Full Summary: Being the cousin of Onoda Sakamichi, Chiaki can't help but worry about her cousin's hope in making friends in high school. Since none of Sakamichi's old friends decided to go to another school rather than Sohoku. Now she always been in a different school from her cousin, but this time. Chiaki made the decision to transfer to the same school as her cousin, hoping that she'll help him make friends. Of course she didn't expect her wonderful cousin to join a cycling club rather than reform the anime club he always wanted to join in.

My name is Onoda Chiaki.

And my cousin decided to join the cycling club.

Should I be worried?

Yes I should, but Saka-nii seems to have found another passion he loves other than anime. And I'm proud of him.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yowamushi Pedal except my oc.

Edited: 5/6/16

Today is the first day of high school.

Onoda Sakamichi, my cousin, and I are now first year students of Sohoku. Turning off my alarm clock, I stretched my arms out wide greeting the sun's rays, "Today's the day!"

I announced to myself as excitement welled up inside me. "The day Saka-nii will make friends!"

Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet huh?

My name is Onoda Chiaki, cousin and carbon copy of Onoda Sakamichi. I guess that's what Saka-nii's mom and my father both have matching black hair and blue eyes, the same traits that seem to run down our family genes. However in my case, I have longer hair that reaches past my shoulder blades although it's often tied up into a side ponytail. I don't wear glasses like Saka-nii, originally he didn't wear glasses until after he became interested in Anime thus worsening his eyesight.

"Hm...There!" After fixing my bow tie, I gazed at the mirror in my room. The Souhoku uniform seemed rather different compared to what I used to wear in middle school. This green blazer, yellow plaid skirt, and finally a red-white striped ribbon. I've gotta say, this uniform is bright on so many levels.

'Saka-nii really chose an interesting school.' I admitted bearing a smile across my face.

"Chiaki." A soft knock sounded from the door of my room.

'Ah speak of the devil.' Right at the moment of speaking of him, I called out to him. "You can enter, Saka-nii."

Upon heading inside, Sakamichi was dressed in the required male version of our uniform "Mom, made your favorite for breakfast." His blue eyes trailed over to me as a flash of surprise enveloped him trying to take in my drastic change in appearance, "Chiaki. You look different."

"Different?" I raised a brow at my cousin, wondering by what he meant. Turning back to the mirror, I hardly noticed any difference from how I was in middle school. Though in theory, change is a good thing in retrospect.

"It's the first day of school." I responded to him wearing a grin, "Of course I'm going to look different than how I did before."

I walked over to Sakamichi, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Now let's go eat breakfast! You know how I don't like eating cold food!"

"We're going now!" The both of us tell our parents. Sakamichi hopped onto his bike, where as I strap on my elbow and knee guards. My cousin always used a bike to get to school since we were little, where as I used roller blades. In all honesty I'm horrible when it comes to riding a bike. I'd either fall half way down the block or lose immediate balance when I try to pedal. I gave up immediately in trying to ride a bicycle. Compared to roller-blading, I tend to have an easier balance in using roller blades. Plus it's fun riding down the hill with Sakamichi on his bike while I'm on roller-blades.

"Woohoo!" I cheerfully cried as a gush of wind breezed past me, as I roll down the hill, "Riding down the hill is always fun!"

Catching up from behind, Sakamichi decided to start our usual morning conversation. I slowed down my pace to make sure we were side by side so I can hear what he wanted to say."Hey, Chiaki."

"What?" I asked in return as I watched the sidewalk to make sure I don't run over anything.

"Do you want to go to Akiba with me?" Akihabara or Akiba for short, is a common place Sakamichi and I head over to get anime merchandise. Although due to Sakamichi not having many friends during middle school, he often asked me if I wanted to go with him. However due to the fact that Akiba is practically forty-five kilometers away from here, I had to ride the same bike with Sakamichi which in the end lead us to tumbling down to the ground because of the way he rode his bike.

I contemplate for a bit, "Hm anime, huh?"

'Though I kind of wanted to check that club at Souhoku.' Shaking my head, I politely declined Sakamichi's offer."Not today, Saka-nii. I kind of want to see all clubs they have at Sohoku."

"Why not join the anime club?" He suggested as hope shined in his eyes. I gave a shrug toward his suggestion.

"Of course I'll join the anime club with you Saka-nii, but I also want to see the other clubs." I reminded him before admitting my thoughts, "The cooking club seemed interesting."

"I see...Cooking club." He nodded in affirmation, and pointed out a saying I often said when we were kids,"Your dream is to own a family restaurant one day, right?"

I smiled to him. Of course it's a huge dream. It'd be amazing if I'll be able to get to own a restaurant one day. Ever since I was little, I was in awe by how warm and welcoming our first visit to one. As the both of us ride down the sidewalk, all of a sudden the judo club charged toward our direction simply knocking my poor cousin into a pile of trash bags while I barely made it past them.

