She didn't know when the first time was she had ever set foot on ice. But she did know that it was the best feeling in the world, ever. She had been wearing inline ice skates and was only five years old, but then she already realised that being on the ice was her greatest passion. That afternoon she had spent on the ice, was the best afternoon of her then, short life. Her parents and sister had been very proud of her, and mostly surprised to discover a hidden talent of their daughter, and she had been feeling like an ice princess that day. With a huge grin on her face, she had slid over the ice. Some of the kids had stopped to watch her as she went by, but she hadn't noticed, she was in her own world of ice. After she had become tired, she then had went back to her parents. When she had arrived, she saw them talking with a man she did not know. Being the curious little girl she was, she had come silently closer to hear what they were talking about. Her dad had seen her and had called her name. They then told her that the man was a coach in a sport called figure skating. Her dad had pointed at the man and she had looked at him, observing every inch of him. He had been tall and very muscular, not to mention very handsome too. His face was kind and his eyes were playful. But the most remarkable part of his appearance had been his hair; it was totally white. She had narrowed her eyes and had furred her eyebrows, the man with the white hair then had laughed at her cute behaviour. Then, he had turned back at her parents, saying he was interested in coaching her, she could become big seeing the skills she already had. Her parents had asked her if she wanted to do ice skating as a hobby and she had nodded enthusiastically. And from then on, she had been his pupil, training at the age of six, five days a week.

The trainings had been physically very intensive and he often had to tell to her to pay more attention because she always had been a dreamer from nature. She then had blinked her eyes and still had made the jump seem effortlessly. And because she was his best pupil, the other pupils sharing her class had soon, or dropped out or just picked on her. She had absolutely zero friends but she didn't mind. Her parents brought her to her trainings every time and sometimes, her sister would come too. On one hand she loved it when her sister visited, on the other hand, her little sis was just so animated and noisy that it sometimes irritated her. But her sister always supported her whenever she had a competition and she was grateful for having someone that amazing in her life.

The time went by and she grew up from a shy little girl into a beautiful, but still a little bit shy, young woman. When she had reached the age of seventeen, she already had been first place in the World Junior Championships, second place in the National Championships, third place in the World Senior Championships and, again, first place in the Senior Grande Prix Final. And now she had been practicing to get qualified for the Olympic Winter Games. She trained seven times a week, four times in the gym, stretching muscles and remaining stamina. And she trained three times a week on the ice, practicing balance, rhythm, speed and skills. Yes, she had a busy life, but she enjoyed being productive; she didn't like sitting around the house doing nothing. Unlike her sister, who did like spending her times in her room laying on her bed and talking to her friends via Skype. The trainings had gone great, she had trained harder then ever and had been convinced that she would make it through the qualification rounds. Her parents had been very supportive and had taken her everywhere she needed to go to get good supplies for her and her skates. Her coach had been very enthousiastic about the whole thing. Then, the day had come that she had to qualify for the Olympic Games. She had warmed herself up and had gotten a pep talk from her coach, who already had been her coach for eleven years. He had told her not to worry and that she would execute her freestyle perfectly, as always. She had smiled at him and had given him a hug to thank him for all the things he had done for her. He had hugged her back and then had pushed her gently in her back onto the ice, but before she had been out of hearing distance, he had whispered quickly in her ear that she looked beautiful which had made her blush.

