began pressing the nose over and over again. "That's a funny noise!" He laughed as the power died. "Oh..."
"What's going on?" Yelled Tsubasa from the other side of the room by the door. "What's happening?"
Creepy music started to play as Freddy's face showed up in the corner of the door. Kyoya, Sora and Yu leaned close to Gingka while Kenta quietly slid off the couch and sat by their feet.
"Here it comes..." Gingka whispered. "Freddy's in the room...We're all gonna die..."
"I'm too young to die!" Screamed Yu as Freddy appeared in front of the screen. Then, he jumped up, waving his arms and yelling. Gingka, Sora, Yu, Kenta, Tsubasa and even Kyoya started screaming. Gingka almost threw the iPad across the room when all of a sudden the power in the B Pit gave out.
"It's Freddy!" Screamed Tsubasa, pointing at the door.
"Don't be ridiculous Tsubasa, I know you're scared but there's no way Freddy Fazbear is in the B Pit." Laughed Yu looking toward the doorway. A dark shape lingered in the hall and Yu screamed. "It's Freddy Fazbear!"
"Kill it with fire!" Yelled Gingka, jumping at the figure. The lights flickered back on, and Gingka looked down to find himself on top of Ryuga.
"Ryuga?" Everyone cried as the Dragon Emperor shoved Gingka off of him.
"What are you doing here Ryuga?" Kenta smiled.
"I didn't want to come." Ryuga frowned at them. "It was raining and thundering outside. That girl friend of yours saw me outside and practically dragged me into the shop."
"Madoka?" Gingka asked. "Yeah, that sounds like something she would do. Oh! And that's why the power went out!" He nodded. "Makes sense."
"I still think it was Freddy..." Grumbled Tsubasa.
"Is something wrong with him?" Ryuga asked, looking at the eagle blader.
"Nah, he's fine!" Gingka smiled. "So, wanna play Five Nights at Freddy's with us?"
"Give me a good reason why I'd want to do that." Ryuga scowled.
"Otherwise I'll tell Madoka that you want her to do some experiments on L Drago." Kenta smiled at the man.
"I would kill you before you could do that, you evil child..." Ryuga frowned. "But fine. I don't see why not. After all, it's entertaining watching Tsubasa like this." He smirked. Tsubasa sent him a sour glance. "And besides, it would be interesting to see how you react." He added, looking at Kyoya.
"Kyoya's been pretty chill the whole time!" Gingka smiled, patting Kyoya on the back.
"Well, except for every time the animatronics appeared!" Yu laughed. Kyoya glared at the small boy.
"This could prove to be fun." Ryuga smirked as everyone sat back down on the couch. Tsubasa warily stood next to the couch, glancing over at the screen every now and then.
"Bet you five bucks Ryuga will scream when the animatronics attack." Masamune whispered to King.
"You're on." The boy whispered back, and the two grinned at each other.
"I don't see how this is scary." Ryuga frowned, watching Gingka click on the different camera monitors. "It's just animal robots. I'm ashamed of you Tsubasa."
"Shut up..." The man grumbled.
"Quick Gingky, Bonnie three o' clock!" Yelled Yu as Gingka shut the left door.
"I'm pretty sure you're not using that phrase correctly, but whatever..." Tsubasa grumbled. "As long as that demon bunny can't get in the Office."
"Did you check Pirate's Cove, Gingka?" Asked Sora, clicking on the monitor. Foxy was peering out of the curtain at them.
"We better keep an eye on him." Gingka frowned, clicking on more of the monitors. "Okay, so Fazbear's still on the stage...Hey! Stop giving me that look!" He yelled at the robot bear who was staring straight at him.
"Quit yelling at the bear Gingka Hagane, and check on the other animatronics!" Ryuga yelled, leaning over to change the camera.
"Wow, you're really getting into this Ryuga." Kenta noted as the Dragon Emperor started checking the monitors, even managing to close the door on Foxy as he made his run down the hall.
"Well, of course I am. After all, we must destroy these animatronics! Nothing can defeat the Dragon Emperor!" Ryuga laughed, shutting the door on Bonnie and waiting for the bunny to leave before opening it once more. "Ha! Thought you could sneak up on me, did you?" He smirked, and then proceeded to reopen the monitor, searching for the other animatronics.
"Since we're doing so well and it's 5 AM, I think its...Celebrate Button Time!" Gingka cheered, shutting the camera monitor again and pressing the nose on the poster.
"Gingka, don't you think you should be checking the doors..." Kenta trailed off.
