A/N: Oh my God, I'm finally done writing this! I think this is so far my favorite story that I've gotten to write, mainly because it's for one of my favorite shows of all time and also because the WWII and the rest of 40s are my favorite time period to read and learn about. This story has been so much fun to write about, and to think I almost didn't bother posting it.

When I started this story, I was really nervous when it came to adding an OC and making new relationships grow out of something that wasn't there. Especially because Band of Brothers is based off of real people who actually went through all of the crap I had written about. It's not like any other show because these men were alive, and this had really happened. I wrote and rewrote this about four different times over the course of two years, either because I wasn't happy with the characterization of the men, or because I was nervous about insulting the memory of a group of men that I hold so much respect for. I know that in some places of my story, some of the facts are wrong or mistaken with something else. But I'm just happy that I was finally able to end a story that I had been thinking about for a long time now.

But enough of that, I'd like to give out some BIG thank yous to a few people who influenced me and made my days while I was writing: BobtheFrog, drovingallday96, and El Chacal. You three left a review for each chapter and you let me know your exact opinion on my story. Almost every time I got an email from fanfiction, it was telling me that one of you had reviewed, to which I would always get excited to read and reread. I know I didn't get to answer back to some of your questions or I didn't reply at all, but you all helped push me along with writing this and you're all lovely people.

I'd also like to thank EVERYONE who reviewed, liked, or added this story to your favorites. It's such a little thing to do but it honestly made me so happy to see that so many people were enjoying this story.

And last but not least, I'm going to thank anyone who serves in the military, regardless of which nation you fight for. Soldiers do the impossible every day and, coming from a giant military family, I know that I'd personally never be able to do what they do.

I have just posted a story for the Pacific, from the point of view of another female combat medic. I mentioned her once or twice in Chasing the Sun. The story name is "Edge of the Sea" and you can find it on my profile. :)

I also have a sort of spin-off of Chasing the Sun where it's all about Joe and Di's life together after the war. I know that that final chapter was a bit rushed. It's name is "Life After Us" and you can find that on my profile too.

Different subject now, so I listened to a butt load of songs while writing this. I thought I'd share the songs I listened to the most while writing battle scenes, scenes where Diana is just hanging out with the guys, or moments between her and Liebgott (these were my favorite to write ^_^)

-Ready Aim Fire by Imagine Dragons

-The Kids Aren't Alright by Fall Out Boy (a sort of post-war song that reminds of Easy whenever I hear it)

-Monsters by Katie Sky

-Exit Wounds by The Script

-Dream On by Avila

-This is Gospel (piano version) by Panic! at the Disco (I feel like this a good representation of Di's relationship with her mom)

-Tear in my Heart by twenty one pilots (this one I listened to a lot while messing around with Di and Lieb)

-Shattered (MTT version) by Trading Yesterday (a lot of Bastogne chapters were written with this song in the background)

-Comes and Goes by Greg Laswell

-Soldier On by The Temper Trap

-Spanish Sahara by Foals (this is the song I listened to while writing the concentration camp scene)

-Sooner or Later by Mat Kearney

-In My Veins by Andrew Belle (MAJOR Lieb/Di song for me)

-Pieces by Red (an Easy/Diana song if I've ever heard one)

-Losing Your Memory by Ryan Star (another giant Easy/Diana song)

I could keep going but that's be a whole lot more. This was also a story that I read a lot of books for, so here's that list in case you ever want to read these yourselves.

Easy Company Soldier by Don Malarkey, Band of Brothers by Stephen E. Ambrose, Battlefield Angels: Saving Lives Under Enemy Fire from Valley Forge to Afghanistan by Scott McGaugh, and The 40's: the Story of a Decade - The New York Times.

This has turned into one massive author's note, good Lord. With that in mind, I'll go ahead and end this by saying a final thank you to anyone who bothered clicking on this story. Thank you so so much for everything. :)
