I know I ended the last chapter on a sad note, but please read the story till the end. Enjoy :)

Chapter 18


That was what Asami felt. He, Asami Ryuichi, the best hunter of Sion, lost.

He lost his prey.

His lover.

His son.

Akihito was in his arms, lying in a pool of blood. His hair was a mess of twigs and leaves. His soulless eyes stared at him.

It's a dream. He'll wake up next to the blonde's warm body on his king sized bed.

Yep, this is all just a dream.


Mikhael fell to the ground. Fei Long stood in front of the body. His long, dark hair waved in the air. A gun was in his hand.

Huh, even Fei Long is in his dream.

Why is Fei Long looking at him like that? Why the look of pity?

Why is the shifter beside the Chinese crying? Can't they tell they're just part of a dream?

Akihito is alive. He's breathing, sleeping in bed.

Why are they walking this way?




"Asami," Fei Long stopped in from of him, "I'm very sorry. I truly am."

And for the first time, the hunter felt grief.


"So what happens now?" Fei Long asked the healer.

"Akihito's body will be brought to the Tree of Life where his soul will be one with Mother Nature," Nala replied.

"You creatures have weird rituals."

Nala merely bowed her head. As much as she wanted to lighten the mood, the loss would always remain in the air.

The shifters Kou and Takato were a mess. They went after Mikhael's dead body and attacked it, hacking and slashing until it was unrecognizable. They brutally tore off his limbs and hair, stripping the Russian of whatever piece of clothing he had left. Try as they might, it did not change the fact that Mikhael could no longer feel pain. He was dead, and so was Akihito.

Asami was different. He did not shed a single tear nor utter a single word. He was quite, his face devoid of emotion. The hunter gently scooped up his dead lover and walked all the way to his cabin, blood dripping with every step. There he cleaned the body and laid it on the bed before leaving and holing himself up in another cabin. No one had heard from him since.

"And when will you bring Akihito to the Tree of Life?" Fei Long turned to the hardening corpse on the bed.

"At midnight, when the earth is silent and Mother Nature's voice can be heard best."

Fei Long sighed. These creatures seemed to be speaking in riddles. "Well, it's almost midnight. Someone has to go and get the wallowing Asami."

Nala nodded, "I'll go get him." She then closed the door behind her.

The Chinese knelt and gripped Akihito's pale hand, "Why did you have to leave him, brat?"


The procession was silent. The forest glowed as if leading them to the Tree. It was something that happened every time a spiritual being died- an unexplained phenomena which showed respect to the cycle of life.

The stronger creatures carried Akihito's coffin at the head of the line and everyone else followed. The silver casket was covered in intricate golden patterns which reflected the earth's pulsing light. Asami and Fei Long walked side by side.

The trees glowed and the light became stronger as they neared the Tree of Life. The silence was deafening. Footsteps were the only audible sounds in the solemn parade. It was all over, but it was not the ending they wanted.

The procession halted as they reached the foot of the tree. Asami turned to Fei Long and spoke for the first time.

"There's a possibility that it's your son, the one inside Akihito."



"Asami, I am infertile. I cannot have children."

The hunter stopped, dumbfounded at the information. It was HIS son. Akihito's and his. What were they going to name him again?


Asami looked forward and clenched his fists. He wasn't going to cry, not in front of all everyone.

The coffin was put down and Fei Long gave the hunter a small push, urging him to bid Akihito a final goodbye.

Asami walked up to the front and opened the casket. He caressed his lover's face before scooping him up and carrying him to the tree's large, glowing roots. Despite the glowing light, Akihito's clean white shirt and trousers contrasted with the tree's roots. His body fit perfectly in one of its spaces. It seemed to have been made just for him. Akihito's face looked peaceful, as if he was having a good dream.

"Sleep well, my Akihito," Asami kissed his forehead before squeezing the blonde's fingers. It was the last time the hunter would feel the hand perfectly crafted to fit his.

The ground pulsed. Asami knew it was about time. Mother Nature would take his lover in her arms, down the earth where all living beings return to.

Please, give him back.

The grounded started shaking. The tree's roots began closing in on Akihito's body.

And why should I do that, hunter?

