So guys , i'm trying again . My old story wasn't ... that good ... yeah , let's say it wasn't that good ... SO ! I told a friend a idea for a new fic and she wanted me to

write it . So here i am , writing this and hoping for god's sake people like this . anywayyyyyy , you missed me ? probably not . for anyone who actually liked me

old story , i don't know if i will continue it at all , it's on hiatus right now and perhaps , some day , i will continue it . only perhaps .


The war has been fought , blood had been spilled and soldiers fell . Winners off the holy war were the Earl and the Noah family . Exorcists have been killed one

after the other and only few were still alive , hiding from the Akumas that searched for them . The innocence has been destroyed , only the once left that

belonged to the hiding exorcists . One of this exorcists who survived went by the name of Allen Walker , the Crown Clown . But he wasn't hiding , wasn't

granted the possibility . Allen had been captured by the Earl , having to watch his friends die . The Earl kept the young exorcist as his new pet , being intrigued

by the idea of having Allen Walker , the heart , by his side .

As you guessed , this is going to be Earl x Allen , cause , why the f*ck not ? i personally like the pairing , as well as Nea x Allen .

This is going to have lemons in it , cause the Earl is horny for poor little Allen and wants his butt .

But don't worry , i will warn you before each chapter in which are lemons in my warnings . And

fluffy , fluffy Earl x Allen stuff cause they are cute together . yes , i can make the Earl cute . how ?

cause i'm just that fab !


*Earl comes out and smirks at the readers* A.W.009 doesn't own any of the DGM characters or anything else from DGM .

Thanks Earl *gives him a cookie*

WARNING : this fic contains blood , character death , violence and hinted pedophilia

Bold=Authors note

"... " =speaking


Now ! Let's start this !

Prologue :

Allen's POV :

I have been running for a long time already , panting heavily as sweat rolled down my forehead and my hair sticking to my face . I didn't know how long i've been

running , but not long enough , seeing as i still hadn't reached my friends on the battle field . The day has come , the final battle against the Millennium Earl has come

and every Exorcist , Noah , Akumas along with the Earl have come to end this today . Why did i have to chase after that Level 4 ? why did i have to leave my friends ?

what if they were hurt while i was gone ? shaking my head i started to run faster , soon finally spotting the main battle field again .

When i came closer and was able to make out the forms , colors even smells my heart stopped for a moment . I just stood there , eyes wide with horror and slight

disgust as i watched the scene in front of me , not able to move one muscle as my breath hitched and i felt my body shake in fright . In front of me lay the bloodied

corpses of my friends . Some missed arms , legs , heads even eyes and other organs that were scattered on the ground making me want to puke . The scent of

burning flesh was in the air as i watched some of the bodies being eaten by the flames . Tears streamed down my cheeks as i finally was able to make out who exactly

had been killed , though having a hard time seeing as they were either burning or the bodies were ripped apart . I could recognize : Chaoji , Krory , Timothy and Tiedoll

. They were all disgustingly torn apart or burning . Sniffling as i cried and fell to my knees before crawling over to them . "K-Krory ... T-Tiedoll-san .." choking out their

names i tried to shake them awake not wanting to believe they were dead . They couldn't . Sobbing i leaned down and hugged Krory's body , hiding my face in his

chest as i cried for the first time like who i really am , a frightened boy . rocking the body with mine i whimpered and cried , wanting for this to be a dream , to wake up

and be able to smile with my friends again . Suddenly i heard a childish voice calling from behind me "ne ne Allen-kun , don't cry" I turned around my tear stained face

looking at Road. Not saying anything i stared blankly at her until she finally said "hm perhaps it would cheer you up if i said that some of your friends are still alive ?"

she smirked at me as my eyes widened before i gently laid Krory's body on the ground again . Turning to her with hope in my silver blue eyes i asked in a almost

pleading voice "w-where are they ?! what did you do to them ?!" i cried out , standing up as rage suddenly overtook me . smirking road made eight of her flying box

like prisons appear , in each was one of my remaining friends . I was about to run over to them , more like stumble and crawl but suddenly i hit something solid but

invisible , making me fall back and land on my butt as i rubbed my forehead in shock . My eyes widened once again in terror as another of Road's boxes started to

appear around me . Trying to scramble out i only hit the wall once again before the box was fully build around me . I watched in horror as the little Noah wore a grin

that almost split her face when she turned away from me and flew over to the first box in which was bookman . She made a gesture with her hand making my prison

fly over to directly float across the other eight . Putting her hand on the glass of the front of bookman's box it opened making the old man stumble out . suddenly

another Noah appeared directly beside the Bookman who lay on the ground . The Noah had long curly hair that was tied in a low ponytail . Sheril Kamelot . He smirked

as Road did the same with all the other boxes from the left to the right letting out : Klaud , Socalo , Marie , Miranda , Lavi , Lenalee and Kanda . I noticed in shock that

they were all unconscious and tried to bang against the glass with my fists , screaming for them to wake up as two other Noah's appeared out of nowhere just like

Sheril had . It were Tyki and Wisely .


I screamed louder afraid of what they planned with my friends before abruptly stopping when the bodies of them were lifted like they were nailed to crosses ,

obviously by Sheril who was moving his fingers , controlling his strings to move them . Wisely sat down in front of them with his back to me , like he would meditate . I

couldn't see what he did but suddenly all of their eyes snapped open and were wide awake , looking around in shock . The eight instantly noticed me as i banged

against the wall and screamed , even though they can't hear me , tears running down my face as i watched Tyki walk over to Bookman who was the first in the line .

