Rick walked into the pub and sat down at the bar. His shift at the station had ended an hour earlier and he was still in his uniform. He ordered a whiskey on the rocks and tapped his feet to the country song playing on the juke box in the corner.

"The whole room is talkin' 'bout you bein' here to drown out the memory of Lori," a beautiful voice said from behind him. He looked up to see Beth Greene claiming the bar stool next to him.

"I already moved on from that. I won't waste a dime or the bartender's time trying to catch a buzz over the thought of me'n Lori,"

"What're you drinkin' for, then?" She asked with a smile playing across her features.

He thought about it for a moment. "I'm drinkin' to a damned good country song, this work day bein' over and a pretty lady chatting with me."

Beth blushed slightly and giggled.

"When'd you turn drinkin' age?" Rick asked with a shake of his head while she got the bartender's attention and she ordered herself a whiskey.

"A couple of years ago," she cocked an eyebrow, "You'd have known that if you hadn't disappeared from our lives."

"Touché," He looked down momentarily, "It ain't an excuse but I got caught up with work and tryin' to save my doomed marriage,"

"It's alright, Rick. My family knew what was happening. We just wished you had let us help you through it."

"I missed ya, Beth." He replied. "You an' yer family. Y'all have always been good to me."

"It ain't too late to be a part of our lives, ya know."

He nodded before requesting beefs from the bartender for himself and Beth. He watched her in admiration as she tipped her head back and took a long drink of the beer.

She looked beautiful with her golden blonde hair loose from the pony tail she had always kept it in. He didn't censor his thoughts as he took in her beauty with fresh eyes. He had always thought she was beautiful, he had known when he had met her during her gangly, awkward pre-teen years that she would be stunning. As she got older and consequently more beautiful, he had carefully avoided looking at her until she turned eighteen and she flaunted her beauty about. Especially if he went to the Greene's farm to talk to Hershel or help out.

It had been obvious she had developed a crush on him. Her crush became more obvious and things in his life were slowly turning sour. Lori and he constantly fought, eventually she began to date his best friend and partner. As this all happened he distanced himself from the Greene's.

Now the girl, no, young women whose beauty always struck him like a freight train at full speed, was sitting next to him.

He thought through all of this in a few seconds. Rick set down his beer and turned on the bar stool to sit facing her. "Ya look beautiful, Beth."

"Yer drunk," She laughed.

"Nah. I always thought you were beautiful,"

"You aren't kiddin', are ya?" She asked with a shake of her head.


"I used to have the biggest crush on you. I used to dream about you callin' me beautiful," She confided.

A smirk played across his features and he reached up to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear when it fell over her eyes. "Only used to, huh?" He gently teased.

"Maybe I do have a crush on ya, still."

"I mighta liked ya a bit more than a man shoulda. Yer the prettiest thang in all Georgia. An' I shoulda told ya every time I saw ya."

"I'm nothin' special," She argued.

"Don't lie ta me or yerself, Beth," He admonished.

Beth looked around the room to try and hide her blush from Rick. It only made matters worse when she realized more than a couple of sets of eyes were watching them. "We're bein' watched," She said with embarrassment.

He looked around too. "They're just jealous they're not talkin' to the prettiest woman in town,"

"Even the woman?" She giggled.

He grinned, "They're jealous you're talkin' to the best lookin' guy in the bar," He joked.

"I can't argue that,"

"C'mon, let's get outta here," He suggested.

She nodded and stood up as he did. He pulled his wallet from his pocket and settled their tabs. He was grateful she didn't try and fight him on paying her tab as well. He let her walk slightly ahead of him, but he placed his hand on the smell of her back as they walked and felt the warmth radiating from her.

They went to his car after he told her he'd bring her back for her car later on. They drove through the town with country playing on the radio quietly. Rick's heart began to race when Beth placed her hand on his knee. After a moment he put his hand over hers and threaded his fingers around hers. He risked a glance at her to be sure she was okay with it and found her looking at him with a smile.