"Saka-nii!" I stopped abruptly, close enough to lend a hand toward Sakamichi, "Are you okay?!"

"I-I'm fine...Chiaki." He answered re-adjusting his eye-glasses as he takes my hand to get up, "But they scared me, the athletic clubs are so violent."

"I definitely won't join an athletic club..." Sakamichi muttered in a depressed tone.

I sighed upon hearing my cousin say that line. "You really don't like athletic clubs do you, Saka-nii?"

"I'm joining an anime club!" He proudly declared as a glint shone, "And that's last!"

'Saka-nii. I'm beginning to worry about you now.' You see Sakamichi didn't make many friends when he was in middle school until I introduced him my friends. This happened right before my parents and I decided to move in with Sakamichi's family due to my father's job. Even when we visited for celebrations, whenever I bring the topic of having friends around him. I could feel a sense of jealousy and loneliness wave off of him, but he'd always use anime as an excuse to cover about him not having any friends. By the time I transferred over on our last year of middle school, Sakamichi couldn't hide the fact that he didn't have any friends from me any longer. From that point on, I decided to become a bridge in linking Sakamichi into making new friends.

This was the first official goal I made when I decided to enter Chiba Sohoku Private High School together with Sakamichi.

By the time we hit the fork of the road, there were two pathways to the school. The one in the back that leads to the rear entrance, which not many students take, and the front where students walk up to the main entrance of the school.

"I'll be going this way," Sakamichi replied to me as he pointed over to the rear gate entrance. I raised a brow at Sakamichi and was going to ask him why until I saw him take out his mp3 player.

'Ah, he's going to sing the Love Hime opening song on his way to the rear entrance.'

"I'll see you during break, Saka-nii!" I waved him a goodbye before roller-blading toward the main entrance.

'Honestly I worry about whether he is taking the right path to entering the school now.' I thought to myself not taking any notice of who was in front of me.

"OI! Watch where you're-" At a split second, I heard someone yell at me. As I lifted my gaze over, I screeched in shock of how deadly close I was. "Eeek!"

I ended up bashing into whoever it was...I think I saw red? Red hair flash before I crashed. Groaning I raised my head to see, who I crashed into. The person happened to be a boy around my age. Although his red hair and piercing red eyes really stood out the most.

"I'm sorry." I apologized immediately as I applied pressure to my forehead using my right hand. Of all the days to crash into someone, it had to be my first day of school, "Are you alright?"

"You should really watch you're going." I blinked a few times as I noticed something different about the way he spoke. 'Kansai accent?'

"But, I'll forgive you. Since you're cute." After standing up, he sent me a wink while offering his hand out to me.

'C-Cute? I'm not that cute…'

I blushed slightly before taking his hand to help me stand up, "My name is Naruko Shoukichi, and you?"

"Onoda Chiaki." I introduced myself, as I tried to calm down my reddened face. "I prefer to be called Chiaki though."

"Then call me Naruko!" The teen greeted wearing wide grin on his face.

'Well I made one friend at school. He seems nice...although really? I don't think I'm cute in anyone's terms.' Apparently he just so happened to be in the same class as me, so we both decided to head over to the classroom together.

"So you like to roller-blade to school?" Naruko continued the conversation with me after once I put away my roller blades into the designated shoe locker I've been given.

"Yeah, I love it so much. Especially when it comes to going down hills. The wind gives a comforting atmosphere when riding alongside it." I expressed my delight as Naruko chuckled. "That's great."

"Then what about you, Naruko-san?" I proceeded to ask in wonderment, after all he's pretty friendly despite being brash through his own words. Naruko stopped for minute and I did the same to listen in on what he had to say. We were only a few feet away from our homeroom.

"I." When Naruko began it was as if a small twinkle lit up in his eyes, "I love cycling, been cycling since I was young."

Once we were inside the classroom he enthusiastically explained to me about how he originally lived in Osaka, and had recently moved into Tokyo. Back in Osaka, there were many people who used bicycles from what Naruko detailed. I found it quite admirable on his strong passion for cycling. I wondered if he might be a good friend for my cousin. Although I remembered Sakamichi's words from this morning's Judo club run in.

'I'm pretty sure, Naruko-san wanted to join the cycling club that they have at this school.' When he mentioned about bicycle racing, I felt a twinge of pain return to my heart. When Naruko wasn't looking, I found myself gripping the hem of my skirt.

I didn't even know this school had such a club, I was too ignorant of looking at the athletic clubs since the Cooking Club stood out the most to me.

'And to think it had to be a Bicycle Racing Club.' A bitter taste formed in my mouth as I tried to repress a memory I didn't want to remember.