The host had introduced her properly to the audience and the judges who had looked at her in a way that had made her feel like her heart shattered into a million pieces; she could never get used to the fact that she was all alone on the ice while standing in front of eight heartless people who didn't know a thing about her and just judged her by her performance and her slender frail appearance. These moments were the most terrifying, these silent moments where they look at her like she was nothing, just another competitor who tried to make his way up to the top. Then, the music had started and she had been waken up from her daydream, she had moved into position and had waited for the right beat to start her performance. Her first move was sliding backwards on the ice, light as a feather, fast as an arrow being released from its crossbow. With enough speed, she had placed her catch-foot in position and had pulled her free leg above her head from behind. She had spun faster and faster until the beat of the music had said that it was time to end the spin and move on. She had smiled, so far so good. She had glided across the skating rink, meeting the audience in front of her and then had made backwards crossovers. Preparing for her next move, she had bent both of her knees while placing her catch-foot, again, in position and throwing her free leg into the air causing her to fly through the air while rotating 720 degrees making her jump a Double. She had thought that her push had been hard enough and so she had already smiled in victory. And that had been her biggest mistake ever made, as her coach always told her; never cheer too early, always end what you were doing and then cheer. She hadn't done that and by thinking she had done it perfectly, she hadn't paid much attention to executing her jump perfectly clean and neat. Her body had leaned too much outwards so that the moment the blade had touched the ice, she had lost balance and had fallen forward with rapid speed. The audience had gasped and had made multiple exclamations out of shock. In order to correct herself, she had tried to place the other leg onto the ice but it all had been in vain. Because she had come crashing onto the ice, her knee ligaments ruptured, causing her knee cap to move out of place. She had landed on her left hip, leaving her a big ugly bruise the next day, and her head had been slammed into the ice. For a moment, everything was dark but once she had her vision back, she had realised that she was done for the day. While she laid on the cold, hard ice, she had closed her eyes and had cursed herself for lacking her coach's advice and cried out of frustration and pain. Her coach and the medical team had rushed onto the ice towards her and the music had been stopped. The audience had leaned over the barriers to see how she was doing, she had been embarrassed and knew the journey to the Olympics was officially over. She had been carried out on a brancard while the audience had given her a standing ovation out of respect. In the hospital, she had been operated almost immediately and had to rest for four weeks. But knowing how productive she was, she has had ignored the advice of taking enough rest and within fourteen days she had been back on the ice.

Back in the ice rink, her trainer then had told her that she most probably never could to those jumps again because it would increase the chance of getting injured again and this time, real bad. She had cried, asking if her career was over, now figure skating was out of the loop. Luckily, her trainer knew her talents and passion for being on the ice and he had come with a solution. He proposed her to do ice dancing which meant that they would have to find her a suitable partner. She had agreed to it and three days later, her coach came in with a new young man. He was blonde, quite tall and already starting to develop big muscles that would allow him to lift and carry a woman like her. Once they were introduced to each other, they had started on telling each other about their past. It had been a great day, they had been talking for hours and they both discovered many things they both liked and disliked. From then on, he was her partner and they trained every day on their techniques and gaining trust in each other. They spent a lot of time together doing other things such as going shopping for new equipment, going swimming, sometimes catch a movie and dinner and sometimes inviting each other over at their own houses. When she had first introduced him to her family, she already had known that her sister really liked this guy. And he liked her back. Soon, he started to come over more often and spent more time with her younger sis. She didn't mind, she knew it would be good for her sister to have someone around because she knew she herself had forgotten to do that. She was always gone, either training at the gym or training on the ice. She barely even saw her family anymore, and she regretted it but didn't know how to find a solution. Eventually, he asked her parents to court her sister and from then on, they were officially a couple. He still was very professional when it came down to ice dancing, he had great feeling for rhythm and was high skilled on intricate footwork, and was very quick either. She had grown more and more attached to him, they were great partners and best friends. She saw him almost every hour of the day, every week of the month. Soon, their hard work started to pay off and they ended first place at the Four Continent's Championships, giving them a gold medal and a huge amount of prize money from which they could pay their coach, choreographers, physiotherapist, shrink, health advisor and costume designers. Yes, their team became quite huge, but it had to because now they both were skating on senior level.

Now, being both at the age of twenty-two, they were three times winners of the National Championships, four times winner of the International Championships and two times winner of the Grande Prix Championships, junior and senior level. They were the most successful ice dancing couple in the American history and had earned the highest amounts of prize money, even though they were being really underpaid. But that's the truth about ice skating, it's underrated. But the duo didn't worry about money, they were young, full of life, passionate about their sport and most important, heading for the Olympics, which would take place within a year. Her second try, his first. It was a nerve wrecking time and she has had multiple times where she was just too scared to go on the ice because of her first experience with the Olympics. He was supportive and helped her every time she failed. In return, she gave him tips and helped him to remain balance, even with an extra weight on top of his body. They were a team, they were in this together and they would never let each other fall.