"Relax Kenta. There's nothing to worry about." Gingka laughed. "Ain't no animatronics getting past Gingka Hagane tonight!"
"Didn't Chica, Foxy and Freddy all attack you already?" King smirked.
"Well, Bonnie hasn't got us yet!" Gingka cheered.
"Key word...Yet." Masamune whispered to King as they both laughed. Ryuga shot them a glare.
"You two are very annoying, you know that." He frowned. "Hey Gingka, shouldn't we check on Foxy. Or make sure Chica and Bonnie aren't at the doors."
"I haven't seen any of the animatronics in a while..." Tsubasa added. Feeling more brave, he had decided to perch on the arm of the couch. "We should probably check on them."
"It's almost 6 AM. What could possibly happen?" Gingka asked.
"That!" Yelled Kenta, Sora, Yu and even Kyoya as Bonnie showed up in front of the screen. Ryuga let out a strange noise and backed away from the screen. Tsubasa fell off the arm of the chair, and King and Masamune doubled over in laughter.
"You owe me five bucks by the way..." Masamune whispered to King.
"Shut up, that wasn't a scream..." The blue haired blader snapped back.
Suddenly, there was a thud from outside.
Everyone spun around, and Gingka slammed the iPad shut.
"What was that?" Kenta asked, trembling.
"Chica..." Tsubasa suggested.
"It's not Chica!" Everyone yelled back, running outside to see what the noise was.
Nile had been climbing up a ladder that led to the second floor window of B Pit. Why, you ask? How did the ladder even get there in the first place? And how had he managed not to fall off before because of all the rain from the thunderstorm? And, most importantly, why was he even out on a ladder during a thunderstorm? To be honest, the author of this story doesn't know either...
Just as the boy peered into the window, the face of a terrifying purple bunny showed up on the screen. He fainted, plummeting from the ladder and landing on the wet grass below.
"Nile? Are you okay?" Asked Kyoya, carrying the Egyptian boy inside and laying him on the couch.
"Maybe you should give your special someone a kiss to wake him up?" Yu suggested, and Kyoya shot him a glare. The boy shrugged. "Just a suggestion."
"I know what will work!" Gingka yelled, coming into the room with a huge bucket of water. "The ice bucket challenge!"
"Gingka, no!" Shouted Kyoya as the boy dumped the bucket over him and Nile. Nile shot up, looking around the room.
"The purple bunny! It's here! Where'd it go?" He asked. "And why am I wet? Was it the demon bunny?"
"No, it was that idiot." Kyoya scowled, jerking a finger at Gingka.
"Hey, he was already wet anyway from the rain..." Gingka huffed.
"And there's no purple bunny. It was in a video game." Kyoya continued, glaring at the red haired boy before looking back down at Nile.
"Okay." Nile sighed in relief. "But wait...Why was I out during a thunderstorm?"
"Who cares? Let's get back to the game!" Cheered Gingka. "Third time's the charm, isn't it?"
"This has been going on much too long." Kyoya muttered, and once again everyone filed back onto the couch. "And this isn't the third time. Last time was."
"Nobody cares about stupid details like that Yo-Yo!" Yu laughed, swinging his legs happily.
"I can feel it too, Gingka! This is the time we beat those animatronics!" Sora cheered.
"I don't see why you're all so optimistic all of a sudden, but fine. It's been amusing so far." Kyoya said, sitting down on the couch. Nile sat next to him, leaning over to see.
Gingka opened the iPad, all ready to press continue. However, he didn't remember that he had shut it during Bonnie's attack.
"It's the bunny!" Shrieked Nile and Tsubasa, pointing at the screen. The static and Game Over played before the game returned to the main screen.
"Okay guys, let's do this!" Screamed Gingka, getting up and doing squats. "One, two,"
"Just start the game already Gingka Hagane!" Yelled Ryuga.
"When you stop calling me by my full name..." Gingka huffed, sitting back down and pressing continue.
"Check the stage!" Yu cried as Gingka clicked the monitor. Chica and Freddy were still there, but...
"Bonnie's gone! Bonnie's gone!" Gingka yelled, checking the monitor. "Oh, hey Bonnie! Having fun chilling in the closet?"
"Never mind that, where's the chicken!?" Yelled Tsubasa.
"Duuuck!" Sang Masamune and Yu.
"She's taking selfies in the bathroom." Gingka stated. "Really girl? I thought you were better than that."
