Weiss Schnee had been the CEO of the Schnee Dust Company for two years, on the very day she reached nineteen years of age. She did a good job running the company, while still managing to make time to hang out with her friends and fight crime after the Grimm had been wiped out. But some of her employees kind of drove her up the wall... There was the man who was constantly making inappropriate comments about her when he thought she wasn't paying attention, she always went out of her way to ignore him. There was the slacker who just barely got enough work done to stay employed... But by far the one that bothered her the most was Vernon Dursley. An obese walrus of a man, he was pompous and arrogant. He was a rude, condescending jackass to workers and customers alike, but a complete and utter suck-up towards her in hopes of getting a raise or a promotion.

And Weiss was currently sitting in front of him, carefully explaining just why he could not have a promotion.

"But Ms. Schnee, please-"

"Mr. Dursley, until you learn to act like a decent human being towards your fellow workers and especially our customers and clients, I'm afraid I can't give you the promotion. Now, with that said, please leave." Vernon's face contorted into a scowl, and he turned around and walked out of the room. Weiss turned back to her paperwork, but her ears picked up Vernon mumbling something that really bothered her for some reason.

"The freak caused this...He's going to get a good thrashing when I get home..." Weiss snapped her head up, and she narrowed her eyes at the obese man's back. Freak? Thrashing? What the hell was that about? The CEO crossed her arms and thought.

"Someone could get hurt...I've seen how violent he can get, and if he's talking about "thrashing" someone..." Weiss decided. "It's like Ruby said. I'm still technically a huntress, and as such, it's my job to help those in need." Weiss had an intense feeling in her gut that she had to see what went on behind Vernon Dursley's walls...


"Mr. Schmidt." Weiss called out firmly. One of her oldest workers heard his name getting called, and approached his boss curiously.

"Yes ma'am?" He asked.

"You're the one in this establishment who's...closest to Dursley, right?" Schmidt grimaced.

"Yes...I can't stand that creep... He acts like we're the best of friends for some reason..."

"Do you know his address, by any chance?"

"Yes, he's offered to have me over for dinner a few times. I always came up with some excuse to stay as far away from his house as I could...He lives on Number Four Privet Drive."

Weiss scowled. Schmidt was one of her best workers, it only made sense that Vernon would want to ride his coattails. She nodded.

"Thank you for your time, Mr. Schmidt. I think I'll pay Mr. Dursley a little visit..."

And so...

A fancy red car parked near a boring, average-looking house. Weiss stepped out from her car, having chosen not to use her limo so as not to attract attention from Vernon, as she wished to see, unaltered in any way, what happened behind those doors.

In the Dursley's House...

Harry James Potter let out a soft squeak as he was roughly slammed backfirst into the wall by his much larger uncle, a sickening crack sound following it. "You've LOST ME MY PROMOTION, YOU WORTHLESS, UGLY LITTLE FREAK!" The obese man's face was purple, and saliva flew into Harry's face as Vernon spoke through gritted teeth. Harry closed his eyes as he began to tremble in fear. Vernon punched him, and his head slammed into the wall. "LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M SPEAKING TO YOU, BOY!" Harry whimpered, and tears began to fall. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT CRYING?!" And with that, Vernon threw Harry across the room. The little boy slammed into the wall hard enough to leave a crack in the plaster, and landed hard on his arm. There was a sickening crunch, and Harry screamed in agony. Vernon's face somehow turned even more purple than it had been before. "WHAT...DID I SAY...ABOUT SCREAMING?" Harry tried to make himself as small as possible as the obese man menacingly approached him.


Weiss's ears picked up the sounds of screaming. Right then and there, she knew that her instincts were correct. Immediately, she stormed over to the door and knocked on it firmly.


Vernon's ears picked up the sound of knocking, and he cursed. He left the damaged child bleeding on the carpet. Changing his demeanour to act like nothing happened, the man walked to his door and threw it open. "Yeah, what do you wa-" his eyes widened when he saw who was on the other side. Straight, back-length, snow white hair...Ice-cold blue eyes...White dress...Thigh-high boots... Vernon had just growled at his boss, and she was currently scowling at him. "Um...M-Miss Schnee! How nice of you to drop by! My wife is cooking di-" Weiss shook her head and brushed past him. Vernon's face contorted in panic. "W-W-WAIT! DON'T GO IN THERE! IT'S NOT CLEAN!" Weiss simply walked faster, and entered the living room.