Rick took them just outside of town. They got out of his car and sat on the hood. Rick took her hand in his as they looked into the sky at the stars. His eyes kept straying from the stars to watch her. He slid off the car and moved to stand in front of her. They still held each other's hand. Rick looked into Beth's eyes and got lost in them. He lifted his free hand and caressed her cheek. She tilted her head back slightly and her lips parted a little as he closed the distance between them.

Their kiss began tentatively as they tested the waters. It wasn't long before it became more passionate and they were lost in their kiss. Their fingers threaded in the other's hair, their bodies pressed as close as they could get. Then they were leaning back against the hood, Rick supported his weight with one arm propping him up. Beth wrapped her long legs around his hips, wanting more of his body against hers.

Rick pulled back with a groan and looked into Beth's eyes. "You deserve better than fer me to fuck ya on the hood o' my car, Beth,"

"Are you sayin' you don't want me?" She asked with a look of fear in her eyes.

"Hell no that ain't what I'm saying. Look at me, Beth." He motioned downwards, "I'm hard as a rock for ya, jus' from kissin' you. I wanna do right by ya, is all."

Her eyes slowly traveled south of his eyes and a devilish grin graced her lips.

"I'm not ready to say good night to ya yet. How about we go to my place an' I cook us somethin' to eat?" He asked.

"Let's go,"

Rick helped Beth off the hood and walked her to the passenger door. He gave her a quick kiss before opening the door. Once she was in the car he shut it and went to the driver's side. As soon as they were back on the road he took her hand in his again.

After Rick had cooked them some eggs and toast and they had eaten it, he offered to take her back to her car when she started yawning. "Or you could stay the night with me an' we can get your car later…If you want," He looked shy as he asked.

"Only if you don't try an' be chivalrous by sleepin' on the couch,"

"I wouldn't dream of it, baby," He chuckled.

He led the way to his bedroom and found an oversized t-shirt of his and handed it to the blonde before turning away for her to change. She rolled her eyes and grinned before getting undressed. When he turned around again to see her in only his shirt and her panties his mouth went dry. She sauntered over to the bed and pulled the blankets back, making sure to give him a view of her ass as she climbed into the bed.

"Tease," He grumbled as he pulled off his shirt and pants. He climbed into the bed behind her in only his boxers. He pulled her against him firmly and wrapped his arms around her. She wiggled for a moment before sighing and rolling over to face him. She entwined their legs together and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"You're not gonna make this easy, are ya?"

"Nope," She pressed a kiss to his jaw, "I'll eventually get my way," She wiggled a little more, pressing her body a little more firmly against him.

He groaned, "I don't want you to regret this."

"I won't regret it, Rick. I've liked you a long time. You're a good man."

"This isn't a one-time thang," He reaffirmed.

"You an' me a couple?" She smiled.

"Yep, I'm yours and you're mine."


Their kisses stayed slow and sensual as they let their hands roam and explore each other's bodies. They took their time as they shed the last of their clothes. Rick propped himself over Beth and reached between them to her wet pussy. She moaned when he pushed two fingers inside her. He stoked the flames with short and hard thrusts into her, bringing her to the brink of her first orgasm quickly. He pulled his fingers out of her and brought them to his lips and licking her juices off.

He leaned down and pressed kisses to her tits and down her body to her now dripping pussy. He parted her lips and lapped at her sweet juices.

"You taste so good, baby," He said against her. Her hips arched against his mouth and his tongue moved furiously to bring her over the edge. She clenched her legs around him and came calling his name in breathy moans. He grinned saucily at her and moved up her body. He began to reach for a condom in the bedside drawer when Beth told him she's on birth control and it wasn't needed.

He kept things slow for them, wanting to make sure their first time was nothing short of amazing. He brought his lips back to hers and rocked his hips back and forth. Rick forced himself not to come until Beth had come a couple of times more. When they were both sated and exhausted he wrapped his arms back around her and tucked her close to him.

He pressed a kiss to her forehead and whispered, "Good night, baby,"

"Good night," She pressed her body as close to Rick's as she could as she fell into a deep slumber.

With his blonde beauty in his arms he drifted off, Rick thought, 'She's worth every dime an' drop o' whiskey,'.