Hi, y'all, I know this isn't the chapter you were hoping for but yeah. It's really hard to type this, because Reality Kick is really what got me started in writing fan fiction, but I can't anymore. I've lost all motivation to write these stories and, rather than let y'all wait for something that might never come, I'm putting Reality Kick on an indefinite hiatus. It's not for lack of substance (I still had a couple ideas), it's lack of heart. I'll still write Touken, Ayahina, and other things, but Reality Kick specifically will not be updated. I refuse to write something half-assed and shitty; maybe I'm just not cut out for writing OCs. Whatever the reason, I will not be writing anything for RK in the near future. The only consolation I can give is that I'm putting it on hiatus in the hopes that maybe something will change over the summer.

To all of you who read, favorited, followed, and reviewed: Every time I received an email, it made my day. Thank you all so much for supporting this myriad of random one-shots. I won't ask for you to forgive me and I definitely don't expect you to. I just want you to know that, while it lasted, it was so much fun to write about little Touken spawn and I hope you find even more fantastic things to read, because there are so many out there. Thank you so much, for everything.

With love,


P.S. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.