Asami looked up in surprise. The roots were covering his lover. He held them back, forcing them open.

W-who are you?

I am the trees, the leaves, and everything that resides under the sun. I am Mother Nature.

If you truly exist, then I have a request.

Hmm, a bargain from a hunter? And why would I accept your request? What's in it for me?

I promise to change my ways!

Change? How?

I'll protect the forest. In exchange for the life of Akihito and the child inside him.

How will I know that you'll keep your end of the word?

…I have only my word to give you. But if it would mean the return of an innocent life such as Akihito's then I would readily put down my gun and live an honest life.

Honest? You make me laugh hunter! There's no such thing as an honest life. Evil cannot be eradicated for as long as good exists. They balance and keep each other in check. That is life.

Then what can I do to get him back?

The ground pulsed softly and the roots stopped moving, covering only a few inches of Akihito's face.

Take up your gun, hunter. Use your strength to protect, not just your family, but the whole forest as well. If you promise to do this, I will bless you with a fruitful life in Sion with your husband and son.

Asami hesitated. All his life he was taught to hunt, to set traps, to shoot, to kill. It was knowledge that was passed down to him by his father, his father's father, and so on. If he stopped, a generation of skills from the family tree would be eradicated.

But it would all be worth it.

For Akihito.

For Kou.

It was time to move on.

I accept.

A warm wind blew in the chilly night, warming Asami and all who witnessed the scene. The roots opened to reveal Akihito's body, his chest rising and falling. His face flushed with color and his eyelids opened, showing bright, hazel eyes.

Eyes that were alive.

And it was not a dream.

"Oh, Akihito!" Asami hugged the young man with all his might. He kissed his face, his eyes, and his forehead. He checked his temperature and felt warmth radiating from the body. The dam finally broke and Asami cried at the return of life. He didn't care if anyone saw his little scene. Akihito was alive, and that was all that mattered.

"AKIHITO!" Takato ran up to them. Everyone else stampeded and formed a circle around the lovers. Nala wiped tears from her eyes.

"A-am I dreaming?" Akihito asked. Asami marveled at the sweet, sweet voice.

"No, you aren't," Asami helped Akihito sit up.

"Well I seem to be."

The hunter scrunched his eyebrows, "And why is that?"

"Idiot, your face is covered in snot."

Everyone chuckled. Asami wiped his face in embarrassment.

"Ah!" Akihito held onto his bloated belly.

"What! What is it?" Asami looked worriedly at his lover. He placed his hand on Akihito's stomach, "AH!"

"The baby…"

"It kicked!"

The two locked gazes. Asami was going to be a father. Two would become three. It was only a matter of months. They would be a family. A Family.

Akihito wrapped his arms around his lover's neck and pulled him in for a long kiss. The spectators turned their heads and walked away, giving them privacy.

"Aw! I wanted to talk to Akihito!" Takato pouted.

"Shh! Stupid, they need to be alone for now. There'll be plenty of time to talk to Akihito later," Nala tried to keep a stern look as she scolded the shifter. It didn't take long before a smile crept up to her face.

Mikhael was dead, Akihito was back and Asami swore to keep the forest safe. Yes, they all heard the conversation. When Mother Nature speaks, the whole earth is its recipient. Everyone agreed when she suggested bringing Akihito to life. It wasn't just Asami's bargain that brought upon Akihito's second chance- it was their pleas as well.

The forest was still a mess from the last tsunami. There were cabins to be rebuilt, wells to be fixed. Asami's men were planning on its speedy repair but for now, everyone decided to have a break after the long and stressful day. They would need rest to help them welcome the new day of tomorrow and the latest addition to the family of Sion.


It's over. My god.

Thank you to all who read and supported especially the ones who felt strongly about the story. I hope this brought you through a roller coaster of emotions just as it had done to me. It feels overwhelming to finally finish a story both from the fact that I have to say good bye to this twisted world I made from Viewfinder and from finally completing this after a year of hiatus.

To all the writers out there, I encourage you to see your stories to the end. Nothing beats the feeling of finally finishing a story despite the challenges of reality.

Cheers to all who read this to the end. Y'all are the real MVP!