It was eleven o'clock. The eighth guard of the week had been dealt with pretty quickly, thanks to Freddy. The bear was asleep at one of the tables in the Dining Hall, but the others didn't wake him, for they all knew he was getting old and had used up a lot of energy that night and didn't want to disturb his seemingly peaceful slumber. It was unusual to have so much time to just be them, not a murderous villian nor a sickenly sweet animatronic. They luxuriated in these rare silent hours, eating cold pizza and chatting. Bonnie and Chica were talking to each other in hushed tones, as not to wake the tired Freddy.

"Shall we invite Foxy in?" said Chica suddenly. "It's so quiet and peaceful, and Freddy's asleep." Bonnie shook her head violently, shocked at this sudden suggestion.

"Don't be ridiculous. He's a misfit - more exoskeleton that costume. I don't know why the staff don't just chuck him out - it'd be a relief for all of us." Bonnie sniffed in a digusted manner. She disapproved of Foxy as much as Freddy did.

Chica felt a strangely protective flush of irritation wash over her. She felt almost annoyed at the fact Foxy was treated as a class below them. He was just as powerful, dangerous and sweet as all of them. He loved children. He would willingly kill any idle night guard. So why was he treated as if he was so awfully different?

Chica racked her brain for reasons, but she found none. Sudden;y, Golden Freddy came to her mind. Surely he should be the one to be critized - he barley emerged from that dirty out-of-order bathroom.

"I'm going to see Golden Freddy," annouced Chica. Bonnie looked at her with utter disbelief.

"Oh no your not." The deep, rich voice of Freddy echoed behind them, and they both turned around. Freddy had a fatherly air to the two girls, and he looked at Chica with concern.

"That bear has some serious issues, and I don't want you seeing them. Ever since that bloody fox bit that poor girl in the head, he's been severly tramatised and paralyzed with his fear that another helpless little child is going to come wandering into its fate. He hates that fox, and so do I. I would actually help my brother if he wasn't so messed up in the head."

Why is he like that? thought Chica. She was puzzled by this sudden emotional outburst. Freddy looked at her with his old wise eyes, and saw her confusion.

"He locked himself in there, and it was for a good reason. He knew he was dangerous now. Although he warned me not to try and see him ever again, I went in there once. Just out of loving concern..." Freddy bit his lip and his eyes watered a little. Somehow the handprints on his face and the scars around his eyes were illuminated in that moment. He sighed.

"There's no point going into details, but what I will say is that I learned a lesson that night. Sometimes things happen for a reason, and you have to go along with it." He stood up and looked at Chica and Bonnie. "I never want the things that happened to me to happen to you. You are like daughters to me, and I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." He patted them both on the head and sat back down, consequently falling asleep.

Bonnie and Chica looked at each other.

"What was that all about?" asked Bonnie quietly. Chica simply shrugged. She was too bewildered to speak. But then she remembered Foxy, and the protective feeling washed through her again. She stood up.

"Even if Freddy doesn't want me to see Golden Freddy, I can still see Foxy."

Bonnie's face flushed with anger.

"No! You are not going to see that...that fox." Bonnie hissed. She glanced over at Freddy. "And what would he say? Especially after saying how much he hated him."

Chica felt a wave of guilt inside of her. Bonnie was right. Freddy wouldn't be really angry, but he'd be incredibly disappointed, and Chica didn't know which was worse. But she was determined to see Foxy, with a mix of reasons: a bit of it was out of curiousity, a bit was out of the determination to make things fair, and a bit was sheer excitment. She needed to fufill all three parts of her.

"I'm going. And you can't stop me."

And with that, Chica started to head towards Pirate Cove.