The Noah placed his hands on either side of the old man's head probably smirking seeing as Bookman's eyes widened just lightly. And then , everything glowed purple

. I could only watch his horror , fright and terror as Tyki sent dark matter through Bookman's head making it look like he was electrocuting him . When the Noah pulled

away i could see Bookman hanging limp in the air , his eyes white , with blood flowing out of his mouth , eyes , ears and nose in a rapid pace . I could hear as Lavi

screamed when he saw his master hanging dead in the air , killed by Tyki . Screaming and crying i tried to bang my fists against the glass , though no one could hear

me , everyone watching in horror as Tyki moved on to stand in front of Klaud , who glared at him . The Noah laid his hands on her temples and just like bookmen fried

her brain with dark matter , making blood splatter everywhere . I was crying , screaming , begging for him to stop as he just went on . Socalo , Marie and Miranda were

killed the same way , their bloody corpses all hanging unmoving in the air .


When Tyki was about to walk over to Lavi a cheery though scary voice stopped him "Tyki-pon 3 , stop for a moment~ , this makes our poor little Allen-kun cry 3 !" I

didn't want to turn my head , to confirm who this sweet and scary voice belonged to , but i did it anyway . There , right beside my prison stood the Earl patting the

glass as to confirm his point . I scrambled in the far corner to get away from the Earl's hand on the glass , everyone's eyes on my form now . I sniffled and tried again

what before no one listened to "please ... make it stop ... stop it .. d-don't kill my friends ..." i sobbed out with tears still flowing down my cheeks as i was either forced

to look at the Noahs and the Earl or the dead or terror filled faces of my friends . I wanted to hide , hide from the Earl , hide from the Noahs , from terror filled faces and

from the dead corpses starring at me . Normally i would have never thought like that , but today , today i realized just how small and weak i am . the Noahs killed

almost all off the Exorcists now that they were serious and would have just killed the rest if the Earl wouldn't have shown up , just to tease me , make me feel even

smaller and even more afraid . Today showed me that even if i fought , even if i tried , they could kill me any time . They killed every general , so what would he be able

to do ? His old self would have frowned at him , but now he is finally realistic , shaken out of the fake hope the Order tried to give them . The Noahs could kill them ,

whenever they wanted .

Earl POV :

I watched as the once greatest soldier of the Black Order broke down , his mind crashing as he sat there cowering in the box , whimpering like the scared boy he

actually was . Why was i happy ? strangely , most of the time when Allen Walker is hurt i get sad , probably because he is one of my dear Noahs . Then why am i happy

he had been taken out of the shell the Order forced him into , to believe that's the real him ? Perhaps because now i have the opportunity to change his mind , make

him realize i don't want to harm him . As i came back to reality i saw the boy shaking in terror and fright , and realized , i caused this . He was afraid of me . It hurt me

to see the white haired teen like that and i wanted to change it , preventing any more trauma . Allen would break when i let any more of his friends be killed and i

didn't want the Angel trapped in this disgusting world to hate and fear me even more then he already does . I want the Angel without wings to love me , want to stay

by my side like i want to stay by his . So i decided i'd make a deal "If you don't want to get the rest of your friends killed then i have a deal for you 3" At that his

beautiful silver blue eyes hesitantly looked up at me , though still filled with fright . taking that as a please continue i did so "i'll let them live , as well as some of the

rest of humanity 3" His eyes were now shining with hope and relief as the corners of his lips just lightly twitched up , i loved this expression , he looked so beautiful

when he's happy . but then i continued which made his expression fall again "if you become a part of my family , as my pet 3"

General POV :

Time seemed to freeze as the Earl said that , no one dared to break the shocked silence that fell upon the battle field . Suddenly Road smirked and piped up "Neh neh

! i knew it !" She giggled before continuing "i knew Allen-kun was the Earl's- " she was stopped when a almost death glare was sent her way by no other then the Earl

. Road was the only one who knew about his more than just crush on Allen Walker and he wanted to keep it like that . The little Noah just giggled and shut up after

that , grinning as she watched Allen looking shocked and flustered at the Earl , obviously not knowing what to respond to such a offer . But after some time he wearily

asked "and ...if i come ... with you .. w-would you really ... let my friends go .. ?" The Earl chuckled and answered in a happy tone "yes i would Allen-kun 3 don't think

i'm a liar 3 !" he ended with a chuckle . he saw it coming that Allen would accept , the question was just to get himself some time to get his thoughts straight before

making a decision . when Allen finally cleared his head he took one long breath before letting his head title down so his hair would shadow his face as he answered in

a soft voice a few more sniffle escaping him "then... i will come with you ... "


So , you liked it ? hated it ?

please review !

reviews are bae !

for all the people who thought there would be one lemon after the other from the first chapter on , im sorry , but i actually want /some/ plot in this .

though there will definitely be many lemons or generally dirty stuff since the Earl is horny for Allen !

and fluff , glorious , glorious fluffy Earl x Allen moments

Allen : i hate you ...

A.W.009 : why Allen-chan ?

Allen : cause you let a pedo have me as pet ...

Earl : i could turn into a younger human form 3 !

Allen : *backs away* get away you pedo ...

Earl : *sad Earl noises* naww ...

A.W.009 : perhaps he wants you to have abbs ?

Allen : *blushes*

Earl : thanks for the tip 3 !

A.W.009 : your welcome !

Allen : O-Oi ! don't just decide what i think is hot ! anyway , please review ... * pouts *