Chapter 3: Dynamis vs Rago and Pluto.
A/N: I'm back, bitches! (No offense to the readers.) This is the new chapter of MFB Court. This case is requested by AlchemistWarriorDiamondDust, so if you're read this, then you better enjoy it! Or not, it really doesn't matter. Anyway, enjoy!
Disclaimer: Who said I own this? I don't!
"Welcome to another case of MFB Court. Today, Dynamis is suing Rago and Pluto for placing him under hades' curse and forcing him to do their bidding. Dynamis' lawyer is Tsubasa and Rago and Pluto's lawyer is Doji. The judge for this case is Tithi."
"YAY! I'M THE JUDGE! THIS IS GONNA BE FUN!" Tithi cheered as he appeared in the Judge's Chair.
"What?! That little pipsqueak is a judge?!" Doji screeched.
"For that, I will make your punishments really, really bad!" Tithi said.
"Dammit, Doji! Shut your goddamn mouth!" Rago snarls.
"What did I say?!" Doji said angrily.
"You know what you said!" Rago said.
"You have no right to talk to me like that!"
"How about you shut the f*** up before I make your punishments worse!" Tithi screeched as a tick mark forms on his head, causing everyone to stare wide-eyed at the purple haired teen, who blinked innocently, "What?"
-Um...First witness-
"So, Aguma, did Rago and Pluto use the curse to control Dynamis?" Tsubasa asked.
"Do you really have to ask me that? I was there, so yes." Aguma said.
"Hey, that's not fair! You can't use him as a witness!" Doji said.
"There's nothing in the rulebook that said I can't, so f*** off." Tsubasa said.
"OWNED!" Everyone jeered at Doji, who growled.
-second witness-
"Did my client put a curse on the clown over there, Johannes?" Doji asked.
"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A CLOWN?!" Dynamis screeched.
"Order in the court!" Tithi said, hammering the gavel.
"What are you talking about? He joined us willingly!" Johannes said.
"That lying mother-!" Dymanis said, before getting cut off.
"I said order!" Tithi said, before giggling, "This is fun!"
"HA! How does it feel to be bossed around by someone who is younger than you?" Doji said.
"Not as bad as you felt when you had your butt handed to you by a group of kids." Dynamis said.
"Hey, you know what? F*** you." Doji growls.
"I don't swing that way." Dynamis said.
Everyone, including Rago and Pluto, ended up on the floor laughing.
"You son of a bitch!" Doji screeched.
"NO ONE TALKS ABOUT MY MAMA THAT WAY!" Dynamis tackled Doji and they start fighting.
-We are experiencing some technical difficulties. Please read this clip-
Gingka sees a box that says triple beef burger, "YAY!" He opens the box, only to get splattered by paint, "CURSE YOU, YAMI!"
-back to the Court-
-last witness-
"So, Kyoya, did Rago and Pluto use the curse to control Dynamis?" Tsubasa asked.
"Yep." Kyoya said.
"How does he even know?!" Doji said, beat up from the fight.
"I was there, you jackass!" Kyoya said.
"At least I don't have a lion fetish!" Doji said.
"TAKE THAT BACK!" Kyoya roared.
"NEVER!" Doji screeched, causing the green haired teen to tackle him and they start fighting.
-...Let's just skip to the verdict.-
"We find Rago and Pluto guilty."
"What?!" Rago said.
"That's bullshit!" Pluto said.
"Yay! Time for punishments! One, get beat up by Dynamis fans. Two, be Dynamis' slaves for a year. And three, you have to pay Dynamis one trillion dollars!" Tithi said.
"That's not fair!" Rago said.
"Life's not fair, bitch." Dynamis said
"Two years of slavery!" Tithi declared.
"DAMMIT, RAGO! SHUT UP!" Pluto said.
A/N: That's the end of that case. Hope y'all enjoy it. Review!