Her breath hitched at the sight of the heavily injured little boy, curled up and trembling on the floor, his arm bent at an unnatural angle, a pool of blood forming around him. Her eyes widened in shock. Then, they narrowed into mere slits, and she whipped around to face her soon to be ex-employee.

"What have you done, you fat bastard...? WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE?!" Vernon was internally panicking now. This wasn't supposed to happen!

"M-Miss Schnee, I can explai-" He was then met with a steel blade inches away from his throat. He gulped and stared into his boss's infuriated eyes.

"...Wait for me in the living room." Vernon knew he was in no position to argue, so he did as he was told. Weiss glared at him as he left...then she turned her attention back to the shaking little boy, and her expression immediately softened. Quickly, she approached him and kneeled by his side.

Harry looked up to see a strange woman in the house. Scared, he weakly tried to crawl away, whimpering in fear. He wouldn't cry though. He was never allowed to cry...

For the second time, Weiss's breath hitched. The maternal instinct she never knew she had kicked in, and she knew she had to calm him down. And so, she reached over to him very gently, took him into her arms, and held him close. The CEO felt an ache in her heart when he whimpered again and weakly struggled to escape her grasp, not getting very much out of it due to his injuries. Gently, the white-haired young woman placed a hand on his cheek, and began to gently stroke it, not caring about the blood that stuck to her hand.

Harry flinched when he felt the woman's hand connect with his cheek...but when she began to stroke it, he realized it felt...nice. He leaned into the affectionate gesture, eliciting a smile from Weiss.

Weiss saw the poor thing was still trembling. Softly, she began to hum a lullaby her mother had taught her. Harry's trembling gradually ceased, and he relaxed, his little head resting on the CEO's shoulder. Weiss stopped humming when she saw that he was calm, and then gently stroked his back. Then, he spoke.

"A-Are you an angel?" He asked softly.

Weiss's eyes widened in surprise, and she blushed at the question. "Um...N-no. I'm not an angel." Harry nodded sleepily, and then he fell asleep in the woman's arms. Weiss looked down at him, with a sad smile on her face. He was absolutely adorable, with his tiny size, huge green eyes, and soft little voice... And that made her even more furious with Vernon for daring to harm such a precious little boy so brutally.

Standing straight, she adjusted Harry in her arms so that she was only holding him with one, then stormed into the living room to see Vernon sitting on the couch, looking like he was on death row. If she had it her way, he would be soon enough... Vernon turned his attention to her, sweating profusely. Weiss glared at him. There was a moment of silence before Weiss spoke.

"Don't bother coming to work tomorrow. You're fired. I'll be seeing you in court." Vernon stared at her in shock.

"M-Miss Schnee, please! I have to pay my bills and support my wife and son! I'll do anything!" Vernon got down on his knees and grabbed her leg. "Please!" Weiss sneered down at him, then planted her boot firmly into his face. Vernon grunted, and fell unconscious from the blow to his face. Weiss chuckled evilly in satisfaction...then heard a soft whimper from the little boy in her arms. The noise was disturbing him. This was easily remedied, as all Weiss had to do to calm him was rub the top of his head. He instantaneously relaxed at the touch, and snuggled closer into the woman's chest. Satisfied, the CEO walked out the door and got to her car. She opened the door, and gently placed Harry into the back seat, making sure to buckle him in. After getting into the driver's seat, she pulled out her scroll and dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Yes, this is Weiss Schnee of the Schnee Dust Company. I'd like to report a case of severe child abuse by a Mr. Vernon Dursley, who lives on Number Four Privet Drive. I saved the child he was abusing, and I'm taking him to a hospital right now."

"All right, Miss Schnee, we'll give this matter all the attention it deserves." The woman on the other end of the line replied calmly before hanging up. Weiss let a smirk of delight come to her face at the thought of Vernon getting arrested, then turned back to look at Harry. He was smiling in his sleep, and Weiss couldn't help but coo a little at how peaceful he looked. Smiling, she began the drive to the hospital. She decided to call Ruby, Blake and Yang once she got there...They might be able to tell her what to do with him...