"What's a Selphie?" Kyoya grunted. "Isn't that a character from Kingdom Hearts, or Final Fantasy?"
"A selfie is-" Gingka began.
"Nevermind, I don't want to know!" Kyoya scowled. "Just check on the fox."
"He's coming down the hall!" Cried Sora who had shut the camera and closed the door on Foxy. "Ha! Take that!"
"Nice one Sora!" Gingka smiled, and Sora beamed at the praise. "Alright, everyone's good. Everything's good. We're all good." Freddy's laugh sounded, and Gingka and his companions froze.
"The bear's on the loose!" Screamed Tsubasa.
"Relax guys, no Freddys are getting in this Office." Gingka grinned, checking the light of the door. Freddy was peering at him. Gingka screamed and shut the door.
"He's trying to get in the office!" Yelled Ryuga, opening the camera. "The chicken! Where's the chicken?" He clicked on a camera, but it was disabled. "Damn you chicken! Why'd you have to go and dismantle the camera?"
"At least we know where she is." Gingka sighed. "Wait...The fox!" He clicked on Pirate's Cove and sighed in relief. "Okay, Foxy's good. He's hiding in there."
"5 AM!" Kenta exclaimed happily. "We can do this!"
"It's Celebrate AM!" Gingka cheered, closing the monitor and pressing the poster.
"Oh no you don't!" Ryuga scowled at him. "We are not giving up after we've come this far. No way! I'm not letting you ruin this Gingka Hagane! You may have defeated me, but I will not allow you to stop me from getting past Night Five."
"What are you talking about? I was the one who got all the way to Night Five!" Gingka protested.
"Guys, the doors are still shut! It's wasting power!" Yelled Kyoya, reaching over to open the door just as the power died. Gingka screamed.
"What!? The celebrate button doesn't work!?" He yelled.
"Never mind that!" Ryuga shouted at the boy. "You've ruined everything! We're gonna die!"
"Not again!" Screamed Tsubasa. "That's it! I can't take this anymore!" He yelled, running out of the room.
Freddy's face appeared in the doorway and music started playing. Then, the screen blacked out.
"Huh?" Asked Gingka. Kenta and Sora leaned over him to get a better look. Ryuga stared at the screen in shock. Yu, Nile and even Kyoya stared at the blank screen in wonder. Tsubasa came back into the room to see what was happening. King and Masamune looked at each other incredulously, amazed Gingka had managed to beat the game.
"Looks like you owe me ten bucks now." Masamune smirked.
"Damn you..." King muttered. "And I don't think the Ryuga one should count."
"Cheater..." Masamune shot back, pouting. "It totally counted..."
The words 5 AM appeared on the screen, and the 5 changed to a 6. Then, there was the sound of a bell ringing and children cheering.
"We did it!" Screamed Gingka, tears running down his face. "We actually did it! No more Freddy's for me! I'm out of here!"
A paycheck appeared on the screen, and the words, "Good job sport! (You've earned some overtime!)."
"I'm rich! Yahoo!" Gingka cheered. "With the power of friendship, we can do anything! Whether it be save the world, or conquer creepy moving animatronics that want to stuff us in Freddy suits."
"What? Only $120 dollars?" Ryuga shouted. "I deserve more for what you made me do, you rotten bastard!"
Suddenly, the screen turned black.
"What's happening?" Gingka shouted. "No! This shouldn't be happening!" The words Night 6 appeared on the screen. Everybody looked on in horror...except King and Masamne.
"Did we forget to mention there was a Night Six?" King laughed, and Masamune snickered. "Oh, and there's a new animatronic. Golden Freddy!"
"Nooooooooo!" Yelled Gingka.
Downstairs, Madoka was cooking and sighed. "I really need to stop buying Gingka these horror games..."
PurplePantherXVI: I hope you all enjoyed :3 This turned out much longer than I expected it to, so I hope I didn't drag it on too long...Also, I know Tsubasa was OOC in this, but I can picture him being scared of horror games. Plus, I needed someone to torture in this xD
Tsubasa: *Frowns* That's it, I'm leaving...
PurplePantherXVI: No wait, come back! I'm sorry...I still love you *Hugs* Here, have a sea salt ice cream.
Tsubasa: *Takes and eats* I'm still leaving...
PurplePantherXVI: Nooo D: Well, I hope you all enjoyed this little story of mine. Reviews and favorites are always appreciated. Also, in case anyone was wondering, the celebrate button thing is kind of an inside joke between my close friends who helped me write this and me x3 Thanks for reading :D