Chapter one

So I don't know what my infatuation is with stories that the pack doesn't know stiles. Usually I hate any story that doesn't involve them all together in some way but not always.

So as usual I can't let go of Boyd or Erica… I can't even let Jackson go and in my latest attempt at conquest I want stiles as a werewolf…

Soon when more of my stories are starting to close the next one might be stiles as a badass hunter and his werewolf partner Scott… I don't know though depends on what you like. Stiles is a total bad ass so I like to write stories about his badassness.

I do not own teen wolf or any characters yadda yadda…

Also I do not know what stiles real name is so if it does ever come up everyone seems to be using Genim so that is what I shall be using!



I was running, trying my damdist to escape the imposing threat, knowing that if they did catch me killing me would be the merciful thing to do. My car had long since run out of gas and since they found me and I have been traveling on foot trying desperately to get away from the argents grasp… more particular Kate argent.

She was a bitch… and she killed my whole family. I was the only one out of my whole pack that seemed to escape the spray of bullets that she unleashed on our family home. I still remember the screams as I … no I can't do this now I can't think about it.

She had been following me since San Diego, I had stopped at cheap motels or slept in my car but she always caught up, and was slowly but surely followed as she led me to Beacon Hills California I was trying to make my way to the northern parts and thought that maybe Cali was the best place to start a new life at. Maybe once I could get over the fact that I lost my mother, father, aunts, uncles, cousins, and basically anyone I ever loved. I was home schooled so I wasn't leaving anyone, just the beaten and broken remains of my pack.

The Stillinski pack was a strong and noble pack. My father john Stillinski was the alpha along with the sheriff up in Montana. My mother, Morgan Stillinski, was the most beautiful and caring women you would ever meet. Her long black hair cascaded around her face bringing out her stunning blue eyes and high cheek bones. Morgan's slender body was always dressed in elegant clothes that brought out her long legs. She was the last to die among the pack and was the one to tell me to go over the tears that rolled freely down my face. I had been on a exceptionally long run and that was the only reason I was here. I will never forget her pleading for me to go as the blood began to drip down her face. She wanted her baby safe. My mom wanted her little Genim alive. I brushed away the tears that seemed to have fallen down my cheeks.

I was running as fast as my legs would carry me. I heard the sound of guns going off and so I was trying to push myself even harder but I was just so damn tired I just wanted to sleep. I came across a clearing in some wooded area that looked like it could go on for miles… it seemed like a preserve of some sort but it was my best chance, I took a sharp left and headed deeper into the forest like terrain.

I had to dodge trees and bushes as ran and stopped paying attention to anything around me… which is probably why I missed the ten heartbeats running through the forest getting closer and closer to where I was running to… wherever the hell that was. I was running on pure instinct, trying to get away from the impending sounds of guns and smell of mountain ash… she was getting closer along with her brother Chris argent who was a nice man. He lived by the code and had nothing to do with the shooting. That was all Kate and her father Gerard; they could care less about the code if you were a werewolf or really anything supernatural you were the monster. But that did raise a question on how she got a man like Christo come after me…

My thoughts (and running) were stopped when I seemed to collide into what felt like a wall. I landed directly on my ass with a thump and a startled yelp. An alpha shouldn't yelp but hey was new at this. I looked up to see what I thought was a wall but turned out to be a man… well a werewolf. His green eyes were morphed into a glare but his jet black hair was perfect… actually everything about him was perfect. He was built like a wall and most likely had abs under the grey Henley. I looked around and saw nine other people. Seven of the people smelled like werewolves but the other two girls could be mistaken for one if you didn't know the difference. They were probably scented so much that it turned into werewolf cologne.

Suddenly there were footsteps a few from me and the scent of death that bitch always seemed to carry with her. My head snapped to the side only to confirm my thoughts. She was there.

Without another word I bolter up onto my feet and bolted only to be stopped by a hand grabbing my arm and pulling me to his chest. It was the same man that I ran into before he reeked of power and was probably the alpha of the pack. I tried to squirm out of his death grip and make my way out of it but I had been running for days with little sleep so it was futile. I was going to die.

"Derek, give him here. He murdered his whole pack for power. He deserves to die." Chris said, bitterness tainting his voice, well that answered one question. His heartbeat never stuttered… he was telling the truth or at least he thought he was.

