the new Freddy fazbear's pizza had been recently opened, the animatronics were brand new, but still hadn't developed full sentience, so sometimes they would just walk around robotically, sometimes they would talk to BB thinking he was a human, sometimes they talked to the old animatronics, slowly, they gained full sentience, but kept talking to the old ones, the new Chica, or, how the management called her, toy Chica, was the first to become fully sentient, the first sign of it was that she hated using her beak, and started removing it when she was not in a show or talking to children. She passed hours of her nights talking to the old Chica, who now had "married" the old Foxy, they were never elsewhere but next to each other, always trying to comfort each other for their decaying situation, but they were ok, they had each other, toy Chica, on the contrary, had no one, she felt lonely being the first to "wake up", she wanted a friend.

Both Chicas were on the parts/service area, they were talking, while old Chica was lying on Foxy's shoulder.

"don't worry, darling, I'm sure one of them will like you when they wake up as well" said old Chica.

"I'm tired of waiting, there's no way to accelerate the process?" asked new Chica, she was without her beak, as she liked.

"unfortunately no, be patient, play with the children, differently from us, you can wander around the restaurant, make the children love you"

Toy Chica put her head down, she was sad, even thought she could still talk to the old animatronics, she have been waiting days for someone but her to wake up.

"Look, lil' lassie" said Foxy, "Me were the first to wake up from everyone here, maybe ye should check the new me in the pirate cove..."

"kid's cove" Toy Chica interrupted.


"it's the kid's cove now, Foxy, they said the pirate style was too scary for the children and redesigned you" toy Chica said, very sad and serious.

"oh, me sorry, but ye can still check if new me is already woken up"

"yeah, I think you're right, excuse me"

Toy Chica took her cupcake and her beak from the floor and walked away from the room, "maybe Foxy is right" she thought "maybe the new Foxy will like me like old Foxy liked old Chica" she looked happier now, she had hope the new Foxy was the solution for her problems, but what could she do? she had never talked to the new Foxy, the only time she saw him was when he was unboxed, nothing they said, at the time Chica was not sentient, so everything that she could say were pre-recorded voice messages and songs, and she had to say, new Foxy was really weird, he was all white and pink and there was lipstick on his mouth.

"I'll ask him why does he uses that thing when I talk to him". Chica opened the kid's cove door, for her surprise, it was not Foxy who were in there, just his costume, with 2 endoskeletons, including a second head, all destroyed and glued together by some toddler who broke him earlier, he was not Foxy, he was a MANGLE.

The Mangle turned his Foxy head to Chica, he was missing one eye in each head.


Chica was surprised, it was not a better quality version of Foxy's voice that came out of that mangle, it was different, a female voice, the Mangle was a girl.

"Could you, you know, help me here? what's your name again? Nevermind, please help me!"

"the pirate accent is gone! and it's a girl!" Chica thought, while staring, still with her surprised face, at the Mangle.

"uh... what am I supposed to do to help you?" asked Chica, getting near that mangled copy of Foxy

"you could tear me apart and put me back together, I know that, the children break me and glue me in those weird shapes every day, they even changed my name, I'm Mangle the fox"

"I'm Chica the chicken, it is nice to see someone else gained consciousness here" said Chica in a nice tone, while tearing down Mangle

"Chicken? where's your beak?" asked Mangle, turning her endoskeleton head to Chica

"oh, yes, the beak, I don't like using that thing, so I just take it off when I'm not working"

Chica finished tearing Mangle down, then carefully rebuilding her, but there were some pieces left, it was a second endoskeleton

"whose is this endo?" asked Chica to her new friend

"I think it's a spare one they put here to the children to build me even weirder"

"they let the children do this to you?"

"the children destroyed me so many times the management gave up rebuilding me, they even removed my suit, now only my head, feet, hook and hand are left"

"that's sad, anyway, let me present you to the rest of the band, you're a newcomer, aren't you? how much time have you been working?"

"2 weeks, do you think they'll like me?" asked Mangle, nervous

"I'll be sincere, we're the only ones really sentient here, aside from the old ones"

they passed through the game area, Balloon Boy, or BB, were there.

"hello" he said, he wasn't sentient, he was just programmed to greet everyone who passes in front of him, even knowing that, both girls greeted him back. Next were the show stage, where toy Freddy and toy Bonnie were, they haven't wake up also, so they just did what they were programmed to do

"I see two nice girls coming at us, Bonnie, and do you know what we do to nice girls?" said Freddy with his cheering voice

"I know, Freddy, we play songs to them!" said Bonnie, smiling in a robotic way.

They started singing and playing.

"you guys..." Chica said, smiling

"is that your job? to sing?" asked Mangle, who looked surprised

"yes, and to play with the children during our breaks"

"I wish I could play with children without them breaking me, or tearing me apart..." she put her head down, Mangle hated her job, not that she hated children, but she hated to be broken every single day "...but anyway! let's meet the old guys!" she said, trying to cheer herself up.

"ok, come"

The two walked around until they reached the Parts/Service room, where the old animatronics were, Chica opened the door, and made a gesture to Mangle to come inside.

"thank you Chica, you're actually the first one who threats me well, you know, the children likes breaking me and the management is always angry for having to build me again"

"don't worry, old Chica tells me the old management would always get angry when they had to clean her for trying to eat pizzas, but they still liked her" said toy Chica, cheering up her friend. They walked to where Chica and Foxy were, Foxy was kissing Chica in the cheek, he loved her, even thought she was decaying.

"I'm sorry, aren't we interrupting anything?" said toy Chica, joking.

"oh, no, of course, present us your new friend, Chica" said old Chica, caught by surprise by Chica and Mangle

"this is the new Foxy, but her name is Mangle"

Foxy turned his head to Mangle in surprise

"what? they made me a girl? what is wrong with these crazy management lads?"

Mangle chuckled, she knew the old Foxy was a male, and that he would get angry when he found out

"It doesn't matter anymore, honey, you're my man, and we know that" said old Chica, comforting him

"heh... that's why me luv ye" and kissed her again

Mangle and Chica walked again, this time to the old Bonnie, who was missing an arm and his face.

"hello, Bonnie, this is my friend, Mangle"

Bonnie turned his head to them, his ears bending, even thought he didn't have eyes, two red lights were on where his eyes were supposed to be

"h-h-h-hello Chic-c-c-ca, and-d-d Mang-g-gle, I'm B-B-B-Bonnie the B-Bunny"

"your voice box is damaged, isn't it? but the others seem fine" Mangle said

"I-I-I-I don't-t-t-t know, prob-b-b-bally it got-t-t dust when I los-s-s-s-t my fa-fa-fa-ce"

they talked and the girls walked away

"now only the old Freddy is left" said Mangle

"I don't think we should talk to him"

"why not?"

"old Chica told me Freddy is the one who suffered more for being replaced, he loved to be the main attraction, see? And he's never in a good mood"

"yes, I guess you're right" said Mangle, scratching her head with her hook

"Chica, it was nice to talk to you, but it's almost 6 AM, we must go back to our places"

they walked, Chica to the stage, Mangle to the kids cove, as she closed the door, Chica watched her new friend go, she was happy to not be alone anymore.