He really believed I would do that… to my pack? To my mother and father… for what? Power?! A title with no pack… no home. What did she say that he believed that did he even look at the bodies? They were shot! I would've used my claws… or something!

I managed to twist out of his, apparently Derek, grip just enough to turn around so I can face him. I tried to walk closer so I could rip up both of their throats but I was enveloped in Derek's arms once again. I spit towards them, which probably doesn't make me look any less guilty but I could really care less. I continued to make Derek's job hard in restraining me as I fought against him. I needed out… but I was too tired, too weak.

I began to growl and I could feel my eyes change color.

"Shut up." Derek said before I was jerked around. I bowed my head in submission not wanting to anger him, and just like that all my fight, my will to live was just gone. I didn't care anymore… my mom was gone, my whole pack… demolished. I had nothing, no one. I just couldn't let her win. Not Kate, not again. She didn't get the satisfaction of offing me. I went limp in his arms, he could do what he wants to me.

"See he is rabid a danger, now give him to me so we can dispose of this filth properly." Kate said with such hate I almost flinched. They would torture me… but that was okay. It was my fault, everything was my fault… I brought her home. hopefully Chris would just do It, it would be quick and I wouldn't have Kate's smile as my last memory… I could be with my mom and dad… my whole pack. I wouldn't have to run.

At this point my head was still bowed, which was odd for an alpha to do, but I had no problem submitting… in certain situations. When it's called for. I don't however like following someone else's rules. Even when I wasn't an alpha I wouldn't follow rules no matter what.

"He is on the Hales property and we will deal with him. He is our responsibility and we will do with him what we see fit. Now…" he turned his head to look at Kate…"get off my property."

My head snapped up in surprise…. He was keeping me? Would he hurt me… would THEY hurt me? I looked up into Kate's cold dead eyes and she smirked. She was looking directly at me and I could tell this wasn't over. She spun on her heals and began taking steps forward before abruptly stopped and tuned her head to look at me.

"See you later Stiles." She said so sweetly it almost made me want to vomit; only I hadn't eaten in about three days. I almost spit at her again out of pure anger but I restrained myself and only narrowed my eyes. Chris looked at me with so much disgust on his face it actually made me sad.

He believed I killed my whole pack for power. For an alpha status that I didn't even want. True I was my father's second and was training to take over but that didn't mean I wanted to.

He followed after Kate although you could tell that it pained him to do so, I was a big kill and they missed it.

I was happy for a brief second then the full force of the situation seemed to hit me all at once. I was in an unknown area with an unknown pack with an unknown alpha holding me to his chest.

This wasn't bad…

This was horrible.

Dad always told me you could never trust other werewolf's with an alpha. The promise of power was just too much to resist.

I struggled out of his grasp but I was weak, I needed out of here… I needed to run. But what would that help? The argents would just find me again.

"LET ME GO!" I all but screamed. Soon I almost wish he hadn't listened because soon I was going towards the ground full speed. Luckily the years of training came in handy and I turned on my side to allow myself to roll. I quickly got to my feet but soon the world felt as if it were spinning. The lack of food and sleep along with minimal water for days started to come at me. I may be supernatural but I needed basic necessities in order to live.

I guess that's why he let me go. I couldn't run and even if I could they could very easily catch me. I saw Derek, the one that caught me smirking at the wave of dizziness that seemed to hit. I was shaky on my knees but dammit if I wasn't going to go down fighting. My claws extended and so did my fangs. My eyes felt shaky though, they kept going back and forth from my usual whiskey color to red.

Soon everything followed; I was just too tired to fight. It was no use and if I was being honest I don't really care. There was ten of them and one of me. My weight became too much for my legs and I crashed to my knees. I bowed my head once again. I wanted to ask what they were going to do with me. I wanted to ask so many things it felt like my head was swirling but at this moment I kept my mouth closed. I was just submitting to the pack, I was basically putting out that I know that they are stronger that me and that I accept it.

That's when everything stated to swirl around me blurring into one, all I remember before everything went black was the faint hum of people talking.

Okay so what do you think? Continue orrrrrrr no… I am so sorry that I haven't been updating regularly but I have been busy with school and such but I will update soon considering after this next week I do have a break. So I hope you guys like the latest addition to my stories

Tell me what you think… ill just be sitting here… XD
